LaConranne’s Academy was founded almost ten years ago. Based in Massachusetts, it accepts only the exceptional and caters to their mind, understanding that there is no one correct way to fit into intelligence, but that intelligence often fits into the beholder. Daily classes are generally split according to phase and specialty.
The Academy itself is split into five specialized sectors to cater to individual primaries.
The Academic Primary Building
The Academic Primary Building, or APB, is the second-biggest area within the academy. This is primarily because Academic inclination is relatively common among LaConranne students, making it one of the most occupied primaries to possess. The APB is located off of the west side of the Academy, shooting off close to the library, and comprises four main classrooms. Three of these classrooms cater to the three primarily recognized “learning types,” whereas the fourth is a “mixed classroom.”
The Intellectual Inclination Center
The Intellectual Inclination Center, or IIC, is a compound-common-area and learning space for Intellectual Primary students. It is its own building located east of the main building, and most easily accessible through the cafeteria external doors. Here, students are intellectually challenged. The IIC is vast for this exact reason: puzzles, problems, games, and so much more often occur within the IIC, sometimes on a grandiose scale. The current overseer of the IIC is known as an unorthodox yet highly effective teacher.
LaConranne’s Athletic Academy
The Athletic Academy is a relatively new addition school as a whole, and as a result is still in the process of being built. Athletically inclined students will often spend their days outside on the track and field, or use the vacated Intellectual Center. When the Athletic Academy is done, it will be one of the most impressive expansions of the Academy to-date. Here, students will push their physical limits beyond what was thought possible.
Earnest’s Creativity Center
The ECC was apparently named after a good friend of LaConranne’s, who was vastly creatively inclined. It is the entirety of the bottom-most (basement) level of the Academy, giving creative primary students the opportunity to explore their unconventional processes. Additionally, the ECC employs the biggest “specialized primary staff” throughout the whole Academy, hoping to help every creatively inclined student recognize their gifts and connect with themselves and visionaries.
The Visionary Arts Wing
The Visionary Arts Wing (VAW) is located on the northmost side of the Academy, surrounded by the most expensive part of the building’s garden. It is generally a place of solace, quietude, and calm, where students can hone their more general skills in peace. Some artistic primary students partake in classes at the EEC.
Secondary Classrooms
Every secondary a student may possess will be in either the Fundamental Developments hall, or in the Skill pavilion. Both of these places are very similar, being specialized classrooms with highly talented mentors specialized in emotional, leadership, spatial, and interpersonal affairs.
Student Phases
Student phases are identified as “developmental stages in which a child nurtures, and masters, their abilities to the point of human perfection.”
Phase one is dedicated to the growth and development of a student’s primary ability. At this point in time, secondaries may be considered if a student does not already possess them. If a student is not eligible for a secondary, more time will be put into the primary, or they may be given more than one focal primary. Students in phase one are often new to the academy, but quickly get the hang of it.
No phase-one student is allowed to interact with phase-three students on a regular or casual basis.
Phase two is dedicated to refining a student’s primary and adding on their secondary for continuation. During phase two, a student’s instructors will keep a keen eye on them to consider what will be in store with them for phase three. Phase three is never the exact same for every student.
Phase three is focused on unlocking and discovering their hidden potential.
(I. I'll add more, I promise.)