Avatar of Ersa93


Recent Statuses

2 mos ago
Current Things to not get at the next place I move to: stairs
6 mos ago
Friday Night: the muse juice is high, but execution/supply juice is low
7 mos ago
Fear me for I have acquired a milk frother
7 mos ago
tfw when you fiddle with a certain piece for half an hour and it finally snaps on but you weren't sure why it wasn't going in the the first place
8 mos ago
Don't mind me. My stomach just decided to declare war on me on Monday and cripple me for the rest of the week so I couldn't do any replies and such. All better now though.


Name: Ersa

Pronouns: She/Her

Genres: Sci-fi, fantasy, superhero (others will probably be added as time goes on)

Type of Player: I enjoy character development, a little bit of world-building, and deep character interaction. The plot and setting can be pretty basic as long as the characters are interesting. I don’t mind combat either, as long as that’s not all that’s going on in the thread. I also have a tendency not to plan out threads, but I'm not opposed to plotting.

Additional Information: No ERP or anything overly gory. I mostly do 1X1, but I'm not opposed to groups.

I do have a discord. If you are interested, please message me for it.

Character list can be found here: Ersa's Sacred Texts
My 1X1 Interest List: Ersa's Half-Baked Ideas
Original Writings blog: https://storiesbyersa.wordpress.com/

Most Recent Posts

@Yankee Ooh, I should've known there was a system for racing out there somewhere. They look interesting, but probably a bit more than the mini-game feel I'm going for. But thanks for suggesting them to me.

Considering players rolling against each other, it looks like aggressive actions/attackers are favored slightly, which can work in an RPs favor if you don't want passive racers

Yeah, I was afraid it favored attackers too much. I wasn't aiming for any particular type of racer since I kind of want players to use the driving style they think their characters want to use. I might have to brainstorm that particular section a bit more, maybe change the 7-9 range to dealing guaranteed half-damage and make the 10+ range guaranteed full damage. I'm dropping the disadvantage for sure. I might also try to incorporate some sort of defense stat based upon the Durability Level.

Personally, since just looking at numbers and figuring things out isn't my strong suite, I would do some test play with your d10 system and see if it feels good. And then make changes based on that.

I was actually planning on hold an "exhibition" match for that very purpose. And then if I have to make tweaks, I can always say that the racing committee decided on new rules or guidelines.

I'd also be interested to hear your thoughts on how to determine the vehicle's stat levels. Point buy, rolling, etc.?

Since I'm trying to encourage people to make a vehicle that matches their character's driving style, I'm not sure. Maybe it'll be assigned stats, like you can have a plus one in one stat, a plus two in another, and then a plus three in one of them. I'm mostly trying to prevent people from making an OP machine and just pancaking the competition while traveling at top speed and dodging everyone.

Do all actions happen concurrently or would you prefer an order/stack to follow?

I think before each race begins, everyone roles for pole position and then the action order goes from lowest roller to highest. I might add the option to react to direct things like attacks. But it also might depend on how complex the players want to make it. Might be something to work out during playtesting.

So I’ve been craving a racing rp for a few years now, with a focus mostly on the racers themselves and not so much the races, though I still want those to have an impact. I thought that using dice would be a good and fair way to determine what happens during a race, but I wanted to do a bit more than “roll the dice to see if you win or what place you get”.

My main goal is a system that’s not too crunchy, but still gives the feeling of vehicle stats mattering and adds a bit of chance. The players can add more descriptive flavor text based on what happens in the roll. Since I’m fairly inexperienced in this field, I would appreciate advice on simplifying, balancing, or tweaking to make this better.

If this works fine, I might play around with giving players the opportunity to upgrade vehicle stats to increase their bonuses more via temporary equipment. Like I said, I don’t want this to get overly crunchy.

Thanks a bunch for your help. Even if this rp never happens, I can put this in my back pocket and use it for future endeavors. Feel free to ask any questions if something’s unclear.
Bump with a character list added
A list of my characters so far and it's sure to grow. If any interest you, don't hesitate to message me and we can see if we can get something going.

Bumped with updates
I’m Ersa and this is my 1X1 search thread. Expect this post to be updated in the future.

About me:
Age: Over 21
I work a full-time job, so replies will be slow and sparse.
I do have a discord available for planning/rping if you prefer to do it there. Just message me for the name and please note that I’m not good at OOC chatting if it doesn’t relate to the rp, so I apologize ahead of time.

Type of player:
I enjoy character development, a little bit of world-building, and deep character interaction. The plot and setting can be pretty basic as long as the characters are interesting. I don’t mind combat either, as long as that’s not all that’s going on in the thread.
Genres I mostly play in are fantasy, sci-fi, and superhero.
I don’t have time for novella-length threads, so anywhere to 1-4 paragraphs is fine as long as I have something to work with and I’ll do my best to match your length.

My ideal partner:
IRL Age: 18+ (not going to be writing smut or hard mature themes, this is just for comfort reasons)
Willing to collaborate on characters, plot, setting, etc. We don’t have to do deep worldbuilding, but a little something be in the background is preferred
Please be patient
No ERP or anything overly gory.
I keep things platonic between characters, no romance (at least not between our characters)
Keep things PG-13.
Please tell me if you want to end an rp. I won’t ask questions or bug you about it.

Characters I have made so far can be found here: https://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/191407-ersas-sacred-texts/ooc


Please note that even though I might be partnered on some of these, I have no qualms with using the characters and scenarios with different variations. And also if you have a desire to turn it into a small group rp, that's up for discussion too. And if you see a character you're interested in but don't want the plot, an alternative plot can be discussed. Anything with a strike through is a thread I'm not looking to do at the moment but don't want to necessarily take off my list.

I Wore the Wrong Shoes for This (sci-fi):

A Simple Job (fantasy):

I’m not a Doctor (superhero):

Road Trip! (Transformers, based in no particular universe):

A Family Affair (Sci-fi, but more as a backdrop than a focus, mostly family dynamics):

Time Waits for no Dark Lord (fantasy, probably with a humor bent, but could probably be played seriously):

Weird Pokemon idea:

Operation Doppelganger:a Non-historical period plot

Character dynamics (aka things I want to play but have no ideas about what the plot should be):

Fandoms that I’m willing to play in/am interested in (though as before, I don’t do them often):

And finally, if you want to rp and feel like we would be a good match but I don’t have any plots or characters listed that you’re interested in, feel free to message me and we can see if we can get anything going.

Thank you for your time and hope to play with some of you soon!
Hello everyone, you can call me Ersa.

I've been roleplaying on various platforms for a few years now, mostly in the sci-fi, fantasy, and superhero genres. I enjoy mostly action/adventure threads along with a bit slice-of-life. I also like character development sessions and to learn about the world around the characters.

I'm looking forward to hopefully playing with some of you in the near future.
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