Ezra Blackheart
Boss of the Dark Aces Mafia |
35 |
He/him |
6’0 |
130 lbs Goal: To blow away the competition. Terrorize Nocturnia into submission. Show that through fear, Gyfts can be controlled. And if the world fears him, all the better.
Secrets: Is afraid of Gyfts getting out of hand. Is afraid of being bested by another's Gyft, or being unable to control a person's Gyft through fear. Is afraid of having their source of power taken away.
Fears: Being caught in one of their ‘corrective measures’. Being cornered and having to face the consequences of their actions.
History: Ezra's powers made him known as the ‘Midnight Man’ of the Dark Aces. Though he had a fearsome reputation, his mafia was small, and he was constantly shoved from one district to another like a pebble. The wars were too frequent and dangerous, and the men were too a-plenty.
That was when he was stopped in an alley by a man dressed in rags, holding a small vial. The raggedy man had a problem. Because Ezra knew the issue of people with power, specifically people who misused Gyfts. Ezra had been on the receiving end far too long, and the raggedy man could change all that. He only asked for one thing in return.
A way to put an end to Gyfts permenantly.
As time passed, and Ezra's strength grew, he quickly became the torturer and inciter instead of the victim. He was struck with inspiration. Yes, it was so clear. The answer. There was one way to be rid of the insects for good.
Oh, but they would hate it, though.
When the raggedy man heard of Ezra's plans, he was furious, and withdrew. But Ezra was a man on a mission. The product was ready. Now, he just had to time himself right…
Meanwhile, as he waits for the right time, he sees which insects are worth ‘saving’. This has caused him to listen to his victims a bit more instead of squeezing their ribcages until they snap…
Alliance: Mafia
District: Unknown
Ezra has a place all to himself within Nocturnia that has yet to be discovered…
Faction: Dark Aces Mafia
The Dark Aces Mafia prefers dancing around a topic instead of killing someone head on. They have a habit of using homemade devices that ‘solve all their problems’. As their secondary income stream, they sell a lot of these ‘homemade devices’ throughout the city. They also smuggle them out for quick cash.
However, their main income comes from their unknown
district, where they inaudible
into cash. By this way, they're never strapped for cash. They usually have enough left over to bribe their way into bullying smaller or less-profitable mafias into doing their bidding.
Gyft: Yume
Ezra's Gyft transcended from simple sleight of hand tricks to full on illusions. It's rumored that Ezra's very appearance is a big illusion, but that may just be hearsay. He is able to affect anyone, as many people as are around him. He can affect sight, smell, touch, hearing, and taste, as well as pain.
Ezra typically uses his Gyft to entrap someone during negotiations. If he feels the negotiation will go badly, he'll catch them in his Yume so they can't escape. Then he can toy with them as he pleases, unless they are atrong-willed enough to see through the illusion. He has used his Gyft during fights to temporarily blind his victims before mowing them down as well. Victims who are under his Yume influence become frozen still, unaware of themselves.
Limitations and Weaknesses:He must roll a higher 1d12 to successfully entrap someone. If he rolls lower, he can try again the next turn. The victim can try to leave the Yume if they notice something out of place, like if their skin is melting or if they're vomiting crows. Then they can roll a 1d12, and if they are higher, they break free of the Yume.
He must see someone's eyes for the Gyft to work. If they are wearing shades, or refuse to meet his eyes, he is unable to attack them.
He can only simulate a few conversations at a time before he can no longer catch up, which can tip off his victim that they're in an illusion.
If he physically traumatizes them, they take -2 to be taken into the Yume, and -2 on their rolls to escape.