Avatar of Estylwen


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12 days ago
Current With a heavy heart, I set sail.
14 days ago
First time making samosas from scratch; also making fried pakoras, fruit salad, and daal. I can't wait to try it all~
23 days ago
Okowa, the sister of sushi! I got my chicken, my fish, my mushrooms - I'm gonna drown it all in soy sauce-
1 like
23 days ago
Maybe I'll play Cyberpunk 2077 some more. My brother maxed out my character a year and a half ago. Haven't seen him since. Miss him.
1 mo ago
Mica, my pet snail, passed away today. :(



”Mr. Dawson, why don't you have a seat?” He said, gesturing to the brown leather chair he had his hand resting on.

The men behind Adel stepped forward. They each placed a firm hand around his upper arms, half-guiding, half-dragging Adel to the seat. If Adel struggled in any way, their plan would have been quickly subduing him with a blow to the cheek - but besides tensing up, the man didn’t fight.

They shoved Adel into the seat, twisting it so it faced the mirror. Vincent still had that smirk on his face as he picked up a bowl of shaving cream and an applicator brush on the counter.

Slowly, methodically, Vincent applied shaving cream to Adel's face while speaking.

”Now, my men tell me that you and your spies have decided to make it your home in White Pine. Not that I care too much about that.”

He set down the bowl, picking out a barber's blade instead. He opened it, the fresh gleam of a clean, sharp blade within.

“What I really care about, though, is who set you up to do this.”

The blade pressed against Adel's neck as Vincent leaned over, staring at the man through the mirror.

”So, what'll it be, Canary? You gonna sing?”

Nocturnal Memoirs (2024)

"A million times I have done this charade. The moment people figure it out, I get the boot." she thought.

"But don't you want to see the fear in their eyes when they see who you really are...? Don't you want dominion of this place, just like how you were unchallenged in Vaal Kastrix?" said the Voice.

Ciara scoffed, immediately thinking of Gulliver and Valen. "I'd love to wipe the smirk off their faces."

"It starts by building a rumor. A rumor of power. This could be the place to start."

She took a deep breath, narrowing her eyes resolutely at the Undermage. "Head Advisor, with all due respect, you have no right to ask me about my intentions. If you want answers..."

She stood from her seat, rising to her full height.

"You'll have to duel me for them."

Iris Ascendis Roleplay (2023) | TikTok Tribute

We have a RPer Appreciation thread?
This is beautiful, I'll bookmark it. (2016)
Another kind comment. (2024)
This is what makes it worth it. (2024)
I'm grateful for the ride. (2024)

Most Recent Posts

@Qia there's no rush, for sure for sure. :>
@Qia Sorry Qia, that was a tough scene to write. T^T
@The Savant Yes please! Feel free to write up an intro in the collab doc and tag me. :D
New post is uuup! Lana, Vincent is a little tied up, so i hope to do a scene with you afterward, if that's alright. Actually, scratch that. I got a better idea. I'll try to make something for ya tomorrow or the day after. ^^

I think I have collabs to do with Savant, Yankee, Sporko, and flux. If anyone wants to do collabs, let me know! Let's start on these as soon as possible. :>

Warehouse Offices, Heavy Crossguard

Mentions: NA Interactions: NA

”So you come all this way, with your flashy cars, your men, your plastic guns-

“Just to tell me you're taking over the district?”

Jackson sat in the conference chair, painfully aware of the two Thorned Roses mafiosos at his back with their 3D-printed guns, ready to put a bullet through him if a sliver of metal even thought of acting up.

Across from him, lounging casually in his own swivel chair, was Vincent. Vincent was the picture of calm, while Matteo standing beside him seemed really, really pissed off, staring at Jackson.

”Think of it as the bosses living on the property. Nothing will change. You can still racketeer, however, I will be asking for a cut of those profits. And I still expect you to keep an eye on our little ‘venture’.”

”The warehouse? Yeah, sure. We'll double our security. What, are you seriously expecting someone to actually attack your assets, or for heaven's sake, you?” Jackson asked, incredulous.

Vincent merely shrugged. ”Rumours are a funny thing. They have a way of being passed around, to the misery of the smuck that uttered it.”

Matteo grimaced, putting a hand on Vincent's shoulder and whispering in a low voice. ”Come on, this bastard is a threat and you know it. Let's just kill him. I can protect the warehouse.”

Vincent glanced up at Matteo, giving his hand a pat. ”Just because the man gives your gyft a run for its money, doesn't mean you need to project on him.”

Regardless, to Jackson's dismay, Vincent sat a little straighter in his seat, rolling his neck and adjusting his suit cuffs. ”My close associate has a doubt about you, and he's usually never wrong. So, I'm going to need your full cooperation for this next part and let me in.”

As he spoke, Vincent's red eyes flashed. Jackson stared, stunned for a moment, before he slumped in his seat, his eyes unseeing.

Vincent: W -7 P -14, W +10 P +20

Adam Delacroix

Smoke Risers

In collaboration with @LanaStorm
Mentions: NA Interactions: NA

Indeed, there was an invasion of Blue Bloods in Smoke Risers, a notable industrial district in Nocturnia. However, when word of Felix's arrest reached his boss’ ears, action was taken.

Every Blue Blood patrol car was hunted down. Cars boxed them, and thugs fired on the officers. A message was driven home - Smoke Risers would never be tamed by the cops.

Walking down the squad bay was Eve Delacroix, dressed in the tightest tactical gear that could fit the stature of the woman. Taking smoke risers wouldn’t be easy but before the night would be over smoke would rise over the buildings of the criminal org she and her men would be raiding. No one would harm the Blue Bloods atleast while Eve was around, despite what the commissioner said heads will roll atleast the unimportant one.

“Loud up, we got some cop killers to burn!” The men and occasional woman cheered, all roided up and ready to lay down the law in a lawless land. They left in their armoured vehicles, armed to the teeth.

No remorse for the felons of this town.

That was when they got word. Apparently, the felons of the city had set up a bomb in a busy mall of the district leader. The timer slowly counted down the ten minutes it had, while shoppers, friends and family, went about their business completely unaware.

The bomb, hidden in a backpack, lay abandoned in a busy food court, ready to blow it all to smithereens.

The mall was evacuated the Blue Bloods were true to their people, the smoke risers wouldn’t rise smoke from this mall today. Orderly and calmly the mall was gutted by a majority of the police forces while a specialized team led by Eve made it’s approach on the eerily empty and ghost like food court.

Time was of the essence, there was a bomb to defuse. The specialized bomb hunters moved with Eve as they raced against the clock.

And, while the majority of the police force was out defusing the bomb, the remaining criminals took ahold of the police station, chasing out the remaining officers and barricading it in. The boss, just a young kid, sat in the main office surrounded by his men. Poor kid landed into his inheritance when his father, the previous boss, passed away. Violently.

”We hold their would-be headquarters,” The kid said, ”Shoot anything that approaches!”

Adam had found himself in quite the pickle, while failing to sauce up one of his many prospective women the police station was raided. The man took the form of one of the many thugs within the crew, taking out a nosey lad who peeked into the washroom he got into his clothes and assumed his form before heading out to the boss.

“Shit I should probably tell someone about this..” He thought looking around at his options.

The boss gave a confused look to Adam, ”You're… Not one of my father's men. Who are you?”

In response to the young boss’ hesitation, the guards around began slowly drawing their pistols.

Adam is quicker, to late too call Eve or Emily - oh shit this shape shifting gig didn’t always work. He reverted to his true self out of principle as he grinned, Adam was always a crazy motherfucker but that’s why Emily loved him and Eve tolerated her annoying brother. Launching himself forward he grabbed onto the nearest goon and disarmed him sending him flying to the kid. A dozen gun shots later it was just him and who was left.

“Give it up kid, I’m not like Clash but I’m not going to leave you without any bruises aye?”

The kid looked at the room around him with wide eyes, taking in the blood spilt and dead men of his father. Tears pricked his eyes, and he raised his hands, ”I surrender. I only ask that you let me give them a proper burial, when the time is right…”

“It’s okay kid, it’s okay. You’re safe now.” Adam goes over and disarms the kid, cuffing him up for another ride into juvie.

And with the police station secured, the Blue Bloods had successfully taken over Smoke Risers. The entire district was unremarkable, except for incredibly high radiation levels emanating from a particular locked door in a warehouse…

Emily: W -7 P -14, W +7.5 P +15



In collaboration with @ERode
Mentions: NA Interactions: NA

She always liked the view from above.

High winds whipped Lenore’s dark hair, the neon glow of evening casting the entire world in a spectrum of colors. Lougham wasn’t a financial hub, but it was rich enough to afford strip malls and two-story businesses anyhow. Tracts of parking space laid before her, white gridlines reminding her of lines of coke, or her mathematics classes.

Both memories were unpleasant.

The nun stifled the thought, turning her attention to the fun that laid ahead still. None of her team were with her tonight, so she had the Scarred Claws all to herself. It was a win-win, in the end. Give the kiddos a break, and give a priestess her reward for being so patient and merciful. Matthias either recognized her hunger and tossed her this bone, or had simply decided that the Scarred Claws were too far gone to extend charity to. Didn’t matter to Lenore. All she wanted was to blow off some steam.

Her heels clacked against the roof as she put herself in position. One of the others had handed her a blueprint of the building, and they had observed the positions of the targets as well through the second-story windows. If she wanted to keep things fun and dynamic, all she had to do was to kick in the roof and drop down where the door was, where no one else was. That simple. Toss out an introduction, do a little provocation, and then test the mettle of those knuckleduster fanatics! She wasn’t expecting them to be particularly tough, but the endearing thing about thugs who fancied themselves pugilists was that they already took enough brain damage that they could never comprehend the possibility of giving up and surrendering. And their boss too! Bellwether McThompson was definitely a small legend who’d be fun to scrap with!

So Lenore raised her foot up, and brought it down, smashing through the ceiling and dropping down into the office below with a hyena-cackle.

“It’s a raid, boys! Square up or I’l-”

“B-boss?” “Boss?!” “BOSS!!!”

The nun’s singular eye gazed downwards, at the heavy-set man she had landed on, at the way his head had definitely been turned the wrong way before being smashed against the floor. She turned back up at the minions, a buncha thugs that already looked like they feared for their lives, forgetting their spiked knuckledusters as they fumbled to unholster their pistols.

Lenore sat down, placed her face in her hands, and let out a deep, long sigh.

Fuck her life.

The rest of the take-over passed like a weak whimper. Lenore didn't leave a single person alive, of course. But neither did they give her much of a struggle, shocked as they were that their larger-than-life boss was taken out so abruptly.

Lougham fell into the jurisdiction of the Order quietly and quickly. And the people, relieved that they no longer had thugs running the show, were more susceptible to the Order's teachings.

Matthias: W -5 P -10, W +4 P +13

Division 1 Operatives Under Kingsley

Harriet's Orphanage, Hamlet

In collaboration with @SporkoBug
Mentions: NA Interactions: NA

The operation was a go.

Two Division 1 special officers stood on the rooftops, dressed in black gear, harnesses and belts where their pistols were bolstered.

With a nod to the other, they both fixed hooks on the edge of the roof of Harriet’s orphanage, using rope to descend silently down the wall. They hovered at the second floor, where they knew Harriet's office was.

One officer reached out and placed a small glass-cutting device on the window, and it cut a circle large enough to fit through. One slipped through, followed by the other, the glass gently placed on the floor. One secured the room while the other made a beeline for the computer, fitting a hacking USB into its port.

Soon, the computer would unlock, and they'd be able to tap into its secrets…

[ ]

Luckily for the officers, the orphanage was closed to the public today; and none of Harriets’ ‘special’ staff seemed to be around either.

The computer hummed to life as they hacked into it; no alarm went off at this point either - silent or otherwise.

The screen turned on suddenly, as the USB hacked the passcode, it opened up with a small message; Welcome Back, Ms. Talon.
There was a soft rumble from the computer for a moment before a voice came through a speaker; an AI assistant.

”Welcome back Ms Talon; you have no new Business emails.
You have a personal email waiting for you from ‘T.Rex’, all systems are online and there are no incoming adoption inquiries as of yesterday.

I sent off the emails you wanted for those who emailed yesterday; time since sending - 12 hours, 34 minutes and 20 seconds, unclear when they will reply back. Let me know if you need me to send off a reminder inquiry at the 24 hour mark.”

One officer swore, immediately running to the volume button on the computer, trying to reduce the noise. Both shot glances to the door, holding their breath, but no one seemed to suspect anything, for now.

A secondary USB was placed into the computer's port. This one would take a copy of every piece of data in the system. A loading symbol showed, saying it would take a few minutes before it was ready.

While the officers waited, one decided to open the email from this ‘T.Rex’.

No one came to the door, there was no sound coming from below either; all of the kids were out of the orphanage today it seemed, as well. Harriet had made sure that the workers all got to take a couple of kids home with them if they needed; giving the kids a semblance of home before being adopted out.

The email from ‘T.Rex’ seemed to load slowly, it was a picture on the top. It looked like a tropical island; fresh clear water, golden sands, palm trees. Everything you’d expect.
Then, there were words.
Feathered Queen,

I hope you’re doing well in the glorious city of Nocturnia. I know things are getting worse there, and I’m sorry I had to leave you when I did.
You know my reasons I had to leave, I couldn’t risk them finding you or Little Egg.

I wish I could see him, I bet he’s bigger than I expect him to be. He is my son after all; I wish he could be biologically yours as well. But as your Gyft stripped your ability for children; this was the best we could do for you.

Again, I’m sorry about your sister. I didn’t expect everything to be so hard on her body - I didn’t expect people to not take her in for help with her pregnancy; If I knew - You know I would have stayed to fix it.

I don’t expect new pictures of the little one, or of you.
I hope your eye doesn’t still sting when you think of me. I know that night was hard for all of us; you know I am forever sorry.

Look after my child, if he has a gyft; god save this city.

Yours reluctantly,

And with that, the email was finished.
A few files had already been passed over, some file names would bring curiousity.

[ ]

The officers shared a glance, brows furrowed. If Calem was willingly given up… what the hell were they doing looking into him?

Though, it was interesting. There was worry over if the kid had a gyft or not?

”We'll worry about it later,” One whispered to the other. ”Let's just get our info and get out.”

The file transfer was 78% complete.

A few more files of note popped up; All about different children in her care, it was labeled with Childs First and Last Name, followed by ‘Abuse Evidence’.
If the files were opened up and scanned, it showed that Harriet catalogued a lot of evidence against the parents she ‘stole’ the children from; even noting when she went to the police to tell them about it and evidence of them doing nothing about it.

There was a caw by the window, a little Raven had stopped at the window hole to look in; tilting its’ head quietly as it ruffled its feathers inquisitively.

There were a few documents on Harriet herself; deeper in the files that they were collecting. They seemed to be both Voice and text files, possibly incriminating about her kidnapping or information on her Gyft.

[ ]

The officers noticed the raven, and a grimace passed both their faces. Ravens were never good signs.

Regardless, the files coming in were incredibly informative, and shed some light on their target. It was also interesting… Why would she document the abuse these kids went through?

The file transfer completed at 100%, and both officers removed the USBs, powered down the computer, and started moving back to the window, preparing to make their escape.

Goodbye Mrs Talon, have a good day. Don’t forget its’ Nyks’ birthday in a few days; the gift you’ve brought him should be arriving sometime tomorrow. The AI assistant replied before the Computer finally shut off.

The Raven moved and cawed as the officers went to leave, fluffing its’ wings angrily before it took off outside again; disappearing into a group of pigeons.

A small camera, sitting in the very top corner of Harriets’ office; hidden from plain view, flexed and focused in on the Officers as they left, taking in all of the information that they needed.

But it wasn’t going to Harriet. No, someone else was spying on the Prehistoric Beast as well.

Harriet: W +1.5 P +5
Webb: W +0.5

Outside the Wall, Council Room

In collaboration with @flux
Mentions: Glyde @Estylwen Interactions: NA

It was an uproar in the conference room. Sergeants of varying levels broke out in angry accusations, pushing the blame from one person to the other, furious at the newest turn of events in the city.

A white gloved hand slammed down on the table, calling the attention of the room. At the head of the table sat Command Sergeant Major William Hawkeye, and there was a dark look in his gaze.

”Unless you have something constructive to lead this meeting with, zip it.”

The voices died down. Satisfied, the Command Sergeant Major leaned back in his seat, swiveling a bit as he brought a hand to his mouth in though.

”...What do we know?”

One of the sergeants spoke up. ”Code Name Del Guarde have gone silent, and the drones have recorded armed confrontation and ceding of territory. There was also a mass execution of all our foot soldiers within the Walls, at least from what reports say.”
William shook his head. ”Those heathenous bastards…”

One Sergeant spoke up. ”Enough paddy-cake. Let's drive ‘em hard and fast, wipe out the leaders, and discover the secret. Enough stalling, it makes us look weak.”

William shot daggers at the sergeant, effectively shutting the man up. Then, William turned to Martin, who sat on his right side.

”What say you, Master Sergeant?”

Martin’s eye’s looked grim. Scanning the crowd he prepared for the fury his words would raise, but his voice remained steady, calm even. “The risk analysis stated it well before. The political climate was ready to pop. They only accept the aid missions through necessity and anyone who reviews the casualty reports can see that’s barely tolerated as is.”

He looked at the sergeant who spoke before now. “But you insisted. Not just you but a few of you. You thought that they’d just roll over and die by sending in an unsupported element, heavily equipped despite the need for covert action, and reinforced them with helicopters for everyone with eyes to see.” Martin brushed their hand against the table looking at William. “Need I go on?”

Martin looked back to the sergeant.
“This was the inevitable result of that mission. You were warned, and now you're sitting here, crying bloody murder for a thunder run because you got your teeth kicked in, all because you failed to recognise your opponents. Is the body count not enough?”

The Sergeant spoke through barred teeth. “You're not the one writing to their goddamn families.”

Martin scoffed. “Well your stupidity is exactly why you’re writing to their families and folding flags isn’t.”

The sergeant lurched over the table reaching for Martin. He simply stood back and looked to William, heaving his shoulders as to suggest what the hell the sergeant was doing here and not at a court martial for his negligence.

Willaim's voice was a boom.


Benodet was still glaring hot daggers at Martin, before he curled his fists, and slumped back in his seat, defeated.

William gave a cool glance to the officials gathered, satisfied, before speaking again. ”It's true that a lot of us were for a covert operation. However, I was the one who signed off on it, and am not without blame here.”

He sighed, leaning back in his seat again, thinking for a moment. ”...I want blood, same as you. But now is not the right time. Let them think they've purged themselves. Meanwhile we will maintain surveillance from outside, and wait for the opportune moment to retaliate. Remember that our goal at the end of the day is to take these gyfts for our own advantage. Nothing, not even the loss of our men, can get in the way of that.”

Martin nodded in agreement. “Rest assured, Nocturnia will have its day of reckoning, but we cannot disgrace the memory of those soldiers by acting rashly.” Martin looked over everyone in the meeting. “That is why only I will go within the walls, one last time, to rescue any survivors and ensure we can harness the gyft. Our day of victory is inevitable, and if we remain disciplined, that day will come soon.”

Martin looked back to William. “I’ll brief you on my operation when you have a moment and deploy on your final decision.”

William gave Martin a nod. ”Very good.” Before he casted he gaze to the rest of the room. ”Meeting adjourned.”

Khor: W +3 P +5


Mentions: Kairo Mafia @The Savant, The Order @ERode, Division 3 Police @LanaStorm, Silverside @Yankee Interactions: NA

A weather girl greeted the audience gathered for the early morning broadcast, smiling warmly at the camera. There was a green screen behind her of Nocturnia within its walls, blue triangles tracing in from the east.

”Good morning Nocturnia! Today we're expecting clouds and heavy fog, with light rain expected off and on throughout the day. There will be a high of 7 degrees Celsius with the cold winds pushing in from the east. And a low of 5.”

She nodded. ”And over to Sheryl for the news.”

The camera cut to the same woman from yesterday, dressed in a sharp blazer over her blouse and skirt. She leveled a hard stare at the camera. ”Thanks, Mary. Nocturnia has been the victim of more acts of violence. Be warned that these scenes are not for the faint of heart.”

The screen cut to the PD station in Yellow Brick. It was on fire, with a row of would-be police officers knelt down in front of it. Snippets of Asterion's broadcast was played, the scenes of execution blurred out.

”It was a brutal day in Yellow Brick yesterday as the supposed militant group, Del Guarde, was outed by the Kairo Empire. Civilians are unsure what to expect from a dominion that has proven to be so bloodthirsty.”

The screen behind her displayed images of Lougham and Smoke Riser.

”Bodies were found in Louham and Smoke Riser into what is becoming known as a massacre. However, on a lighter note, a small boy was put in police custody in Smoke Risers, the only one to have survived.”

Sheryl shuffled her papers. ”And lastly, the Silverside district has earned the title of ‘Best Place to Live in Nocturnia’. However, the elusive Canary organization has refused to comment at this time.”

Sheryl gave the camera a nod. ”That's all. Thanks for tuning into this session of Nocturnia News. Stay safe.”

One the Streets, Somewhere in Nocturnia

Mentions: Elara @The Savant Interactions: NA

It was the wee hours of the morning, just a little past 6 AM. The sun still wasn't up, and there was fog on the city streets. Wipers flicked across the windshield, pushing away the misty rain that pitter-pattered faintly.

A wispy haired, black-gloved driver manned the vehicle. His hard eyes glanced in the rear view mirror as his call connected, focusing on the unmoving shape illuminated by strings on the back seat.

The call connected. ”So?” Vincent's tenor was unmistakable.

Eric smirked, hands flexing on the wheel slightly. ”I got her, boss. On my way to the drop off now. Should be ten minutes.”

”Excellent. Your brother will be there to meet you.”

”Sounds good, boss. Sounds real good.”

Asterion: W -5 P -10, P -3, W +4.5 P +10 | Glyde: P - ALL

A Dark School Gym, Unknown Location

Mentions: NA Interactions: Elara @The Savant

When Elara woke, she found herself in a precarious situation. She was strapped into a metal chair, hands handcuffed around the back of the chair and feet shackled together. As she observed her body, she would see two red dots hovering on her chest, barely moving.

This would cause her to look outward, and she'd see a white-haired, tatted man sitting casually across from her in a similar metal chair. There was a single light that shone down from an impossibly high ceiling illuminating them but little else. There were little flashes of red light far off in the distance, certainly out of range of her gyft's ability.

The man across from her smiled, as if expecting her to wake. ”Morning, sleeping beauty. How ya feeling?”

His head tilted towards the red dots hovering at her chest. ”And before you get any funny ideas, I have two snipers trained on you. You try anything, they're aiming for your heart. You probably won't feel anything, but you'll definitely be dead.”

He leaned a little forward in his seat, palms rubbing together a little. ”Let's start with something easy, mm? What is your name? Mine is Matteo. Matteo Dinero.”

Somewhere in Nocturnia

Mentions: Bella @Qia, @The Savant, Emily @LanaStorm Interactions: NA

Early in the morning, both Bella and Asterion's respective phones would ping with a voice note sent. The number it was from was a random string, likely a burner phone. The rich tenor on the other end of the note almost seemed to have a wicked smile in his voice.

[b][color=bd4abd]”Bella, Asterion, since you're so keen on working together, let me make it simple for you. And, Bella, since you've blatantly disobeyed me, I'm renegotiating the deal. I want both of you to get me blackmail-worthy details on Detective Newport. Something that would have her lose her job indefinitely, possibly some jail time. Do this, and I'll release your hostages.”[/b]

And that was it. If they were to try and talk with the burner phone, there would be no response. And if they tracked its location, they would find it in a public trash can somewhere in New Point.

Bella: W +2 P +6

Somewhere in Nocturnia

Mentions: Bella @Qia Interactions: NA

After Bella received the voice note from Vincent, another message would pop up from a different random number. This one would contain a short, one-minute video. If Bella opened the video, she would want to ensure she was sitting down for this one.

The video started in a dark room, camera being set up to face Mathieu. The one setting up the camera, Eric, would step back, looking at the camera.

”I'm not one for such barbarism, but the boss wanted to get a message through to you that we're not to be fucked with. So.”

In his gloved hand, he lifted up a pair of garden snipers. The ones you'd typically use to clip the weeds.

”I'll be using these today. And remember, Bella, the boss knows.”

He then proceeded to turn to Mathieu, who was giving him a scared, pleading look. Eric didn't bother with it, reaching for one of Matthieu's pinkies.


The screams of bloody murder would echo long in Bella's mind long after the video stopped.

The Thorned Roses Informat

A Park Bench in White Pine

Mentions: NA Interactions: Canary Spy @Yankee

”Listen, I can tell you all about it. The Solaris Eye, The important players in the Thorned Roses, how the soldiers are outfitted. But I'm not going any lower than $50,000 (5 Wealth). You realize I'm a dead man if word gets out.”

The informant shuffled anxiously on the park bench, speaking in a low voice to the Canary beside him. Every thirty seconds, he was looking over his shoulder, like the big man himself would suddenly materialize and strangle him to death.

The park itself had slicked sidewalks and dew on the grass, with the clouds lightening up. It was still early morning, but they probably wouldn't see the sun all day.

The informant drew his scarf a little higher over his nose, glancing at the Canary. ”Come on, you game or what?”


Meanwhile, another spy would find a paper trail on the name ‘Ig Notus’. It was used all over the city for purchased property, cars, and even businesses. After hours of scouring, one of the spies finally managed to find photo ID used in one of these transactions, and to the learned eye, it was a sight they might recognize.

The Midnight Man.

His dark skin and glowing eye made no mistake. However, after this discovery, an anonymous letter would arrive at the Canary headquarters in Silver Side. A simple cease and desist, marked by the Midnight Man himself.

’Besides, don't you have better things to do…?’ Was the slight warning, as Ezra still vividly remembered what Adel had agreed to do.

Adel: W +5 P +7

The Workers Within Arakasa Tower

Arakasa Tower, White Pine

Mentions: Adel and spies @Yankee Interactions: NA

A room full of employees, working away on their computers in the seli-lit darkness. The pedestal at the back of the room, raised up a few feet, was absent for the moment. But the boss was only a phone call away, which is what one supervisor did when an employee flagged them down.

The employee’s feed was brought over to the large super monitor that took up the entire front wall. The supervisor stood and watched, seeing a blow-up of one of their men sitting with someone that the AI had flagged as a possible Canary. There were a few notes of other possible Canaries in the district as well.

”Have our men converge on that location. When they stand, kidnap them both. Discreetly. Kill the informant. I'll see what the boss wants to do with the spy… Or, well, spies.”

As the supervisor lapsed in thought, another employee flagged him over. Their feed was brought up on the mega screen, and a certain Silver Canary walking nonchalantly down the street set off a bunch of alarms in the system. His face was highlighted with facial recognition software, marking every feature.

Without another word, the supervisor pulled out their phone.

”Yeah, boss? We got a situation…”

White Pine Streets -> Best Barber’s Studio, White Pine

Mentions: NA Interactions: Adel @Yankee

As Adel walked down the streets of White Pine, he would suddenly feel a hand on his shoulder. Turning, he would see two towering, muscled mafiosos leering at him.

”You look like you could use a shave, my friend,” One rumbled.

The other scoffed, switching his grip to tighten around Adel’s arm, leaning in close to obscure the pistol he pressed into Adel's side. ”Yeah, and I know just the place, too.”

The mafiosos marched Adel down a side street, and right into a studio with neon lights reading ‘Best Barber’s Studio’ above it. Once inside, the mafiosos let go of Adel, and one turned to lock the front door, flipping the sign to read ‘Sorry, We're Closed’.

Adel would see an old barber studio, empty except for the made men leering at him from the far wall, pistols held casually in their hands. And, in the center of the room, was Vincent. He looked larger than life in his sharp suit, and he had a 'business-as-usual’ look to his face, looking at Adel almost pleasantly.

”Mr. Dawson, why don't you have a seat?” He said, gesturing to the brown leather chair he had his hand resting on.

Jeremy Fisher, aka. The Iceman

Some Dive in New Point

Mentions: NA Interactions: The Akula Crew @flux

Jeremy burst through the doors of the Samson and Sons Tavern, eyes hungrily moving over the crowd. There were only regulars. And by that, he knew, only regulars, including the red-haired guy sitting by his lonesome at the bar.

Jeremy waved his hands frustratedly, before marking over to the guy, ignoring the two Akula men trailing behind him.

”Cyrus! You weren’t at the park, you weren't at the arcade- I have spent the past fourteen hours looking for you!”

Cyrus looked over, blinking a little before he gave an easy smile. ”Sorry ‘bout that, Jeremy. But if you’re looking for deals, I'm fresh out. Got my hands busy with something else.”

Jeremy shook his head, moving to sit in the seat beside Cyrus. ”Nah, man. Boy am I parched though.”He waved down the bartender, ordering a beer.

After a sip, Jeremy grimaced. ”It don't hit the same…”

Before he shrugged, glancing over at the elusive man. ”So you uh, heard about last night?”

Cyrus poured back a little more of his vodka. ”You mean about you? Of course. Wouldn't be much of an informant if I hadn't.”

Jeremy nodded quickly, leaning closer. ”I need to know who gave me those drugs, Cyrus. Please.”

Cyrus stared for a long moment, before his gaze flicked ahead, and he downed more of his drink. ”20,000. (2 Wealth.)”

Jeremy nearly spit out his beer. ”What? You know I don't have that kinda dough!”

When Cyrus didn't budge, he glanced to the Akula men with him. ”Help me out here?”

Detective Kingsley's Office, Nocturnia Prison, Jeweled Bank

Mentions: Harriet @SporkoBug Interactions: NA

Detective Kingsley sat in his office, staring mutely at his computer screen. His officers had gone and successfully retrieved damning evidence on Harriet. There was so much here.

But so too, was there information on what she was trying to do. How the system had failed these kids, and she was trying to make things right. In her head, he imagined she considered herself a good person. And by many accounts, she would be right.

The detective sighed, turning away in his swivel chair, staring out the window. The morning overcast was marred with a steady patter of rain, mimicking how he felt.

Maybe he was missing something. Maybe there was some saving grace he could find that could save Harriet from her fate. He could hold out for that, before bringing down the hammer.

So he sent an email, asking for a search warrant to be issued on Harriet's dwellings. That way he could officially take stock of anything, and leave no stone unturned. Then, he'd see if it would be enough to stop the tide coming to take Harriet away…

Antonia: W +3 P +5

The Jolly Jalopy, Brewery District

Mentions: Webb, Doctor @SporkoBug, Matthias @ERode Interactions: Antonio @flux

Ezra sat at the bar of the Jolly Jalopy. Well, he had somewhat just let himself in with a smile. Introduced himself, though he was certain the old man already knew him.

When his phone buzzed, though, he was quick to respond. To Webb, he wrote ”Well done, keep up the good work. Your next payment should have arrived. Keep me updated.”

And, to the mysterious ‘doctor’, he sent off a quick message, ”I will send my plus one in my place to meet with you, as I'm a bit tied up. Keep in touch.”

Clearing his throat a bit, he pocketed the phone and gave Antonio his full attention. ”My apologies. I barge in here and here I am, on my phone.”

He leaned an elbow on the counter, pressing the tips of his fingers against his forehead, before glancing over. ”I had a favour I was hoping you could do for me. It involves a certain… Matthias FitzClarence.”

Abandoned Warehouse, Iron Gate

Mentions: NA Interactions: The Doctor @SporkoBug

Alastor stepped into the dusty, closed off remains of a rusty old abandoned warehouse. The warehouse smelled of wet cardboard, and like it hadn't been cleaned in years. But it would do the trick, out of sight and out of mind for most of the people here in Iron Gate.

Alastor glanced down at his phone as he stepped a little further into the dark room, lit only by meager windows. ”I'm here.” He texted the number Boss Ezra had given him, apparently it was for some kind of ‘doctor’. The boss had said to look into it, and so here he was, acting as the Midnight Man's left hand.

His mind briefly wandered to Ayla. She had a tough role to play at the moment. But he knew she was a clever cookie. No one else would do as good in her situation as she, he was certain.

Heaving a sigh, Alastor casted a glance around the warehouse again, waiting for his mysterious contact.

Unknown Location, Cell

Mentions: Asterion @The Savant Interactions: NA

Ayla curled up on her side in her cell, pointedly ignoring the gag in her mouth and the chain and collar around her neck. She had slept surprisingly well, considering everything. The nerves had passed, at least most of them, realizing Asterion had left her for the night. It certainly was a strange sensation, sleeping soundly enough, to suddenly jerk awake, seeing the strange surroundings.

With a small sigh through her nose, Ayla sat up. They'd taken everything. Her phone, her clutch with her wallet and ID. Her fur scarf, her hat. Hell, even the jewelry and decorative pins had been removed. She had long since tried to comb out her hair with her fingers, making it look tidy enough.

The cell was surprisingly not what she was expecting. The bed was comfortable enough. There was even a fake window. An oblong seat in case she wanted a change of scenery. And a toilet in the far corner. It was tucked around the corner, so it was somewhat out of sight from the door, which she appreciated.

She had paced the room when she had felt more anxious last night. She could get a full width of the room, except for the front door. Her chain made it so she was forever out of reach of that. And yes, she had tried to give a few tugs on everything they had set her up with. The gag. The collar. Both wouldn't budge.

There was nothing left to do but wait for when Asterion would walk through those doors. It caused her stomach to knot up. But this was part of the game. She'd play her part well.

Another Abandoned Warehouse, Iron Gate

Mentions: NA Interactions: Antonio @flux

The fights were ongoing in the decrepit warehouse. Floodlights hoisted up shone brightly on the struggle of man in the face of death, as man fought man in a tiny little ring. A few already hadn't made it, their bodies taken off to the side and covered in a white cloth. Flint gave them a glance from where he stood, overlooking the operation from above. He'd give them a proper burial after this.

If the people weren't fighting or watching the fights, they were partaking of the free food and drink. Sandwiches, cheese, samosas, fries, all types of finger food. Saltier the better, as it would cause them to drink more.

Flint stood there, his own drink in his hand. Staring at it for a long moment, weighing the pros and cons.

”Fuck it.”

And he downed the entire drink.

Leon: W +4.5 P +10

@LanaStormOh sorry, i should have included that the Mayor's office is in Jeweled Bank, but she doesn't own a district herself. :>

@ERode The four collabs are complete, it's just uh.... a lot of little scenes. There's a lot going on. Lota board setting. ^^;

It's gonna be great when it's done. ☺️
11 out of 21 scenes completed, we should be done by either today or tomorrow!
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