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@Randomguy @Bounce @rocketrobie2 @Adamastor

𝓔𝓵𝓲𝔃𝓪𝓫𝓮𝓽𝓱 𝓛𝓸𝓮𝓫𝓮𝓷𝓽𝓱𝓪𝓵

Elizabeth watched Enzo doing something she hadn’t seen before. Part of her wondered what the hell he was trying to do. She didn’t know much about the Giovanni and their necromancy techniques. The only Giovanni or Cappodocian she interacted with was Enzo and another vampire named Christopher. Christopher had tried to sell her heroin, to which she politely declined his offer. “Mmm, good idea, but we can’t just storm the front because they might expect us. Honestly, maybe we should have stolen some guns or something.” Sighing loudly, feeling bad for not acquiring a weapon before coming here. But it was too late to get some guns, although they could find some improvised weapons. “I guess we could try to find a backdoor to the place. Hi Steele, do you have a gun on you?” She said, assuming that the roughneck would have one on him.

Her eyes looked at the voice speaking to them. It was Raph the Ravnos, who had joined the family a few decades ago. Her head turned to face Raph with what looked like a grimace. “Nice of you to finally show up.” she said. Then, she gave him a quick summary of what was going on, mentioning that they were trying to devise a plan.

She was worried that something terrible would happen to Enzo. She hadn’t seen him fight anyone, so she wasn’t sure how useful he would be. Elizabeth knew she could handle a fight but didn’t want him or others hurt. If she did lose a sibling like she did her “father,” she would be utterly heartbroken. “Well, I don’t wanna wait around any more. Ludwig needs our help. I think we should just go in and wing it. We ain’t helping much, just chit-chatting. We just gotta be careful, that’s all.” She didn’t notice someone watching them from one of the first-floor windows and standing up, causing this person to run further into the building. The young vampire was walking towards the alleyway of the building and picked up a 2x4 laid against a trash can. Following the group, she started to jump up and down, her reason being to get her adrenaline pumping. Growling and snarling like a wild animal, tightening her grip on the 2x4 in her hand.

Whatever the plan, they would soon be inside the building. Elizabeth was beside Enzo to protect him if things went wrong. The group was met with silence, only occasionally hearing footsteps and people speaking to each other. They could hear loud conversations down the hallway but were muffled from behind the door. Unbeknownst to them, their presence was noticed. The ones that were holding Ludwig were getting ready for what they thought was gonna be a shootout.

IDK boss.
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