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Any male character Azir tries to mate with:
@Red Wizard

My apologies i have corrected my mistake.


Azir opened her eyes to the sound of a voice speaking to her.“Shut up, me want to go back to sleep.” She yelled loudly, shaking her face at the voice. She rubbed her head, feeling like someone had kicked her head like a ball. The large ogre was scratching her head with one of her giant hands. She wanted to go back to sleep, but for some reason, she knew she couldn’t. First, she noticed she wasn’t chained up; this was nice because she could move freely. But for some reason she couldn't move at all. She didn’t understand what they were talking about, compounded by the fact she was also imprisoned. These two factors made the ogre quite angry. Looking in the direction of the voice, she was curious who this person was and what they were talking about.

What you mean? Speak!!” Yelling again, which perhaps everyone could hear. She didn’t understand what they meant by being patient and that other people were awakening. Were there other prisoners here that she had spoken to? The ogre was starting to pace back and forth in her cell, pondering or trying to ponder what was happening. Feeling her stomach rumbling, the hunger began to set in because she hadn’t eaten in a few hours. She wondered if she was going to eat anything.

She closed her eyes and grunted, trying not to let the hunger get to her. She thought about her baby and what they would have been like. She was swallowing loudly, feeling the anger coming back in full force. The loss of her mate and baby was more painful than any injury she had sustained. Small tears were running down her cheeks.

@Randomguy @Bounce @Adamastor

𝓔𝓵𝓲𝔃𝓪𝓫𝓮𝓽𝓱 𝓛𝓸𝓮𝓫𝓮𝓷𝓽𝓱𝓪𝓵

The thug that was armed with the makeshift torch was unintentionally head; his head was thrust into the other side of the wall. It was a good thing since that guy would cause much damage. Another thug didn’t seem to be listening to Ian’s threat, picking up the makeshift torch and moving it towards Ian, then thrusting it towards Ian. Another thug armed with a pistol was pointing his gun at Ian’s head. But before he could pull the trigger, he was hit in the head by Elizabeth throwing the 2x4. Doing so caused him to fall on the ground with the gun rolling towards her feet. Quickly picking it up, she started firing at the last of the remaining thugs. Most of them had run away from seeing what the group did and the shambling zombies of their friends.

Elizabeth fired a few shots, hitting the remaining ones to fight them. Seeing the bloodshed from Ian and Raph made her quite ravenous. Emptying the pistol, she ran over to the remaining thugs. She was extending her arms while jumping from wall to wall and stinking her teeth into one of them, which made blood spray onto the wall beside them. The other thug was trying to get her off of the person she was draining blood. His hands are holding onto her shirt, ripping it slightly. She stopped what she was doing and swung her extended arm, slamming the man into the wall beside her. Before he could get back up, Elizabeth was on him, using her sharpened nails to slick his throat open and enjoying the taste of human vitae, letting some of the thug’s blood spray onto her face. It seemed she didn’t mind letting the Beast out of its cage. “Yummy.” She muttered while licking some blood off of her face.

The group of thugs was defeated by the possibility of more goons behind the door at the end of the hallway. Elizabeth stood up after feeding on the dying thug and returning her arms to normal but kept extending her nails so they were sharp as knives. Ignoring her “siblings.” she started walking towards the door, not noticing there was a thugs armed with SMGS behind the door. Of course, one of her siblings could stop her before she unintentionally fell into the trap.
@Bork Lazer

Okay i made some changes to the skills, how does it look now?
@Bork Lazer

My apologies; I have made some changes, so let me know if I need to make any more changes.

Let me know If there is anything I need to change.
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