Avatar of Expendable


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1 day ago
Current I'm about to be banished for the good of the realm again. Where is the trust in this world, I ask you?
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7 mos ago
I'm sorry, you've reached his personal secretary, Department of Shrubbery, Floor 64, Desk 1024. How can we help you today?
9 mos ago
Or buy a van or a used rental truck. Something nobody would look twice at. You can put in a rack for the rope, duct tape, plastic sheeting, shovels....
9 mos ago
Never trust a car salesman - especially a used car salesman. Have a buddy park across the street and see how many stuffed body bags you can shove in there. Gotta have room for plastic sheeting, etc.
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9 mos ago
Neil Gaiman wrote in his Good Omens bio that he likes it when fans send him $50. (He read Terry Pratchett's bio and figured it wouldn't hurt.)


I am a seven-foot tall minecraft-playing hindu guru drag-queen alien.

Possessor of an Ancient Device™ Model 17. No, I don't know what it does. No, you can't play with it.

Pronouns: It. As in: "What is it? What does it want? Why is it here? Oh my god, it's got my... <insert random body part or object here>"

Likes: World Domination, Writing, Rpg, scifi/fantasy, anime, sketchup 3d models, and anime music videos.

Companions: a host of characters from other games, my personal muse Penny (as in Bad), and the Badger gang - Toothpick, Buttons, Shark, and Mongo. They grew up in the balcony of an old theatre that played a lot of gangster movies. Normally benign, but may invade the OOC forums.

Most Recent Posts

J'eon the Blacksmith

It had been a long night, but his mind would not quiet to let him sleep.

"That noise, I have heard it before," J'eon scowled.

It was the exploding rock. His captors had stopped for the night, and one of them had brought a rock for the fire ring, yes. Only as the fire grew hot, it began to smoke and hiss! Then it had exploded, sending shards of rocks that even reached some of their number, chained as distant as they were.

Their leader demanded to know which of them had gotten a rock from the stream? Of course, it was not smoke, it was steam, boiling inside the rock from the heat of the fire!

"But that... was not steam," J'eon rumbled. This was more than just working metal, even strong metal. And somehow they could control it.

He rose, going to the place where one could speak to the crew.

"I have a question, about the strange noise that we heard up on the hillside yesterday. What is it you used?"
Were people... scowling at her?

Kat frowns slightly as she rides, noticing how people seeing her lost their smiles. What was wrong with them? Plenty of kids were riding their bikes, why did she feel like she offended them somehow? Was it the bicycle helmet? Did they hate purple or something?

"Real friendly place you found for me, Uncle Oscar," Kat mutters, then nods sagely as she tried to catch his way of speaking. "Unfriendly neighbors mean no one bothers you."

She chuckled for a moment, then sighs ruefully. "Thanks alot, Uncle Oscar."

"You'd think a town with all these people living here would have a grocery store someplace?" Kat scowls, then sees a barricade up ahead. "Road closed?"

Oh, what fresh hell was this? She wondered, pulling over to the sidewalk and climbing off her bike. She better walk in with it,
<Snipped quote by shagranoz>

Obviously, it'd depend on the character, and it's ultimately the GM's decision, but I feel like they might be an odd fit for the "ragtag group of mostly college-age acquaintances" vibe we've got going on. I've been in that position myself recently and it can be really frustrating >_>

Perhaps the professor is a group advisor?
@Fading Memory - Just a thought. If he's that wealthy, why is he visiting a second-hand student furniture store instead of going to one of the better furniture places? Is he slumming? Or is he looking for accent pieces to sit on a $2000 zebra-skin drum table with glass top?
@Fading Memory, character is good!

Here's the playlist, if anyone is interested. I've tried to make sure to add all the characters' theme songs, but if I've missed anyone, let me know(theme songs are not at all requires, I just thought it was fun to mess around with music from the era).

Expendable: I couldn't find Room 101 on Spotify(actually, I found about a hundred songs by the name, but none by Eurythmics).
Tubular Bells I left out deliberately, it's just too long lol, sorry.

It's on YouTube. Sorry about the long songs. She picked up a couple of CD's, the Eurythmics 1984 album was in a sale bin, Tubular Bells was on the Pure Moods CD.
"Mom! Don't!" Kat yelled, but her mother merely turned and looked up at the balcony where she was standing, smiling sweetly as she gave a little wave. Her father closed the door for her, then turned and smiled up at Kat. He walked around the back of the Roll and opened his door, pausing to blow a kiss....


Everything slowed to a crawl as the car began to swell with horrible yellow light, the car windows blowing out in a shower of glass and flames, and the screaming....!

"AAAAAGGGH!" Kat screams, jerking upright in her bed. She buries her face in her hands, sides heaving as she sobs, then began the breathing exercises Dr. Greene taught her so long ago. Breathe deeply, hold it for three beats, then let it out, wait for three beats. Her first few tries were ragged, but eventually she had herself under control.

Looking up, she wiped her eyes with the backs of her hands, then fumbled for the lamp. She was in the walk-in closet, barely big enough for the twin sized bed and a small nightstand, while a box fan strung up on the wire shelving blew air down on her. Tiny Christmas lights were strung along the shelf, to give her a little light when the lamp was off. Uncle Oscar's men had set this up for her, sealing the old doorway, making a new one, adding electrical sockets and filling the walls with insulating foam, making sure her screaming couldn't be heard outside the bedroom.

"We wouldn't want you to draw attention to yourself," Uncle Oscar had said, patting her hands in a grandfatherly way.

Kat glanced at the monitor showing her the view from the front door security cam before rising, opening the door and steps into the bedroom. Picking out a pair of jean shorts and a polo shirt from the garment rack, she laid them out on the queen sized bed in the middle of the room. A dress form mannequin was sleeping on the far side. She hadn't bothered to ask why it was there.

She felt better after her shower, but her eyes were still red. Kat sighs, then washes up her cereal bowl and spoon, putting them in the rack to dry. Uncle Oscar had promised to get her a car, but she needed to do some shopping. There was no hope for it but to ride her bicycle downtown and pick up what she needed, and hope there was enough room in the pannier baskets to hold everything.

Grabbing her purse, sunglasses and a head scarf, she paused to study herself in the small mirror by the door.

"You are Theodora Clark, from Hickory, Virginia. Your date of birth is June 17, 1999. You're a Gemini," she repeated. "You're a struggling artist. You are Theodora Clark...."

I just need to write up the Appearance section, but the short end is 'he's kinda short but well kempt and fashionable'. I also need to start organizing some of this music I listen to and checking dates to see if they fit a playlist. I'm getting there :P

I'm posting what I've got now so that A) Gisk can stab me if I did something wrong or disliked and B) We can begin working on relationships between the characters. When I have a little more time I'll go back and reread what everyone else was talking about and what's been posted so far to give my own ideas.

For a music list of the top 100 songs for each year, try https://www.musicoutfitters.com/top-100-songs.htm#1990
https://www.seventhsanctum.com/generate.php?Genname=generalperson is a site I use to generate descriptions.
I'd say give it a shot, but I'm not running this. Still, what could it hurt?
@The Muse Assuming this is still open:

Katherine Semenova Theodora Clark

Actual: April/1/1999
Her phony driver's license & birth certificate has June 17, 1999.

Age: 24

This woman puts you in mind of a mysterious sphinx. She has hooded gray eyes that are like two pieces of steel. Her fine, straight, shoulder-length chocolate hair has been trimmed to a pixie cut and bleached to the color of milk. She is average height and has a slender build. Her skin is cream-colored. She has a high forehead and nearly-nonexistent eyebrows. Her wardrobe looks like she shops at Goodwill.

Artist - drawings, paintings, sculpture. Wanted international art thief.

Short Bio:
Born in her father's office at a "social club" that was actually a brothel he was managing. Witnessed her mother's death in a fiery car explosion, while Kat's father Petrov survived with lung damage and heaving chest and right arm scarring. She has reoccurring nightmares of that night, although she's not screaming as much.

After her father's arrest and conviction, she was sent to the Stonewall Boarding School for Girls, a prison with nicer cells and a better dress code. Kat only spent a couple nights in the school dorm before being transferred to a hastily soundproof room in the main building's old servant quarters. Ms. Kingman also arranged for her to see a psychiatrist twice a week, Dr. Greene. Her state-appointed guardian, after paying out for her school fees and now psychiatrist visits, only allowed her a single class uniform and gym outfit each year.

Petrov was stabbed repeatedly and died in prison. On her 18th birthday she received access to a trust fund set up for her, so she went to Art School to earn her degree. Her graduation present for herself was a trip to France to tour the art museums, only to get kidnapped and forced to help her captors steal paintings and smuggle them back to the states. Fortunately for her, their fence was an old friend of her father's. Since cops would be looking for her, he helped arrange fake ids, transportation and a house in Sanctuary for her to hide out at.

Kat Theo has only been in town for a couple of weeks, mostly keeping to herself.
Social anxiety, especially in crowds, and around cops and strangers. Normally seen riding a bike with wire baskets.
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