I stopped watching....Apparently Cry just finished recording some desu ass shit homie.
"Dude the new plathrough I just started recording last night is SO anime - and I love every moment of it. Manager-kun kawaii~~"
AbigailTenshi said
Nishiki continued to smile, feeling the need to celebrate her promotion. She giggled before watching as he gave members behind them a glare. As he did, Nishiki stuck her tongue out at them while humming a giggle before returning to normal just as Shiro would of turned back to her. She gave him another wink before giggling and turning away, walking off to her room to grab the basket she pulled together for Hikari before running out of the barracks to Squad Ten, planning to go to Hikari's door and deliver him the basket of various muffins. Standing outside his door, Nishiki knocked and waited....
samreaper said
don't forget the exploding farts, expllo
Phobos said
He got the whoole package
Winter said
You know, I'm thinking if I air cannon you hard enough I could use you like a human cannonball. Assuming you join my crew of course.
Phobos said
Well he also uses it for distractions, but his goal is to not allow his opponents know that it's an illusion. Cause after that, they're null >.< the only person that can 100% see through it is Deuce *shakes fist at Deuce*
samreaper said
difference, most would still have the fear of pain..the doctor has no fear of pain xD