"It'd be a nice extension," Hikari told her. As she linked their arms Hikari stepped a bit closer to her. "Come on, Lieutenant," he heard her speak as he looked down at her, seeing the sparkle in her eye, "Let's keep looking huh? It isn't often we can just...watch the other souls, you know?" Hikari nodded at her suggestion, what she was saying was true, they really never got the chance to. For the most part they were always working, then training, not getting any chance to enjoy even the little things. He began walking with Haruka, looking around watching as the souls had fun chatting and playing games, at peace. It brought him back to the time he was just in his room, reading...Nothing heavy really on his mind, he wouldn't let it get to him though, that was the exact reason Tabo made him get away, to take his mind off everything. He looked forward as they soon came upon some souls dancing. "Huh, I wish I had those moves. Sadly dancing was never my forte, still isn't...Though I remember slow dancing with my friend Kenta a couple times," he said with a chuckle, "He'd kill me if he knew I told someone."