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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"Well more so he would make us rebuild anything we do destroy, so unless you want physical labor, and taunting from other members I'd suggest not doing it here." So when Shoske agreed to do the spar away from the barracks, Seki simply nodded her head as she began shunpoing expecting Shoske to be following behind her. She then stopped when she came to a clearing near a river. Seki unsheathing his zanpakuto and tossing the sheath aside looked at him. "Well we came out here with the intention to break some things. Live to fight, Hakai no akuma no joō." He zanpakuto then changed to its shikai version in which Seki took off in front of him, with her shikai already raised, in which she swung down at him. Her shikai was rather large, so it did allow her some distance between people.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Phobos
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Phobos Quack

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Zane620 said
"Well more so he would make us rebuild anything we do destroy, so unless you want physical labor, and taunting from other members I'd suggest not doing it here." So when Shoske agreed to do the spar away from the barracks, Seki simply nodded her head as she began shunpoing expecting Shoske to be following behind her. She then stopped when she came to a clearing near a river. Seki unsheathing his zanpakuto and tossing the sheath aside looked at him. "Well we came out here with the intention to break some things. Live to fight, Hakai no akuma no joō." He zanpakuto then changed to its shikai version in which Seki took off in front of him, with her shikai already raised, in which she swung down at him. Her shikai was rather large, so it did allow her some distance between people.

Shoske shunpoed after Seki and followed her until they reached and opening by the river. Shoske took a breath of fresh air, admiring the scenery. He turned his attention back unto Seki as she unsheathed her sword. He slowly placed his right hand on the hilt of his zanpakuto. He grinned when she said that they did come to break things "Hopefully not too much" Within a flash, she had activated gee shikai and made her way in front of him. Shoske kept the grin, following her movements and waiting for the right moment to strike. He unsheathed and swung his blade upwards, meeting hers halfway. He then put his hand on his flat side of his zanpakuto, attempting to push her shikai back. It was difficult though, her shikai was large.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

As he blocked her attack, he slowly pushed against her shikai in an attempt o push her back she would assume, yet that could work in her advantage. So she eased up enough that he would be able to push her backwards, where her body began glowing a teal color. Where she slammed her shikai into the ground, which began to open the ground up towards Shoske making a large hole to what would be a large fall.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Fumio sat in Rinkei's office, leaning back in Rinkei's chair before giving it a spin. "Oh how I've always wanted to do this~" Grinning, Fumio sat back, raising both of his hands to place them behind his head before closing his eyes, sighing contently. "One of these days I'll get to wear a Haori~ Maybe that would show the other's in my Clan that I'm different now... I just don't murder for the Clan anymore~" Sighing once more, Fumio span again in Rinkei's chair before he heard a knock to the door despite it being open.

"Enjoying yourself Hari?" A highly recognisable woman's voice dispersed throughout the room, which made Fumio open his eyes while his grin grew slightly wider. Stopping the chair, he looked up at the woman leaning against the door-frame, her arms crossed comfortably as she held a smirk. "Why don't you step inside my future office Rio~" Fumio chuckled as he joked while Rio gave a short chuckle before walking in. "Remember Kazuhiko, you're only a Lieutenant so don't get ahead of yourself. But, good to know that you have aspirations." Her voice was relaxed as she spoke before taking a seat in one of the two chairs in front of the desk. "Well, since I'm free now, I want to broaden my horizon~ I guess since I'm here, may as well aim for something~" Fumio responded, resting both of his arms on top of Rinkei's desk while looking at Rio. "So, what brings you here Squad Two Lieutenant?~" He asked in a cheerful tone. "Squad Eight Lieutenant, I need you to come with me. First we need to collect the Head of the Hari Clan, then the three of us have an appointment with someone." Rio stated in her same relaxed tone, causing Fumio to raise an eyebrow. "Oh? Well, Okay then, mind telling me who we're meeting?" Fumio was slightly puzzled but still raised out of Rinkei's seat and walked around the desk. "You'll find out when you meet them." Rio stood up, her professional attitude returning as she began walking out of the door. Fumio stood and blinked for a second as he watched Rio walk out. Shrugging, Fumio followed after the woman, closing Rinkei's office door as he did.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Expllo
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Member Seen 30 days ago

AeronFarron said
Haruka looked confused when the lieutenant took her hand and dragged her off. She managed to hold off her questions until they got to the gala. Her eyes lit up like a child's and she hugged the man quickly. "Thank you!! I've always wanted to go to one of these!" she said before she released him and then hurried over to a stall. Alucaerd bounced right along, yipping and barking at the lanterns and sights.

"You're welcome," Hikari replied with a smile as he wrapped his arms around her. Once she broke the hug he watched her and Alucard run off, chuckling as Alucard yipped and barked at the lanterns. He began looking around, soon spotting someone who looked familiar. They had spotted him and walked into the crowd of people, Hikari took a step forward before looking back at Haruka who at was standing at a stall. He slowly turned around walking towards Haruka, once behind her he put his head over her shoulder, "What's going on over here?" he asked.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by drallinix
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Walking calmly around he came to the headquarters of squad 11. "Finally after all this time my master is letting me attempt to join. This is squad 11 so who knows what hellish task they will have as an initiation. It doesn't matter though I'm ready." Raizo thought to himself. Walking into the headquarters the first thing he noticed were the sounds. It was overwhelming the sounds of sparring, blades clashing, and yells of pain. Raizo smiled as he looked around surveying the others. All of them were warriors bent on bettering themselves in the art of combat. He knew now more than ever that he wanted to find a place among them, and to eventually lead them.

Walking towards a man who had just finished a sparring match Raizo asked where he could find the captains office. The man turned and told him where it was then wished him luck. "He was very friendly for a member of the combat division" Was what Raizo thought as he walked towards the captains office. He walked to the door knocking on it then waiting for a reply.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

AbigailTenshi said
While still pouting, Nishiki was sat down as a hand was placed on top of her head by Shiro. She couldn't help but smile due to this, looking up at Shiro as he spoke before pouting once more and looking away. "I only like it from people I know..." She mumbled before quieting herself and looking straight down at the floor between them, listening to the rest of what Shiro said and sighing once he had finished. "You're right Captain... I know better than to let those type of things slide. I won't do it again, sir..." Nishiki continued to keep her eyes to the floor before Shiro began chuckling, drawing her attention. She then shook her head, looking back at Shiro with a bright smile while her eyes closed for a moment before standing up. "Once again, you're right~" She chimed in a slight tune, flicking her green hair while giggling. "Well, Lieutenant benefits won't be necessary~ I want to be rewarded for doing something good, not something I'm meant to be doing anyway. But no worries, I will find out how to do my job properly and won't let you down again~" Silently Nishiki cursed Mirja for acting such a way that Nishiki ended up getting scolded for not reacting the way she should of instead of the way she would do usually... "Now, what training did you have in mind Cap'ain?"

Shiro listened to Nishiki speak then grinned "Don't let me down Nishiki, I want you to make me proud...So lets get this started yeah?" Shiro then stood up straight and stretched then unsheathed his Zanpakuto and held it out infront of him with just his right hand "We are going to train your basic skills...your control. If you are anything like me then you want to enjoy fighting and so you must know how to prolong a fight, this includes strengthening your core skills....nothing is more intimidating than a Shinigami fighting their enemy with just their sealed form...because when they finally release their Shikai they become truly terrifying! So. The goal for you today Nishiki is simple...I want you to fight me with your sealed state Zanpakuto, use Zanjutsu and Hakuda only, aim to cut me as many times as you can and also...don't crumble when I release my energy...instead...use it to fuel your passion for the fight...it is important that you can fight by my side...now prepare yourself and attack when you are ready"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

~in the human world~

The figure remained in the shadows watching the hollows as they fell, this caused the figure to let out a sigh as they then raised their right hand, aiming it at a few hollow in the sky before firing hundreds of bright blue orbs that once hitting the hollows turned them to ash instantly. The figure then pulled their hood further over their head as a large crack began to form on the outskirts of the city, emerging from the massive garganta was a gillian, slowly. The figure then turned and disappeared from sight as the gillian finished emerging from the garganta
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

As Ryozo had battered away the Hollows again and again now panting a bit, with some wounds that he had suffered. He had a gash on his left shoulder and a cut on his forehead as well. He witnessed the blue orbs firing off into the sky destroying the flying hollows, yet was that one of his teammates skills? Not that it mattered, he didn't have to keep fending off Hollows. Thats when he felt the ground rumble quite fiercely near him. When he turned his head and looked, he was staring at the giant creature itself. A hollow was one thing, a Gillian however is another thing. And while he still had a trick it would only slow it down. I have to keep it away from the city at any cost.... So I guess I should use it. "Those that embraced." Ryozo muttered as he let go of the black coffin in which it opened on its own, and what poured at were hundreds of what looked like dead warriors from the past, they all rushed at the Gillian and instead of attacking it, started to climb it from every angle. While Megumi was watching this sight, she hadn't seen any signs of a byakurai, but she could still feel Ryozo spiritual energy, so she at least knew he was alive. "That idiot, he really is just biding its time for us."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AeronFarron


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Expllo said
"You're welcome," Hikari replied with a smile as he wrapped his arms around her. Once she broke the hug he watched her and Alucard run off, chuckling as Alucard yipped and barked at the lanterns. He began looking around, soon spotting someone who looked familiar. They had spotted him and walked into the crowd of people, Hikari took a step forward before looking back at Haruka who at was standing at a stall. He slowly turned around walking towards Haruka, once behind her he put his head over her shoulder, "What's going on over here?" he asked.

Haruka was so deep in thought that she hadn't registered how close the lieutenant was. "I'm trying to think about which one I should get. You know, to spice up my uniform a little bit?" She picked through swatches of fabric. "Since I know that I want to use Shunko more often than Yuurei Shiki--Don't give me that." She frowned at the Spirit in her mind and paused from her quest. "I KNOW. But--no don't. Don't do that...ugh." shook her head. "No one said that you'll need to change. Shunko blasts are typically--ok. Fine, fine. So, what do you want to do?"

I...have a secret. The Zanpakuto said before he pulled his wielder into his mindscape. Haruka went limp and fell, nearly onto the stall in front of her.

"What the hell? When I let you roam around in my head, I trusted you not to pull this.." She didn't bother to shield her face from the wind.

She stood on the top of a skyscraper in the middle of a decimated city. The building was the tallest but even that was dwarfed when her zanpakuto spirit appeared. The skyscraper barely came up to his waist. She looked up at him before he kneeled and offered his hand. She looked up at him, still irritated but stepped into his hand. His fingers were taller than her. He set her on his shoulder, nearest to her head then flew off.

I am sorry. But this was important.[b]
What's wrong?[/] She looked up at him as he leveled out.
[b] I've been lying to you. I did not trust you as I should have. This...is the source of your frustration. And it pains me that you never blamed me. I was holding you back.

[i] W-What?
Her eyes were wide in disbelief. Why? How?
Simple. My name is not what I told you. I...saw you as being unworthy. That you just wanted to coast through life with me as your tool. So...when you asked, I lied partially. The first part is correct: Yuurei.

Haruka was stunned still. She thought she had a partnership with her zanpakuto, and had no idea that he was feeling like this. It hurt. She trained to exhaustion often, and often felt like there was a ceiling she couldn't break through. To know that it was her own Zanpakuto sabotaging her...that hurt a lot. I really am sorry. I will tell you now, and then we can train together. I am sure that you can wield me effectively. I will be that other half to you, I swear it.

What is your true name? Her tone was more subdued.

[b] Yuurei...Kishi.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Kurisa said
Shiro listened to Nishiki speak then grinned "Don't let me down Nishiki, I want you to make me proud...So lets get this started yeah?" Shiro then stood up straight and stretched then unsheathed his Zanpakuto and held it out infront of him with just his right hand "We are going to train your basic skills...your control. If you are anything like me then you want to enjoy fighting and so you must know how to prolong a fight, this includes strengthening your core skills....nothing is more intimidating than a Shinigami fighting their enemy with just their sealed form...because when they finally release their Shikai they become truly terrifying! So. The goal for you today Nishiki is simple...I want you to fight me with your sealed state Zanpakuto, use Zanjutsu and Hakuda only, aim to cut me as many times as you can and also...don't crumble when I release my energy...instead...use it to fuel your passion for the fight...it is important that you can fight by my side...now prepare yourself and attack when you are ready"

"Sure Cap'ain" Nishiki chirped, watching Shiro as he stretched and unsheathed his Zanpakuto. Nishiki followed suit, stretching her whole body but mostly her legs and arms before unsheathing her own blade. She then listened to Shiro's briefing, nodding a few times to show that she was listening. "Understood and Okay then Captain~" Nishiki smiled before walking backwards, keeping her eyes on Shiro. 'Never turn your back on your opponent~' A fundamental rule that every Shinigami should know. After creating some space for herself, she held her blade out in front of her, pointing it at Shiro before crouching down a little and launching off of her spot. Nishiki darted towards Shiro, her face instantly becoming serious while she pulled her right arm back behind her body, along with her blade, aiming to stab Shiro in the chest for a start.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by samreaper
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samreaper Laughing Imp

Member Seen 7 days ago

Zane620 said
As Ryozo had battered away the Hollows again and again now panting a bit, with some wounds that he had suffered. He had a gash on his left shoulder and a cut on his forehead as well. He witnessed the blue orbs firing off into the sky destroying the flying hollows, yet was that one of his teammates skills? Not that it mattered, he didn't have to keep fending off Hollows. Thats when he felt the ground rumble quite fiercely near him. When he turned his head and looked, he was staring at the giant creature itself. A hollow was one thing, a Gillian however is another thing. And while he still had a trick it would only slow it down. "Those that embraced." Ryozo muttered as he let go of the black coffin in which it opened on its own, and what poured at were hundreds of what looked like dead warriors from the past, they all rushed at the Gillian and instead of attacking it, started to climb it from every angle. While Megumi was watching this sight, she hadn't seen any signs of a byakurai, but she could still feel Ryozo spiritual energy, so she at least knew he was alive. "That idiot, he really is just biding its time for us."

It seemed as if the hollows were endless with more coming without any sign of stopping and the longer they took, the higher the risk and danger. Even more for three unseated officers still fresh out of the academy as he had used his bat to take out two other hollows while the glove saved him from an attack from behind by hitting the ambushing hollow square in the face. Luckily these hollows were weak enough that his low leveled shikai could barely take them out as his glove was now lv 9 and bat level 10; stopping to catch his breath with sweat spilling down his face.

He searched frantically for any sign of some object or person that was luring the hollows here, but it was at that moment that the air grew heavy briefly and looked up to see hundreds of blue orbs attacking the hollows and wondered if one of the others had such a technique. His thoughts were cut short for in the next instance did he caught sight of the head of a gillian and his eyes widen in shock.No way....this is getting crazy.'Wiping sweat from his eyes and looked down at the streets and surrounding buildings as he struggled to decide on whether to continue or retreat and gripped his bat so tightly that his knuckles were white. The free hand shook with indecision racking his mind as he knew he needed to decide quickly for hesitating too long could get them killed, but if he made the wrong choice could get them killed.*Damn it! d-damn it!* Fighting back the panic building up and with an act of desperation slammed the bat against his forehead which felt as hard as steel. A trickle of blood dripped down his forehead followed with a small ache, though it helped clear his mind.'Gillians are slow and Ryozo can slow it down further..I continue..five more minutes then I'm giving the retreat regardless of what happens.'Muttering this mostly to himself as it helped to keep his mind steady and started forward once more to resume his search.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Phobos
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Phobos Quack

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Zane620 said
As he blocked her attack, he slowly pushed against her shikai in an attempt o push her back she would assume, yet that could work in her advantage. So she eased up enough that he would be able to push her backwards, where her body began glowing a teal color. Where she slammed her shikai into the ground, which began to open the ground up towards Shoske making a large hole to what would be a large fall.

Shoske was suspicious at first when he was able to push her back, until she spun her body backwards. He expected an attack, so he raised his zanpakuto again. Instead she slammed her zanpakuto into the ground and created a fissure, catching Shoske off guard. He fell in but before shortly after he did, he stabbed his zanpakuto on the side of the walls. By pulling himself up, he propelled himself out of the fissure and up into the air, falling downwards towards Seki. As he did, he unsheathed his second blade and swung down towards her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Seki watched as the fissure has swallowed Shoske whole, luckily for her he propelled himself out of it and into the sky. Flying above her as he unsheathed his second zanpakuto and swung down at her. She did meet his swords with hers, yet what might send a shock to him, was the fact she began glowing pink with the sudden appearance of a giant white demon dog beside her. The creature let out a roar which was enough to push back away from her, with the demon looking at Seki who just nodded. This made Koma plant his feet and took off running at Shoske, raising one paw in which it swung down at him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Expllo
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Member Seen 30 days ago

Hikari raised an eyebrow at the, "Don't give me that," comment....But he figured her Zanpakuto Spirit had said something, he knew Ken did that a few times too. Or atleast he used to, he was pretty silent now which reminded him he needed to check up on him when he had free time. He looked down at the fabrics and shrugged, "Does new fabric matter? Can't you just cut the shoulders and call it a day?" he asked with actual curiosity. When he didn't get any reply he looked over at her, seeing her pretty much frozen. Was she that into the fabric? He waved a hand in front of her and still didn't get anything. Was it because of the Shunko over Yuurei Shiki thing? He backed away and sighed.

He looked over seeing two kids, a boy and a girl, gazing up at him and Haruka. "Whoa, Shinigami! And one is a Lieutenant!" The boy said with a grin as Hikari bent down to their level, the boy poked his Lieutenant badge before a woman with long red hair came over pulling them both back. "Sorry to disturb you Lieutenant, we'll be leaving you two to your business."

"Oh no, it's fine," Hikari said as he stood up with a smile, "We're just here enjoying ourselves like the rest of you, I thought it'd be a good way to spend our break." Hikari knew not many Shinigami interacted with normal souls so he was sure the woman thought he was investigating or something, even with his conformation that they were just on break.

"I see," the woman said, "Is...Your partner alright?"

"Oh yeah! She's just, uh, really into the fabric!" Hikari said with a grin as he rubbed the back of his head. The woman stared at him a bit before nodding and taking the children's hands and starting to walk off. The boy and girl looked back at them waving, at the same time calling out to him, "We're going to be the strongest Shinigami and surpass you Lieutenant!"

Hikari laughed and waved, "I look forward to seeing that! You two train hard everyday and eat healthy! Also listen to your mother!" they gave each other a grin before Hikari turned to look back at Haruka to make sure she was ok.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

AbigailTenshi said
Nishiki chirped, watching Shiro as he stretched and unsheathed his Zanpakuto. Nishiki followed suit, stretching her whole body but mostly her legs and arms before unsheathing her own blade. She then listened to Shiro's briefing, nodding a few times to show that she was listening. Nishiki smiled before walking backwards, keeping her eyes on Shiro. A fundamental rule that every Shinigami should know. After creating some space for herself, she held her blade out in front of her, pointing it at Shiro before crouching down a little and launching off of her spot. Nishiki darted towards Shiro, her face instantly becoming serious while she pulled her right arm back behind her body, along with her blade, aiming to stab Shiro in the chest for a start.

Shiro watched Nishiki as she took her place then he watched as she darted towards him, Shiro tilted his body to the right allowing Nishiki's Zanpakuto to pass him, he then gripped on to her right wrist with his free left hand then slashed down towards her right arm yet stopped before he got to it "You shouldn't be attacking so recklessly even against someone who'd be of the same power level, even weaker...such a broad move as this should be saved for last when you finally plan to kill them, before that you'll need to wear them down..." Shiro then released his grip and took a step back as he held his Zanpakuto out infront of him "Now come at me again! and this time I want to see you trying to spill my blood not trying to kill me...you want to enjoy this don't you!?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

~in the human world~

As the Gillian finished emerging it looked down to see a Shinigami, then watched as the Shinigami released some odd skill, The gillian lifted it's foot then went to stamp down on the Shinigami, then it began charging up a cero as it aimed it at the city, the cero growing larger and larger before it finally released it this caused a powerful shockwave that would have thrown most of the people climbing it off. The cero then flew towards the city at great speed, getting closer and closer.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AeronFarron


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Haruka came back to herself with a start and stared down at the fabric in her hand. She looked around to get her bearings and chose the a crimson swatch of fabric.

"I like this one." She said to the freaked out merchant. She rustled around for her wallet, only for the man to tell her it was on the house. She blinked in confusion, which only set the man more on edge. She shrugged and fashioned a scarf out of the fabric then smiled. "I like it. What do you think, Hikari?" she asked the lieutenant.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by drallinix
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Raizo sighed and walked back out onto the training field to sit down. The friendly man from earlier approached and asked if he made it. "I don't know the captain isn't here" Raizo replied. The man stretched "well I haven't had a sparring match today I can see if you got what it takes" he said with a smile. Jumping up Raizo replied "your on" before following him to a ring.

They stood across from one another zanpakuto drawn. The man lunged expecting Raizo to retreat. Instead Raizo sidestepped the man and slashed mocking his cheek. The veteran's eyes widened "wow you're a quick one aren't you". Raizo didn't let him take the offensive again, lunging forward he leaped over the man turning a somersault in the air. When he landed his sword came down only to be met by the other mans blade. So they sat locked in a fierce duel while a small crowd gathered to watch.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Expllo
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Member Seen 30 days ago

It was good to see that she was alright atleast, he'd ask about what had happened at a later time. He didn't exactly know when that time would be, but it'd be at a later one whether in a few minutes or a few days. He walked closer and saw that the merchant was freaked out, he wouldn't blame him, he probably wasn't used to what had happened. Once she turned it into a scarf she smiled and asked if he liked it in which he took a step back, his eyes trailed from her face down to the scarf. He smiled, "I like it...Would like to see you wear it more though. The color fits you...Nicely. You're beautiful...Erm, it's beautiful...Both I guess," he said as he rubbed the back of his head.
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