Avatar of Expllo


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1 mo ago
Current I fell in love with a girl I’ll never see again lmaooooooooo character development I guess
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11 mos ago
NGL I haven’t roleplayed in years but I still log in every so often to see if any friends from the old days hit me up. It’s nice to see that every once in a while
8 yrs ago
I'd dropkick my 14 yr old self
8 yrs ago
People who get excited to talk about music are my favorite kinds of people
8 yrs ago
Positive vibes time! I hope you get that job you're applying for! I hope you pass that test coming up! I hope ya'll achieve what ya'll set out to today!


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Damn straight I am

I for one really like Aeseri. Hot, evil(ish), air-bender. All pluses in my book so far
1. I'm fine with it if everyone else is, though it seems like an ability that'd have a higher duration then have a decent cooldown time. Just my take on it, but it's fine as it is.

2. I would say bump the cooldown to three or four, but since contact is needed to hold the ability I guess it's fine. Probably something I'd have to ask the other GMs though as it's questionable.

3. Read the previous

4. I guess I'm fine with that one too.
Shadolord said 1. Amplified Strength His physical strength is doubled.

Fine, add post durations and a cool down. Look at other CS’ for examples.
Those are needed for all abilities.

Shadolord said 2. Heat Generation- He can create ares of intense heat he can make it hot enough to ignite wood with some concentration. Once things ignite he has no control over the fire except the temperature.

I’m a bit confused on this one…Are you saying he can make an area up to 100 square meters heat up or what?

Shadolord said 3. Heat Theft- He can steal heat away from things. He can generate frost or even freeze water at his touch. He has no control over the ice except for the temperature.

As long as you can’t take it away from people to the point that they just drop dead then I’m fine with it. Just add post durations and cool downs.

Shadolord said 4. Thermal Immunity- He has no problems based on temperature. Fire will still consume his flesh, Ice can still suffocate him but temperatures never bother him.

The most I can make out of this is that even if he’s burning alive or freezing to death, he won’t feel it. Or more so it won’t bother him, but he’ll still be burning or freezing to death –Shrug- alright, add post durations and cool downs.

I honestly don’t see how most of these would really help in combat so I’m interested to see how you will implement it into combat…
Snapped a picture of Kurisa playing WoT

So I think I'm done with my CS.

I like Tysun. Catch your significant other fucking someone else? Just set both of them on fire! Get scared from a dream? Fuck it! Burn plants by accident, get high, then start your own drug business! One of a kind, truly
Zane620 said
Hype stared blankly at her as she said she couldn't do much and was simply trained by her brother. He scratched his head trying to figure out what he could do with her. And as a head popped out from behind him he simply swung his left arm back and shattered the Hollows mask. "Okay then... Have you fought hollows? And what are you..... most skilled in? Like kido, hakuda, you get the idea."

"My brother made me fight a few," Keina replied as she unhooked the pair of sai attached to her waist. She jumped down at a Hollow jumping up at them, she stuck her sai into it's mask and fell to the ground using the hollow to reduce any landing damage. She placed her feet on the ground then quickly pulled sideways ripping the hollow apart with the help of her sai, displaying her strength without the help of spirit energy. She looked up at him smiling, "I think Zanjutsu," she replied.
I'dunno actually o.o I forget.

Also, you should get on Skype bitch xD
Coming back from what they were doing Hikari and Himeko returned to the Seireitei with Kenta beside them. Kenta spat onto the ground wiping his mouth, he'd probably never do that again...Maybe if he lost control again, but otherwise he wouldn't. They returned to Squad ten walking to Tabo's office. Before they could say anything to each other the alarms went off and all Shinigami were requested to Sōkyoku Hill. Tabo nodded, not needing to say anything in order for them to know to save what they wanted to say for later. Kenta had decided to follow, although he was technically retired he was still going to keep up to date with what was going on. He couldn't help but worry and want to help, maybe come back at one point, but he wouldn't think about that too much. Once there Kenta crossed his arms, looking around slightly before catching Rio in his sights. Right, Kenta thought before sighing and putting full attention on Juki.
Zane620 said
"..... Okay, I see her." Hyperion said turning his gaze over to the female who instantly said cool hair man. He moved a stand to a point he could see it, and sighed and shrugged. "T-thanks." He muttered, before Tabo gave him the rundown on her going on her first mission and to make sure she didn't die. Of course he then said that absurd nickname again which made him resist the urge to bash his skull off a wall. He told him various seat position of which were his, yet he seemed to not know this.... Despite being the captain of the squad. So he was told to ask Hikari, in which Hyperion just nodded his head. As he left the office with Keina, she informed him of the mission and he nodded, as he began shunpoing to the source with her behind him, and once at the destination stood on a sturdy branch and looked at her. "Wanna give me a quick rundown on what you can do Miss...... He actually never told me your name yet. Mines Hyperion."

Once they got to their destination she watched as Hype stood on a branch, she shrugged and jumped up reaching out her arms. She gripped the branch and pulled herself up so she was beside him, though she sat criss cross. She looked back and forth and began trying to sense around the area for the hollow. She snapped out of it when Hype asked her a few questions in which she smiled up at him, "I'm Keina! As for what I can do, well, not much!" she replied as she rubbed the back of her head, "But I was trained by my brother, he was in Squad six at one point." She then looked forward again and slowly stood to her feet as she heard a rustle.
Waiting on peeps I'm pretty sure.
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