Avatar of Expllo


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1 mo ago
Current I fell in love with a girl I’ll never see again lmaooooooooo character development I guess
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11 mos ago
NGL I haven’t roleplayed in years but I still log in every so often to see if any friends from the old days hit me up. It’s nice to see that every once in a while
8 yrs ago
I'd dropkick my 14 yr old self
8 yrs ago
People who get excited to talk about music are my favorite kinds of people
8 yrs ago
Positive vibes time! I hope you get that job you're applying for! I hope you pass that test coming up! I hope ya'll achieve what ya'll set out to today!


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Walking to the waterfall Kenta saw Takara there, seemingly meditating as water poured on her. Though he knew she was probably asleep, but would she be alright breathing? Kenta wasn't too worry, he'd fallen asleep under water plenty of times, apart of his stamina training. That's probably what she was doing. He noticed a man sitting on the edge of the water watching Takara, Kenta put a hand behind his back and glared at the man, "And who are you supposed to be exactly?" Kenta asked, voice could be heard clear even through the rushing water.
"Interesting, but rather foolish for saying that. You shouldn't assume such things, just because you managed to tire down a Lieutenant. And second of all," Scarlett noticed the man flash-step behind them. He was fast, probably faster than them self. "You won't be able to catch me if you tried, that is if you'd like to try." Scarlett turned to the man shrugging, "Speed doesn't mean you win all your matches dummy! The Lieutenant is faster than both of us combined, and I still managed to tire her out. So nyah!" Scarlett stuck out her tongue, next blowing a raspberry.
Kenta took a deep breath ripping the top half of his Shihakusho off which was already half torn. He sat meditating, getting a feel for his surroundings. He had been training for a few hours, working on sensing his surroundings now. Next part of training was stamina, even though he had gained allot more from training with Tae he still wanted to push his limits. Their enemy was no joke, so his training shouldn't have been. But first he needed to do something. Standing up he began walking off, wiping the dust off his torso as he did so.

Walking to the hideout he walked inside the house in which Rose immediately drop kicked him causing him to fly into a tree. "First fucking Leon acting dead, then you! How long were you gone!? Days!? We were worried sick! What were you doing!? Don't ever scare us like that again!" She yelled as tears formed in her eyes. Kenta stood up rubbing the back of his head chuckling nervously, "Nice to see you too Rose, sorry for making you worry...Just went out...Got some answers about stuff. I'm ok, really."

"You better be! Or else I'll drop kick your ass harder!" Rose said as she wiped her eyes, Deuce soon walked out smiling as he put a hand on Rose's shoulder. "The important thing is he's ok, and that's all we should worry about." Kenta walked up to the two and let his hand drop, "Uh, sorry...About not giving you all what I promised. I'll get it later, or atleast try to. But I have something to tell you guys....I'm going to try to join the Gotei 13 again, I-"

Deuce held up his hand to stop Kenta from explaining himself, "Yeah yeah, we knew you would all along. It's just in your blood."

"You're just saying that because you won that bet with Leon..." Rose mumbled which got a glare from Deuce, obviously she wasn't supposed to say that in front of Kenta. Kenta shrugged it off though, "Takara still here? I, uh...Need to talk to her about something."

"She said something about fishes," Deuce replied with a shrug. Rose shrugged as well, then Kenta shrugged. They then shrugged in unison. Rose and Deuce headed back inside as Kenta turned around and began walking towards the waterfall. That was the only place he knew that had fish close to it, maybe Takara was fishing? He loved fishing, maybe he could join her sometime.
"Please do inform the Captain!" Scarlett said smiling, "Maybe he can try it out next! Or my other techniques, I would like to impress him!" Scarlett gave a small giggle, happy at the results. They managed to get the lieutenant panting, plus they bought that their technique was an illusion. Everything seemed to be looking up, though the Captain probably should of been informed of Rio's masochist side or whatever break down she had. Scarlett opened their mouth to say something else but some guy shunpo'ed and appeared inbetween them and Rio. Scarlett crossed arms and looked up at Hirako, he was tall, Scarlett didn't like that. "Interesting, you managed to get the Lieutenant panting while you seem unharmed. You're rather interesting, I wonder what will happen if we were to fight." Scarlett heard him speak watching the smirk appear on his face. Scarlett looked back watching as Rio left, they guessed training was over? Bummer. Scarlett looked back up at Hirako giving a light shrug, "If we were serious you'd die pretty quickly, sparring you'd probably come very close."
Scarlett titled their head once more as Rio thrashed out. Ok, so did she want to be tortured or not? Scarlett didn't like mixed signals or when their emotions were being played with. Scarlett eyes trailed down Rio's body, there was still so much more they could play with...That they could break! And they had perfect excuses for continuing it, but Rio was right, it was only a test. Scarlett didn't want to break Rio yet, it was too early. But getting a Lieutenant to the current point....She'd try the captain next. Scarlett deactivated the technique, once out of it Rio was completely fine as if none of it happened. Of course, she'd still remember the pain, but she wouldn't feel it. "So? Is my illusion good?" Scarlett asked with a grin as they put their hands behind their back.
"...Little girl?...Boy?" Scarlett asked with a tilt to their head as if they didn't know what those were, or rather which one they were. They shook those statements away. Scarlett didn't care that Rio wasn't answering, she was showing signs of pain and that's what got Scarlett going! But they didn't show that it pleasured them, they just continued staring at Rio as she told them to break her body which Scarlett was going to do without her say so in the matter. The chains slowly squeezed around Rio's torso, slowly pushing them in and then loosening once to a certain point. Scarlett repeated the act three times before the chains gave final squeeze, crushing Rio's ribs...But not all of them, most of them though. "Do you see now why I can get information easily? I'm just holding back, lieutenant," Scarlett commented with another tilt to the head, but in the opposite direction as before, "Wouldn't want you scared of me or anything..." Scarlett continued staring at Rio, watching as the blood dripped from her wrist. Scarlett couldn't help but walk up to Rio and stand on the tip of her toes again. Scarlett held onto Rio's arm for support before their tongue found their way onto her wrist slowly licking any blood that found it's way out of her body. "Interesting type," Scarlett commented before backing up.
"You....Refuse?" Scarlett asked slowly then soon saw the glare Rio gave them. That was unacceptable! Scarlett would never accept that from a target! "You tell me this instant!" Scarlett yelled as they made the chains pull hard, then they stopped. They kept doing it up to ten times, as fast as a whip striking forward then being pulled back to strike again. The lieutenant shouldn't have taken it personal, Scarlett was just showing that they could get information, like the lieutenant agreed to. Therefore however far they decided to take it, Rio couldn't snap at them as she agreed to be apart of it. "I'm asking again for those abilities, and if I don't get them..." Scarlett caused some chains to wrap around Rio's torso, "You lose a few ribs...Matter of fact, with every denial you'll lose something. But I won't tell you what, you'll just prepare for it. But you can never prepare for the loss of your life....Now once again, those abilities please."
Scarlett was a bit disappointed by the reaction Rio gave, she kept calm with no major reaction. It wasn't to say Scarlett didn't expect it, as they figured someone of higher status could take a deal of pain. Scarlett did notice a slight widen in the eyes though, so they had managed to do something atleast whether that be shock Rio with the ability or hurt her. Either way, a slight reaction out of a Lieutenant was an accomplishment in itself. But it was time to change it up a bit. The chains loosened and lessened as they were now only on her wrist and ankles like originally. The chains then began pulling, spreading Rio's arms and legs beginning to pull her apart. Scarlett stared at Rio as they figured there would atleast be some skin ripping at this point of pulling. Scarlett was so into it they almost forgot that it was just an example, Scarlett didn't want to go too far....Yet atleast. "Tell me two of your Zanpakuto abilities," Scarlett said as they made the chains pull tightly for two seconds before they resorted back to how they were a few moments ago. That technique usually sent a shock throughout the trapped target's body.
"Hmm, well, some training in basic Zanjutsu and Kido would be useful to you; turn your weaknesses into strengths or atleast make them a smaller weakness." That part caused Scarlett to shrug with a small nod. They didn't like using either therefore didn't want to train in something they wasn't going to use, but there might be a time where they'd have to use it so they'd accept the training. Once Rio accepted the offer Scarlett grinned with widen eyes nodding. “Control, Katsumi!” Scarlett activated Shikai, the brass knuckles appearing on their hand. Putting the bladed part to Rio's forehead the Shikai began glowing a slight silver. Suddenly a cage formed over the two covering them from the outside world, and covering the outside world from them. If one tried to look into the other, pure darkness....Chains were wrapped around Rio's wrist and ankles, soon more formed around her arms and legs then to the torso. "First hand expirence, give me your full name," Scarlett demanded as the chains began squeezing Rio to the point she'd feel it up to her bone. Scarlett held a sadist smirk, obviously enjoying it before it even started.
Do it.
"I see. Well Scarlett Narai, what are your strengths and weaknesses? What skills do you possess that makes you feel this Squad is right for you, or more you are right for this Squad?" The woman's tone was kept stern, obviously keeping it serious and professional. It was good to be when as high as Lieutenant, though she seemed like the type to act like this on and off the job. Didn't bother Scarlett though, everyone was different. Scarlett didn't necessarily like the questions being asked as they liked keeping themselves a secret, even Squad Two would have trouble finding out about their past. That's how they liked it, but the questions were necessary so an answer was to. "My strengths are Hakuda and Hoho, and making people scream and beg for mercy until they give all their information," Scarlett looked upwards thoughtfully before their eyes fell back on Rio, "I don't necessarily care for Zanjutsu or Kido, so those are my weakest areas due to not training in them. I think I answered all your questions really. My skills are for gathering information mostly...And I can gather information very well...Would you like to see Lieutenant?"
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