Avatar of Expllo


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1 mo ago
Current I fell in love with a girl I’ll never see again lmaooooooooo character development I guess
1 like
11 mos ago
NGL I haven’t roleplayed in years but I still log in every so often to see if any friends from the old days hit me up. It’s nice to see that every once in a while
8 yrs ago
I'd dropkick my 14 yr old self
8 yrs ago
People who get excited to talk about music are my favorite kinds of people
8 yrs ago
Positive vibes time! I hope you get that job you're applying for! I hope you pass that test coming up! I hope ya'll achieve what ya'll set out to today!


Most Recent Posts

Zane620 said
"So nice then, if you are nicer than you once were, then you are much sweeter." Takara said showing off a winning smile, as she listened to him speak and then tilted her head. "Well you can try, but I don't know if it will work. Besides you don't really come off at the motivational speaker person. More so the punch them until they just agree with you type." Takara said with a smile, which soon changed to confusion, with a laugh that sounded almost like one that one would give when they fuck up. "About that... I never really meet him, we were always given orders from his trusted friend. So I wouldn't know, but I heard he wears a mask, so he might be the person. Why what did they do? Did they say anything?"

"So nice then, if you are nicer than you once were, then you are much sweeter." There was no use arguing against it, Kenta knew better than to do so. If he were to argue it then it'd just go on forever, and half of it would just be teasing. Any other day maybe, but not this day. Though he couldn't help but smile once she did even if it did last just a few seconds. Kenta nodded in agreement to the next part, there wasn't much to say about it, that was pretty much him. Or atleast the closest someone could guess. "Said his name was Touzo. He didn't do much, just watched you from what I could tell. Said he could have killed you many times over due to that one mistake, I assume for sleeping. Also said he wouldn't let the clan be tarnished by you lazy bastards," Kenta shrugged, being as blunt as ever even when the him killing her part, "You are a bit lazy though, not Leon lazy, but pretty lazy."
Phobos said
"Eggs?" Was Hirakos first response when she stated that he smelled like eggs. He raised his right arm and smelled his armpit, his face showing displeasure and slight anger. He smelled the rest of his clothes, noticing the smell of eggs now. He sighed "I swear, I'm gonna fucking kill those bastards when I get back" He removed his shirt, which was the source of the smell. He took another whiff, no longer smelling eggs from his body. He rummaged through his shirt, pulling out 2 rotten eggs from an inside pocket "Is this any better?" He said as he tossed the eggs to the side.

"Eggs?" Scarlett heard Hirako ask, next seeing him sniff his armpits as his facial expression turned into one of displeasure and seemingly anger. Scarlett heard him speak about killing some bastards which they themselves were planning to do. Scarlett titled their head once Hirako took off his shirt, watching as he rummaged through his shirt soon pulling out two rotten eggs from their pocket. Scarlett's eyes slightly widened from the sight, wondering why he was saving eggs. Was he trying to make breakfast? "Is this any better?" Hirako asked before tossing the eggs away. Scarlett lifted up and smelled Hirako, "Much better!" Scarlett said before jumping back, "Well, show me what you've got!"
Zane620 said
Stopping her shaking she watched him go behind her and push her hair back and squeezing the water out, which was a kind gesture, making up for his little sour moment he had. He took her hand, pulling her around towards him. She stared up at him and smiled at him, giving him a hug. "For a sour person, you are really sweet to me. But it does mean a lot, even though it might not work. People dont tend to shrug off attempted murder, mostly when its one of their own allies."

As Takara stared up at him, Kenta stared down at her wondering why they were staring at each other. He saw her smile, soon finding her arms around around his torso. He raised an eyebrow, he wasn't really one to be close to people in a physical or emotional way. He was warming up to it though, it was a process. His hands found their way around her back but not going further than that, it was still considered a hug though. His mind wondered back to that night that they had slept together beside that tree, his opinion on that wasn't clear, he didn't like nor dislike that moment. He just didn't know. "I wouldn't describe myself as sweet, just...Slightly nicer than what I used to be, alright?" Kenta replied as he looked away and removed one hand from her back, using it to rub the back of his neck. His attention was brought back to her, looking down at her as his hand found it's way around her back again. "It might work, it might not. As I've learned it's always worth a shot...I'm not gonna go on an inspirational speech or some shit like that, that ain't me, but you know where I'd be going with it if I did so....Also another thing," Kenta looked behind him then looked back at Takara, "I think your clan leader was here, that's what I got from him. Tall guy, muscular, mask, tattoos..."
Also, people on that mission.....You get, like, twenty points e3e -whispers- youlikewhenigiveyouthatamountofpointshuh?youlikethatdontyou?
Zane620 said
Hype watched as he saw Hikari appear and cut the log in half, only to run away again when the spider hollow did what he dared hope it wouldn't do. It began having its children by sending them flying at Hyperion and Keina along with the other two. Hype was about to shunpo out of the way when Keina dropped down on him sending him falling to the ground while she booked it, which made Hype frown as he saw what was in front of him, and with an aggravated sigh he ripped the top half of his uniform off and used it as a shield from the horrible annoyance, and when he tossed the ruined top to the ground, he looked at Haruka who's pet dog had a giant as hell growth spurt, and the other one who was beating away spider children with sandals.It was at this point that his right eye started twitching and electricity started flowing around himself quite rapidly as he shunpoed over by the spider hollow grabbing it with his left hand as he arced his right arm back. "For fucks sake, will you die already!"He shouted as electricity amplified on his right arm, making the spikes on his gauntlet grow in size of about and inch or two, as he then swung his right arm directly towards its face.

The punch connected causing the face of the spider hollow to push in and electricity to flow through it causing it to jolt. It laid still for a second seemingly dead before a back leg shot up and shot towards Hype. Keina then jumped out of nowhere yelling, "Break it's legs!" before catching herself on the leg and yanking downwards causing green gunk to ooze everywhere, once hitting the ground dissolving into it. Keina shunpo'ed behind Hype and reached forward grabbing both of it's legs and yanking forward. The hollow shot forward slamming into Hype's gut, but atleast she managed to rip it's front legs off. She jumped up landing on Hype's head then front flipped off landing on the hollow, piercing one leg into it's torso and slicing the other leg off causing it to fall onto the ground. Keina pierced the other leg into it's torso then grabbed onto both legs then began pulling apart, muscles popping out of her arms no one would ever expect was there. The spider hollow then ripped apart. Keina jumped and landed beside Hype patting him on the head. "You tried your best and that's all that counts in the end. Don't take it as a failure, but as expirence," she said before giggling and jumping away before he could hit her. A large red beam shot from the bushes that wiped out the rest of the children that came from the eggs, which were fewer due to them being fought against. Tabo then stepped out the bushes smirking as he twirled his cane. "Well you guys almost died there," he said with a laugh before getting serious....By his standards, a stern look on his face as he looked at everyone, "Keina, good work, you're the MVP." That caused Keina to smile. "Hype, you should have tried harder. Haruka and Sinai, good deducing to get to this point. I expected no less from someone of Squad two, and someone of my own Squad. Alucard, baby boy! Lookin' good! Keep up the work dawg! You'll reach Captain position in no time!"

The ground then rumbled as a much larger spider hollow appeared, making the one they were just fighting seem like a child. It walked over to the dead spider and pushed it's split body back together....Then began doing things that caused Keina's eyes to widen. "So...That's how it had so many babies..."

"OH NO CHILDREN COVER YOUR EYES!" Tabo yelled as he tackled Hype, grabbing his hands and putting them to his face. He looked up at Keina who had already done so before his eyes reverted back to the spider hollows in which the mother had regenerated. "Huh, so that's how you kept coming back....Wow, no respect for the children! Looks like I'm just going to have to kill you myself!"

Tabo stood up and held his cane out towards the spider hollow. Tabo raised his energy which caused the ground to shake a bit, and causing the wind to pick up. His hair blew back and forth as his eyes darkened, his left hand on top of his right hand which held the cane. With a low and chilling voice he spoke, "Pōkā!"


Nothing happened. Tabo blinked as he lowered his energy, the wind suddenly letting down. He looked down at his cane before stomping his foot, "GODDAMMIT POKA! YOU IDIOT! THIS WAS MY BIG MOMENT!" Tabo began slamming his cane on the grown rapidly, "Wake up! Wake up! Wake up! Wake up! POKA YOU GODDAMN IDIOT GIVE ME MY SHIKAI SO I CAN BE LIKE THE COOL KIDS!" A body sized roulette then appeared which Tabo didn't expect causing him to fall over knocking the roulette over. He quickly stood up and pulled the roulette up, fixing his hat and dusting himself off before spinning the spinner that was on his roulette.

"That's more like it," Tabo said as he held his hands out. During his little moment both spider hollow began charging him, and now they were directly in his face, "Red light!" both hollows stopped with a skid. "Ah, too bad, you still moved!" A pillar of fire then erupted from the ground completely covering both hollow. "Green light!" Tabo called out in which the hollow didn't move. The pillar of fire then turned into a green pillar seemingly made from Kido, the others could see the hollow inside the green pillar. "End game!" The hollow inside then blew up, their bits soon turning to ash and disintegrating. The pillar disappeared and the roulette turned back into a cane in which Tabo grabbed.

"Advice for next time, focus more on teamwork and improvisation. Hype flex party masta you did great on that one, well, anyways I'll be taking my leave!" Tabo said as he turned around waving, beginning to skip away, "Sandwich here I come!"

(It shit, sorry, I'm sick >.< )
Keina kept her distance since it seemed like getting close wasn't exactly a good thing with all the attacks being thrown at it....Did that dog just...? She shook her head and pointed her palm forward and spoke, "Ye lord! Mask of blood and flesh, all creation, flutter of wings, ye who bears the name of Man! Inferno and pandemonium, the sea barrier surges, march on to the south! Hado #31 Shakkahō!" The red orb of death fired forward colliding with the hollow the same time as the other Kido, melee attack, and the fucking tree which should have been in a category of it's own! Once all the attacks hit it caused a large amount of dust to kick up around them. Haruka would notice half a tree flying towards her face that was almost certain to hit, that was until Hikari appeared in front of her and sliced upwards causing the tree to slice in half and fly past them, one of the halves flying towards Sinai.

As the dust cleared the spider hollow was revealed to still be alive yet heavily battle damaged, yet it moved as if it hadn't been at all. "Shitty old man, this mission was way too high leveled for you all and he knew it," Hikari said as he stared over at Hype, even further back at Keina. The spider hollow bent over and sent a thousand eggs flying towards the two. Keina's eyes widened and she jumped down the tree she was from, landing on Hype's head before jumping off and running away. The eggs closed in on Hype before they cracked and a thousand baby spiders popped out soon exploding in a wave of acid that rained towards him. The hollow then shot towards Hikari, Haruka, and Sinai before suddenly stopping and turning around sending eggs towards them. "I want to rebuild my clan but on second thought I'm not ready to be a father!" Hikari said before quickly turning around and shunpo'ing away from the area completely, leaving the four alone again.
I forgot to put it back.

I will be just like that!
No e3e
AbigailTenshi said
Lol, I can make like some Clan banners if you want? xD Then Kenra can be in a banner! :o Lemme know if you want me to ^_^ I'll do one for every Clan we have that's known (Hari, Oda, Shugeki and Shinrai(and later I'll do future Clans when they're revealed)) xP

Nah, I'm joking o.o

I already have...Shinrai stuff xD
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