Avatar of Expllo


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1 mo ago
Current I fell in love with a girl I’ll never see again lmaooooooooo character development I guess
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11 mos ago
NGL I haven’t roleplayed in years but I still log in every so often to see if any friends from the old days hit me up. It’s nice to see that every once in a while
8 yrs ago
I'd dropkick my 14 yr old self
8 yrs ago
People who get excited to talk about music are my favorite kinds of people
8 yrs ago
Positive vibes time! I hope you get that job you're applying for! I hope you pass that test coming up! I hope ya'll achieve what ya'll set out to today!


Most Recent Posts

There probably are, but not like that one.

Done what?

No point in talking, I already know how it's going to end up.
Well it fit into my character's whole story, and backstory, and clan, and whatnot. But I know I won't be able to use it, and since I made a story up based on the appearance alone I'lllllll just drop the character as a whole -Deletes-
Nah, because I had claimed Donten no Warau chars a long time ago >.> except for Mutsuki, Shoske has Mutsuki.

Edit: Checked back, I claimed the character(s) a few days after I made Kenji. At the least that was about four months ago, so >.> <.<
Tabo watched as Haruka dodged the pink energy points, using a mixture of her footwork and shunpo to do so. Her timing was well, something that was good. He continued to watch her dodge, and as soon as she got the chance shot a Konogobaku towards him. "Need to be quicker," Tabo told her as he pointed his cane forward and shot out a Hyōga Seiran. The Hyōga Seiran froze over the Konogobaku yet continued rushing Haruka. Now she had to worry about the explosion radius of the Senjū Kōten Taihō and the ice rushing towards her from the Hyōga Seiran. The main reason that he used Hyōga Seiran was because he knew that it could shield her from the Senjū Kōten Taihō explosion, and he wanted to see if she would take that chance.
Galgarion said
So, I'm definitely interested in making a character, but could possibly use some help in doing so I've seen *most* of the anime, so not completely in the dark, just a few things here and there

KabenSaal said
I have seen it all, and made a good half-dozen Bleach characters for Rps like this. PM me what you need help with, and I'll help ya.

Well there you go.
Galgarion said
So, if I were to join this RP, how much reading of the IC would I need to do? Seems like a lot of stuff has happened.

No need to read much, I'm sure someone will give youinfo on what's happened.
Yo bitches, I ain't gon be on for a bit. Don't ask how long cause I'dunno, sorry Hawke for no training rn :/
Zane620 said
Takara frowned but nodded. "Poison in the shape of lips....Well if you say so. And if you want to tell me, you can its all up to you. I wont force you." Takara said as she waved as he left to get clothes she assumed. So she sat by the fire almost dozing off, but she would get yelled at if she fell in the fire she stay stayed awake, only to find herself soon surrounded by birds. This made her giggle as she listened to them tweet on her shoulder and head. She soon saw kenta and another woman coming back, which made her wave at them. "I knew you had a lover! Poison kiss mark my ass." Takara said giggling, which made the birds tweet in response as they flew off.

As the two made their way back Kenta was genuinely surprised that she wasn't sleep in the fire, even more so that she wasn't sleep. Instead she sat there surrounded by birds, some of which jumped and tweeted on her shoulder and head, which she just giggled. It actually brought a smile onto his face watching the scene, though the smile quickly turned into a scowl once she called Lunar his lover. Lunar on the other hand just took a step away, face on fire. "Fucking idiot, I don't have a lover!" Kenta yelled at her, "Besides, if that was true then I wouldn't be your prince charming!..I mean, fuck, no! Agh!" Kenta face palmed, more so hurrying to cover his red face. "She's here to take your measurements and stuff, for the clothes you idiot!"
Tabo sat in his office looking at a rectangle like device he had created; it was something he used to keep tabs on Hikari. So far it seemed he was ok…As in not dead, and that’s all that mattered to Tabo. As long as Hikari remained alive Tabo didn’t care how much he got beat up. His head perked up as a knock came from his door in which he simply pulled a finger back allowing the door to open revealing Haruka. He told her to enter, which she did. They had a small chat before it lead to him training her, in which they were both ready at the moment. Tabo stood up and placed a hand on her shoulder using Sentan Hakuja to teleport them to the cave that was underneath the Squad.

“So, like I said…I won’t be going easy on you, so don’t expect to get hurt,” Tabo said as he jumped back to create some distance, “I want you to shoot Kido at me as you dodge mine. It seems simple enough, but trust me, it ain’t. And once you start dodging I don’t want you to stop shooting Kido, no matter what the Kido is. Don’t blindly do it either, actually think as you do so. So focus on dodging my attacks, focus on doing your own, all while doing it in an intelligent manner.”

Tabo stuck his hand out, activating Senjū Kōten Taihō without even saying the incarnation. He smirked as a bit of hair fell into his eyes, “And one slip up could mean the end for you, but let’s hope it doesn’t come to that.” The pink points of energy then shot forwards towards Haruka, while still being fast he made it so they could still be dodged given enough effort. Most would probably think starting off with that high of Kido would be too much, and too dangerous. But she did state no BS, and he was delivering. Although he did power them down so even if the attack did hit then it wouldn’t kill her, at most injure. Still was nothing compared to what he did to Hikari, the thought made him chuckle darkly.
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