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1 mo ago
Current I fell in love with a girl I’ll never see again lmaooooooooo character development I guess
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11 mos ago
NGL I haven’t roleplayed in years but I still log in every so often to see if any friends from the old days hit me up. It’s nice to see that every once in a while
8 yrs ago
I'd dropkick my 14 yr old self
8 yrs ago
People who get excited to talk about music are my favorite kinds of people
8 yrs ago
Positive vibes time! I hope you get that job you're applying for! I hope you pass that test coming up! I hope ya'll achieve what ya'll set out to today!


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Zane620 said
Takara frowned at him and walked up to him as she turned him around, looking at his scar. "And you are calling me a dumbass? Obviously this giant scar on your back, and you need to wash something off your neck dude. Seriously if you have someone you like, I can stop my jokes." Takara then sighed as she sat back down near the fire. "Yet seriously are you okay?"

Kenta looked down at her as she began walking up. He raised his eyebrows in confusion as he felt her hands on his body soon realizing what she meant with her question, more so when she actually said so. His scar never came to mind, in fact he'd prefer if he forgot about it. It wasn't exactly something he liked carrying, and made him a bit insecure as well, not to mention the bad memories. It was one thing wielding battle scars, another thing wielding scars due to torture, but it wasn't like he'd admit any of that stuff. Atleast the scars on his face were gone though, however Tae managed that. Thinking of scars and Tae caused his hand to run up to his side where a hole was blown through it, Tae somehow managing to heal that as well. His mind snapped back to reality, his mind going off course of what Takara was asking. He heard her walk back towards the fire. He looked back at her, "...I'd be lying if I said I was, but thanks for wondering. I'll, uh, tell you about it later alright?"

Kenta then placed his hand over the kiss mark which he had forgot to do, "...And there is no someone like that. It's kind of...Poison...It goes away on it's own." Kenta didn't know how to explain that part, nor was he going to try to since he didn't understand it himself fully. What would he even say? Oh, I expirence a mental breakdown then some women appears and kisses me leaving her lip poison on my body then I do what she says...Oh, and I may or may not know her, I'm not entirely sure....Well that was certainly one way to explain it, not a very good one though.

He looked forward and began walking, heading away from the area. Another reason why he wanted to leave, he didn't want her controlling him to make him do things to Takara whatever that may have been. He let out a breath as he soon came across a small village, one Rose had informed him about at one point, it's where she got all her clothes. More specifically a place called Kurai threads. It didn't take too long for Kenta to find the place, it was a small hut with a window where Kurai stood. "Head half shaved, eyepatch, looks like a girl...Just as Rose described, you're Kurai," Kenta said.

Kurai gave a small chuckle, "So I am, and you look like you're in need of a shirt."

"Quite a few actually," Kenta replied.

"Shopping for Rose? She's a wonderful customer of mine. Sometimes she sends some friends of hers to come pick up her clothing, wonderful people as well. Though her order won't be completed until a couple of days, it's quite a large bundle."

"Uh, no, I'm actually here for me and a friend of mine," Kenta said as he rubbed the back of his head, "Well, a different friend. I don't actually know her sizes but I think I can pin them down accurately."

Kurai tapped his chin and looked into the air before their eyes fell back onto Kenta, "While I will trust your judgement I'd rather have exact measurements. Every thread has to be exactly perfect, otherwise what's the point~? So I'll tell you what, you take one of my assistants and take her to your friend. While she's there she can measure her, and you, then create the clothes. And since you're a friend of Rose, free of charge!" After Kurai finished speaking they headed further into their shop leaving Kenta alone for a bit. This whole thing went better than expected, especially since he wasn't expecting to pay in the first place. Well he was expecting it...He just wasn't gonna.

As the doors to the shop pushed opened Kurai stepped out alongside a female. She had near shoulder length green hair, a light brown skin tone, and abnormally pretty brown eyes. She carried some sort of box in her hands which Kenta assumed to be supplies. Well I guess we're ready then, Kenta thought as they walked up to him. "Lunar here will escort you to your friend, there she will do what she needs to."

"Thank you, Kurai," Kenta said with a nod before Kurai gave a nod back before heading back inside. Kenta stuck his hands in his pockets and walked alongside Lunar heading back to Takara. He felt the kiss mark fading away, and although it wasn't enough for him to be taken control of it was still there. As they walked Kenta began thinking back to Kurai, he had a higher amount of spirit energy than any normal soul, and it seemed controlled too. He noticed it about Lunar as well, but he wouldn't think too much of it. They walked back to where Takara was last seen and he hoped she wasn't sleeping in the fire.
Zane620 said
"Ooooh not gonna be all flustered this time? You might be getting too use to me. But if you want go right ahead prince charming." She said as he watched his gaze fall down to his torso, which made Takara whistle and giggle mischievously as he told her not to fall asleep in the fire which made her pout. "Hey now, I will sleep wherever I damn well want. if Leon can sleep on the floor then I can sleep on the ocean floor. Also for calling them shitty you really seem to like mentioning them" She said as he walked away noticing a kiss mark and a scar on his back which made her tilt her head. "Hey.... Are you okay?"

As Takara continued to talk Kenta just waved his hand as he continued walking away. She mentioned Leon at one point but the difference between Leon sleeping everywhere and Takara sleeping everywhere was that Leon wasn't risking killing himself...Much, atleast not allot in recent times....That week. Still, his point was still there. Once she asked if he was ok he stopped walking and turned to her. He then looked at his feet then his torso, twisting his head to see if there were any bugs or anything on his back. He looked at Takara with a confused face, "What? Is there something on me? Do I look sick?" he asked with a raised eyebrow before touching his face, not thinking that his scar was a possibility. Did he seem too eager to get away from her or something?
Zane620 said
As she was pulled out of the water she opened her eyes smirking at Kenta as he named off bad traits and the fact he put up with them. "If they are so shitty then why do you keep o-" Her head fell down only to jolt up and giggle as he set her against a tree, with gloves suddenly appearing on him and flames soon shooting out of them and onto the ground. She then listened to him and grinned evilly at him as she did a fake gasp. 'Does that mean you.... Oh my!" Takara then turned her head away and shook her head. "How bold Kenta." She said snickering at him before sneezing.

As she spoke Kenta shut his eyes sighing before he shook his head, more teasing. Opening his eyes he stared at her before speaking, "Shut up dumbass, there's nothing else to it. Just that you need a change of clothes is all," he said before deactivating his Shikai and standing up. "I'll go out and get you some new clothes since I kind of need to go out anyways," Kenta said before looking down at his torso, he knew Keina would scold him for not caring for his appearance, which meant he needed to go get a shirt. He ran a hand through his messy hair before shrugging, "I would ask for your size but that'd just give you more teasing material. And whatever you do don't fall asleep in the fucking fire, shitty hips." Kenta turned around and began walking away, the scar trailing down his spine from where he was opened and closed now visible along with the kiss mark on the back of his neck.
As she floated down into the water Kenta watched as bubbles reached the surface of the water causing him to sigh. He walked into the water and reached down grabbing hold of her shirt before pulling her out of the water. He lifted her up so his head was near hers, "Greedy, teasy, lazy...Literally some of the worst traits you could have but for some reason I put up with you, shitty hips." Kenta shook his head walking out of the water again. He sat her against a tree before sitting in front of her and activating Shikai, the gloves appearing on his hands before he pointed his palm outwards sending some flames flying towards the ground. The area around them heated up. "There, don't want you getting sick or anything. Though a change of clothes would probably be good for you..."
Zane620 said
"And since these tattoos contain little tricks, who's to say he doesn't have one that can tamper with memories." Takara said as she watched his eyes widen a bit causing her to tilt her head in confusion as they returned to normal. She wasn't quite sure what she said to shock him so, but he seemed fine for the most part. he then began speaking about his half assed hug which made her giggle as she nodded her head, her little taunt seeming to work in getting him perform a much better one, little did he know, he was providing material in which she would use to tease him with. When he moved her a few feet away from him and told her that didn't happen, she only smirked evilly at him. "Of course, I so didn't just get you to perform such a sweet hug and then get all flustered about it, yep tots didn't happen." While she obviously sarcastically said that, the look on her face seemed to say, that she was going to tell everyone.

"You didn't get me to do anything, alright? And I'm not flustered, just....Not flustered alright?" Kenta said before reading her I'm going to tell everyone face. His eyes narrowed again before he grabbed her and tossed her over his right shoulder, putting his left hand over the kiss mark he knew was left on his neck. He began walking. "You're not gonna tell anyone about this. If you are gonna tell someone," Kenta pushed her off his shoulder and into the water crossing his arms, "Tell it to the fishies."
Zane620 said
Takara looked at him confused again. "Never heard of him, to be fair my memories there have always been a foggy thing. I wonder why?" Takara said smiling before her head thumped on Kentas chest followed by snoring then a jolt as she woke up. "It really is confusing, maybe he tampered with our minds so we forgot about him? And I was right by the way, you are sweet, even though you do some half assed hugs."

Kenta opened his mouth to reply but stopped once feeling Takara's head fall against his chest. He sighed looking down at her as she snored, his eyebrows popping up once she jolted awake. She really was something....Lazy. He listened to what she said then shrugged, "I wouldn't put it past people to tamper with minds. Trust me." Just as he said that he felt her arms wrap around the part of his torso Takara wasn't holding. His eyes narrowed slightly as The Woman stuck her head over his shoulder and looked down at Takara. Kenta's eyes returned to normal as he tried ignoring the woman despite her hands making their way to his abs. Kenta knew Takara couldn't see her, probably wouldn't be able to feel her either.

"Half asses hugs? How's this for half assed?" He asked as he put his arms around her fully and pulled her close. He held that pose for about a minute before feeling lips leave the back of his neck, next hearing The Woman giggle as she took a few steps back, leaving the purple stain of her lips on the spot she kissed. Kenta grabbed Takara's hips picking her up before placing her a few feet away from him, "That didn't just happen!" He said seriously as he crossed his arms glaring at her, though his face a bit red.
@Asuna: Inactive GMs in general is something that just gets on my bad side. If you're going to make something then stick to it, and if you lose interest then say that instead of making up excuses as to why you won't advance your goddamn story. Just be real with me here, I invested enough time to create this character and post in your IC, the most you can do is not lead me on so I give you my full effort while you give me lazy and half-assed (Mostly just ranting out something that had happened recently).

As for the site it really does seem like updates are last minute. Mahz said he was working on the guild so hopefully what he does/did helps the guild in general. Though I've been slowly migrating elsewhere as sad as that is to mention considering I've been with RPG for quite a few years, but I'm not a patient person and there's only so much I can take....

If Free players want to try something different then I say go for it as long as they keep up with the standards of Casual and/or the RP. If they are playing Free in Casual though then they might as well go back to free. If they're trying to get to a Casual level I'd suggest trying out a few writing exercises (I would give a few buuuuut I'm tired as fuck so Google is your friend :D)
Better hope RPG doesn't eff up again o.o
As opposed to letting it stay as it was? Kinda his job to get it back up and working...But I guess it is nice to be able to actually post again
After that talk with Hikari Himeko decided to head back to the Squad seven barracks to see who would be best in place of her. Her goal joining the Gotei 13 was to find Hikari and help him find the people who sent the hit out on him, now that they had done so she really had no reason to stay with the Gotei 13 but she didn't find it right to just leave the Squad with no one in charge. Walking throughout the barracks she heard something towards the training grounds and decided to go check it out. Opening the door she leaned against the wall seeing Zheng there with some other guy whom she didn't know, but now his face was stuck in his memory. She stayed there and watched the two spar, noticing more and more of the Squad members gathering to watch. Well, they certainly caused unnecessary damage, however this guy seemed good enough. Walking up to Zheng she crossed her arms and stood in front of him. "Hey, this is my last promotion before I retire. You're sixth seat now, meaning the highest person in the Squad currently. Have fun running it." Himeko nodded and turned around, soon leaving the training grounds and heading to leave the barracks.
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