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As we've (privately) discussed though, it could actually be an interesting part of the character that leads to him having a bit of drama at court.
<Snipped quote by Ezekiel>

How so? Rhaegel, the mad and sickly prince, isn't born yet. Nor is the dragon Rhaegal.

Simply mean in having a 'Valyrian' sounding name. Doesn't seem to be done for bastards until the Blackfyres.
The other Arryns are also accepted because they were finished and I missed it.

I made a Small Council character for a super fun canonical role: master of torturers and spies (though I used the fancy titles, of course). If anything needs tweaking, just let me know and I'll fix it.

My only potential thought on this is I'd find it unlikely someone would name their Valyrian bastard Rhaegal at this point in time. Seems like a poorly obscured 'dig' at the Targaryens. Not necessarily something I'd not bend on, just a thought.
@Ezekiel @Sini

House Arryn and Lady Celena Lannister are ready and awaiting judgment.

Both your section of Arryn and that Lannister lady are approved.

Here is House Stark. I considered making Ellard's wife, but that would probably be another two days of writing for a character that I don't envision myself writing very often, so for now she'll just be an NPC. Let me know if there's anything that needs to be fixed :)

Really nice sheet my guy, feel free to drop that in the Character Tab. Particularly appreciate the Bastard giving you a PoV for the Narrow Sea conflict :)
Ruby forcibly dragged me (but not really) out of my extremely long absence from Roleplayer Guild by dangling this roleplay in front of me. I'll be posting one or more character sheets in the near future, just wanted to make my presence and interest known.

Glad to have you!

I love it, feel free to drop the whole thing in the Character Tab :)
Would it be alright if I at some point elaborated a little bit about the captains and crews under my character's control, as well as a maybe making a full house sheet for the Saan family? Although pretty much all other members are going to be in Lys and hence might not be that relevant?

While past games we've played out haven't really touched the Free Cities, this RP might be the exception, as we already have a few characters (and a few more planned) involved in the Narrow Sea and beyond, so fleshing out characters for Lys might still be useful as well as interesting.

Alright, there we go, let me know if you want any edits.

No problems I can spy! Feel free to drop them in the Character Tab
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