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I am also interested in this, are you still accepting?

I feel like perhaps playing a slightly lower born character, or maybe a foreigner?

Main current idea is a Lyseni pirate, who might have teamed up with Daemon in the War for the Stepstones for revenge on the Kingdom of the Three Daughters after they drove the pirates out in 106AC. Could even be a member of the Saan family actuallu, there's no canon members for this time period I think.

Definitely still accepting.

This is a great time period to go with a character with that kind of background, plenty of drama building up that doesn't just revolve around the Westerosi noble houses, so a pirate would be more than welcome. I'd suggest a pirate of some note just to make it a bit more interesting for you, however.


I believe these are the only two sheets fully finished.

Either way, they're both accepted, you can plonk them in the character tab :)
Nah, I think I'll write up an original Greyjoy character. Or maybe go with a lesser house - if I go Bracken, would anyone be interested in playing a Blackwood?

I can always write up a Blackwood sheet, for a non-GM character.
The Canon Red Kraken is around this time. He inherited Pyke a year before the Dance.

Edit: wait, I'm an idiot. For some reason I got it into my head that this is a year before.

No worries. I'm not against rewriting the Red Kraken into this period, just think it needs a little retailoring to do that,

Is this intending to simply move the canon red Kraken earlier in time?

@Ezekiel how closely do you want to stick to the canon? Dorne are my favourite kingdom and would be my first choice but obviously they weren't part of the Seven Kingdoms at this time and played no role in the Dance of the Dragons (please correct me if I'm wrong). I haven't given too much thought to how exactly I'd get Dorne involved but just wanted to know to what extent it would be possible if at all. I'm more than happy to play as another house for the sake of simplicity.

Dorne might not play a huge role in the Dance, but they're very involved in the current conflict over the Steptones. They're allied with a bunch of the Free Cities against Daemon/House Velaryon/Pentos/Braavos and the unaligned pirates, so they're really involved right now.

Sticking to Canon is less important for those houses not tied to the established Royal family at this point, so, you'd have a lot of creativity with House Martell.

Was wondering if I could maybe apply for either Rhaenys or Rhaenyra Targaryen?

The two of them are some of my fav historical figures in ASOIAF and would love to play one of them if that was allowed ^^.

You totally can!

Applications for any character/house are always open until a sheet gets approved.

I understand your concerns in that regard. So keep in mind any of the four rebel houses named can be changed to another Stormland house if a player doesn't want them to be, well rebelling. I don't want to do a peasant rebellion or outsider invasion as that would unite the power of the Stormlands under the Baratheon's, and at the start I want their power to be basically zero.

Still, I don't want to step on your toes, or anyone else's so please take a gander at this WIP and let me know if the scenario is too crazy, and not too your liking.

Ok so, the sheet's really well written and I understand the desire to want to play a weakened house, but there's a few things to note here.

Firstly; House Baratheon is the Lord Paramountship closest to the Targaryen Crownlands, and this is an age of relative stability and peace for the Iron Throne (at least initially). Not to mention the Targaryens still have their dragons 'and' Storm's End is one of the most powerful seats on the Narrow Sea for the Kingdom to maintain. I don't really see a situation in which the Targaryens allow the Baratheons to entirely lose control of the Stormlands. It might be worth altering the end situation to one of the rebellious Lords being installed as the Regent to the young Baratheon heir, and ruling through him, that way.

Secondly, one of the main potential claimants to the Iron Throne, Rhaenys Targaryen, is half Baratheon through her mother, Jocelyn Baratheon. As mentioned you're more than welcome to change canon to play different characters, this is quite an important link. To keep this connection intact, I'd like to offer the solution that Robbas the Elder was a younger brother of both Jocelyn and Boremond (making him a son of Lord Rogar Baratheon and Dowager Queen Alyssa Velaryon) and that, unlike in canon, Boremond died without heirs. Let me know if that works for you.

Very fast! I like the sheet, but I just want to clarify one point. Is her father meant to be the Lord Paramount of the Iron Isles and the head of House Greyjoy or just a part of the Greyjoy house? Mainly just as a reference for someone wishing to possibly play the Greyjoys.
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