Avatar of Fabricant451


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5 mos ago
Current Jenny Nicholson's four hour takedown of the failed Star Wars hotel is the most entertaining thing Disney Star Wars has provided in seven years
5 mos ago
Train isn't a real band, it exists just to be played softly in clothing stores or the few malls that still exist in America. You can't convince me otherwise. RIP to the bassist though.
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5 mos ago
Discord really did ruin everything, now people can't even air their grievances publicly like the good lord intended
5 mos ago
Someone grab the lid before the worms escape the can.
5 mos ago
The real status bar drama are the friends we made along the way.


Look, I got lost on the way to getting some jajangmyeon and it'd be foolish to leave now.

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So glad BioWare hit the panic button and now suddenly Mass Effect 4 can happen for real
<Snipped quote by Fabricant451>

(sigh) What bs anime character is gonna be dlc now...

Literally it's Sephiroth from FF7.

i cant believe mario is fuckin dead

top ten lies caught on tape
And the penis isn't even that big

I'm curious
On another topic what moment in a video game made you cry? For me it was pretty much all of Dragon Quest 11 the feelz were 4 reelz.

Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep and then also Kingdom Hearts 3's big dumb reunion special at the end and then the twist at the end of that because I'm a big soft dumb baby adult.

Also, NieR. The first one, specifically the true ending. Planetarian: Reverie of a Little Planet was basically written to be a feels trip and it got me.

Kimmy Tran was temporarily grounded from most commercial airliners - though not internationally, thankfully, for all those international flights she was totally going to be taking in her life - which made her options for getting to Florida a bit limited and, admittedly, much more exciting. There was something so sterile about taking a plane. Sure, it was fast, but people tended to look at you weird when you spent the entire flight talking to them when all they did in respond was smile, nod, and look disinterested. The incident that got Kimmy grounded was totally not her fault; she had been on a first class flight to Las Vegas where she would no doubt dominate the poker tournament again when the flight attendant made the mistake of telling her 'anything you want is our pleasure to bring you'. How was she supposed to know that saying 'I want you and the tall Superman looking dude to be the bread in a me sandwich' was not covered in the 'anything you want' policy? In her defense, she was about five drinks in, but airlines take harassments very seriously, as Kimmy found out the hard way.

So after the disastrous flight and spending an uncomfortably long time in the back offices of McLaren only to have other flight attendants and pilots mention 'the loud drunk woman', there was an unprecedented agreement between major airlines to ban her for a year. Her second defense, after the 'being five drinks in' card didn't work was somehow an even worse call of "Hey, can't you see it for the compliment it is? You have hot flight attendants and pilots." Delta upped it to two years for that, but she only used them as a last resort anyway. The timing, of course, couldn't have come at a worse time given she was due in Florida in the near future and there was no way her mother or brother would be willing to road trip with her and Kimmy wouldn't wish that hell on anyone, let alone herself.

But mistakes have a way of working out and while she was sure the self important rich people that no doubt made up the VIP cruise that she was also signed up for were the types to show up in first class chartered flights or stretch limos or whatever didn't allow them to smell their own smugness, Kimmy made the journey to Florida in the most interesting way possible: Greyhound bus. Good ol' private public transportation! She spent a good six hour stretch of the trip talking to a senior who had pictures of her grandkids while Kimmy passed off pictures of Asian celebrities as her own relatives. It started as a joke but Cloris believed her and now Kimmy had to promise to tell Daniel Dae Kim that Cloris from Cleveland says hello.

Cloris departed in Atlantic City, where all roads eventually led if you were either old or a gambling addict unable to make it to Vegas or just way into Bruce Springsteen. Of course, Atlantic City happened to be where a transfer for the final leg of the trip happened which meant Kimmy had a good three hours to kill. The first hour she enjoyed a nice, overly greasy bacon burger with slightly overdone onion rings and a chocolate malt that she was able to put a little Irish in, and then by hour two she had the Blackjack table at Bally's hanging on her every word, laughing like she was the funniest woman in the world. She damn near might have been in that gloriously brief flash of time. By the time she was back on a bus, she was six thousand dollars up from when she started. The casino didn't let her put it in singles no matter how many times she told them she wanted to make it rain on some socialites who probably wipe their ass or their coke nose with twenties anyway.

Some people just didn't understand Kimmy's vibe.

Unfortunately there wasn't a Cloris on the trip from Jersey to Florida, and Kimmy fell asleep and woke up in time to hear the driver announce the final stretch of the journey and for her to turn on her music and look out the window as the port was in sights. A smile crept across her face as she turned up her music. "If my life was a movie, this would be the opening credits, man." Kimmy said to no one in particular as she imagined the camera pulling out as her song of choice played while her name splashed across the middle of the screen.

Yeah, just like that.

Kimmy Tran stepped off the bus, stretched her arms over her head, and got her bags from storage and debated if she should tip the bus driver before ultimately settling on giving him a cool thousand from the six she won before he told her he couldn't accept it, gave it back, and she shrugged her shoulders and proceeded on her way towards the harbor or pier or whatveer it was where people were lined up to get on a boat. To an outsider, Kimmy looked really no different from a random tourist. She had on an oversized novelty shirt that had a humorously crude saying on it, shorts, and flip flops and, to top it all off, sunglasses that weren't exactly novelty size but that were clearly bigger than what would be a fitted size of glasses for her, and a bucket hat to tie it all together. Kimmy Tran was ready for love. And to party. Probably more of the latter.

When the VIP boarding was started, Kimmy pushed her way forward, hearing some of the regular passengers expressing their shock and doubt as she handed over her ticket and was granted passage. It took every ounce of willpower for her not to stand at the top of the boarding ramp, turn to the boarders, and tell them to suck it. The only reason she didn't is because she figured if none of the fancy schmancy types were in with her vibe, then there had to be some of the normies who would be totally down to bag it with a stranger. What happens on the ocean causes a commotion, or whatever.

At a glance, none of the people on the VIP deck was anyone she had heard of enough to recognize on sight - she half expected to find some big name actor or someone but they just looked like people who had assistants and appointment books and lame shit like that. Kimmy didn't hesitate to grab a drink - even before some unfortunate person put attention on her for being a Clumsy Carol. In fact, Kimmy took two drinks. It was a cruise, right? A party? A shindig. But before speed dating was gonna happen, Kimmy had to know something.

"Hey, Sam and Diane," Kimmy was speaking, loud enough to carry from her position on one of the lounge chairs, double fisting champagne flutes, to the staffers Maggie and Jack. "Are you two on the list of potential slam dancers or are you two a thing? Because if you are and you're ever looking for some spice, I'm down for being number three in that combo meal." With that, Kimmy downed one glass of champagne like it was water.

"When can I get, like, a mai tai or a sex on the beach. Or a sex on the deck of a boat, if you know what I mean. Hey-o!"

If no one else was, at least Kimmy Tran was gonna have a good time.

Bruh. I have the DW 11 super duper primo edition for Switch but have never opened it. I got purely for the character designs and because it looks like something fun to play when I'm out camping.

Tell me it's amazing.

It's the best Dragon Quest game that they've put out and the S edition is even better because they don't have crappy MIDI music to drag it down on top of additional features like 2D mode in case you want the classic throwback JRPG to be even more classic.
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