Avatar of Fabricant451


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5 mos ago
Current Jenny Nicholson's four hour takedown of the failed Star Wars hotel is the most entertaining thing Disney Star Wars has provided in seven years
5 mos ago
Train isn't a real band, it exists just to be played softly in clothing stores or the few malls that still exist in America. You can't convince me otherwise. RIP to the bassist though.
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5 mos ago
Discord really did ruin everything, now people can't even air their grievances publicly like the good lord intended
5 mos ago
Someone grab the lid before the worms escape the can.
5 mos ago
The real status bar drama are the friends we made along the way.


Look, I got lost on the way to getting some jajangmyeon and it'd be foolish to leave now.

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Like what's Kristen Stewart's breakout role where she is t playing Kristen Stewart. Ditto Pattinson. Batman maybe? It didn't look like much to me but maybe that?

I'd say Adventureland but that might not meet the criteria depending on who you ask, and then I'd say The Runaways. Post Twilight? I'd say Clouds of Sils Maria or Personal Shopper and then most recently Spencer. Cafe Society too but I hesitate to suggest anything directed by Woody Allen cuz fuck Woody Allen. She's great in Lizzie but Lizzie is not that good.

For Pattinson I'd say that Batman is only really his breakout role for people who know him still as "Sparkly vampire" which is probably a lot of people to be fair because both he and KStew tended to do indie stuff rather than big releases. But for him I'd say his breakout role post-Twilight was The Rover which was the first movie he did after Twilight ended and he's good in it. Then I'd say Good Time is arguably his best performance to date with The Lighthouse in strong contention as well. Cosmopolis was during Twilight but is also solid. I think The Devil All The Time is a bad movie but Pattinson stands out because he chews the scenery so much that it's a wonder no one told him to stop.

Proves my point that I rarely watch movies. Since I've never even heard of half of these.

But I have watched Triple Frontier (or at least tried to) and uh...I had the same problem. Not that his acting is even in the top five problems of that one.

For what it's worth I didnt like it either but I liked him in it and that made me not turn it off so I have to mention it for that alone.

<Snipped quote by Fabricant451>
Please tell me what movie proves this. And don't say Dune. (And if its also a good movie on top of it, that be nice too.)

Why would I say Dune that movie sucked.

Anyway here are some movies and miniseries:

The Card Counter
Ex Machina
Inside Llewyn Davis
The Two Faces of January
A Most Violent Year
Triple Frontier
Scenes From A Marriage
Show Me A Hero

At this point, he reminds me of how many people claim Kristian Stewart is a good actor. Like, I know actors are only as good as their directors but...

I keep seeing him play himself. (I don't actually think he's paritcularly bad or anything. He's just the new Robert Patterson in pop culture. Where I always hear about his great acting in everything he's in, in comparison to where people originally saw them. And I (who admittedly watches few movies) hasn't seen it yet.

Both Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson are also good actors as evidenced by the fact that Kristen Stewart was literally nominated for acting this year and damn well should've won.

I heard he's good in that movie where he's like a country singer and has a cat, but doesn't seem up my alley.

Inside Llewyn Davis, one of the best movies of the 2010s and pretty much the last good thing the Coen Brothers did since No Country For Old Men
And I also just read that his accent and performance was *purposefully awful* in an interview. And gosh golly gee that sure is convenient and identical sounding to someone who can't fucking act.

Oscar Isaac is a great actor and the accent is literally meant to be bad because the character isn't really British and is in fact pretending. His performance is far from awful considering it's the best thing that show put forth.
Bodies Bodies Bodies is like Scream for people that can name more than one TikToker.

Bodies Bodies Bodies proves that even in a movie filled with the absolute worst, most vapid gen z pastiches that Pete Davidson is still the most insufferable semi-famous person since Amy Schumer.

The perks of stardom came in the form of real estate. While the alleys and gritty streets of Spikemuth were her home, her stomping ground, Holly also had a rented place in Wyndon. How could she not, when so much of the glitz and glamor of Galar were there. She didn't particularly enjoy staying there, it reminded her too much of the worst parts of Unova and Castelia City only without the ice cream vendors on seemingly every corner. Holly was living in Wyndon as it was the off-season before the opening ceremony thus marking the start of the challenge and what was a thespian-adjacent gym leader to do when not having to deal with trainers seeking their badge? Theatre, of course. Holly was co-starring in a stage play that had its final curtain the night before. One last performance before gears had to shift and priorities changed.

Her alarm beeped and Holly stepped out of the bathroom, affixing an earring with hurried hand. It wasn't in her nature to rush things but the sound of the alarm meant she was, of course, late to the meetup of the gym leaders - and champion - at the behest, more request really, of the Chairman. Personally Holly thought it was all a lark. An excuse for good publicity. Everyone wanted to believe the gym leaders were the best of friends even if they went decent stretches of time without seeing each other. It was no different than doing press for something, an act Holly was used to. It was all in the presentation. Still, she couldn't deny that it would be good to see them. Some more than others. And she knew around them she didn't have to put on airs. She was still going to, of course, but she didn't have to.

What had taken Holly so long was simple: she had to get ready. Her hair, which she had to go full black for for her play, now had purple streaks in the fringe - she would color more of it before the opening ceremony - and she was wearing it long, draping just to her shoulder blades. Around her neck was a necklace with a little skull and crossing lines - a symbol for poison types - which shined with a little purple glow. Her outfit was a bit...much for what was supposed to be a gettogether between friends and co-workers but then when dealing with the ever fashionable Holly a 'bit much' was the standard. Her dress had a metallic sheen to it, there were purple and blue and dark green tones that caught in the light and its neckline was, in a polite word, plunging. It left things to the imagination but it seemed that a gust of wind could make a paparazzo's entire career if they were in the right place; and if that wasn't enough, it was a high-slit dress where the slit began just below her hips. Naturally, it was backless. And to top it all off, she was wearing heels. Glamorous, risque, a bit dicey. Perfectly Holly.

Next stop, the Dahlia.

While she could certainly walk, she didn't fancy walking in this outfit nor did she want to bring multiple pairs of shoes, so she hailed a taxi and ignored the click of the tongue as the driver realized he was basically being paid to take someone a mile up the road. There was no conversation between Holly and the cabbie, she instead took out a compact and applied final touches to her makeup. Eyeliner. Blush. Lipstick. Even a meeting between friends she pulled out the stops. Why wouldn't she? Putting on a show was their job. And Holly was ever the professional.

Giving the driver his fare with a decent tip for inconvenience, Holly stood outside the bar and took a long sigh. Heels clacking on the pavement leading to the door announced her presence almost as much as her opening the door and realizing she might have overdressed for the occasion. She wasn't the last to arrive, at least. There was fashionably late and then there was just late late and Holly walked the fine line. Always fashionable, often late. Conversation was ongoing and this, to Holly, was the awkward part. How could she insert herself into the flow of conversation while making it seem...natural. It wasn't like memorizing a script and becoming someone else. She had to be..well..she had to be herself. And the first thing she wanted to do was get a drink.

"Coffee liqueur." She ordered with her slithering husky tones. "Well...this is certainly nice...isn't it?" She was speaking aloud but to no one in particular.
I saw Bullet Train and that movie is visually neat but it felt weirdly muted in terms of action until the end. It was more concerned with set up and set up and set up that the eventual payoff was like "this would be a lot more clever if you didn't beat us over the head with it leading up to this". Not the worst movie I've seen though. It was fine
I decided to give Elden Ring another chance since I figured the stuttering issues on PC were probably fixed by now with one of the patches. I was right and have had a considerably smoother experience than I did in February.

While I still have my misgivings about some of the boss design (it often feels like the bosses are playing Sekiro while I'm stuck in Dark Souls with their endless attack chains and flashy bullshit) but I am having a much better time than I did at launch both because of the smoother, non choppy gameplay and because I was willing to work with more of the systems in place. I stopped just trying to brute force and frustrate myself and start using weapon skills and playing around with things and found a playstyle that I like. I think the reused enemies and repeated dungeon designs take away from the game but I justify that simply by realizing that you're not really expected to just find every single side cave and catacomb.

I like it more but it's still not my favorite FromSoft Souls-like. That is still Bloodborne.
Why are so many of us so tall and like spicy food

Bucking tradition
Better late than never, meant to get it up sooner but hey. Life happens.

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