Avatar of Fabricant451


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4 mos ago
Current Jenny Nicholson's four hour takedown of the failed Star Wars hotel is the most entertaining thing Disney Star Wars has provided in seven years
4 mos ago
Train isn't a real band, it exists just to be played softly in clothing stores or the few malls that still exist in America. You can't convince me otherwise. RIP to the bassist though.
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4 mos ago
Discord really did ruin everything, now people can't even air their grievances publicly like the good lord intended
4 mos ago
Someone grab the lid before the worms escape the can.
4 mos ago
The real status bar drama are the friends we made along the way.


Look, I got lost on the way to getting some jajangmyeon and it'd be foolish to leave now.

Most Recent Posts

Overwatch 1 is gone. Forever.

Overwatch 2 will not last as long as OW1 did because the entire design doc for OW2 reeks of "if we say it's free to play we can monetize the player way more than ever because long term players stop spending on loot boxes because they have everything already but now with battle passes and the promise of 'regular updates' and 'missable cosmetics' we can rake in the cash!"

The sad part is for as much as gamers cry foul, an even larger group of silent sorts will just pay for the battle passes every time anyway because ohh shiny.

Anyway I'll play it because what the fuck else am I going to play between now and Bayonetta 3
It's not really the topic so it's in hiders

She's never done this, though.

Anyway, I've been replaying God of War 2018 and man I can't believe they convinced people that game was anything more than "eh it's okay" and that's generous.

And despite my ambivalent feelings toward Edgerunners, it was clearly a success. (In garnering interest back into a product with bad PR.) So, maybe now that this is the third time something like this has been positively received on Netflix, they'll make these instead of those shitty live action anime movies. >.>

The greatest trick Edgerunners ever pulled was convincing gamers that 2077 wasn't a fucking trashfire.

Like everyone's all like "Wow this game isn't actively on fire anymore, I thought it was bad!" but forgetting the fact that it was pulled from digital stores for like eight fucking months and no amount of polishing can fix the core of that game being an Ubisoft style open world with very little in the way of actual role playing!

But hey, it wouldn't be the first time fans of an anime overreacted to something!
Do Revenge was a lot of fun. It is probably the best teen movie adaptation of classic literature/film since 10 Things I Hate About You seeing as how Do Revenge is Strangers on a Train but set in high school with a twinge of satire and actual genuine subtle references.

Edgerunners is...fine? Like...it's okay? It's not bad? But in that same breath I hesitate to call it "good". It's very...standard. For a beat-by-beat, plot-point perspective, Edgerunners has nothing new to bring to the table.

See I have nothing to say about this because I think that sounds totally fair but like everyone I've talked to has hyped it up to be this amazing, incredible, holy shit thing and on the one hand I know I shouldn't let the opinions of others dictate my mindset of things (but we all do it or have done it) but on the other these people say that about any anime that comes along so really I should just source my peers better.
The first episode of the Cyberpunk anime was kinda bad in the heavy handed, generic way that was somehow both slow and too fast paced for a 26 minute thing.

And then I saw that it was done by the guy who did Promare, a movie I fucking think sucks massive ween, and then it all clicked.
Eh Brie Larson? Didn't she like do shitty YouTube vids for awhile after that era where everyone just hated her?

The only people that hated her are weirdos who just can't admit they bought into grifts from people who make money being hypocritical and coddling people into thinking that it's not you that's the problem it's the world.

But sure, she makes YouTube videos including ones where she plays Fortnite with others inbetween the whole being a major actress thing.
@SleepingSilence I didn't say PS5 exclusives. There are many games that are out and out better on the PS5 despite also being on the PS4 because of fuckery with distribution. Shit like Forbidden West, God of War, Ghost of Tsushima, Days Gone, and those Last of Us games people seem to lose their mind over.

But anyway they put Brie Larson in Fortnite so I am honor bound by the sapphic code to play that game at last.
My friend finally managed to find and purchase a PS5 (the last one in stock) today. Now all he has to do is justify the amount spent on a console with no games on it...

Damn there's like 30 games on there tho. And even just counting exclusives there's a fair number.

Also this idea of having to 'justify' a purchase with some arbitrary number of games is wild. If someone wants to play Ratchet and Clank Rift Apart then congrats, the purchase is justified!
Cyberpunk Edgerunners is the kind of anime I expected Devilman Crybaby to be. Which is why I still haven't seen it. (All style, no substance.) Worldbuilding is borderline comical. Cheap flashes of vulgarity/sexual scenes in some attempt to be mature. Trope characters without clear motivation. Deaths of main characters all fall completely flat. (Laughed out loud in the final episode.) Predictable nonsense plot. The music often sucked and didn't fit the tone of what was on screen. (As typical for Netflix anime.) And a lot of the action scenes were in slow-mo and lacked any kind of logic. (Fight choreography in general was poor.)

Other than the music this sounds exactly like the game the anime is based on.
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