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Don't sweat the small stuff, it's all in your head
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Back From The Ashes


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I'm holding my Reactions for now to see what happens, particularly wary of the Snail but I can't anticipate what so many different passes of Initiative might come up with.
"G'day Ladies and Gents! I am Jebbek. This is a robbery. Surrender your memories of receiving the best gift you ever received, and we'll be on our way. If you resist, we'll beat you black and blue,"

Zavakri's initial anger and surging rage was curtailed by Brutrumukk's roar and the Jub's intimidating presence. She briefly appraises her own companions with a sense of worry, before the ensuing combat brings her back into the now. She appraises the situations, before her eyes settle on Jebbek and she once again feels that surge of defiant rage.

The best gift she'd ever received? It was upon the ring finger of her left hand right this instant, and the memory was one she'd cherish forever. Nobody would ever take that memory from her.

She reaches within her cloak and produces the strange orb she used as an arcane focus, its surface aglow with mathematical scripture and displaying a multifaceted calculation spectrum. This arcane calculator, as it were, is her utmost tool in manipulating the world.

"As it turns out, The Balance agrees with me; there's too much of your ego in this world, and too little kindness. I'm going to try to stabilize that equation." She says seriously, holding the Orb aloft as a series of formulae glow into the air around her, her eyes once again appearing as the hands of a clock as they spin around and magical energy surges from within her...

Let X equal that ghastly creature's position...

She swung the orb forward, the calculations solving themselves in the air around her as her fingers dance on the surface of the strange implement; each solved equation flying forth towards Jebbek unerringly. Three orbs of arcane fury, characterized as mathematical solutions. She then cautiously steps back, eyes wary for further danger. That Snail was scary.

X=5; Three Missiles. 15 Force Damage total to Jebbek

@Guardian Angel Haruki It's more in the way that, I'm having difficulty with an ideal. I like the idea of Hedonism but my character more or less views life as a game of chance.

This is all well and good, there can be troubled or estranged characters, just keep in mind the core themes and goal of the game. Characters who want to be heroes or at least help the world; purely selfish or even evil characters just won’t fit the game I intend to tell here.
Initiative is cool. Initiative gives me time to read things. Initiative is the Greatest Form Of Order There Is. Initiative is the Ultimate Manifestation Of Law. Nothing can Break Initiative. Initiative is all. Initiative is Omega.
@Fading Memory How would you homebrew Necromancy? In my opinion WotC has not given much in the way of options for Necromancer class options.

I generally wouldn't unless I'm dedicating an entire campaign to it. It's a mess, and the whole table has to be behind the idea.
<Snipped quote by Fading Memory>


I'm so glad to hear someone else likes it. I've heard that book has been a little divisive xP

I don't look into common perception of things I enjoy unless it's purely for a balance perspective. I don't need to read anyone else's opinions if I enjoy the subject matter, because I will make it work for my games. I'm probably going to invest in a GM guild expansion for two bucks that has over a hundred extra class events and random things in it, since I recently read 'The Name of The Wind' by Patrick Rothfuss and fell in love with his wizard school environment, so for me it'd be a focus on the events of school life and personal relationships as a campaign.

@Fading Memory Also Zavakri would definitely be in Quandrix xP

Yep. Facts.

@Fading Memory I have a question, what god represents something akin to madness or misfortune in your world?

Olst; Order/Chaos

4d6 drop the lowest? Or 3d6?

4d6 drop lowest.

Goldmarble's grace week is nearly up, once it is I'm open to inviting you in formally if the rest of the group is.
I don't read anything, I homebrew pretty much everything I do. The only book I've purchased is Strixhaven, because I liked the idea of that one.
You bastard
Bugbears also have extra 5 feet of reach on their turns. So it doesn’t matter.
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