Avatar of Fading Memory


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2 yrs ago
Current Awake O Sleeper
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Back From The Ashes. Again.
6 yrs ago
Don't sweat the small stuff, it's all in your head
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6 yrs ago
Back From The Ashes


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The cobbled street colloquially called 'Market Lane' begins at a corner, where it splits off the main road up the hill to the Communal Meeting Hall. The prominent structure at this juncture is none other than the Hoar Grocer, with its centuries-old and intricately carved wooden frame. The roof is said to have been the hull of the original wagons brought by the Hoar family in the pioneer days, and over the generations the family has maintained and brought its structure into aesthetic and cultural heritage with carving and painting the heritage of the town upon it.

Other stalls and vendors, in preparation for the Festival, have been erected along this cobbled street in front of homes and the local café. At the far end of the street lies one of the town's two restaurants.

Sometimes when one wishes upon fate, fate conspires to answer.

Toby finds herself in, perhaps, the busiest place in the town on this given day. Despite the Hoar Grocer itself being cleaned out, the festival permits the villagers to set up their stalls and barter openly; this means that nearly one third of the village was currently walking this street and being an obstacle to her mission. On top of that all, as the throng of familiar faces maneuvered around she soon found herself in the sights of a vicious little crow indeed. If Toby isn't too overwhelmed then perhaps she may notice in time to flee, but indeed it is the young Odaya Bilica, youngest sibling to the tormentor Weasel at eight years of age, whose deep red eyes find Toby in her moment of desperation.

Manifesting as if from some foul nightmare, the raven-haired girl weaves through the crowd to suddenly be at Toby's side. Staring up at her with a sharp and tangible alertness.

"...Whatcha doin'?" She asks in a drawling tone, jabbing at Toby's side with a finger. "You're always so boring... Are you doing anything fun? It'd better be something fun. Because... I'm bored. I want to play."

Where Odaya was, her brothers were often not far.
@Fading Memory Let me run this by you: Audrey does odd jobs for Hickory, mainly consisting of chasing down overdue(and sometimes just missing) library books from the townsfolk.

The goth punk girl with a bad reputation knocks on your door and politely(but flatly) asks if you're aware that Fifty Shades of Gray is past due, and would you please turn it over now, thank you very much.

Sounds good to me, I imagine Hickory’s probably a favorite among the characters broadly speaking for being laid back and knowledgable and generally having things like that for people to do.
@myrkwise if nobody else interacts with Toby soon I’ll throw an NPC scene at you.

I’m big on organic scenes and people coming or going naturally, so if I ever do something like that feel free to jump in or have a character leave or whatever.
@Jumbus location Agnostic; weird things can happen around New Hope, go crazy with it. There’s mountains, rivers, a lake, nearby forest- even an ocean and a city conveniently within ‘traveling distance’ via ‘traveling for a day to a train station then taking the train’ or whatever, etc. most of the ‘outside New Hope’ bits are off-screen for our purposes, but it’s a typical ‘anywhere it needs to be’ anime town. I do not wish to place it anywhere concrete or ever mention anywhere real ever lmao. If that’s a cop-out my bad, but I’m focusing on what’s right in front of us for this one.

@ERodethe application deadline is the 21st.
@Conscripts the deadline for applications is the 21st of January.
Alright folks, floor’s open. Good luck, have fun.

Edit: lmao I’m so tired today, I convinced myself I hadn’t posted yet and rambled this one out on my phone.
The floor is open to pre-prologue sandbox as I give folks a chance to finish character sheets, or for any stragglers to show up and express interest.

If anyone dislikes my portrayal of their character or how the silly little intro I felt like writing up flows just let me know, I was just having fun with it.
Dreaming Together With You

Summer. The most cherished of days for those who must attend New Hope's squat school experience. The school season is simple, but to some stifling, and the opportunity to stretch one's legs in the summer is yearned for by even the most academically inclined as the period of Final Exams waxes to a close. Free time, family obligations, social headaches...

Summer is the time. In New Hope, this particular summer has felt as if it never wants to end. Days are long, weeks are longer, and the excitement bubbling about this year's Summer Festival has caused the event to feel as if it would never arrive. Now it looms over the horizon like some predator waiting to pounce. The bakery is full force, the grocer's shelves are practically empty as supplies have been bought up, the lakeside is busy with those who are preparing decorations and supplies...

But there's time. The hustle and bustle of energy permeates the atmosphere of New Hope, casting even a positive light over the gloom of the Weeping Sam and making Mount Hoar look a little less intimidating with its craggy peak. The days are idyllic. The village is alive and thriving. The dock of Lake Chartreuse has a particular bubble of excitement; Freyja Hoar, being the outgoing sort that she is, was helping the elders prepare a ceremonial raft for the festival- but is now swept up in doting upon young Stig. Even the more austere of the farming folk can't help but take a break to play with the toddler as Freyja walks with him along the dock and holds him over the waters, causing the quiet boy to smile and wave his hands at the surface as if he wants to be thrown in.

this is not a required scene to interact with; you are free to create your own scenes and interact with your characters as you see fit within the area surrounding New Hope.
Alright I ironed out a tentative timeline.

Tomorrow (The 11th) I shall open up an initial sandbox roleplay period. This will encompass a time nebulous and vaguely ‘Before The Summer Festival’ while school is out.

The deadline I’m setting for applications will be the 21st (the Saturday after this one).

From there, I will start the Summer Festival and segue into the beginning of our Prologue; this will hopefully occur around the 25th, but will be no later than the 30th.
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