Avatar of Fading Memory


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Current Awake O Sleeper
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Back From The Ashes. Again.
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Don't sweat the small stuff, it's all in your head
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6 yrs ago
Back From The Ashes


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@webboysurf Approved!
I appreciate all the interest in this so far. It gives me nostalgia for my early days of the hobby. I’ve got good vibes from the crew and characters. Later this week I’ll likely open up an initial sandbox scene for people to roleplay in as others finish up their characters. From there I’ll set a deadline to finish any character applications, and after that I’ll set the scene for the Summer Festival and begin the Prologue proper.
@Cassette I dig it; you built in a drama for me to work with for the time skip, and built in your own reason for him to have a deep draw to the village despite being an outsider. Approved, just keep communication up for the potentially antagonistic antics he may get into between the other players should those situations arise. Probably doesn’t need to be said but I’m covering the bases.
I've added a few locations to my New Hope 0th tab on the OOC; the Mencia Bakery, the Moore Clinic, the Malcolm Family Cafe, and New Hope's First Bank. If my descriptions need tweaking for any of those let me know, I pulled from the backstories to keep the locations in one cohesive list. If I missed anything on my quick re-skim this evening let me know, I just knew for sure off the top of my head I needed to add those places.
Yeeees, this is what I desire, build the world for me. Good, good, the slicing of the life begins.

Folks are getting things in at good rates so I’m not setting a hard deadline for sheets or anything. I don’t have a hard maximum either- so long as you folks are willing to talk like this and work together, it takes a burden of detail off me which frees up headspace. Realistically once I start the Prologue (which will be the time of the Summer Festival, around Lake Chartreuse) then applications will be cut off- but at the moment I’m not rushing yet.

@King Cosmos I don’t mind some overlap, personally, so since you guys seem to not mind either; Approved once you fill out your Connection.
@Jumbus Approved. Welcome aboard prodigal daughter.
@Teyao The backstory appears to have a name typo in it (it references a Yuri out of nowhere). Once that is cleaned up, William is approved. High energy goofball is on the table.
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