Avatar of Fading Memory


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Current Awake O Sleeper
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Don't sweat the small stuff, it's all in your head
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6 yrs ago
Back From The Ashes


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@Teyao feel free to apply, I’m looking for a wide cast and a large group.
@Gisk Approved; just make sure to fill out a Connection; no rush, feel free to keep discussing things with others, just keeping the request fresh.

@psych0pomp Approved. Truly his jawline shall be the envy of all.

@myrkwise Approved; let's hope this indeterminately gendered and aged being discovers themselves soon :P The polar opposite of their cousin, in some ways. Foils are always fun.

I have added location details in a 0th post on the OOC, which I will add to over time; a 0th post already exists in the characters tab, where I will keep tabs on NPCs.
@psych0pomp I ain't gonna lie this one took me on a rollercoaster. I was out in bumfuck nowhere with no internet just reading in a quiet moment, clicked your sheet. It loaded in with placeholder formatting and I went 'mmk that's odd' and started reading. Got down to the age and went 'cool, cool'-- then suddenly all the formatting snapped into full load. Cool, boxes, letters, this is great.

Then suddenly the image loaded and I got JoJo'd by this chiseled 17 year old giant. Made me laugh out loud.
Feel free to work things out in PMs if y’all wish, but anything discussed in the open just builds the communal environment and elaborates on the setting we’re all building together :)

By the way, for everyone to know, I’ve kept New Hope very location and real world map agnostic. The members of the village are multicultural and broadly ethnic, and the world outside the village vicinity is a relatively blank slate for scene needs.

Basically, we’re conveniently close enough to whatever is relevant and necessary in standard anime fashion.

The only names 'locked' are the names Bilica, Fontaine, and Hoar; you could create another name and say they're one of the old families who founded New Hope, or one of the pioneer families who came shortly after. The village operates on a communal vote, but the old names have some weight to them, so it's not a critical factor but can certainly be a fun one.

As for the rest of the concept ideas, whilst New Hope is a small village it is still in a modern world; internet, cell use, etc, are all valid so having the small town kid trying to make it big online is certainly an amusing and valid idea, and a vet/animal hospital inclined person would also be sensible for a town with a reliance on farming and fishing.

The fantasy halves of the ideas will more or less be universally valid. For those aspects of the characters fill out the character sheet appropriately and let me know what your desire for the character is in the OOC or a DM or whatever. a 'Warlock' tends to imply a patron or source of power, so if those kinds of vibes are what you're looking for just make that clear otherwise I'll be moving along with the basic idea that simply being in Yo'Bikur will eventually grant people powers innately.

Something like 'Alchemy' will generally be a learned skill anyone could pick up, which could certainly be pursued in-character.

lastly, Thanks :)
My goal with the world info is to be sparse and reveal as things develop, but feel free to ask any questions. I understand that sometimes folks feel limited by sparse information, but I hope it liberates y’all to take a little more control of your own characters.

Additionally, I will be out looking at wedding venues for many of the weekends this month; so I may be out of contact for a while on weekends.
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