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Don't sweat the small stuff, it's all in your head
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Back From The Ashes


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@Fading Memory
On the matter of cosmetic changes, would it be you or us creating those. If it's the latter, I would likely want to know what my characters power is before I start thinking about that

This will be all you guys, I’m already scratching my head over NPCs and this is for y’all to have fun with some more fantastic liberties so that we’re not doing a stereotypical ‘humans come in and save the day’ situation if people would have wanted more fantastic options in a purely medieval fantasy game.
Alright crew, we're less than a week from the Application Deadline and currently at a cast of 10! Huzzah for us! I'm stoked to be moving forward and happy that so many people were interested in this idea to join me in this collaborative experience. For those of you currently approved, I'm going to go ahead and reveal a few aspects of the world of Yo'Bikur that are Meta-Relevant [I.E. relevant to us out of the game] so that you guys can go ahead and pre-plan some things and not be totally blindsided by the revelations.

The first is that I will be assigning relevant 'powers' of some description to the characters based on their prompt responses, personalities, backgrounds, and what I see happening in the roleplay during the prologue; for the sake of people's enjoyment as well as the sheer number of people involved here, I will be building a mechanism into those power revelations for you guys to alter or change them if you do not like what you end up getting assigned. The goal is to create organic and potentially unexpected circumstances for the characters- not to create unfun or undesired characters! After a few weeks stewing on it I decided that I would go with this hybrid method; I will assign like I intended to from the get-go, but widen the framework of the revelation method to allow people to grab ahold of their own destinies, even if just a smidge. This is mostly a heads-up and not something I anticipate you guys needing to do a lot of head-think on right away, so that when the time comes IC you're not totally blind to having to make a decision.

The thing that is somewhat more relevant due to the potential speed of reaching Yo'Bikur once the Prologue starts properly with the Summer Festival, is that those who enter Yo'Bikur will experience a physical change of some kind. This will largely be a 'cosmetic' change, with the potential for minor 'mechanical' benefits. This is a for-fun idea that hit me last week to really capture an anime aesthetic of a world being different [and it ties in some of my own philosophy that a changing body symbolizes a changing mental situation]. This could range from somebody growing the trope-ish cat ears, to becoming elf-like, scales and a tail, a clockwork limb- things of this nature. For things like wings or other appendages, I'd prefer if you kept them to primarily 'cosmetic' reflections of your characters' inner selves for the time being. And I do stress that last part there for your considerations of your characters 'changes' when they first visit Yo'Bikur; in the way that Persona 5 had Mementos reflect their spirits of rebellion, Yo'Bikur will reflect a truth about the character in some way. So this is your heads up to be thinking about this :)
If you want the history of the names (you do not need to change it at all, it’s fine as is) the variant ‘Wong’ comes from a british ambassador translation influenced by earlier french works; ‘Wang’ comes from more colloquial national Chinese. Neither is wrong, it’s just that one is basically an oldschool slightly bastardized translation and the other is what a Chinese native would use.

It’s like when a restaurant has ‘Peking Duck’ on their menu, despite the ‘correct’ being ‘Beijing’; a quirk of a flawed history of translation. It was a fun little read and gave me a reason to hit up that friend of mine, who has been learning Chinese for fun.

This sheet lead me down a long and strange rabbit hole of distractions. My linguistic curiosity lead me to a debate between Wong/Wang as chinese names, which lead me to korean names, which lead me back to the Chinese three kingdoms period, which lead to me reading about the insane tactics of Cao Cao, which made me deep dive history’s greatest generals, which lead to me having a debate about Napoleon and Cao Cao with a friend of mine, which then lead to us discussing modern AI art capabilities somehow. So uh. Good job.
I vibe the forum activity so far, but if the crew wants a Discord I would consider making one. If I did, it would be after the application deadline. Folks should weigh in on the topic and let me know what they want :)

Edit; intention of statement clarified, messy first thing in the morning typing went down.
@Jumbus The Weeping Sam

The Elm tree was eighty feet tall, by swift estimation. Its rotted state is revealed by the break in the tree's core; the once great deciduous plant had swayed and splintered at a point roughly eight feet off the ground. This meant that a significant portion of the tree had fallen and snapped through the canopy of its nearby brethren, cascading the destruction of its own fall into an avalanche of broken branches and fallen leaves. Such is the way of nature.

The standing portion of its stump is coated in a rising colony of broad-capped mushrooms, climbing atop one another along the north side of the dead tree and forming the facsimile of a staircase up its surface. Considering her familiarity with the region and the timeline of these things, she can ascertain that the rot must have been set in for quite some time and that the mushroom colony had already begun forming before the inevitable collapse.

In this spot of the Weeping Sam, Rowan experiences a strange sensation in the wake of the fallen tree; the canopy, shattered as it is and broken apart by the death of the forest giant, is opened and allows a much greater amount of sunlight through than is typical of the dour forest. Rather than the dappling of visibility through a canvass of leaves, Rowan witnesses the forest floor in plain, unhindered, sunlight. The tumbled Elm further has broken open the earth, and already has begun to reconstitute itself into the forest ecology with the assistance of the mushrooms- as well as other forest entities.

When she first enters the clearing, she seems unnoticed by a female deer who is making great progress in stripping the upper boughs of their moss and lichen. If Rowan had to guess at a cause of the tree's death, it was the seemingly suffocating layer of ivy that had amassed in its upper branches- ivy that was now feeding the herbivores of the forest floor.
@Gisk Sounds good.
I hope none of you get tired of Nier music anytime soon, because hoo boy am I amassing a lot on this playlist of mine.
The little crow’s sanguine expression swiveled to follow Toby towards her newfound path of least resistance. In brisk, bouncing, steps the young girl skipped at Toby’s side.

“Ooo! He can play too. Hey, Bread Boy, I want to play a game!” She shouts towards William. “Or are you boring?”

She seems to mentally register the reason for this diversion as they approach William and she lowers her voice to a more conversational level rather than yelling over the crowd.

“Aw, wait. Chores? Boring. Boring boring boring. Just like Big Z-“ The Bilica nickname for Weasel; they would never call him that themselves. “- and Gav; chores.” She makes a sour expression and sticks her tongue out as if tasting something nasty. She promptly begins to ignore the two despite having tailed them briefly, and swivels on her heels to look around the crowded streets.

She almost looked deflated enough to warrant pity. Almost.
Lmao she is pretty mean. All the Bilica children are; she’s just an innocent sort of mean who doesn’t seem to know any better.
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