Avatar of Fading Memory


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2 yrs ago
Current Awake O Sleeper
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3 yrs ago
Back From The Ashes. Again.
6 yrs ago
Don't sweat the small stuff, it's all in your head
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6 yrs ago
Back From The Ashes


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<Snipped quote by Conscripts>

All goods. Will respond with a post soon. Maybe wait and see if @Fading Memory wanted to weigh in soon. Although, Rowan will likely be saying hi and then shifting on. I don't see her joining the game unfortunately

I'll post a little later tonight, or tomorrow morning. [<12 hours]
I mean there’s a certain hardship in remembering to tip. Or that not everyone was able to go to Coachella. It feels bad when you remember everyone else is poor.
I am straight chilling my fellow, welcome abroad. Glad you’re still on board. The ship neither stops nor moves for any one person, so no bad vibes from anyone so far.
We were warned. The warning went unheeded. Alas, we were verily struck.

At least Odaya liked being called a Lady.
Bilica Nonsense

Audrey directly intervenes in the perceived bullying of Odaya; she grabs the young girl by her Jumper and pulls. Simeon and Raphael release Odaya, whirling and backing away from Audrey in the process. Thusly, Odaya is lifted from the water- triumph in her eyes as she clasps an apple in her clenched jaw, every bit the struggling-for-air superhero that she thinks herself to be in this moment. She looks briefly stunned to find herself being pulled out by someone else- not having realized the scenario she was in herself- and looks up at Audrey with wide eyes. Still biting the apple. Then, seemingly as if on general principle alone, she kicks Isaias in the shin as Audrey offers him forth. Isaias yelps and tumbles to his knees, clutching at his leg- but does nothing.

"Trade? What the hell are you doing with our brother- He looks like shit." Gavriel points at Audrey in an accusing manner. However, before things escalate any further, Damon appears in a cloud of flamboyance and raconteur demeanor. His words and actions warrant immense confusion from the simple Bilica boys, but Odaya finally spits the apple out and into her hands as she looked down at the jacket now about her shoulders. Perhaps unexpectedly, the first to speak and break Damon's eccentric distraction is Isaias;

"It wasn't her." He murmurs quietly, looking up at Gavriel. "It was-" As the boy rises back to his feet he pushes Odaya back, cutting himself off by leaping away from the girl and to the safety of his three older brothers' sides. Odaya snickers as he escapes her reach, and sticks her tongue out.

"He thinks I'm a Lady. That means you idiots need to obey me, because you're just farmboys."

"As if, you little bi-" Raphael begins. Unfortunately he is not permitted to complete the thought. Passing by Damon and Audrey as if carried by a ghost, the domineering physique of Weasel Bilica suddenly appears; suddenly grabs Simeon and Raphael by their heads; suddenly bashes the two together; then swiftly shoves their heads into the apple trough. He lifts his gaze and silently appraises Gavriel- who immediately balks, nods, and steps aside. Whilst his two brothers struggle in his own powerful arms, Weasel turns his head to Isaias.

"Go on, Is. Freakshow's right, you've got shit to do."

When Weasel releases Simeon and Raphael, they surge out of the water- and somehow, despite his aggressive entrance, the social phalanx of the Bilica Family has formed instantaneously. Gone is all the overt aggression of the lesser brothers as they cower and sneer. Even Simeon and Raphael seem somehow aloof despite the bruises forming on their brows and the soaked nature of their clothes. Weasel remains kneeling and ruffles Isaias' hair, who seems to immediately brighten. Isaias looks towards Damon, and seems calmer than he did going up the mountain. He glances at Audrey- blushes faintly- then silently moves to Damon's side with a quiet nod.

Odaya sticks her tongue out at Weasel- who only seems amused, his stoic-antagonistic expression showing the mirth he allows for his little sister.

"He says I'm a Lady." She repeats.

"He says a lot of shit, 'Daya. Don't listen to any of it. He's an idiot. Just like her." He finally lifts his gaze to look at Audrey. Utter detest plain in his features- despite how truly similar they may be beneath everything.

Odaya snickers, and chimes in; "Yeah just like her!" And she now sticks her tongue out at Audrey. She then, paradoxically, waddles over and offers the apple up to Audrey. Perhaps as thanks for the rescue. Perhaps because she didn't like apples. Perhaps.

I’ll probably go ahead and post tonight just to react to those who have prodded the Bilicas
Forsooth yonder communicative means doth be most fine methinks; Indeed, verily thy forum hast been most ardently fervent and behooved by dedicated presence. It be the envy of the whole of the site. Verily. Squander not the blessings bestowed by thine active nature, fixeth not what is not broketh.

Alright, the plan for this stint with the Festival is to give you guys a bit of time to have a scene or two in the narrowed environment box. Once we’ve mingled and gotten our toes a little more wet with interaction I’ll arbitrarily decide it’s midnight and that the Totally Magical Ceremony To Seal The Demons will happen and we’ll get to the meat and potatoes of the concept.

Edit: lmao, ghosted Gisk.
Praise be unto the Jangle.
Technically this is still the AM my time, therefor I have kept my word.
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