Avatar of Fading Memory


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Back From The Ashes. Again.
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Don't sweat the small stuff, it's all in your head
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6 yrs ago
Back From The Ashes


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The sun passes its zenith and moves towards the horizon as everyone mills about the day in their various ways. The atmosphere of the area of New Hope brightens as the day dims; as the sun sets and falls in the west, excitement bubbles up in an effervescent manner within the townsfolk. The Summer Festival is nigh.







Dreaming Together With You

Art prompted by Aegidius Aurelius, made with Midjourney

Drums echo across the night; the sunset and rise of the moon heralds with it the thrumming of large ceremonial beats. A bonfire surges to life in a clearing, safely positioned away from anything flammable but still aesthetically at the mouth of the dock. The traditional garb of the festival and town's history was colorful and diverse, and as the adults of the small village milled about it filled the air with a nostalgia and longing for times before the births of our intrepid heroes.

The long procession of stalls and tents are lit with lanterns- decorated and painted by hand over the last few weeks- and braziers offer heat against the onset of the night, incense burning from their stoked coals. The lake surface is devoid of any boat save for the Ceremonial Raft, which sits tethered at the end of the dock. The lake is not empty, however; hundreds of additional lanterns float idly upon its surface, lit and dancing on its surface gaily- but casting shadows deep into its surface. Occasionally the silhouette of a fish can be seen. As the moon rises, its reflection can be following across the lake as if it were the surface of a silver clock.

Games and merriment are begun. The Festival is on!

As always, these scenes are not a required interaction, just something to help establish the setting and give easy hooks into interaction

Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmkay. I'll admit, the last week without my computer had me a bit giddy. I'm at about... ~80% done with the writeup for Act 0.5 after a quick revision to tie in more of the town NPCs for cursory scenes. Apologies for this delay, this one's just on me, but I should have it done in the AM no issues. All the hard parts are done; specifically I'm just working on tying together the folks in the Weeping Sam and then finishing my establishing shot of the Festival itself.

Once I get the post out, there'll be a similar precedent to before; I'll have a scene or two to establish the shot, but you're always welcome to do whatever you want and I'll continue to narrate as appropriate. We're just narrowing the focus to get to the juicy parts now.
Entered the Perfectly Neutral Times.
My computer apparently only needed to be plugged into a new outlet so huzzah for me.

I am become writer, destroyer of scenes, ender of the Good Times, beginner of the Prologue. I'll have the post out today transitioning us forward.
Long rambling thought process made short and simple; work rough this week, brain hurt, sleep need. I'm praying my main desktop will be fixed tomorrow, and I should have a free day all day this saturday where I should be able to focus.

I cracked open my laptop then immediately dozed off after I opened the guild, so I'm just going to bed tonight lmao.
@Taka You’re good fam, I don’t mind people being slow or delayed as long as they’re still vibing the game and communicate like you just did :)
Alright, I'm going to begin my writing process tonight. Usually I'd finish it in this one sitting as well but today has thoroughly kicked my ass, so unless I hit a particularly potent workflow I anticipate I'll be wrapping up my notes and posting tomorrow.

Edit 1: Added David and Brown to the Anime Intro because that's where my mind was tonight, once Aleyn is introduced properly I'll add him, otherwise I'd just be distracting myself tonight.

Progress on the proper post proceeding decently, but sleep beckons me a little sooner than I'd hoped. Tomorrow it is, chums, tomorrow it is.
Are the current scenes taking place the day of the festival?

I will most likely treat them as if they are on the back end of my own post yes, just to push everything towards the one location. Generally speaking I do not try to track hard time in my roleplays because it ends up complicating concurrent scene tracking.
Time is gonna get real wobbly in the next few days lmao. My next post will respond to the folks in NPC scenes or otherwise address locations (in a manner of closing them or otherwise pushing people into town), then transition forward a bit to the Summer Festival beginning.
Alrighty folks, now that we have a complete roster of 12 and the applications are closed, I can begin to finalize my prologue plans and move us into a transition sometime next week. I'll set the scene of the Summer Festival and give everyone a chance to transition into it.
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