Avatar of Fading Memory


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2 yrs ago
Current Awake O Sleeper
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3 yrs ago
Back From The Ashes. Again.
6 yrs ago
Don't sweat the small stuff, it's all in your head
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6 yrs ago
Back From The Ashes


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@webboysurf NGL fam I completely missed this post! Nice having you, and godspeed!
I got swept up reading poetry. Expect the later estimate of time for my post, tomorrow evening.

As of right now, I do not believe any scenes are actively hanging on my posting; under this assumption I will forgo my full-cast address that I did in the last scene transition and will allow you all to react yourselves into the upcoming scene as you wish, but be aware that this is one of those attendance-is-mandatory scenarios for pushing the roleplay forward. Once the ball is rolling on these events it will keep rolling until the prologue ends. I'll provide wiggle room in reactions and methodology for the how-and-what, but the end result of my next post will be everyone being yeeted into magical fairy land.
Alrighty, unless I hit a hardcore flow tonight you all can anticipate the post sometime tomorrow morning; conversely if I die at work, expect it tomorrow evening! Either way we’re approaching the stroke of Midnight (abstractly) and the wibbly wobbly flow of Destiny.

I like to imagine it's some horrendous amalgamation of various cultures. for the broad strokes, probably things Takoyaki and Yakisoba, tacos and horchata, doughnuts and pretzels, caramel apples, corndogs, etc.

I suppose a fitting one for New Hope specifically, unique to the town I mean, would be something Nordic like Prinskorv [fried sausages] or Skillingsboller [Cinnamon Rolls] due to the influence of the Hoar family in the current age.
Alrighty :) Thanks to the holiday, I won’t have D&D tonight and thusly have more time to write. Probably. I should be on pace for tomorrow or thursday to move us along.
Rowan might very well be my spirit animal.
I also got strapped this past weekend, ended up only getting a little prep done, but I’m still on track.
I forgot to update the Table of Contents until now so woops, now we have links to the start of Act 0 and Act 0.5 on the 0th IC post. I will try to keep this updated as we all start each section.

I dig the scenes we have going right now, and I’ll try to give them a little more room to breathe, but I’m getting the itch to punch my keyboard so I’ll begin production of the next major scene transition soon to be prepared for it about midweek next week.

Until then, Sidney and Audrey have earned my ire; I’m currently hungry when I reread those last posts. I’m also broke when I reread those posts. So I feel that.
I do not see a need for it at this time to be honest; we seem to have the vibe. If folks all start clamoring for one I could be convinced to make one, but there wasn’t a strong consensus before.

I’m also just a fan of keeping guild activity high, it gives me good vibes to check here so often :)
I’m super enthusiastic about everyone’s enjoyment so far. The activity is stellar, and I really ain’t stressed over people needing time here and there; I’ll keep chugging so long as anyone else is active and having a good time.

I’m dedicating a good chunk of my brain to this, thinking every day and often expanding my playlists for this. This also gives me a chance to expand my poetry and verse experiments once we get to Midnight, because the Bikura do be a people of song. I’m excited for what I do have outlined, and to see how you all fill the holes.
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