Avatar of Fading Memory


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Current Awake O Sleeper
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Back From The Ashes. Again.
6 yrs ago
Don't sweat the small stuff, it's all in your head
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6 yrs ago
Back From The Ashes


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Praise be unto childcare. Glorious is they whom taketh care of themselves and their important business.
@Jumbus Appreciate the heads up; to keep things easy, so I don’t have to one-liner a toddler, he is eerily silent and likes to play with hair and communicates with simple yes/no gestures and would very much so like to be helped in this situation.
I will never regret approving Ambrose.
How appropriate
Alrighty, gonna give things another week or so unless folks seem to be heavily invested in a scene or some such important thing comes up, then I’m going to push forward to Midnight and the Super Cool Stuff we all signed up for.

I’m trying to find a balance of ‘letting things take a natural pace’ and ‘this is the prologue‘, so just let me know how things feel as we go along.
Bilica Nonsense - Isaias Bilica

Audrey makes her points, then makes her exit; Odaya watches her go, swaying where she stands, as does Isaias Bilica from beside Damon- otherwise, once she's no longer a potential issue she is largely disregarded by the Bilicas. Weasel rises up from his knee and brushes his pants off. The trio of lesser brothers exchange looks as if about to speak, but are silenced by a glare from Weasel.

"Alright, freakshow. Fancy quotes. Clever words. I'm not an idiot; you can talk circles around me... But I do have a pretty good quote of my own." Weasel laughs a rumbling laugh, before snapping his fingers- halting Isaias in his tracks, and thusly temporarily forcing Damon to listen. Isaias frantically looks between the two, that familiar storm broiling in his eyes. Weasel continues, "If Is starts to sound even remotely like you, you're gonna be eating those fancy words."

Weasel and his three brothers will thusly depart into the Festival at Large

Isaias grumbles under his breath, then turns and trudges along with Damon. After a moment, Damon points out the boy's shame.

"I fell." He snaps at Damon. "Off the path. Into the Sam."

He sniffs once. Indignant.

"The tree I hit looks worse." He concludes, bitterly, as if he somehow vanquished the branches that struck him out of pure spite. "Let's just get ready." He broods, clearly wanting to focus on the upcoming performance.

David, Rowan, and Assorted Nonsense

The ball lands at Rowan's feet. David makes his invitation. The situation is so simple- yet so very not simple all at once, for without warning or herald suddenly the toddler of Stigandr Hoar appears at Rowan's side and quietly picks the ball up. His white hair is combed neatly, and how he escaped his mother's arms is a mystery- but no harm could befall him in this place with these people, the scarce population of 300 all knew the child's parents intimately and each other as well. Stig looks up at Rowan and silently offers her the ball.
She's literally the embodiment of Clockwork Order. It has a certain vibe, for sure. If she knew there was a Macro Existence of Dice Rolls and that she kept rolling Max Damage on her Magic Missiles she'd have lost her shit.
Amusingly enough, when dealing with Damon, I actually have to restrain quite a bit of my literary bullshit. There's no way Weasel would be quoting Shakespeare like I keep trying to do lmao. This is a unique conundrum of my writing habits I didn't expect to run into (theatrical shit talking), but is pleasing.
I am a prime deceiver. Fatigue gripped me. I shall post after work rather than before. I must make haste lest I be late.

I'm super sorry. I'm so behind. Finally work calms down and now I deal with maybe becoming a father. This is a wild ride but i'm going to post up the completed tonight or tomorrow after work. My apologies again. I hate being this behind.

As for you, don’t even trip. You talked, my based are covered, do whatever you need to do.
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