Alrighty folks, I managed to get almost all of the mechanical things I felt the need to cover written up or screenshotted tonight. I just need to cover Aces and Jokers, then fully dedicate myself to setting reading. The first post is updated to reflect this nearly complete state.
For the time being I will only be looking into the core rulebook and not addressing the additional content in the practical guide to living in the home. If the game continues on and we end sticking with things, I may delve deeper into it as needed- but for now I'm going to keep the loadwork lighter and easier for people to keep up with as an OOC thread.
I will do a more dedicated int-check linking back to this OOC once I establish the setting information, just to double down and try to entice a few other bodies into the fray. However I will not be waiting for a certain number of people at that junction and will swiftly move us into the quick-start adventure so as to facilitate us trying this all out :)
Whoever is with us at that juncture is with us, and if anyone wishes to join at a later point they will be welcome.