Avatar of Fallenreaper


Recent Statuses

6 yrs ago
Current Yes, I'm an oversize child. Deal with it. :P
6 yrs ago
That moment you've got too many rp ideas floating in your head, but you don't want to overwhelm yourself? Yeah... I'm right there, suffering in silence.
6 yrs ago
RP hunting is like finding the rare toy in the cereal box. Doable, but the time and effort is nearly more than I can bare!
7 yrs ago
That amazing high when you realized how far you've come in improving your writing. It's impossible to describe, but drowns you in a positive glow.
8 yrs ago
I love being a terrible person by making my PCs' lives miserable, it's art form that never gets old or boring.


Personal details I've got enough room to share.

Nicknames....Fallen (preferred), Reaper, Devour of lost souls, etc.
Sign...............Libra (true to sign surprisingly)
Occupation....Wandering and exploring the caves of my insane mind
Location.........USA (Lost in the Cornfields!)



Click the links (Titles) below to be taken directly to the thread.

Advance RP

Accepting: GM/Co-GM Nitemare Shape, Hound55, & Dedonus

Formaroth Part 2: Throne of Lies
Still Accepting: GM TheDuncanMorgan

Casual RP

X-Men: The New Era - Issue II: Avalon Rising
Accepting: GM Almalthia, Co GM Pilatus

Legacy of Heroes: The New Age
Accepting: GM Jessie Targaryen, Co GMs Alfhedil and Apollosarcher

Nation RP


Arena RP

None yet.

Extra Stuff Featuring: Flight Rising.

Most Recent Posts

Dark Summonings: Part 1

Location: Unknown
Time: Unknown

A crow shot off into the air. The sense of magic disappearing in her wake, leaving a sense of absence and lure in her wake. Its feathers rustled with dust as it rushed higher. Gradually it drifted even before it rested alight upon a twisted branch overhead. Its strong claws gripped the gnarled texture easily while it flipped about. A feathered head twisted right then left, observing the creature below.

The glossy black eyes seemed to study intently for several moments then emitted a harsh caw.

Around the figures were a small forest of trees. Their bark appeared to bleed magic creating a thickness in the air, adding to the atmosphere. Gnarled branches twisted into menacing shapes to leer at trespassers. Their surfaces appeared to be burnt, but no true fire had ever touched them. Unseen eyes stalked them from secret hiding places while the mist closed in. Again, another harsh caw cried for the vampire to follow before the bird took off flying.

“Ngh…” Katarina grumbled and muttered profanities in German to herself as she roused her form painfully from the ground, and took a look at her surroundings. And they were some surroundings alright. This was no Nevada any longer, that was for sure - or if it was, then it was a long way away from where she and Ben had been- wait. Katarina glanced about, concerned and confused. Where did he go? Where was she?


Her voice echoed into the forests, into the inky mists that swirled and broiled about her... There was no response, except for the cawing of a crow... Katarina scowled at the bird, which appeared to wish for her to follow. Kat, for her part, now very irritated and unhappy at whatever bullshit she’d been dropped into this time, unsheathed her rapier in response, and looked about for any other path. “Hm. Natürlich, there’s only one way, and it’s the way of that damn bird-”

It cawed again.

“Shut up!”

Katarina also unslung her assault rifle from her shoulder… she didn’t think it’d be too useful in this land of magical mystical misty forests, but it couldn’t hurt, right? Scowling once again at the bird, she slowly followed it down the path, looking about for any sign of… whatever was in this forest. Internally, the desire to become the Gheist in the face of this danger began to claw at her thoughts, but she was able to suppress it… for now.

The bird fluttered off the branch. Its wings caught the air and drifted into the sky, the dark shape glided along the warm draft it caught. It seemed unfazed by Kat’s shout as it lead the way through the burnt forest. Its shape wove through the branches, mindful never to brush the tips.

After about an hour, a large set of stairs came into view. The arches that covered the pathway appeared made from thick, black thorns. Each one entangled each other at the very top. They shortly melted away to greenery the farther back it went to the front of a large, stone wall. It gave off an ancient and dangerous aura to anyone that passed by.
Smoothly the crow swept below the arches on its path toward the door. When it finally reached its destination, it tilted its body. It landed on the empty lantern hook outside. The head jerked to the door, an obvious indicator she should knock or open it.

Its wood came from an apple tree. A black iron knocker at the center, celtic sigils encircled it. Each of the grooves filled with vines and grew from within. The knocker took the shape of a crow’s head grasping a ring in its beak. Its eyes glinted with unnatural life, while it dared her to knock.

“You want me to knock on the door? Well… here goes nothing.” Katarina took a deep breath to steady herself, ready to spring into action at the first sign of hostility… and rapped on the door, three… slow… steady… raps. “Gott only knows what’s on the other side of this door…” Katarina slung her assault rifle back over her shoulder, but her rapier remained bared and ready to strike, whilst her left hand fingered her crucifix…

She waited with bated breath.

The door creaked then shuddered. Slowly it pulled open to reveal flickering candle light torches. Their light chased the darkness down a long tunnel. Promptly the crow cawed its warning before it darted from its perch. It flew past Kat, gliding toward the roof where it vanished from sight. Feathers were left in its wake like a small trail on the stone floor.

As Katarina entered, the sensation of being watched would creep along her spine. White orbs intently watched her from a distance. Their owners shifted in the darkness and gave no clues to their true size or shape,. They continued to disappear and reappear in various areas, never very far from her.

An elderly woman stood at the end of the hall. She fell short to Katarina’s height by nine inches, but seemed indifferent to it. Along her willowy form she wore a forest green gown without sleeves and an open front. She wore a white shirt underneath to provide modesty. In the front it was tied up in a corset design to hold the fabric to her hourglass figure. Embroidery covered the pleated skirt's bottom and revealed the white underskirt peeking out.

The light danced along her swirling tattoo near her right eye. Their light illuminated the design etched across the cheek and the whole right side. Her irises were milky white but she still studied the vampire approaching her. She seemed hold an air of displeasure in her face. Grey and black curls spill over her shoulders where they hung off the curves of her wrinkled face.

“It took you longer to arrive than I expected it would,” she finally spoke.

Katarina cocked her head to one side, her hand now on her hip. So, this was the denizen of the land in which she found herself - perhaps the creator of this demi-plane. This creature- no, woman, radiated, pulsed with power just standing there, regarding Katarina with a curious, displeased eye. Inwardly, Katarina seethed - how dare this old woman regard her, the Red Countess, who put the fear of God into her foes, as merely more than an annoyance? Who did she think she was?

Evidently someone who either was strong enough to match her - few lived to this woman’s age with such reckless bravado as Katarina would expect from one who would fall to her. Or perhaps this was what the woman wanted Katarina to think- Stop it. This was one of the fey’s tricks, to bind oneself in skeins of misleading trains of thought, confusing one so much that you barely knew what you were saying, let alone what you were agreeing to. Enough of such thinking. The Gheist’s presence once more made itself known, straining at its proverbial leash, demanding to burst through Katarina’s flesh and strike down the crone that stood before her. Katarina, once again, forcibly suppressed it with a slight grimace.

“I apologise for the brief delay, I had some... urgent matters... to attend to. You know, figuring out where in the hell I am, why that bird was making such a ruckus all the time...”

“Why would you want to focus on such trivial matters like that?” Morrigan asked, genuine confusion seeped into her voice.

She promptly turned to the right and opened a door, her figure stepped into a gothic drawing room. Her feet slipped onto the carpet while she quickly lite a candle stick for additional light. She gestured to the nearby chair for her guest to get situated.

“The bird is actually Ambrose, I sent him to retrieve and ensure the Fae Wilds didn’t eat you. It’s a nuisance when it does,” Her tone held a hint of amusement at the thought.

“Eat me? I wouldn’t advise it do that. Necrotic flesh tend to add a bit of a sour taste to the meal… not to mention what it would have done to the magicks surrounding us.” Katarina sheathed her rapier as she sat down - the chair was a welcome relief after the trudging through the ‘Fae Wilds’ that she’d done to get here. “Excuse the mud. So… doubtless you know who I am, so you have me at a disadvantage.”

“You would be surprised at what types of creatures it has devoured over the centuries. Undead to even fae, there’s little off limits to its wild magic." Morrigan pointed out as she wrapped up her task, her visage turned to face Katarina.

She raised her hand then guided her own chair toward her. Casually she lowered her rear onto the cushion and placed her right leg onto her left, comfortable at last.

“You can call me Morrigan,” she let the word soak in before dropping a bomb next.

“How is my great-grandson, Benjamin?” She asked, her serious tone melted into a far more pleasant one.

Aaaah… Scheisse. Play it cool, Katarina. “Well, if you’re so concerned about his welfare, perhaps you could summon him here yourself? As you did to me?” Kat gave a rueful half-smile. This was a surprise, to be sure, but perhaps not a wholly unwelcome one. After all, perhaps she could use this to not just find out more about him, but perhaps she could assist this ‘Morrigan’ in protecting him?

“Well, suffice to say, he is still finding his feet. More than once have I had to, ah, what’s that charming phrase... pull his boots from out of the fire? But still, to be expected for someone his age and inexperience.” Katarina leaned back in the chair, hoping that Morrigan would at least be placated with the answer. She had to tread very carefully… in some respects, she did not see Morrigan, but rather the old, corpulent Pomeranian Duke Boguslaw Gryf. It was 1585, and the two of them were discussing the future of Thorn… and Katarina, just as now, had to walk a fine line between strength and conciliation.

Morrigan looked at Katarina a moment. The words sank in then she suddenly broke out into laughter, her arms wrapped about her middle. After a few long moments, she wiped her tears from her eyes over the ‘joke’.

“My dear Red Countess, isn’t it obvious? I would’ve,if I could. Sadly his mother and I came to an arrangement. I can’t get into contact with him until he seeks me out first,” Morrigan yawned as if the memory of the deal itself bored her.

She leaned into her seat, her legs provided a lopsided stand for her elbows. Her fingers twined together then she rested her chin onto them. Her Cheshire smirk broke through her wrinkles as she then straightened up in her chair.

A brief frown broke her antics when Katarina mentioned Benjamins’ difficulty. She nodded, and again her demeanor altered back. She sighed before she replied.

“It’s a pity preventing it would’ve ruined things. Werewolves tend to more pests than anything.” She made little effort to hide the disgust and disappoint.

Another thoughtful moment and Morrigan snapped her aged fingers. It sounded like a dried twig breaking. A soft glow abruptly appeared as it floated over to her. She smiled at it while she put forth an order.

“Could you bring us some mead and Cornish pasties.”

The little light bowed and zipped off into the hall.

“You must be hungry after the trip at least,” Morrigan’s tone indicated she wasn’t going to take no for answer.

Kat snickered in reply. “I will politely decline, my tastes are… more discerning.” She looked about at the room - it was almost as though she’d been taken back in time, to a time without all of the glass and steel constructions of the modern day - it was more familiar to her, in a way. Stonework walls, open fires, dim lighting… candles. Perhaps it was calculated by Morrigan to put Katarina in a position of familiarity? She didn’t know, but she wasn’t going to mention otherwise.

“I think, if I may, add my own outlook on werewolves? Untamed, they are little more than animals, more of a nuisance than outright useful. However, were he to be able to harness his power, and utilize it fully, he would be a potent force.”

A small, fleeting twitch lurked near Morrigan’s mouth. She looked ready to object when her attention was stolen and her head jerked to the side. Another individual appeared in the room.

The man walked without a sound, his hand placed firmly on a cane and his gait fell into a casual one. He stopped beside Morrigan’s seated figure. At first glance, he appeared to be a man in his early twenties. His worn hazel eyes drifted into Kat’s direction as he shifted his wavy, blonde hair from his vision. Through he looked older, his features still held strict connections to the boy he used to be.

“She’s not going to poison you, Kat. It wouldn’t be in her best interest.” A maturity and experience laced Benjamin's chosen words.

“You know, I had hoped you wouldn’t reveal yourself this soon,” Morrigan said with a pout.

“Hrm… Well, things just got a lot more interesting. You must be a Ben from the future… yes, I recognise him in you. So then, the point of this meeting has been laid open - perhaps sooner rather than later is more beneficial to you and this world of yours, actually. I’d hate to see what happens if you leave an agent of undeath in the world of the fey for too long.” Katarina sat back in the chair, a pensive air about her as she considered her next course of action, and line of questioning. So Morrigan had brought her here to discuss something about Ben - aye, perhaps his future? Maybe something was endangering the future? Katarina had little time for the games and riddles of the fey when it came to Benjamin… she decided that a direct approach would yield the greatest answer in the shortest timespan.

“So, then, fey… what is it you want from me?”

“It’s a little more complicated than that.” Benjamin pointed out. He then looked to Morrigan who lightly at the name fey given.

“She’s not familiar with your past, grandmother. Not yet." He rested his free hand on her shoulder in a kind gesture, but it seemed to hover above it. In fact, on closer inspection it appeared like he wasn’t solid at all to the surroundings.

His words seemed to have done the trick as the woman abruptly relaxed then continued.

“Yes, ahem. As you aren’t aware, you’re the only one that can see him besides myself and anyone who’s died before. Mentioning this to my grandson could very well alter his future for the worst. Maybe even wipe him out of existence." Morrigan stated, her tone hinted with annoyance the fact. Like someone who talked about a minor issue at the supermarket.

“Eventually I’ll be meeting with him to get him back on the right track of things. I rather you pretend and lie that you don’t see him lingering behind me. Due to my history, I’m very close with Death himself.”

“Hm. Death has a personification now? Well, I suppose that’s the least surprising thing I’ve heard since my awakening. And yes, naturally, explaining what may happen in the future has an unhealthy way of devastating the paths of the present, leading down an entirely different path which may, as you say… lead to unfortunate consequences. But you say that only people who have died may see him- oh. Of course. I suppose I have a tendency to forget about that time in particular…” Katarina shuddered involuntarily at the memory of the leer of the filth Lithuanian pagan that her parents forced on her as a ‘mentor’. He was at fault for everything that happened… Perhaps a sword through the back was too quick a punishment for him.

“So why bring me here? What is it that you expect me to do?”

“I thought it was obvious?” Morrigan’s eyes widened in surprise.

“Can you imagine me having this conversation where prying ears or eyes could witness it? What better place to reveal a secret than in the Fey wild?”

“No, that’s not what I’m…” Kat sighed in exasperation and leaned forward, her head in her hands. “Yes. I know why you’ve brought me to this location, it’s so you can tell me what it is that you want me to do in secrecy so nobody like the fucking Hounds or whichever anti-magical hit squad the mortals have cobbled together this time can hear us, but you seem to be missing the question I’m actually asking.”

Kat looked up at Morrigan directly, meeting the fey’s eyes with her own. “What do you want me to do?” And then a thought crossed her mind. “Or is this just a conversation, a… head’s up, as Ben would say, and I’ve been completely oblivious this whole time?”

Morrigan looked at Ben.

“Yes, it is. You’re usually around me. If I knew you could see something behind my grandmother, I would want to know and that could very well affect what I do. She is asking you to let whatever happens, happen. And never reveal that I exist.”

Benjamin sighed, “She’s not going to tell you anything other than what you need to know. When the time comes, she’ll reveal more when it’s important and influences my future.”

“Like I said, I thought it was obvious. I did ask you to lie and pretend you don’t see him.”

“A-ah. R-right… Yes, of course...” If blushing with embarrassment was possible for a vampire, Kat would have turned beet red. “My, uh… my apologies…”

Ben chuckled and nodded, “It’s alright Kat. Sometimes it’s better to be absolute in an answer when dealing with those of magic. It’s a lesson we will all learn eventually.”

He jumped when Morrigan clapped, her lips curled into a wide and pleased smile.

“Now, with that out of the way… shall I show you to your quarters? I expect you to be staying with us for a little bit and know your way around the castle.”

Kat snapped back to Morrigan’s attention at the sound of the clap, and then hurled into a state of even greater confusion as she heard the words ‘staying with us for a little bit’. Oh. Oh dear, that was not in her plans.

“You mean.. You… you want me, an agent of undeath, anathema to your very existence and the existence of the world around you at this present time which currently probably most definitely is not happy at my presence… to stay here.” Kat blinked. Vampires never blink.

“Ach. Scheiße.”

“She’s… eccentric,” Ben stated as he watched his grandmother jump up onto her feet.

“My dear, I’m not actually a fey. Besides, you are my guest and my followers will respect that or suffer my wrath,” she explained.

“Besides, you’ll need to help my grandson when he arrives. Currently I am waiting for my messenger to return with news and you will want to hear it. Now, no more delaying.”

Benjamin shook his head then gestured for Katarine to go before him. He kept his body subtle and postured in a gentleman fashion.

“After you.”


Time: Afternoon
Location: Lost Haven, Sherman Square

A few minutes after storming out of the garage, Kayla had come to a stop. All that thought of trying to act strong around people like Jai and Racheli and in the end, she felt weaker than she had ever been. Hiding in an alleyway, away from the eyes of the public, she allowed herself to breakdown and cry. Hiding behind the dumpster from the alleyway entrance, the archer had curled herself up into a ball against the wall and dumpster. Her face was buried into her knees as her wails were muffled.

I can’t deal with this, she thought, thinking back to Jai and Leila that she left behind. Out of everything he had done, why did old man Taylor give Jai the job to work alongside her? He knew her the best and knew what would happen if she broke down. So why? All the flashbacks of her getting shot were blurred between Jason and Jai, which was getting harder for her to turn herself around. Slowly, the medications she took in the garage were kicking in. Her shaking shoulder eased off as she calmed herself. The flashbacks were fading away too as her mind focused on her shot cycle. After a few moments, Kayla looked up to see if anyone was watching her.

” I can always rely on archery to get me back,” she muttered quietly, slowly getting up from the ground. She dusted off the back of her work trousers from the dust from the alleyway floor. Wiping away the rest of the tears from her reddened face, she picked up the arrow tube. Slowly, she began walking away from her hiding place towards home. ”I think some ice cream is in order,” she concluded to herself. That and binge-watching any shitty tv show that was on tonight.

A loud scraping sound echoed in the alleyway. A nearby sewer lid pushed up and slid to the side, followed by cursing mumbles under someone’s breath. In a few moments, a woman with short, brown hair revealed herself. Racheli finished pushing the lid aside before she climbed out, twisting her figure to sit on the edge. She took a moment to catch her breath.

Casually her eyes shifted alongside the alley’s interior until they rested on Kayla.

“What are you doing here?” Her voice flooded into an annoyed, unconcerned tone.

As she listened for an answer to her question, her figure was already pushing onto her feet.

Kayla had heard the scraping sounds as she walked away. Slowing down, she looked around to discern if it was the sound coming from the alley or from somewhere in the city. By this point, the unusual things in the city were frequent enough for her to know that everything is a possibility.

She only snapped into attention when a familiar voice came from behind her. Spinning around, the archer saw her friend sitting on the lip of the opening to the sewer. That explains the sound, she concluded. But even so, her emerging from the sewers was unusual. And the tone in her voice… that was something that made Kayla nervous. Despite not showing it, the earlier interaction that happened in the garage was still weighing heavily on her mind.

”Oh hey Rach,” Kayla responded in a contrasting warm tone. ”I was just making my way home from the garage. Will need some time off my feet after everything.” There was a slight pause, causing the faint smile that she had to disappear into concern. ”Rach… Is everything alright? You disappeared in a rush after the nanites healed my injuries. And why were you in the sewers?”

Racheli eyed her up then down a moment. A suspicion crossed her face at Kayla’s approach while she seemed to debate something in her head, finally relaxing some. Her right hand pulled up to the back of her neck and scratched it softly a few times.

“I needed to be alone. Sewers seemed like the best place because there was no one around to pry into my business. As for my disappearance, I need to clear my head. That’s it,” Racheli was careful to keep her replies vague as she walked over to the sewer lid and began to slide it over.

It moved easily and slipped into the hole, the grooves kept it in place. As she finished up, her attention turned back to Kayla. The eyes seemed void of any sense of recognition but it didn’t linger long. Her head tilted away and stared at the wall, her voice continued to talk.

“I hit my head on the way down so my memory is a little hazy.”

Kayla’s body remained in a neutral, non-responsive position. The pause from Racheli as she was eyeing the archer up seemed off. While the woman standing in front of her looked like Racheli, the archer’s gut feeling was hinting that this was someone else entirely. She dismissed the thought completely as she was tired and wanted to go home and rest. But the thought will remain in the back of her mind for her to process later.

The archer nodded at what Rach was saying. It did make sense that she needed the privacy as Midas could still be keeping an eye on her and anyone she’s in contact with. It also helped that Rach was also a wanted person for things that had happened in the past, though what they were was out of Kayla’s reach at the moment. As for ‘clearing her head’ after what happened in the garage, that part made a lot of sense. She didn’t take the metahuman for the sort to try and clear her head, but it might have been one of those occasions.

However, despite the responses given to her, the thought that the person in front of her wasn’t Racheli crept back into Kayla’s mind. And two things stood out to her from that. The first things: Racheli is having difficulty recalling memories after falling into the sewer, yet still have her memories when riddled with bullets? That made no sense to her at all. And the second thing? Where’s the usual tagalong that came with her with these conversations? He always had some snarky quip to fire off at key moments in the conversation.

Kayla had to test something in that case, just to make sure. ”You seem to get yourself into a right state, huh Rach? Hopefully, you still remember my name after the fall, right?” While she was tired and the suspicions were still in mind, the archer put on a show to give Racheli a cheeky grin.

Racheli swayed her head to the side a bit, her lips pinched together. She narrowed her eyes at Kayla before she answered, her tone indifferent to the question.

“Didn’t you state you needed to get off your feet? If you’re that tired, I doubt you could even recall your own name.”

With that, she flipped her hood over her head and began to walk around Kayla. She gestured for the woman to follow her as she answered back.

“The answer is Kayla.”

Kayla was a bit puzzled that her wording of ‘getting off her feet’ was misconstrued to being too tired for anything, even recalling her name. Her eyes followed Racheli as she walked around the archer. So far, nothing seemed threatening about her. When her name was actually said, she relaxed. Guess I’m just getting worked up over nothing, she thought. Perhaps their ‘friend’ just didn’t want to speak to her for the rest of the day.

The archer turned on her heels and began following Racheli out of the alleyway. ”Just had to check. Head injuries can be serious, after all.” She shifted the tube she was carrying up onto her shoulder as it began to slip down during the conversation. ”So, any plans for the rest of the day? No news from Midas?”

“Yeah, of course, you were,” Racheli wasn’t convinced.

When she reached past her friend, her head looked over her shoulder. A suspicious look enveloped her expression but quickly faded into indifference and calm. It was obvious she didn’t believe Kayla’s excuse for the question. The moment the topic changed, Racheli latched onto it.

She bit her lip in thought before she answered. Each of her weaving and twisting movements ensured she didn’t touch anyone in the increasing crowds while she walked, not appearing to be fond of brushing against anyone.

“First off, I’m heading to the apartment to get cleaned up. I’m pretty sure the cops could smell me a mile away because of the stench. After that… no idea, her nose wrinkled at the statement as she waved off the smell with her right hand.

“No one, not even Midas, has called me today. So I have no idea what’s going on with him.”

Kayla noticed the suspicious look. With everything that happened at that moment, she wasn’t sure of what to make of it. But with Rach giving her name, she just let it go as something that her fatigued state might be making.

Shaking head to delay fatigue, Kayla followed Racheli through the crowds. With her head swimming from the crash in energy, she barely noticed that her friend was weaving through the crowd to avoid touching them. ”Yeah, that makes sense,” she replied, still hiding the recoil from the stench. ”I guess we both can relax for the rest of the day.” Finishing her sentence, she yawned, covering her mouth with her left hand. ”This is despite the fact that I’m still wary of Midas not having done anything since The Hounds attacked.”

"He'll do something, but no point in worrying about it. It adds more stress than we need," she continued through the crowd.

They reached the edge, the densest part behind them, causing Rach to glance over at Kayla. She bit her lip and sighed, seeming to hide her irritation.

"So, where am I dropping you off at? There's no way in hell I'm going to let you wander off while you look like that. If you could see yourself, even you would wonder how you're still standing."

By this time, her figure had pulled to the opposite side of the street and walked in pace with Kayla. Her hands had buried themselves into her pockets. The chains swayed with each step and clanked against her clothes. She ensured to keep her hood down while she avoided making her face visible to anyone, even her friend.

Kayla simply nodded in agreement with the statement. Though she still remembers the drones that attacked Chinatown that almost got her caught up in the blast, there hasn’t really been anything from him. While the quiet is rather troublesome, worrying about it now isn’t going to help in any way. Like the saying goes, she thought. No news is good news.

Clamping her eyes shut momentarily to eke out a bit more energy to stay awake, Kayla didn’t notice the irritated look Rach gave her. She then looked at her friend, a little bit surprised with what was said. ”Though that might be harsh, you’re probably right,” the archer replied, feeling another yawn coming on. ”It’s why I’m heading home via bus than riding my bike home. Don’t want to injure myself again.” Kayla noticed that Rach had been avoiding being facially recognized to anyone, but she dismissed it due to the notion of not being seen and recognized. That’ll make things difficult for both Rach and her if people started picking up on that. ”The bus stop I need isn’t too far ahead. It’s just around a few corners.”

Rach scoffed then added, "Better blunt than a liar." Kayla chuckled in agreement.

Her words fell silent while she continued to walk alongside Kayla. The crowd dissipated leaving them alone once more. To distract herself, Rach eyes turned to the street. The traffic moved and people began to rush back to their jobs causing her to chuckle. It died down when they finally arrived at the bus stop.

"I'll leave you here and see you tomorrow. Where do you want to meet up?" Rach asked with a cool tone, her feet stopped a few feet short of the bench.

The bus, as if on cue, arrives as they reached the bus stop. Kayla looks at Rach, ”Well, with us having a day off tomorrow due to the garage being closed, I suppose we could do something in the French Quarter. Sound good?” With an agreement on what to do, the archer hops onto the bus and sits down. As it slowly makes its route, a thought crossed her mind. I guess I can invite Jai along too, seeing that he has the day off too.

Homeward Bound

Time: Morning (Fall)
Location: Fishgrove, Ralda

Fishgrove wasn't like Nyhem, save for the people going about their morning. Among the streets, people cried, walked or stared at the odd sight driving into town. It was a spotted Mao that urged the oxen through the crowded streets and past the gawking audiences. With a sharp jerk of the reins, she guided it to the side where the wagon abruptly stopped. Feline grace showed in her dismount as she rushed to the back and held up a paw-like hand. A bluish one edged out then took Kiseo’s hand, Dyril letting the Mao guide her down onto the street.

Casually, Dyril’s eyes scanned the scene. Like her servant, she wasn’t surprised at the gawking in their direction. It happened in Nyhem and here saw even fewer Elven kin. She coughed to distract her thoughts while she turned to Kiseo.

“So, this is Fishgrove,” she snatched onto the first subject that entered her mind.

“Yes, ma’am.”

“I believe,” Dyril stepped closer to the nearest building, “we meet the guide here, right?”

Kiseo nodded then pointed at a tavern. The building’s stone looked wet, weathered by sea and the elementals. Mostly men stepped out from the doors back into the streets. Their rough appearance indicated that the bar served mostly the working class as Dyril felt her spine shiver in discomfort. She had little again rougher men, but her last encounters of them in a bar did not end well. Steeling her nerves, her eyes turned to Kiseo and the Mao’s returned glance reassured her she wouldn’t be alone.

It fueled her enough to head into the bar.

Several heads turned toward her, their eyes hard and expressions difficult to read. Quickly as they started, the curiosity faded and most returned to their drinks. Dyril ignored them when she made her way to the barkeeper. She tapped on the counter drawing an elderly man’s attention, his hand paused in wiping a used glass clean.

A thick accent coated his next words, “Oi, we don’t see many of your kind in Formaroth. What can I git ya?”

“Directions would be appreciated,” Dyril began to describe the man, revealing he was supposed to be their guide to some land.

“Yeah, I know the bloke. He’s over there,” the man pointed to a wiry individual sitting off in the corner.

Dyril thanked the man and turned to face the table, walking toward it. The man lifted his hood to face the half-Elven woman with a slightly drunken smile on his lips.

“I wasn’t expecting a half-breed would’ve owned the land or I might’ve requested more money.”

Dyril’s lip curled briefly before she inhaled, her expression cleared of her thoughts.

“You’re Smith?”

“Yep…” He took another draft of his ale then set it aside.

He rose to his feet and indicated to the door, “Shall we head out now?”


Alright, I'm hoping to be able to get to work on a post tomorrow. As of late I've been helping a co-worker who's health has been in steady decline over the last couple of months with stage 4 cancer, which has been a strain on me. My boss and I have both been going to check on him to make sure he's still alive, and helping him with appointments. This is part of the reason for my lack of posting as of late. Again, it's taken a bit of a toll on me emotionally and physically.
Today he was taken to, and checked into hospice care where he will spend the rest of his days. As you can imagine, it's been a rough couple of months and my posting (both frequency and quality) have been affected. I am hoping that with this now being taken off my plate, I'll be able to get back on a more steady posting schedule.


*hugs you* Best I can do, but it's the thought that counts. My best wishes for you and to help you though this rough patch in your life.
Hide and Seek: Part 1

Location: Benjamin’s home, NYC
Time: Morning, month after the Wolf Hunt.

Darkness cleared to a scene Benjamin didn’t expect.

Someone’s hands found his throat. They wrapped about then squeezed, forcing the air from his throat. His lungs burned in the struggled as his fingers failed to tear them off. The attacker straddled him, pinning Benjamin to the ground, while the strangling continued. Benjamin’s heart raced in vain as his air died inside his lungs. Gradually, his dying breath whispered out a question.

His voice sounded feminine and faint.


Benjamin felt his assailant smirk rather than saw, his vision sought around any means for one last stand. His eyes found the floor mirror. The reflection shocked his common sense. Instead of his own image shown, it was a blond, pale-skinned woman staring back at him. Unconsciousness consumed them both.

Benjamin jerked upright in his bed. His hand reached up to touch his temple, the sharp pounding pulsed through his head and reminded him he was alive. For the first time in a long one, he was grateful for it. His nightmare’s vivid images pushed at his memory, but he ignored them. Casually he twisted his feet about his bed edge then pushed into a standing posture.

He stood dressed in only his boxers while he scanned his closet. Finally, he picked out a pair of worn jeans and tee-shirt, getting dressed for the day.

Benjamin stealthily navigated into the kitchen, worried he might encounter Daniel’s girlfriend. Something was wrong. It hit him the moment he entered the room, noticing that Emma was nowhere to be seen. Usually, she would’ve been cooking food for his morning meal, but there were no familiar aromas lingering in the air. A sinking depression threatened to creep into his core before he jerked away from it. His figure walked to the refrigerator and looked inside.

Leftovers were usually neatly packed away in individual portions on the shelf. His eyes lingered on the location but found nothing. It appeared they were all cleared away without any new ones taking their place. A strange sensation stirred in his gut as he grabbed the eggs, bacon and a premade protein shake.

He began to make his own breakfast while guzzling down the protein shake to stave off hunger.

His memories of last night were hazy as he used the bacon grease to cook the eggs over easy. When he finished up, he turned off the stove and headed upstairs with his food. The last thing he wanted was to become trapped by Lori down here. When he reached his room, his free hand picked up a remote and flipped on the tv.

The background noise of the news anchor was welcomed routine compared to the night’s strangeness.

**Las Vegas**

Duff stood outside Ben’s room. His knuckles were white as they banged on the door for the tenth time, no one answering it. The wolf’s instinct snarled something was wrong causing Duff’s impatience to get the better of him. He glanced around then subtly jerked the handle, breaking it in a subtle movement. As the door open, Duff glanced inside. Nothing was amiss at first until the older wolf’s eyes focused onto the bed. It looked like it had been barely slept in.

Two scents hit Duff immediately. One was Ben’s, but the other he was not familiar with. A younger boy who’s natural musk mingled with sterilization agents and something he couldn’t place. The wolf’s upper lip curled into a snarl before he snorted.

He edged deeper in, checking the room.

“Benjamin? Are you ready to go?”


There was no scent leading out so Ben didn’t leave through the door. In fact, the smell abruptly stopped in front of a wall and then nothing. Not happy about the unknown, Duff reached for his cell phone and texted the contact number Barron gave him.

‘Benjamin is missing.’
Kindness Is A Strange Creature

Location: Nyhem Warehouse
Time: Afternoon, 2 weeks after Claus’ incident with Jain.
Collab with: @SunderedEcho

The salt air and bubbling foam behind the docks assaulted Dyril. Rowdy dogs barked at lazy cats, the scent of the morning catch draw a wrinkle from her nose. Unlike Arianna, the half-elf preferred solid ground rather than a rocking ship beneath her feet. Her shoes darted across the waterlogged planks as she made her way toward Arianna’s ship, the Sunfury.

It was distinct enough without the name. The only Catamaran in the harbor, but Dyril had trouble finding it the first time. She didn’t exactly know her ships very well. Now she could find it with her eyes closed.

She walked past the dockmaster into the piers, the stout and short man merely glancing her way. He only took note, jotting her name down, then snapped the registry shut. Dyril had paid a fair price for the ability to come and go willingly. The fact she knew a VIP’s daughter helped too. Her idle thoughts were pushed aside as she began to walk right up to the Sunfury’s ramp before stalling at the end. Men and women, trained and used to sea life, trampled about the deck above her. They hoisted ropes, pulled sails upward, and casually mopped the surface clear of any salty remains. No movement wasted any energy beyond the work.

Upon first arriving, Dyril quickly realized Arianna had her crew well educated in her expectations. It brought heavy respect in her heart to see it.

Patiently, Dyril waited at the side for Arianna to show up. Men rolled thick barrels filled with supplies onto the ship and carefully navigated around her.

Several more minutes passed before Arianna arrived. The crew respectfully ignored the guest aboard the ship, a privilege granted to few on the advanced Summer Isles navy vessels. They were used to their captain allowing this particular guest aboard by now, and even they understood that the Elves had little to learn from close observation of even Formaroth’s most advanced ships.

When she finally did arrive, she stalked up the ramp with a scowl on her face. She was clutching some parchments with official-looking seals on them in one hand. As she set foot on the deck of the ship, one of her crew approached and she handed the parchments to him.

Naturally, Dyril observed it, but she decided not to inquire or comment on it. Some matters were best left alone. This was a fact she had come to learn within Formaroth, mainly the differences between human and Elven culture. Humans had less value on reputation than her family ever did.

Her mind drifted to her current situation. She had little to no idea how to retrieve her goods from Mr. Surya, a man with heavy racism toward anything resembling an Elf. This complicated things for her since she highly doubted a simple receipt could prevent him from extorting further money from her.

She let the thought float away when her peripheral vision caught Arianna approach her. Dyril’s lips curled into a smile, eager for the distraction from her gloom.

“I assume you have everything sorted out and ready to be off?” She asked in a cheerful tone.

Arianna, still in a sour mood, exasperatedly exclaimed “The accursed dockmaster was withholding vital supplies! Apparently, the new Imperial Naval Administration has priority on ammunition and quality timbers now, and the Summer Isles Navy has to wait!” She forcibly stopped herself as she noticed sidelong glances coming from some of her crew.

She took a moment to breathe, then carried on, finally letting the presence of her friend cheer her up somewhat. “It's just administrative difficulty. You know how it is, bureaucracies always take forever to adapt to change. How are you this fine day Dyril?”

“Indeed. Let me guess, the man’s name is Mr. Surya?” Dyril’s tone took a hint of bitterness, through only Arianna was close enough to catch it.

“No…” Arianna said after a moment. “Didn’t you hear? One Jain Surya destroyed a warehouse and disappeared a few days ago. Apparently, he is quite the mage. And quite the rogue. No, my troubles come from a much more mundane source. The Summer Isles Navy has always had priority resupply rights, but some overly patriotic buffoons in the Naval supply yards have declared that the Imperial Navy comes first now. So their overly gaudy Galleys can get all the supplies while they sit idle in their docks. Ha!”

Arianna was still clearly annoyed but had noticed how Dyril had mentioned Surya. She would have to follow up on that now.

Dyril’s head tilted then turned to her friend, her eyes studied the sea woman for a moment.

“Actually, no. I knew there was an incident on the docks, but beyond that, there was little information,” Dyril commented.

She was secretly relieved she would never have to deal with that pompous ass again. Maybe it would make getting her goods out of lock and key easier, but she held doubts about it. Things were never that simple. She inhaled then gripped the ship’s banister, pushing off it.

“It sounds like you could use some fun or at least time away from the issue,” Dyril observed, her tone considerably lighter now.

Arianna smiled at her friend then, sounding somewhat relieved. “Yes. Yes, I could. Did you have anything in mind? More spearfishing perhaps?”

Dyril’s figure turned about to face her friend. A thought crossed her mind as she looked into the eyes, realizing how pretty they were. Discarding the thought, her mind returned to the words she wanted to say.

“I think I’ll still spear a rock like last time. I don’t think we ever got that fixed as it was lodged pretty deeply,” Dyril noted, amused by the memory.

“However, if you really want to… I could try to avoid hitting a rock this time.”

A huge grin began to creep over Arianna’s face at the memory of their last expedition. The half-elf had been so earnest in trying to learn to fish, but some people just weren’t cut out for it - to an amusing result.

“Maybe not then.” She said mirthfully. “I seem to remember you promising to show me some enchanted things last time we met…”

“Considering I can likely get my stock out of the warehouse now, that is a considerably more appealing idea,” Dyril smiled, her figure moved from the banister toward the gangplank.

It wasn’t a far walk as they entered onto the pier and made their way into the local warehouse. Torches and cracks in the panels created eerie shadows on both of them. Casually, Dyril took one for better light. She scanned the various carvings on the wooden surfaces. Each label was written in Elven, the crude symbols were alien to anyone ignorant of their meaning.

She passed by the first box, then the second and finally came to rest at the last one. Dyril blew off the collected dust to ensure it was the correct one. A smile crept along her face as she turned back to Arianna, explaining her behavior.

“Sorry for the wait, I had to find the right crate. Can you pass me the crowbar, please?”

Arianna looked around and spotted an iron crowbar on a wall. She picked it off its shelf and moved over to where Dyril was standing, looking curiously at the crates.

“My Elven is a bit shabby… Haven’t needed to polish it up in a long time.” She pointed to one of the other crates. “Does that say potions? What sort of things do you have in there? Any love potions? We could have some fun with those…”

Dyril stopped dead in her tracks, her head jerked into her friend’s direction. For a moment, she wasn’t sure what to say. There were no ‘love’ potions in the manifest. In truth, there were no such things. The closest things were brews that could make one attracted to your scent and commonly used among the upper class’s young singles to pursue suitors.

Curious to see if Arianna was correct, Dyril drew closer and looked over the woman’s shoulder. She fought a snicker at the incorrect translation of the label.

“I think you and I can likely work on your Elven if you wish? That says healing amulets,” Dyril gently corrected.

“Are you curious to how they work?”

“Oh.” Arianna replied, initially disappointed. “Sure. We can look at these now, and the Elven later.” Then her face was split with a big silly grin. “But the look on your face… Absolutely worth it. Adorable.”

Dyril felt the heat in her cheeks, her denim blue skin turned a hint darker.

“Please, that’s not funny. I’m not adorable, at least by anyone’s standards,” Dyril claimed as she recalled painful memories.

“Sure you are.” Arianna said, moving to the Crate, crowbar in hand. She had a feeling she knew why Dyril might make such a comment. “You should see what some of the Summer Island youth do to get attention.” She laughed, reminiscing to her days in the Circle. “Young mages and illusion magic… combined with a lot of drink. It's quite the show. You’re positively mundane next to that pageantry.”

She stepped back so Dyril could get at the crate. “The Summer Isles are very accepting of the strange and wonderful you know. I think you’d like it there.”

Dyril took the crowbar, her eyes avoided Arianna for a moment. She pushed the tool’s end into the wooden lid’s edge and began to wiggle it back then forth.

“Yes, but I don’t have a gift like you. I can’t cast magic or do interesting things. I can only do crude replications of your art with items using mandrake oil and assistance, which is rather common for my culture,” Dyril admitted, feeling the words pour from her.

“To be frank, there are actually very few places a hybrid like myself actually fits in. Unless you count a brothel.”

Arianna looked at Dyril then, with an incredulous expression. “Maybe in your homeland, but here in Formaroth, you’re even more special than me. That skillset of yours is unique. Not a single another soul anywhere else on this continent can give the gift of magic to those born without.”

Dyril paused in her efforts to pry the lid open. Her hand shifted a few strands of her curly, black hair from her vision as she observed her friend. Arianna wasn’t a born or trained liar. The words were sincere causing surprise to enter her eyes, widening at Arianna’s words. She wasn’t sure what to say. Unique, at least in appearance, was frowned on back home, but here it was seen to be exotic and interesting.

“I’m… I’m not sure how to react. The catch to that, if I don’t get the mandrakes growing on the continent then it’s unlikely I’ll be able to give magic to anyone,” Dyril sighed then shook the thought away.

“For what it’s worth, it does warm my heart that you value me at least.”

She resumed pushing the crowbar, but the lid wasn’t budging. Even though the strained grunting, it was easy to tell Dyril lacked the strength and finally submitted defeat by turning to Arianna.

“Can you help me?” She quietly asked.

Arianna simply smiled and stepped closer, taking the crowbar in her hands and, with a single forceful motion, wrenching the crate open. Like all sailers, she was use to climbing rigging and lifting heavy things in high seas, so it was no trouble for her.

“Of course Dyril. You’re my friend. And I’m sure you’ll get the Mandrakes growing somewhere.”

“Aside from Kiseo, I’ve never had a friend before. It’s a bit odd,” Dyril said as she digested the words, considering what it meant.

As she flinched at the wrench of the wood giving into Arianna’s will, she considered her long task ahead of her.

“I managed to obtain some land in Ralda. It will actually be an interesting experience for me,” she recalled the information she learned through her mother’s unsent letters.

Her human family had owned the region after all and it laid toward the east, rather close to the coast.

“Ralda?” Arianna said, more stating than asking. “That is only a short sail from the Isles. Is your land anywhere near the coast?” She lifted the lid from the crate and stepped aside so Dyril could get to its contents.

“I’m still learning the geography of this continent, but I think it is. I’ll have to correct that information when I arrive,” Dyril quietly said, fighting the urge to grumble about her oversight.

She stepped forward to pull out a single, ruby with a piece of twine and leather braided through it. It was designed to hang at the wrist. Despite appearances, the twine was enchanted to hold tightly to the individual’s wrist and resist any attempts to cut it off. Sadly it didn’t protect the hand from being severed off.

When Dyril turned to look at Arianna and bit her lip.

“This works better on cuts and slices, but I have seen it ease sickness. The bad part, I don’t think either of us are physically wounded. So the effects will be felt, but they won’t do anything.”

Listening carefully, Arianna’s face took on a mischievous expression. “It works well on cuts? I trust you.” She said.

It was then she pulled her shortsword half from its sheath and gently ran her palm across it. She winced slightly, then let the sword fall back into its sheath. Promptly holding forth her hand, she looked expectantly at Dyril.

The half-elf froze in place. Her narrow eyes widened in surprise and instinctively her right foot stepped back when the weapon was drawn. She fought the rising flinch when she watched Arianna’s sword slice through her own palm, unfamiliar with someone performing self-inflicting wounds.

Taking a moment to collect her panic and shove it back into its box, Dyril stepped forward. Her breath muttered a few elven words found engraved on the gem. It glowed red as she took the cut hand into her own. She let the light bath the wound, the glow hyper-focused on the thin line and tingling began to surface underneath the skin. The sensation spread from one end of the wound to the other before Arianna could feel her flesh start to mend itself. In a few moments, the hand became good as new.

Dyril admired her work before she released a smile. Both relief and enjoyment mingled with each other on her face, breaking her usually a stoic expression.

“How do you feel?” She asked.

Arianna looked down at her hand, turning it over once and then looking back at her palm. The slice was totally gone. “Impressed.” She said. “That was remarkably swift. Make enough of these and you’ll put the city healers out of a job completely.” She grinned. “Are these really common in Beilokias?”

“The wealthier Elves prefer mage care. These tend to be used for day to day wounds. I did mention appearance was an important part of our culture which means flaws not associated with battle or benefit toward the Imperial, is devaluing for the individual,” Dyril explained, noting that individuals that bore such marks were often slaves, criminals or the poor.

She edged back to the crate, still speaking as she lifted the lid, “Even with the praise, they have their limitations. They take a lengthy time to develop and when the magic is used up, they are completely useless. It’s why mages hold such value, even as slaves.”

Dyril paused a moment, her hand held the trinket and a thought crossed her heart. Gently she closed the lid without returning it to the crate then presented it to Arianna.

“You seem fond of hurting yourself, I think it might be best if you hold on this one. Consider it a gift.”

Arianna laughed, amused by the remarkably prescient comment. “Oh if you only knew. I’m sure the ship's healer will be happy not having to see me as often.” She grinned and took the trinket from Dyril, placing it in one of the pouches on her belt. “Thank you.” She added quickly.

Dyril took a moment to process the words, her expression revealed some of her surprise at the comment. Quickly her mask came back down as she nodded, a silent welcome toward her newfound friend. The hybrid took a moment to actually glance around then spoke again.

“So, would you accept an invitation back to the Inn I’m staying at? We can order some something to drink and you can tell me all about the Isles you mentioned earlier.”

“Of course.” Arianna said. “I’m always happy to talk about my homeland. Especially with someone who doesn’t care about the politics involved…” She smiled, gesturing for Dyril to lead the way.

The two women drifted out of the warehouse as their voices echoed into the darkness, the tones pleasant and merry in each other’s company.

𝔸𝕝𝕚𝕤𝕥𝕒𝕚𝕣 ℝ𝕙𝕠𝕟𝕖𝕤

Alistair’s figured remained still. His hands found his pockets and feet subtly bounced on his balls, giving off an aura of childish impatience. For greater changes, he wished his alchemy was faster. Often he had to plan prior to the meetings in order to give the best first impression. However, he wasn’t working with someone that was used to his methods and caution was best. Everyone was on the edge which didn’t help.

When Kiara’s voice entered his head, Alistair’s eyes shifted toward her direction. A simple, physical acknowledgment about her reprimand. The silence was his answer as his drive flared a slightly bit more, then finally fizzled out. Evidence of it all dissipated into the air. At times, he wondered why Tabion offered him the overseer job. Especially when he warned the older Asylum, he played to ensure ARMO’s future even if it meant breaking the rules. Times were changing and that meant the Corporation would have to start making changes too, for the better.

His mind jerked back to the present when a sledgehammer from Rena’s Alchemy drive slammed into his head. It seemed the Chrono’s profile was correct. Her reactions were more positive than he expected, though the resulted didn’t match up with most people’s definition of it. His hand jerked up as he cradled his temple, his breath sharply inhaled then released.

When Rena’s little demonstration ended, he felt the throbbing headache pass. Even JC’s, the little rogue alchemist who’s abilities didn’t make the cut, music didn’t quite match up. Once it dulled into a manageable state, Alistair’s hand fell from his temple back to his side. He genuinely smiled at the young girl. Finally, he nodded in agreement to her statement. At least one of the pair wasn’t completely changed by the event.

There was some relief in this for him.

Alistair’s eyes darted to check on each team’s reaction, knowing he was to blame for the pain. Cade, out of all them, hadn’t fared very well. The blond haired man struggled to focus while his patient had jumped and rushed toward the door. His right hand held his glasses as he rubbed his nose bridge, his legs folded underneath him. Samad’s reaction surprised Alistair most though. The Iranian had crouched down beside Cade and began to search through the medical bag. He withdrew a bottle then read it. It seemed to be the thing he was looking for as he popped two pills into his palms and passed them to Cade’s. He pulled out a water bottle twisted open the cap for Cade to chase it down with.

Alistair wasn’t inwardly pleased with Rena’s immediately retreat for ice cream while they were lead to meet Angel. When the conversation with Angel began, he could see why too clearly. As Angel appeared to ready himself to assault them, he decided to step in and make an attempt to calm things down. Or at least, keep Angel’s ire on himself.

What he was about to say couldn’t be put delicately, but he hoped it might stir Angel’s common sense to the surface.

“And are you willing to let your partner share your fate as well? One partner’s actions have consequences that affect them both. You know she’ll fight with you until the end if you do this and you both will die, go insane, or be forever on the run. Please, tell me you aren’t heartless enough to do that to her,” Alistair stated, his voice calm and not threatening.

He let the words sink in as he casually walked in between the Asylums and Angel, ensuring he was to be the first target in Angel would attack. His hands were held out for the Lost Number to see while he watched carefully. Deep down the Overseer suspected his rank in ARMO provided no protection now. Oddly, it didn’t bother him. No fear radiant off his person as he stood in the attack zone. In his childhood and the world outside ARMO, this was an element he accepted a long time ago.

Everything dies eventually.

However, he wasn’t willing to lay down like a dog and accept his fate without some difficulty. A deeper, more emphatic part of him hoped Angel wouldn’t force his hand. After reading Angel’s and Reri’s profiles, he knew Angel had a soft spot for children and Alistair didn’t really want to use his specialty in this way. Especially to keep the broken man before them from attacking. Some of his admiration from reading Angel’s more recent exploits crumbled into disappointment.

‘Geko and Yin, could you two get ready to get the Asylums out of here should things get ugly. The mission is a little more important than the teams wasting their time trying to wrestle two unwilling Asylums along. I’ll meet the group there later,’ Alistair replied to only Geko and Yin mentally.

The last part was a blunt lie. If things went horribly wrong, this would be the last time he would see them and all three of them knew it.
Going to try to have a post for Benjamin in three days.
Any main player characters in the sewers in Lost Haven, feel free to contact me over a scene and connection with Rach. XD
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