Avatar of Fallenreaper


Recent Statuses

6 yrs ago
Current Yes, I'm an oversize child. Deal with it. :P
6 yrs ago
That moment you've got too many rp ideas floating in your head, but you don't want to overwhelm yourself? Yeah... I'm right there, suffering in silence.
6 yrs ago
RP hunting is like finding the rare toy in the cereal box. Doable, but the time and effort is nearly more than I can bare!
7 yrs ago
That amazing high when you realized how far you've come in improving your writing. It's impossible to describe, but drowns you in a positive glow.
8 yrs ago
I love being a terrible person by making my PCs' lives miserable, it's art form that never gets old or boring.


Personal details I've got enough room to share.

Nicknames....Fallen (preferred), Reaper, Devour of lost souls, etc.
Sign...............Libra (true to sign surprisingly)
Occupation....Wandering and exploring the caves of my insane mind
Location.........USA (Lost in the Cornfields!)



Click the links (Titles) below to be taken directly to the thread.

Advance RP

Accepting: GM/Co-GM Nitemare Shape, Hound55, & Dedonus

Formaroth Part 2: Throne of Lies
Still Accepting: GM TheDuncanMorgan

Casual RP

X-Men: The New Era - Issue II: Avalon Rising
Accepting: GM Almalthia, Co GM Pilatus

Legacy of Heroes: The New Age
Accepting: GM Jessie Targaryen, Co GMs Alfhedil and Apollosarcher

Nation RP


Arena RP

None yet.

Extra Stuff Featuring: Flight Rising.

Most Recent Posts

A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing

Location: Lost Haven, from Jai’s garage to the sewers
Time: July- Noon

Racheli’s anger seeth silently. Her fingers dug deeply into her palms. Red filtered her vision, but she bit her tongue hard enough she could taste the vile, black liquid filling up her mouth. Every tendon tensed within her system as she fought her temper’s rising degrees. Kayla’s words pounded into her head’s core leaving Racheli bitter and inadequate. Memories from when she was first infected flooded her attention. All the sights, scents and sensations became vivid causing her to fight back hot tears.

Her mouth coughed up blood, the wet sticky substance washed down the drain by water. Weakness weighed down her body as she crawled across the wooden floor, her strength vanished thanks to the heat. Bones and flesh alike burned with the crackling pain that brought her down.

Despite Kayla’s painful display, the woman simply ejected the virus’ effects like it was nothing.


The word penetrated her consciousness like a bullet into the head. It left her stunned then ashamed at her will’s failure to fight back and remain human. That sorrow turned into pissed energy, fueling her emotional conflict. A rage under the skin. Subtle signs began to show as nearby metal gravitated toward her, some melted then stuck to her surface.

Knowing she would say something or do irreversible, Rach twisted on her heel. When she reached the door, her hand jerked it open and slammed it shut behind her. The handle retained the dentations of her fingers on its shape. Abruptly, nearby tools fell off the rack at the small wall tremor.

For a moment before Rach drifted out of range, the virus’ eyes lingered on Kayla. Venom and suspicion twisted up his calm demeanor, his damaged pride showed through. His words echoed in Kayla’s with a tone of disapproval.

‘It was kind of you to prove who was stronger,’ he vanished when his words finished.

The July heat hit her head on. The full effect caused her to flinch while she exhaled, and pushed onward. Too stubborn to retreat back into the cool air condition, Racheli pushed into the thinning crowds and blended in. Her path mostly kept her nearest the shade to block out the sun as she shoved her hands into her jeans. Instinctively, her eyes shifted from shady spot to the next before deciding to find somewhere underground.

Nowadays, summertime fell short of the past pleasure it gave her. Her body preferred the cold rather than the heat so any abrupt and notable change in temperature brought anxiety she couldn’t explain.

Another left turn brought Rach into a nearby alleyway where she suddenly stopped. Her head tilted upward and observed the two-story high brick walls, mentally calculating their height. Even she knew how stupid it was to be on the rooftops at this time of day. There would be little shade from the sun overhead unless there were taller buildings around. Shrugging off her brief brilliant idea, Racheli’s eyes turned back to the ground. A slight difference in metal hue caught her attention causing her to close in and crouch down.

A manhole, she realized.

Her fingers touched the bolts only to find them secured in place. She ground her teeth in frustration then twisted one harder. It squeaked in protest before finally loosening under her strength, coming off in her palm and drawing a smirk from her lips. She repeated the step with the other three until all four were removed. Then she threw the lid to the side where it clunked against the wall and dented it.

Not caring about the damage, Rach twisted around and slid down the metal ladder. She bent her knees when she hit the bottom. Her nose scrunched up at the mixture of feces, piss, rot, and stagnant water drifting through the narrow tunnel. It nearly made her vomit as she shut off her smell receptors immediately.

Her mind ironed out the reaction before she drifted into the darkness. The irises gave off an illumination indicating her vision had shifted into night, the surroundings tinted in green and black. Soundlessly she drifted along the concrete walls and floor.

Soundlessly, she drifted down the dark tunnel in search for somewhere peaceful. The chill down here relaxed her since there was no sunlight to warm her, but she disliked the dampness and smell from earlier. Her boots splashed puddles underneath sending the water to scatter.

‘You know, I never expected you would stoop so low as to walk in the filth of a whole city,’ an unwelcome voice whispered in her ear.

Racheli’s head turned to the side but saw nothing. Her lip curled upward, baring a set of teeth and fell back down. She ignored the company that refused to materialize. Gradually a small, square room came into view. From the right was a tunnel streaming forth a waterfall from a pipe into a small pit below. Along the edges were barely enough room to crouch down, let alone walk on. She still managed to find a small corner to fold her jacket and sit, letting her mind reflect on the reasons she felt so much rage.

Minutes passed into an hour before Racheli decided to leave. Her figure pushed up onto her feet as she snatched up her jacket. Abruptly, her skin rose up into goosebumps and her hair at attention. The sensation of being watched washed over her. Cautiously her eyes panned the small room, her vision sought out the source and found nothing. The dull roar of water drowned out any other sounds.

A few seconds passed into moments before she decided she was being paranoid. Racheli wrapped her jacket about her arms and inhaled. She then walked toward the exit.

She nearly made it.

Through the water, a large-scaled and rash-ridden reptile burst through the water’s tunnel. For the most part, it resembled an alligator with a compacted body. Its thick tail propelled it into the small room. The body was about the size of a motorcycle in height with bulky muscles. It had no eyes while its neck appeared to be deformed into jaws from another head. The second head devoured the first, a narrower and more canine-like mouth. It stopped at the skull and neck base.

At catching Rach’s scent, it dragged itself out over the pit. The water streamed down over the underbelly then vanished into the bottomless pit. It wasted no time as it launched itself at Rach’s exposed back.

Her mind ripped into pain when the dagger-like teeth sank into her shoulder.

“FUCK!” Rach screamed out, her voice carried through the suffocating pipelines.

She felt it penetrated through her skin and muscle, crushing the bone underneath in its powerful grip. If she had been able to smell, its breath would remind her of putrid meat and aged water. The weight from the impact tossed her down onto her stomach. Taking full advantage of her downed position, its jaw clamped down tighter. It shifted its muzzle from right to left viciously. Bone continued to crack while it began to loosen from its tendons, the creature intended to rip off a chunk. Her black blood began to eat away at the tissue around the monster’s stained teeth. Smoke started to billow followed by pain causing the creature to drop her, aggressively hissing in frustration.

Racheli smiled as she slowly pulled back upright then bolted for the exit.

Another jab of agony ripped through her ankle, her body tripped forward when one foot fell short. It didn’t move forward. Her head shot over her shoulder to see the monster grip it. A wicked alligator smirk crept across its maw as it jerked its head over its back, bring her with it. Racheli’s body promptly left the floor then sailed into the far wall. She hit hard, her skull made a loud crack.

She hit the ledge before she fell into the wide pit’s gaping mouth and became swallowed by darkness.

The mutant jeered in a victory. A fresh sound of bones cracked and shifted, its understructure quivered beneath the leather hid. Forelegs shortened then the spine straightened upright. The tail disappeared into the shrinking rear, the figure now bipedal. The first head melted back into the first like a lump of candle wax. Gradually it took a human shape while the features sharpened into a feminine shape. In less than an hour, Rach stood where the alligator beast once was.

She casually glanced down the pit’s entrance and waited. Seeing no one crawling back out, she spoke to it.

“I’ll see you later, baby girl.”

With a wicked smirk, ‘Rach’ walked back the way she came.
Experimental Team

Location: In Angel's and Rena's mansion.
Time: Past Noon (because of time zones!)


It took a moment for Cade to notice Olivia gesture for him. Promptly he moved over to assist with Andrew, his arms pulled Andrew to the nearest wall. He gestured Olivia to get his medical while he pressed his fingers to the patient’s throat, checking the pulse. It was steady. Allowing the given task to distract him, Cade barely caught the question.

It took him a moment before he answered.

“I-I… I’m good. Nothing much to say really.”

Cade attempted to smile, but his heart didn’t show in it. That genuinely failed to shine through as he didn’t continue the small talk. In reality, he didn’t know what to say and he wasn’t going, to be honest. Inside he wasn’t fine at all.

As his hand drew near his sebon, they quivered slightly. Flashes of a maddening grin followed by the flashes of his sebon buried into his body caused Cade to flinch. Samad must’ve seen it too because his head jerked toward him, his cane nearly came free for an attack.

“Sorry Samad,” he stated as his hand lifted in a disarming manner.

He inhaled then shoved past for something to help with Andrew’s vomiting. He popped two pills into his palm and passed them over, followed by a bottle of water.

Samad was among the first to edge into the mansion. His eyes darted from side to the other, partly expected something to go sour. He had to agree with Yin. They had gotten in too easily and that usually meant something else was going to drop.

His suspicions were confirmed when they met Rena.

Olivia was the first one that made contact as she smiled at the child, confirming her intentions. He tensed as his hand twitched. However, he didn’t cast any magic. Provoking someone that could easily kill them was ill-advised, but he wasn’t going to be unprepared for the worst case.

It seemed he wasn’t the only one on guard. Alistair’s drive had subtly came to life, but nothing happened yet. At least he was truthful about being ready to protect them.

Cade had begun to attend to Andrew. His hand reached for the smelling salts but he decided to wait until the scene was done. In the meanwhile, he folded a coat underneath the man’s head and monitored his vitals.

im a war torn veteran of the discord at this point, i've seen too much to turn back.

Your soul is already consumed.
@Super Meteor

welcome aboard new comer, don't worry though, they're not as crazy as they seem i promise.

That's because we haven't scared you off yet. 😂
@Super Meteor Run while you can... *claws at the floor then is pulled back into the RP darkness* RUN!

Jk, welcome to the motley crew called Create-A-Hero, just pick some partners and hop into the Madness. :3

Easily could have been from the outskirts of town, late because of a detour, then assigned to a squad by the hokages right hand man (like shikamaru is to Naruto)

Or join after the first mission

I think I might join after the first mission as it would feel more natural and use the detour idea. I can also see where the numbers are for the squads and even them out.
@KillBox@Kurisa@Saltwater Thief@FourthKing

I'm very sorry for letting you lot down, I had completely forgotten to post. I'd be lying if I said I still had motivation to continue, unfortunately I don't. Please can I be skipped? Perhaps an npc Jounin came and got Yarin to take her to a new squad? I feel like 5 people in one posting order is too much anyway...

If it makes you feel better, I'm having a hard time figuring out how to jump in. Especially explaining why Masshiro is late or how he is supposed to know which squad to join or anything. >_> Sort of the big roadblock for why I haven't posted for him yet.
An Unorthodox Warning

Location: Claus’ headquarters to Nyhem’s Docks
Time: Late Afternoon, Week 3 and Day 1 after the party.
Collab with: @JaisonJ97/@TheDuncanMorgan, @Klomster, and @Fallenreaper

Kiseo’s hands clasped her cloak tightly to her. Underneath it, her fur held the bitter breeze at bay as it traveled across the autumn air. Her feet darted across the dirt path which led up to Claus’ new headquarters. She paused at the door and raised her head, her lower muzzle barely stuck out from under the hood. Feline eyes absorbed the modest, but sturdy building for a moment. It amazed her that some individuals trained in taking blood could construct something practical.

The building was abuzz with activity, men were moving things, installing walls and one wall was being coated with tar with its distinct smell filling the area.

Thick wooden planks were being fitted to the walls this time insulated with sawdust. It looked more like a wooden fortress than a mansion now.

The chest high wall surrounding the yard was being constructed, rough stones being lain and mortared to place, in some places the iron fence that was spiked on top of the wall had been installed as well, the new gate was finished, a black burnt linseed oil coating protecting the barely decorated iron pole gate. It’s primary decor was simplistic spearheads to add detail, but primarily to keep nosy people from climbing over it.

On the front the gate was only slightly more than a metre from the house itself, but Kiseo could see that there was a lot more space in the back.

Her mind returned to the task at hand. She gently rapped on the black bell hanging beside the gate, her figure stepped to the centre so anyone that answered could easily see her.

While most of the corps-men on the front had already seen her, none had stepped away from their work until she rang the bell.

From the oak wood door that was now the main door of the house stepped a corpsman with halberd and opened the gate outwards, letting Kiseo avoid the opening gate.

-”Kiseo, nice to see ya! Just go right in, Claus is in there somewhere.” He informed, letting Kiseo inside.

Kiseo’s throat let out a soft, audible purr. The sound rattled for several moments before she calmed it down then stepped cautiously inside. Her hands clasped together in front of her while she took in the interior’s decoration. The first sight was a large fire pit in the room’s center, the floor made of stone stretched to the wooden walls. Soot and smoke rose to the chimney where a pipe caught then guided it out.

Two men were tending to the slow roasting pig. It sizzled on an iron spit and was held up by two hooks, the men delicately turned it so often. It reminded her that she had forgotten to eat before she left. Ignoring her pain, she stepped farther into the spacious room.

Farther in, the other men continued to move about the pair. Their arms hoisted planks, various wood, furs, and even straw before they vanished down the hall. She assumed they were preparing the quarters for sleeping. Many residents in the city preferred beds raised off the cold floor. Tables sided the walls surrounding the pit, each lined with various candles and unlit torches for later tonight.

Her ears continued to track their movements while she conversed with Claus.

“Is there somewhere we could talk privately? It’s about Dyril,” Kiseo asked quietly.

Not having noticed her before she talked, Claus instinctively jumped but halted his action when he noticed the Mao.

-”Woah, could you not sneak up on me like that.” Claus was smiling broadly, but quickly noticed the marks of a Mao in distress. The drooped ears the most obvious.

-”Yes, let us go to my office.” He showed the way to a door with a sturdy handle on it and went inside, there only was a single chair and his desk properly placed in there, on the right hand wall loads of things like maps and journals were neatly piled.

Noticing the lack of furniture, Claus dragged out a chest for Kiseo and leaned on his desk arms crossed.

-”You said it was about Dyril?”

Kiseo could’ve easily sat on the floor and been comfortable, but she paused when she heard him pull out a chest. Lightly she lowered herself into a sitting posture onto it. She felt guilty for startling him earlier. She forgot how quiet she could be naturally as most fellow slaves were other mao or creatures used to it.

Her thoughts were interrupted by his concern for Dyril. She avoided his gaze, her voice revealed the reason for her urgency.

“A man, Jain Surya, approached me on the street. He wanted me to work for him on the side, I had skills he wanted. When I refused, he hinted that my mistress might become injured. I worry he might try to hurt her and I was hoping, you might keep an eye on her. I haven’t… told her yet,” Kiseo’s last statement was sheepish while she continued.

“Today, he visited the inn we were staying at. He’s holding her wares now. I delivered the payment to a worker who managed it directly, but Surya has no record of it. I fear he might’ve burned it in order to ruin her.”

Hearing this Claus was getting visibly annoyed. Some greedy buffoon was extorting his friend, he would have none of this.
With an unusually stern voice he spoke.
-”I see, I’d like to get my hands on that little...” He punched his own hand as a gesture, but realized his position he now held.
-”It seems I’ll have to speak to him, what can you tell me off him?“ Claus managed to calm himself and began to investigate his option.

“Not much, I’m afraid,” Kiseo admitted.

She took a moment to review his behavior, attitude, and interactions toward them. There was a stark difference between Dyril and herself. With Dyril, Kiseo sensed disgust and bitterness at Elves in general. It was obvious the man didn’t want to deal with Dyril at all. Kiseo’s impression of his interaction with her drastically took a farther turn. She felt he genuinely wanted to help, but that help soon turned into a desire to control and obtain her cooperation.

“I know during his interactions with Dyril, he doesn’t want to deal with her. He cringed when she accidently touched him and seemed to brush off her attempts to work with him,” she retold.

“I know he mentioned he worked for a William Flin, who left the city after the celebration a month ago. He mentioned it was recently he took over the operations. He seemed to back down, briefly, when I retrieve the parchment indicating that we had paid. It shows he’s smart at least not to push it.”

She took a breath, then curled her tail into her lap.

“I fear for Dyril’s safety and reputation. If he damages it here, she and I will be forced to return to the Imperium,” Kiseo didn’t feel she needed to note that eventually someone would discover Dyril was half elf, and would force the family to either kill or release her into a brothel.

Hybrids were ideal candidates since they were sterile, allowing hidden affairs to be kept pure.

Claus slammed his desk with his fist and spoke.

-”Well I’m not having it!” He went past her and spoke.

-”You are gonna tell me where this Jain fella is, and then I will talk with him… HARPER, GOYLE!!!” All of a sudden Claus just shouted out the door he opened, urgent footsteps came running as Claus went over to Kiseo.

-”Come on, we’ve got a missus to help.” He reached towards Kiseo with an open hand, offering to help her up.

Kiseo couldn’t help but flinch at Claus’ sudden reaction. Her semi humanoid ears pressed against her skull and turned downward, drooping defensively on impulse. After a moment, she righted herself once more back into a neutral stance. Seeing his hand, she couldn’t help the smile that crept over her muzzle and felt a relief he was aiming to help her.

“Is it too much trouble to ensure Dyril doesn’t know about this? I fear she would be upset I went to you first, instead of her. She’s a proud individual,” Kiseo requested quietly while she took the hand up.

The two troopers stood at the ready as Claus and Kiseo left his office.
-”You two, get your stuff, we’re heading out to talk with an asshole. Kiseo, show the way.” His voice was in his usual command mode, he told Roogel he was leaving before exiting the mansion through the door.

“I don’t know where he is exactly. First time he came to me and this last time, to Dyril. I assume we would have to start at the docks, but if I’m gone for too long my mistress will become worried,” Kiseo pointed out.

If she had known the information, she might’ve been able to approach him personally and put a stop to this whole ordeal.

Claus looked at Kiseo while standing in the door as she told him.

-”I see, well this Flin warehouse probably is the best bet. Don’t worry, I’ll handle this.” One of his telltale smirks on his lips as he closed the heavy door behind him.

Kiseo watched him leave as she departed for the Inn. She secretly hoped she hadn’t sent Dyril’s only friend into danger or further endangered her mistress.


The warehouse was filled with numerous strange smells and scents, but the various spices and herbs that William had brought over from Seikatsu overpowered them all. While William’s workers found the smell to be wholly unpleasant, Jain found it to be familiar and comforting. He was currently on the second floor of the warhouse, overlooking the workers on the floor below. He sat at a table and upon it were numerous reports from his spy network. In the weeks following the party Jain had spent most of his time hiring numerous street urchins and beggars to relay information back to him. While his spy network was still small it had proven to be invaluable in gathering information. Had it not been for them it would have taken him far longer to find Kiseo. Suddenly the door to the warehouse swung open as one of the watchmen; Issac, rushed into the building

“Jain”! He shouted “we have company, and they don’t look friendly”.

Having absolutely no regard for the feelings of people who were hurting their friend, and the same skill at stealth as a roaring thunderstorm, Claus and his two men Harper and Goyle marched along the streets taking away all eyes from the hooded mao they were following.
She stopped far away and just pointed at the warehouse silently giving Claus its number before she slinked into a shadow.
The trio marched up to the warehouse and knocked on the door violently with the butt of one of their halberds.
-”Open the door, i know you are in there Jain!” Claus boomed out, his voice impossible to miss even a few streets away.

“Shite” Jais mumbled as he quickly got up from his seat. He grabbed the blade from his sheath. He walked up to the wooden railing of the second floor so he could get a better look of the entrance. “Let him in”.

In response the numerous warehouse workers looked at him with confusion. “He’s not going to ask a second time and I would prefer not to have to explain to Captain Flinn why his door is broken in two”.

Hearing mumbling inside, Claus gave his men a glance each and waited a few moments more until they heard fumbling at the door.
Harper and Goyle measured a kick each and the doors flung open tossing the poor sod who was opening it out of the way with a loud whack and scrape against the floor.
With trained fluid motion the two corpsmen entered with halberds pointing like spears, mirroring each other as Claus simply marched in between and proudly stood flanked by his men, stomping a sturdy oaken staff into the ground.
-”Jain! Reliable sources have informed me you are making immoral businesses towards the people of Nyhem, what say you in your defence?” Claus booming voice carried well in the warehouse, he scanned for the one who was Jain and saw someone who looked like a match on the wooden railing.

“Who are you and what do you talk of. I am guilty of nothing”. Jain was of course lying, he knew exactly who he was and why he was here. He internally cursed at himself for underestimating Kiseo, it seemed either she or her mistress had more powerful friends then he first realized. As he spoke Jain put the scroll he had been reading into his coat pocket, trying to make sure Claus didn’t notice.

-”Me?! I am Claus Rotstein, i have reports of you scamming people out of their hard earned silvers. I am here to make you repay that and stop that in the future.” His voice strong and self assured. Jain’s goons were beginning to look a bit sceptical and one was checking on the guy who was knocked out by the door.

“So what do you plan to do with me, do you simply plan to seek compensation, or do you plan to imprison me as well”? Jain said, depending on how Claus answered would decide what his next move would be.

Claus stroked his chin pretending to think with a massive smirking grin on his face.
-”Considering how i feel i’d like to clobber your face in, but seeing how anal the law is in this city i think i’ll just drag you to the dungeon of Nyhem and have them deal with your unlawful ass. Don’t worry, I… won’t put you in the lower levels.” A massive grin on his face, implying someone was probably gonna torture him, but alas not Claus.

“I’m afraid I can’t let you do that” Jain said calmly as he slowly walked behind his desk “Issac” Jain called to which Issac, who had been tending to the passed out man looked up. “Give Captain Flinn my apologies but I will have to retire from his services. Oh and if you would, please also apologise for the damage caused”. Without a second of hesitation Jain raised his arms and shouted a spell. In response the second floor of the balcony exploded into thousands of tiny splinters. There was no fire but a shockwave went through the building causing the workers to fall backwards. Amongst the deafening noise could be heard the shattering of glass as Jain jumped out the window into the river that ran past the warehouse.

Claus and his men instinctively protected their faces against the splinters, Harper losing his balance from the force of impact.
-”What the shit? He’s a mage!?” Claus proclaimed with a surprised open question.
Completely caught unawares, Claus regained his posture for a second and then took Goyle’s shoulder and commanded.
-”He’s getting away, you two make sure these goons don’t get any funny ideas, take them into custody.” Goyle nodded a single sharp nod as Claus turned and ran after Jain.
He was slightly worried, that blast was powerful, usually it took two or three warmages to produce such force, but this guy had simply done it himself.
If it wasn’t for the fact he had scammed Dyril he’d have wanted to offer him a job in the Fist.
He was running outside to where the street with the window would be.

Unbeknownst to Claus, Jain had used illusion magic to camouflage himself into the river. There was no way Claus was going to see him given Jain had already floated a considerable distance away from the warehouse. The water itself was filthy and smelt so bad that it made Jain want to gag with only the fear of being discovered preventing him from doing so. One thing was now clear; he had been too soft on Kiseo and now he had to rectify that mistake.

Before long Claus realized he had lost his target, annoyed he returned to the warehouse to see to his men and take his prisoners to the palace.
He didn’t think they were in on Jain’s plans, but they might know something, and it’s good to spook some folks from time to time to show that one means business.
▀▄▀▄▀▄ Mαʅʅσɾყ ▄▀▄▀▄▀

Time, IC Day: Late Morning, Day 1
Location: Toran, within the city

Mallory saw Xander’s explanation about Sei as more of an excuse, not a solution to his problem. She made a note to see what she could find in the library over Mythari. It might yield more help than simply laying the blame on the fact the natrelmon evolved and gotten a wild streak because of it. At this moment, she was glad she only got a ‘spooky’ natrelmon rather than a nuisance like Sei.

For most his conversation, she remained silent. His view on the magic school drew an eye roll from her, naturally. While ‘self-taught’ in magic was possible, she viewed it to be a riskier version of proper education. It was likely because she was biased, but she found it hard to believe he could cast magic as well as herself or her classmates. The fact he hadn’t set himself on fire was a miracle enough.

His excitement was palpable when it turned to his new natrelmon. Her gaze followed him while he introduced each one, from the Grianos to Loutila. The Bovent and Loutila appeared to be the more well behaved and passive of the group, enjoying each other’s company.

When he mentioned never getting into a fight, she frowned.

“Let me guess, you randomly just tossed relics until you caught them?” Her voice took on a sour tone as she exhaled, keeping her frustration in check.

She slurped up the last of her noodles leaving the bowl empty now.

Casually she reached into her bag and pulled a dishcloth from a waterproof bag, her figure rose from the seat. She made her way over to the fountain then dampened the rag. Finally, she wiped out her bowl and chopsticks, sticking them into her bag. Her free hand gestured for his, indicating he should pass it over so she could repeat the process.

“Maybe afterward, I’m heading into the wild to see what I can find. I will also need that bowl and chopsticks back... unless you want to eat from a leaf in the future?” She asked, making a note where the local trash bin.

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