Avatar of Fallenreaper


Recent Statuses

6 yrs ago
Current Yes, I'm an oversize child. Deal with it. :P
6 yrs ago
That moment you've got too many rp ideas floating in your head, but you don't want to overwhelm yourself? Yeah... I'm right there, suffering in silence.
6 yrs ago
RP hunting is like finding the rare toy in the cereal box. Doable, but the time and effort is nearly more than I can bare!
7 yrs ago
That amazing high when you realized how far you've come in improving your writing. It's impossible to describe, but drowns you in a positive glow.
8 yrs ago
I love being a terrible person by making my PCs' lives miserable, it's art form that never gets old or boring.


Personal details I've got enough room to share.

Nicknames....Fallen (preferred), Reaper, Devour of lost souls, etc.
Sign...............Libra (true to sign surprisingly)
Occupation....Wandering and exploring the caves of my insane mind
Location.........USA (Lost in the Cornfields!)



Click the links (Titles) below to be taken directly to the thread.

Advance RP

Accepting: GM/Co-GM Nitemare Shape, Hound55, & Dedonus

Formaroth Part 2: Throne of Lies
Still Accepting: GM TheDuncanMorgan

Casual RP

X-Men: The New Era - Issue II: Avalon Rising
Accepting: GM Almalthia, Co GM Pilatus

Legacy of Heroes: The New Age
Accepting: GM Jessie Targaryen, Co GMs Alfhedil and Apollosarcher

Nation RP


Arena RP

None yet.

Extra Stuff Featuring: Flight Rising.

Most Recent Posts

Aboard the Serith, en route to Korriban
Kurin Tonaal, Mahree Mis-Ede, Dashara Horizon

Dashara let the numbness take her. Emotions faded from her weary mind leaving her emotions clear for once. Through the numbness, a throbbing began to spread across her brain and into her attention. It broke her attempt to sleep with its continued pounding. Part of her wanted to twist over and go back to sleep, but her pain wouldn't allow it.

She expected to feel the cold and hard surface of the cell floor. Instead, covers rubbed at her skin. Gradually she began to sit upright. Her left leg bent as she leaned forward, her right hand rubbed her temple.

It was hard to focus when her head just didn’t cooperate. She glanced about. The first thing she could note was that she was lying on the cot and her rapier was laying on the floor beside her. Second was a plate of food and the Sith was nowhere around.

Dash laid back into the cot, feeling the blood rush to her head. She couldn't deal with the dizziness right now.

"I feel like shit...Why did I pass out?" she asked out loud.

Mahree had found herself in the middle of her cell, seated in a meditative position on the floor. Her hands rested on her knees, eyes closed, breathing steady. She heard Dash move around on the cot, assuming the girl was waking, but Mahree didn’t move at all. Food eaten, the girl had opted to meditate on what had happened. Losing all control of yourself by drowning in your rage and grief was not something Mahree was accustomed to. The anger and hate had boiled up from within her heart. Things she wished to change but couldn’t. All she could do now was focus on what was now, and what might be. And how to stop it.

Hearing Dash’s question, the younger girl took a deep breath before answering, “He put some sort of gas into your cell.” she said quietly.

“That explains why I passed out. For a moment, I thought your rage was going to last forever.” Dash stated as she pressed her palms into her temple. The pressure neither helped nor hurt her aching head.

“Anything else happened when I was out?” She asked, suspecting someone had placed her into the cot.

“Not really… We talked. His name is Kurin Tonaal, Sith Inquisitor. I wasn’t sure if you knew.” Mahree explained, glancing over at Dash before returning to her previous position. “He talked to me a little. Told me his name,” Mahree moved her head to indicate what she had explained before, “then he asked me for mine, but I wouldn’t tell it in full. I don’t have any reason to trust him, so why would I?”

Dash actually laughed at the name. She couldn’t help it as she suspected something harder to pronounce and monstrous. Not something normal. The sudden outburst caused her to flinch at the pain bubbling up. She didn’t regret it as she began to slowly roll over onto her belly.

“I… I honestly don’t know. I do know for sure, your rage packs a punch and I need to keep far away from it.”

She let her words sink in before she continued.

“What I don’t understand is why he’s wasting his time. It’s not like he’ll keep in touch after he drops us off at Korriban or make any investments. It doesn’t benefit him in any way that I can think of. I keep thinking there’s a catch somewhere, but I don’t know what it is.”

“I didn’t hurt you while I was out of it… did I?” Mahree asked, looking to Dash with hints of confusion written on her face.

“Oh yes you did, but that was mostly my fault. My species are very sensitive to emotions. We thrive on positive ones and shun negative ones. According to my friend, I can use empathy too. Which magnifies the effects.” Dash explained as she felt the headache shimmer down.

“Ah… I’m sorry.” Mahree said quietly, breaking from her meditative position and slouching over a little as she rested her elbows on her knees. The girl watched Dash for a short while, feeling a little guilty for what she had done.

“If I would’ve known I- maybe it would’ve helped me to not…” the girl sighed, bringing a hand up as she rested her head on it. She hadn’t noticed at all, what her outburst had done to Dash. All she remembered was watching the girl crumple to the ground, and then gas had filled her cell.

"Sympathy aside, why apologize? You didn't know," Dash pointed out as she spotted the food not far from her.

She twisted about and reached out her hand. The tray didn't wiggle for a few seconds and then it began to float toward her. It was wobbly as she struggled to steady it. Her head began to throb, but she pushed through it. She had been through much worse. At least, she told herself this.

When it came to the end of her bed, she moved about and caught it right when she dropped it. Dash managed to barely save her meal and water.

"This would be so much easier if I didn't have a headache. Neith always said I should work on this, but I didn't feel confident in it. Especially with the bigger stuff."

Dash settled back and began to eat a bit, her eyes steadied Mahree for a moment. Between bites, she decided to address the Ronto in the room.

"Rage, depression and other emotions like it aren't a bad thing. They help you realize why positive emotions are precious and loved. They can also fuel your actions when your determination isn't enough."

“But they can also influence you in ways you can’t imagine.” Mahree mumbled, sighing as she tried to forget what had happened previously. “I’ve never felt so angry, Dash. The things I was able to do, the crate, challenging him. But I also couldn’t think straight, I don’t feel I was myself… I don’t want that kind of power if it means I use my anger to fuel my influence. Especially if I can’t control myself.”

Dash looked at her. Her lips tightened and her right eyebrow raised, her hand paused in the middle of another bite.

"Losing your parents brings a whole new depth to your emotions. I remember that rather well. The emotions you've displayed are natural and I can't tell you they get better. They never do."

She sighed a moment, then continued.

"You can control it. I do it all the time when I'm fighting back, but it's not easy or quick."

“I’m gonna have to learn how to then.” Mahree said amidst a sigh. She raised her head again and looked back over to Dash. “I can help you with your telekinesis… if you’d like. I ended up using it around the farm, after I discovered I could use the Force. It’s not too hard, at least to maintain it once you’ve started.”

Dash shook her head a bit, but didn't say what was on her mind.

"Sounds like a deal, but I suggest you don't expect much. Neith was trying for a year to improve it. As you can see, we didn't get very far."

She took another bite before she swallowed then set the tray to the side. Her headache had started to fade as she pushed her feet onto the ground and followed it with her body. Her figure slid back to rest against the bed frame while she gestured for Mahree to do the same.

"I'll teach you to control your anger. At least, to think clearly through it. Thing is... I need to be more aggressive with my empathy. I need to make you angry so I need your permission and for you to trust me during the lesson. Can you do that?"

Dash paused, waiting for an answer.

It was an odd question, to say the least. What did it feel like to have someone else influence your emotions? Mahree wasn’t against it, however. For she trusted Dash, for the other girl was the only person left who she’d consider a friend - that, and Mahree felt she had nothing more to lose.

The girl nodded then, watching Dash for a moment. “Deal.”


While he could have entered the room with the two Force-sensitives, Kurin would—for now—watch from the surveillance feeds. They might not be learning the way he might have taught, but they were learning. He knew better than to think that his way was the only appropriate way.

It would be interesting to see where they took it. Their fear of their anger was not inappropriate, but at least they had not kept with that foolish idea of suppressing it entirely. For now, he would not interfere. He would give them time to absorb the previous lesson first.


"All right, this also means you can't hate me or blame yourself for whatever happens. You do, I'm going to smack you upside the head when I get out of here."

Dash inhaled then continued.

"The first lesson is thinking while you're mad. I want you to think of a phrase and repeat it back to me. Over and over, until I say stop. Understand?"

Mahree took in a deep breath when Dash explained the terms. The girl didn’t quite know what to expect, but considering Dash offered to help her see through her anger, Mahree was prepared to deal with anything.
The young girl didn’t wait for Dash to tell her to begin, she just went.

“You’re gonna do great things…” the girl began. It was a phrase her mother had told her every day, for the older woman never stopped believing her daughter would grow to be a great influence.

“You’re gonna do great things,” she repeated again, eyes closed as she focused on the phrase.

"All right, keep focusing on saying that. When you feel you can't take it anymore or start to mess it up, slam your hand on the cell floor. I'll stop and let you regain control."

Dash once more inhaled then exhaled, bracing herself for the anger she was about to bring. It wouldn't be pretty, but this was the first step in something bigger.

"Remember, there's no shame in stopping early. This will take a while to master, maybe even a lifetime. Here we go."

As Mahree continued to say her phrase, Dash began to think of her life. Memories of punishments, hardships and being someone's puppet rang through her thoughts. Anger began to spark to life. It filled her from head to toe, pounding down its familiar heat.

Through the red tint, she narrowed her focus on Mahree. Gradually the young girl began to feel the effects. Slow, but steadily increasing.

Mahree listened to Dash’s instructions, repeating the phrase over and over. She focused on it and only it, tuning out the rest of her surroundings. Her hands began to tighten around her knees as the anger from Dash’s empathy started to affect her. She kept saying the phrase however, her eyes shut tight as she tried to keep her focus.

Minutes went by and Mahree began to lose focus. Her hands were clenched tightly, eyes still shut, the phrase still being repeated but at a much slower rate. She started to mix words around in the phrase as the focus she had started to dissipate. The younger girl struggled but finally found herself slamming her hand down on the floor of her cell, the anger almost blinding.

Dash's focus shifted. The anger began to fade as her voice began to guide Mahree into calming herself down.

"All right, breathe. In and out. Refocus your attention to something more positive and let the anger leave. You're in control and can stop this. Remember that." Dash encouraged, protecting herself with a wall to prevent backlash from her companion’s aggression.

It wouldn’t do them any good if the destructive loop started all over again.

Mahree took a deep breath as she heard Dash speak. Mahree’s mind immediately began to think back on her mother, the times when she was younger, the happy times they enjoyed together playing on the farm, sitting inside during harsh storms. All the positive times.

“I’m good…” Mahree said quietly, eyes opening slowly as she looked at Dash. “I’m alright.”

"That's good. I didn't want to have to force the calm. The first time you overwhelmed my defenses was enough for me." Dash chuckled, visibly relaxing at the girl's assurance.

Dash twisted toward the bed and reached for the tray. Her fingers gripped it as she dragged it back to her, intending to finish her meal.

"We're taking a small break so I can finish this up. I'm still fighting that headache, but the food and water seems to be helping."

She took a bite, not waiting for a comment on the decision. Between bites, Dashara continued.

"We'll keep practicing for a while. Gradually, we'll move onto something more thought involved. I'll ask you to pick objects in the room and describe them to me. All completely at random."

She paused long enough to take a draft of water.

"It will allow you to practice thinking through your anger, which will lead you to control it. Cause when you're aware of your anger levels, you can decide how to apply and when."


There was no denying it. The empath acolyte—Dashara—had potential as a teacher. Kurin was rather pleased. Making them focus and channel their anger, their fury was just one step. An important step, but still just one step. Controlling it would come next. He did not want them to merely use their anger. That would limit them far too much.

While starting their education about the imperial cause was an option, it was not one he considered himself particularly suited for. He quite simply knew that he did not have enough knowledge to draw on to counter any counter-arguments. It would have to be enough to teach them about wielding the Force and the Dark Side. The Overseers would deal with the rest. Lucky them.


It had been roughly an hour - as Mahree would guess - since the very start of the lesson. Mahree didn’t try to hide her exhaustion, and slight frustration, at the lesson as she tried to grasp what Dash was saying. She took a deep breath, the previous trial had gone better than the very first, but Mahree was still being influenced by her emotions as her mind reflected over recent events.

The young girl sighed and relaxed from her meditative position on the floor. “I need a break, Dash. I think I’ve hit my breaking point.” the young girl admitted, looking over to her friend to see what she thought.

Dash nodded, sympathy crossed her expression.

"No need to rush. Rather it was done right and not develop some nasty habits."

She thoughtfully looked at the holocam for a moment. Wheels seemed to grind in her head as she pressed her thumb to her top teeth, finally breaking eye contact with it. Her head leaned closer to the force field barrier and whispered to Mahree.

"You do have enough energy to use some telekinesis? We can focus on that crate," her eyes shifted to indicate the one she knocked over earlier, "and bash that holocam."

Mahree watched Dash and leaned in as the other girl did. She eyed the camera for a minute before looking to the crate.

“Of course,” she whispered, nodding to Dash, “as long as I can concentrate, it’s not that difficult,” she added.

The younger girl turned her body to face the crate before one hand went out as Mahree looked over at Dash again. “Ready?”

Dash nodded as she rose upright. She took a place as close as possible to Mahree, her hand at her side and ready.

"Ready, count it down. We do it on the go. If the asshole wants information, he can come down here and get it in person."

Mahree watched Dash as the girl positioned herself closer. The girl looked back towards the crate and began to focus on it, feeling as she sensed it using the Force and took hold of it.

“Three… two… one…” She began, counting down slowly, feeling most of the weight of the crate through her influence with the Force.

“Go,” Mahree said, eyes closed as she focused on the crate for a brief moment. “Lift it, slowly,” she instructed, eyes still closed as she focused.

Dash's teeth gritted, her breath became faintly heavier as she focused on lifting the crate. Her force gripped it but struggled to pull it upright. The crate wobbled slowly then increased as they tried to find a balance between the two.

Mahree kept her eyes closed as her focus remained on the crate, but she could hear Dash’s breathing change. Mahree could feel as the crate wobbled, obviously off-balance as they both attempted to lift it through the Force.

“Close your eyes, Dash. Imagine the crate. Feel it through the Force. The entire thing.”

"I'm trying." She replied, her teeth still gritted.

Her eyes closed as she tried to feel it through the force. The crate wobbled less, but it still continued to fall down.

"This is harder than it looks when I can't think clearly." Dash continued to struggle.

“Relax your body. Keep your arm up.” Mahree began as she kept her focus on the crate while talking to Dash.
Feel the Force going through you. Feel it from your body to the crate. Focus just on that. Reach out and feel the crate, imagine it in your head.”

Mahree was trying her best to explain what she was doing to Dash. She had never had someone else to teach before, let alone someone who was also Force-sensitive and needed guidance. It was natural to Mahree, to be able to lift things and move them through her influence of the Force. She tried to think of other ways she could explain it to Dash.

"I'm trying, but... the weight should be hindering it. It doesn't just vanish." Dash explained.

As she spoke those words, her force grip on the crate began to slip. The weight Mahree was holding began to become heavier, pushing against her force. Dash held out both hands to attempt to strengthen her grip on the crate.
Hide and Seek: Part 3


L O C A T I O N: Somewhere in New York City
T I M E: Present Day ( July ) Sometime around 3 PM

*italics denotes dialogue spoken in either Chinese or Korean

Lunch finished up rather quickly as Benjamin set his plate into the sink. It made a soft clink while his hand reached into his pocket for his phone. He opened it with a simple flick of his thumb and scrolled through the various messages on it. His lips curled into a frown when he spotted numbers he didn't recognize.

Ji-Yeong. Duff. His mind tried to place the names, each held a familiar ring to it. Images flashed through his mind causing his head to hurt again.

Benjamin placed down his phone for a moment. His hands moved to his face and he gently rubbed it, trying to overcome the pain.

Emma bit her lip as she stared at him. When she finished placing the clean dishes into the rack, she turned to Benjamin.

"Is something wrong?"

"No. It's some eye strain. Give me a few moments and I'll have it cleared up."

He rubbed his eyes a bit more until the pain faded. Once more, Benjamin grabbed his phone and looked at his unread messages. His lips curled into a smile when he spotted Athena's name light up. A single red dot to indicate a recent, unread message.

His thumb pressed it and began to read it.

[sms; 7:39 AM] to: Best Boy, Ben
Hey, Benjamin! Guess where I am?
[sms; 7:39 AM] to: Best Boy, Ben
[attached file]

Benjamin's eyebrow raised as he clicked the attached file. A picture of a well-known place in NYC immediately popped up. His smirk widened as he replied, eager to meet up again.

[sms; 1:30 PM] to: Cheeky Popstar, Lyra
Just opened msg, when r u coming over? Won't take no 4 an answer.

By the time the knock on her bedroom door comes around just shy of one in the afternoon, Athena was already brushing her teeth. After washing her face and doing the rest of her rigorous skincare routine, she was all prepped and ready to go. Eating a light lunch, something to last her through the day, was when her phone vibrated.

Picking up her phone while she sipped on her water, she typed back her response.

[sms; 1:39 PM] to: Best Boy, Ben
I can start heading over now! (: I'll take the subway but
I'll be awhile. Want me to grab anything for you?
[sms; 1:39 PM] to: Best Boy, Ben
Other than your souvenirs, of course! \(^o^)/

A bag slung over her shoulder, she looked fashionable with the same pair of jeans, a cami with a sheer pastel pink blouse, and matching pink chucks.

Pressing enter, the message was sent and her bodyguard gave her a cursory glance and nodded, following with her out as they left the apartment. He'd stay with her until she was in a safe enough area where he wouldn't need to worry about the public. To other people, they'd just seem like family going out for an outing.

He handed her an apartment key and gave her instructions should they separate. Athena nodded, gripping her phone as they pressed the button for the elevator to come to their floor.

Ben thought a moment. He texted back quickly with one of his favorite things, something they might both enjoy.

[sms; 1:39 PM] to: Cheeky Popstar, Lyra
Depends on where ur stopping at. Still like cc? Emma can whip some up before u arrive.

[sms; 1:40 PM] to: Best Boy, Ben
I was thinking some pastries, you know,
the fluffy kind from that one bakery down the way?
[sms; 1:40 PM] to: Best Boy, Ben
Actually, is it still there? )':
[sms; 1:40 PM] to: Best Boy, Ben
I do… but… ;;;; Okay, I could go for some. <3

[sms; 1:41 PM] to: Cheeky Popstar, Lyra
It’s closed. Levain Bakery has some similar baked goods & donates the rest 2 charity.

[sms; 1:42 PM] to: Best Boy, Ben
Oh! That sounds good! o((*^▽^*))o I'll go there!
[sms; 1:42 PM] to: Best Boy, Ben
Any special requests?

[sms; 1:43 PM] to: Cheeky Popstar, Lyra
A box of dark choco choco chips. They are really rich in favor. Also, rustic fruit tart.

[sms; 1:45 PM] to: Best Boy, Ben
Okay! ( •̀ᄇ• ́)ﻭ✧ I got it!

[sms; 2:28 PM] to: Best Boy, Ben
I have purchased the goods! I'm omw!

[sms; 2:29 PM] to: Cheeky Popstar, Lyra
Good, try not to eat the cookies. It's
hard to resist, I know. Let me know when
you're here, I'll be sure to be waiting

Athena pouted at the text as she began to walk to his house. Even after all these years, she hadn't forgotten the way down the winding roads that led to his neighborhood. She could do with the exercise.

[sms; 2:34 PM] to: Best Boy, Ben
Excuse you! (⁎˃ᆺ˂) I won't!
[sms; 2:34 PM] to: Cheeky Popstar, Lyra
Sure. ;)
[sms; 2:34 PM] to: Best Boy, Ben
[sms; 2:35 PM] to: Best Boy, Ben
I resent that. Not like you haven't stolen a bite or two yourself. |:
[sms; 2:35 PM] to: Cheeky Popstar, Lyra
I know, that’s why I mentioned it lol. They are hard to resist.

She didn't have the heart to respond, mockingly offended that he'd ever accused her of such an atrocity. What was more, he confessed to stealing bites. Idly, she recollected memories of a different time as she headed down the streets.

It took her another ten minutes after being dropped off to finally make it to the gate. With Ben as her phone company, she made it in what was quicker time. She peered around and through the gate. The scenery definitely hadn't changed much, but the gate module itself looked new.

Pulling out her phone again, she typed her arrival.

[sms; 2:34 PM] to: Best Boy, Ben
I'm here at the gate! It's not the same gate code, is it?

And waited.

[sms; 2:35 PM] to: Cheeky Popstar, Lyra
No, sorry. Daniel’s girlfriend got paranoid and had it changed a few times. I’m coming down.

Ben hung up his phone and shut off his TV, tossed away the game controller. He had been playing it while he waited for Athena. He made his way down the stairs now changed into a grey-tee shirt and torn jeans. The whole outfit showed off his fit shape as he walked past the study toward the grand entrance.

He popped open the door and stepped down into the steps leading to the pavement. The day was hotter than he expected as he shrugged off the heat. There was much shade between the gate and the door, making him glad he wouldn't burn from it. His hand reached out then pressed the number combination for the gate causing it to creak open.

"What's up? Let's get inside before the chocolate melts." Ben stated, his lips curled into a boyish smile. He gestured for her to follow him inside.

Her little baseball cap covered her face from the majority of the sun, a black face mask that covered her mouth and nose, leaving only her eyes to be seen. A large light blue and baggy shirt covered her arms, protecting what other skin she may have had from the scorching sun. She's still squinting around to look around the yard before footsteps made their approach.

She turned to face him and her eyes curved into the shape of half-moons. "Of course, let's go!" Athena pulled off the face mask, tucking it under her chin, and followed him beyond the gate. Closing the gate behind her, she walked beside him until they made their way inside.

"If I didn't know any better, I'd say you definitely got taller." Athena bumped her elbow against his arm with a giggle and a grin.

"Well, it happens. Can't stay shorter than you forever. " Ben teased back as he let her elbow him.

"Our housekeeper asked if you were staying for dinner by the way. I hope so. She's aiming on making something simple if Daniel and his dragon lady isn't back soon."

Tapping a finger to her chin in thought, she nodded. "That'd be lovely if you don't mind having me—it would give us plenty of time to catch up." Though, at the word dragon lady, she hid her laugh behind her hand.

When they reached the door, his hand reached out and opened it. His head jerked for Athena to head inside first. Some things never changed as he got older. Especially when it came to what his mother had taught him.

"Ladies first."

Athena giggled and walked inside, letting her eyes adjust from the brilliant and bright outside to the darker interior of the large home. It was cool, as though she was walking through a castle, and she remembered a smaller version of herself coming in here for the first time with a starlit gaze at how castle-like the house was and how she wished she could stay here for longer.

The smells were different, not something she remembered, however, and Athena wrinkled her nose. It hadn't changed very much, the "dragon lady's" presence ever present when Athena knew better. "I see she hasn't changed much in her taste of style," she remarked dryly, glancing over the decor as they walked along the familiar path to the kitchen for some napkins and drinks to go with their baked goods. ( And to say hello to Emma, of course. )

" Yeah, she's gotten worse. Took over the whole house, but I managed to save some of mom's things." Benjamin answered with a sour tone, following her.

Again, Athena resisted the urge to make a face.

"Hola, you two," Emma said as she pulled from the fridge, and smiled at Athena.

"You've gotten so big... Come here and let me see you! It's been so long." Her accent was heavy and thick, but her English was understandable and clear.

Athena lit up upon seeing the familiar housekeeper. Setting down the bag of treats and her messenger bag, she moved closer to Emma. Pulling off her baseball cap and the face mask, she leaned in to hug the housekeeper with a force reminiscent of her childhood when she tried to squeeze the nice lady. This time, it was out of genuine delight of seeing someone so familiar.

"Oh, it's so nice to see you, ajumma!" Athena murmured, squeezing her in a hug. She pulled away to show how much she's grown and was now much taller than the housekeeper. Slender, though difficult to tell through the baggy clothes that hid her frame, it was obvious in her strength.

"Your hugs haven't lost their warmth or strength, I see." Emma chuckled as she returned the same affection in her own hug.

"It's nice to see a familiar face after what... two years?"

Benjamin coughed, interrupting the reunion.

"She's staying for dinner."

Emma's eyes lit up causing her to glance back to Athena, happy to see Benjamin having a friend over.

"Any special requests?"

"I'm good for anything—wait, actually, may I have burgers?" The very idea had Athena sparkling in anticipation. She hadn't anything Americanized in awhile due to eating a much healthier lifestyle. Today was one of those "cheat" days.

She turned to Benjamin, almost wanting to share her enthusiasm. "Is that okay?"

Benjamin shrugged, though his smile still hadn't dropped. It was a subtle hint of approval as he spoke.

"We haven't had any burgers for a while, so sure. Could we have some of your spicy nacho cheese fries too, Emma?"

"Yes, I can arrange that." Emma replied.

"Awesome. Hey, Athena, let's leave Emma to work. If the dragon lady and Daniel shows up, give me a heads up. We’ll be in the game room."

Athena wondered if the family situation had gotten worse.

"Of course," Emma stated, though her expression hid her concern. She let her smile return and shooed them off from her kitchen.

The idol glanced between the two.

"Now you two go have fun. I'll take care of the treats and dinner."
Stuff should either be up or worked on tomorrow. I have a few things in the pipeline

I hope they didn't get stuck.
Aboard the Serith, en route to Korriban
Kurin Tonaal, Mahree Mis-Ede, Dashara Horizon

"That's better than fi-" Dash stopped in the middle of her sentence.

Her expression hardened. She had spotted a man enter the cargo bay, a familiar mask and black robes betrayed his origins. The Sith. He was carrying two trays with food causing her hunger pains to rattled once more.

Without wasting much time, she moved her legs underneath her and pushed upright. Her figure turned to face him with a defensive posture. Instinctively her hand rested near her blade, ready to draw it if needed.

When he saw her prepare to draw her weapon Kurin smiled underneath his mask. “Go ahead. Draw that blade. Attack the energy field.” he said before pausing for a second. “Or you can attack this food. One will hurt for you, the other will relieve pain.” He put down one of the trays on a crate, then passed the other through to one cell, shutting the hatch afterwards, before proceeding to take up the first tray again and send that into the other cell.

Mahree's attention turned to the entrance to the hold once Dash suddenly stopped speaking. The younger girl felt herself closing up again. Fear setting in just at the sight of the Sith. She pulled her knees back towards her chest and wrapped her arms around them, burying half of her face once more.

“Had I wished you harm then you would not have been standing where you are. In fact, I have a small challenge for you.” He pulled a crate over, then sat down on it, right before both cells. There was no need to make any threats. He was fairly certain that the cell kept the second girl’s pheromones firmly in check, should she be trying to release them. But even if that were the case, he had instructed his crew to wear breathing masks on going into the hold, just in case.

Dash kept her eyes on Kurin. She looked unfazed by his small taunt and facts, but it was easy to tell she wanted to retort. When Kurin moved from the cell and sat, her stiffness fell away. Her blade hand reached for the tray before she walked back to the uncomfortable cot.

She paused to look at Mahree causing her expression to soften into sympathy briefly.

It was pretty basic food fare. Re-hydrated rations with a single utensil and crackers, obviously prepackaged. At least the quality was better than some cases she had suffered through. Deciding not to be picky, she lowered herself onto the mattress.

Her empathy reached out to the younger girl, once more trying to calm and comfort her fear.

"Challenge, uh? And why should we rise to it?" She addressed Kurin, picking through the food and eating a bit.

“Why not? Is sitting here bemoaning your current circumstances more entertaining? There are several days left on our journey yet, and you’re not getting out of those cells until it is over.” He let them eat a little before he continued. “The challenge is simple, really. All you need to do is stack these crates.” he pointed to the haphazardly scattered crates behind him. “None of the small crates are mag-locked to the deck.”

He pointed first to Mahree, then to Dashara. “You can take the blue crates, and you can take the red ones.”

Mahree raised her head from her knees, glancing to the fold before looking at Kurin. "And what game is this? she asked, glaring at him before glancing over at Dash, wondering what she thought of his 'challenge'.

Dash's lips pressed tighter, pausing from her second bit. She caught Mahree's look and nodded, a soft gesture to approve the question. Her stomach had already eased its pain to a more tolerable level now.

She set the tray aside for the moment, part of her meal gone. Her interest was sparked and she scrutinized Kurin before she relaxed.

"Fair enough point, but I suspect you'll be disappointed. Those crates are a bit too heavy for me."

“Not if you use the Force.” he retorted succinctly.

With a purposeful and half-hearted attempt, Dash's hand reached out toward the red crates. The top one jiggled but it never lifted far. Instead, it slid off the other crate onto the floor. Much to her disappointment, it never busted open.

"What else would I be lifting it with? You already stated we’re not getting out of these cells." Dash shoved the facts right back at him, even using the same words he did.

He watched her clearly half-hearted attempt. Even a child half her age could do better given basic knowledge of how to do it. “Do it again, only this time you don’t hold back in a paltry attempt to look weak. Such antics will no avail you at the academy.” He frowned at her attempt to be sarcastic. “I suggest thinking your words through before you make statements in the future. Especially when you know they are statements that a child can see the blatant faults in.”

Another spike of hate reared before she pushed it down.

"And you wonder why people think you're monsters," she muttered, loud enough for him to hear.

She adjusted her posture, working out the tingling sensation. Her hand brushed her long bangs away while she continued.

"I'm not really sure why you're bothering."

After a moment, she inhaled and exhaled again. She held her hand out again, but she hesitated and just dropped her arm.

"The weight hadn't changed so it's not going to change the result."

“Weight,” he told the girl “is irrelevant.” He pointed behind him, lifting the largest crate up, then dropped it sharply down to the deck from a few centimeters up. He estimated that it weighed several metric tons, so the sharp thunk as it impacted was not what anyone would call inaudible.

“If hating me pleases you, then feel free to do so. I do not mind.”

“But if you are to hate me, use your hatred. Do not let it use you. That is where the Jedi fail. They are afraid of their emotions, so they run from them, push them down, when they should be in command. Think about those who have hurt you. Truly hurt you. Imagine what you would do to them if you had them at your mercy. Channel the feelings that gives you and you will have power at your disposal. Power unlike any other.”

Dash held her hand up to stop him speaking farther, "I don't hate you, just the fact you stole my freedom. It's really hard to want to listen to a captor. Especially when it doesn't change anything."

She inhaled, "Jedi aren't weak, they are just liars. Sort of like Sith. And don't lecture me about emotions. One of the phrases grilled into my head was: You should never be ruled by your emotions."

“You claim that Sith are liars, but when have I lied to you, hmm?” He shifted a little on his crate. “Someone told you Sith lie, and condemn all of them as liars, not even having met one.” He continued, “The Jedi are afraid of us Sith. How do I know this? Time and again, they have tried to wipe us out. Last time, they almost succeeded. Yet do you hear stories about that in the republic? No.”

“As for that lesson you have been drilled with? It will serve you well in the academy. It lead you down the path to greatness.”

Dash glared at the red crate. "I don't want power, I want freedom. And say my emotions will set me free, I will counter that they haven't managed to do that here."

He looked straight at her, though the effect was somewhat limited by his mask. “I did not steal your freedom. Your greed did. I merely brought you to justice.” as he said that, he pulled out a lightsaber, one that would be very familiar to her. “I put considerable effort into this one. I could not simply leave it behind.”

"I trust her better than you, though we'll likely never cross paths again." Dash defended her friend, even if she was wrong. Her body was facing him now and slouched over, assertive in her posture. Her legs folded under her while she watched the Sith.

“The fact that this woman you speak of did not turn you over to the Jedi implies that she is no longer part of them herself. A wise choice. As for your paths never crossing again. How can you be sure? Even the Emperor cannot predict the future with utter certainty. Perhaps I will have your past looked into so that this woman can be brought into the fold if she is willing?”

“You leave her out of this,” Dash growled.

Her skin reddened slightly as she glared at him.

When she spotted the lightsaber, she cursed. Her head lowered as she spoke, realization was clear in her voice.

"I knew something was wrong with it. The hilt was Jedi, but it had a red blade. Jedi don’t use red crystals. You put out bait and I fell for it."

“To the contrary young feisty one, Jedi do use red crystals. It is rare, but it happens. Foolish of them, considering the simple fact that red crystals are innately more powerful. But then they are Jedi. Proof enough of them being foolish. We Sith do not use them due to tradition. We use them because they are more powerful. Why use anything less than the best tool for the job?”

Mahree sat in her cell silently while Dash and the Sith shot at each other, back and forth, each one trying to outweigh the other with their words and justifications. The girl’s head buried deeper into the space between her chest and her legs, eyes shut tightly as she tried to tune both of them out. She didn’t want to play their captor’s little game, but in the end, did she have a choice? Would he do anything if they both blatantly refused?

Mahree was hesitant to play along. What if she could lift the crates as well as he expected? What kind of label would that put on her?

She couldn’t help but wonder just how well she could move the crates, however. Could she use on as a weapon? If she could throw it fast enough, maybe it would strike their captor before he noticed. There would be no telling how well it would work though, until Mahree could get a feel for the crates.

One arm moved slowly as she rested that hand next to her, on the floor of the cell. She reached out then, and tried to make it as inconspicuous as possible, as she focused the Force, feeling for one of the crates at the opposite side of the room.

She was still for now, playing around with what she could feel, barely moving the crate as she tested out her abilities while the other two bickered amongst themselves.

Kurin turned to look at the other detainee. He felt her struggling attempt to use the Force. “Focus on the one who hurt you. Who killed your family. Imagine your revenge. Use that to fuel your telekinesis. It will help.” Some would no doubt imagine him lying about that, but he was completely honest. He did wonder what they would do next. Probably something foolish.

Mahree took a deep breath as she listened to Kurin’s words. It felt ironic to her. Here he was, a Sith, trying to teach her how to focus her telekinesis in order to move an object - telling her to use revenge as a source of power. When in fact it was a Sith who took her and made her a captive.

“Why do you think I would listen to anything you have to say?” Mahree began, her hands tightening as the girl stood up suddenly, keeping focus on the crate she sensed as she eyed Kurin. “It was a Sith who put me here in the first place, why would I listen to anything you have to say?!” The girl screamed, her arm swinging around hard as her telekinetic grip on the crate sent it flying towards Kurin.

“You know as well as I do that is a lie. Slavers killed your family, took you captive to sell on the hutt markets. A Sith associate of mine had unfinished business with those slavers. After they died for their sins they set the slavers’ cargo free. You, being a Force-sensitive orphan with nowhere to return to, he decided to send to me so that I could bring you to Korriban for training.” He casually caught the crate moments before impact, holding it in place while feeling her push against his strength. “Good. Use that anger.” He pushed the crate back to test her strength of will.

Dash’s head jerked at the crate’s flight. Her teeth gritted as she watched Mahree lose her temper, the meek and dispirited girl showing she had bite. The only bad thing, Dash didn’t have much time to appreciate it before a wall of hatred slammed into her emotions. Her calm shattered like glass from a thrown rock.

Every muscle in Dash’s body tensed at the alien emotions flooding her own. Her breathing increased, trying to retain some bit of control and failing quickly. In the back of her mind, she regretted forgetting to shut off her empathy.

Kurin smiled as Mahree fought back against his test of strength. It was clear that she wanted to challenge him, that she would fight back for as long as it took. While this was not the exact test he had originally intended, it was a good test nonetheless of her strength and determination. He was, in many ways, proud of her for using the anger. “Yes! Continue pushing... Draw on that strength! Feel its power!”

From the side he sensed how her anger seemed to be bleeding over into the mind of the empath. Or at least, that was the most probable source, given that he sensed sudden growing anger from her too. Turning to look at the empath, he saw how she struggled to rein herself in. Futilely.

He spoke to her specifically. “Use that anger! Don’t run from it. Do not let it go to waste! Channel it into something useful!” He thought for a fraction of a second on where she might channel it effectively. “Crush the box I am sitting on!” he said to challenge her.

Dash gritted her teeth harder before she forced herself to speak, ”You might get crushed instead…”

The moment the words slipped out, her own anger shot up another level. She needed to get this under control and fast.

Hearing the Inquisitor challenge them put Mahree further on edge. She maintained her focus on the crate that was suspended next to Kurin, pushing back as hard as she could while her anger only grew.

The sweet girl that seemed to have lost her way, ever since she had been in the hands of Sith, seemed to disappear. Instead Mahree felt everything between anger and grief, threatening to overtake her as the Sith in front of her challenged she and Dash.

The girl pushed harder on the suspended crate while her free hand reached out. She took the man's challenge and began to shatter the crate herself. Slowly it started to crack and twist under her influence. Mahree couldn't help as her anger grew. She had so many emotions built up inside and this was the first time she was able to express them.

“Mahree… calm down a bit.” Dash nearly pled, but knew her words wouldn’t reach the girl.

There was too much pain there, piled on from the sense of loss and suffering linked to dead parents. A pain she had felt herself once. She had to get rid of this anger as bottling it up would only lead to more chaos in her heart, something that never ended well.

Dash held out her hand toward the crate the Sith sat on. Her fingers curled and her mind drifted to memories she wished she didn’t have, fueling the fire already spreading through her. While she had a notion she could’ve controlled and determined what was crushed, she didn’t. For a split second, Kurin’s face wasn’t his own. In her mind, it represented far more and a man at the root of it all. A representation of her entrapment.

Pressure began to push on the crate. The outside began to crumble against the raw power surrounding it. It started with with dents and grew in strength. Truthfully, she rarely used anger in her force manipulations. Neith had warned how it would corrupt her if she did.

Dash wondered if it even mattered now. Tears of hot anger pooled at her eyes and trickled down her cheeks, but she didn’t seem to notice.

Slowly Kurin began to feel the crate vibrate as the two detainees pushed on it, trying to crush it. At first, nothing more happened, but eventually it would give in, crumble under their combined efforts. The durable design of it was designed specifically to protect anything within, so it took time. He shifted his weight back onto his legs, know that while it might be amusing to them if he fell over, it would not be be comfortable, let alone beneficial to the lesson he was teaching them.

He felt the momentary efforts from the empathy to also crush him, but while it had a certain amount of raw strength it was unrefined and imprecise due to her incomplete training. Not nearly enough to break through his defenses. It had potential, though. What sort of foolish jedi lesson had that woman she spoke of imprinted upon her?

Mahree didn’t hold back. She both heard and saw the crate starting to deform, so she kept pushing. Mahree didn’t hear Dash’s words at all. All of her rage and fury was focused on Kurin and the crate he sat upon. After a few more moments, the crate suddenly shattered. Mahree released her telekinetic influence on it and instead focused solely on the crate she was attempting to hit Kurin with.

Dash's eyes were burning through the haze of tears and bitterness, anger filled her mind. She continued to focus on the crate even after it cracked, bent and twisted through the girls' efforts. Kurin had moved by now, but she didn't care. An inanimate object was better than a living target right now.

Desperation filled her as she did the last thing she wanted: pled for it to stop.

"S-s-stop her... please."

It was a sign of weakness and she knew it. At this point she couldn't stop Mahree on her own or shut off the empathy. Every time she tied, more rage just plowed into her thoughts and distracted her. She didn't know how much more she could stand at this rate.

It was not hard at all for Kurin to see that the rage had begun to consume the non-empath. She had raw power aplenty, but she still lacked control of it. He actually had to put a bit more into holding the crate back out, though he suspect if this went on much longer, that too would crumple. The empath was equally out of control, though for other reasons. For her, the non-empath’s rage was too overwhelming. She didn’t know enough about the technique to block it all out.

They both needed training. Considerable training. All of this proved to him again that their being transported to Korriban was right. He reached out with his other hand, pushing hard on her, forcing her backwards to the energy field behind her. The cells were not configured to cause much pain currently but the shock should jolt her out of her rage. It was either that or something more harmful. Not at all a difficult choice. If necessary, he would do the same to the Empath.

Mahree, still blinded by her rage and grief, fought back against Kurin’s telekinetic push. She was forced back into the field of the cage, a sudden electric shock overtaking her body as his push momentarily held her there.

Her fury pushed on though.

The young girl pushed back against Kurin’s influence while still being shocked by the cell’s electric field. One hand held out, she pushed hard, trying with all the strength of will she could muster - trying knock Kurin down, to make him pay. Trying to achieve some sort of revenge for the grief the slavers and the Sith had caused.

It was quickly clear that the energy field did not jolt her out of her full-blown rage. “Sit down, Acolyte.” he said firmly, turning his push into full stasis. He then pulled her over and down onto the bed in a seated position. It would no doubt anger her somewhat to be controlled like that, but at this point it was necessary if he wished to avoid harming her significantly. With her body restrained like that, the force on the hovering crate broke and he let it fall down. “You have let your anger consume you. You need to rule it, not let it rule you.” His voice at this point was clearly one of authority, of command, rather than the more casual tone from earlier. Once he had her seated, he altered the stasis to allow speech.

When Mahree's rage stopped, Dash's figure drifted to the cot's side and fell off. She hit the cell's floor hard. Her arms wrapped about her head as her legs tucked in, curled up into a pitiful ball. Her lungs were breathing hard while her mind seemed locked up in its own maelstrom.

An unfortunate and familiar one.

Anger still wafted off her, but it was merely empathy flowing and no force direction at all. She couldn't tell which emotion was hers or Mah, a fact that left her struggling.

He did not have time to deal with calming down the empath at the same time. He quickly pressed a command into his wrist unit, releasing a particularly effective form of knockout gas into her cell. It would leave her with a headache when she eventually woke back up, but otherwise unharmed.

As the gas filled the cell, Dash's body felt heavy. Her muscles slacked and her eyes drooped, feeling sleep replace the confusion.

The sudden stasis caught Mahree off guard as he body was forced into a sitting position on the cot. Her influence on the Force was diminished, as was her blindness by rage and grief. Her mind quickly wound down from the enraged young girl to something more of exhaustion and confusion. Mahree took deep breaths in and out in quick succession as her thoughts became her own again.

Mahree watched silently as Dash crumpled to the ground suddenly, the girl taking note of the gas that filled the cell, though barely visible.

“You’re the cause of this,” she began, her voice wavering as Mahree addressed Kurin. “If Sith minded their own business, none of this would be happening.” She mumbled. Her focus shifted to her breathing then, listening to her lungs breathe in an in an attempt to calm her mind.

“Blame the Jedi, not the Sith.” He answered, no longer as commanding in his tone. “If they had left us Sith alone instead of fanatically hunting us, then none of this would have happened.”

He gently pulled another crate over, sitting down right outside the force cage. “Now focus. Take deep, regular breaths… in… out… in… out… A rage will always take more out of you than you expect it to. But it is nothing to be afraid of. In time, you will learn to control better than you did this first time.” He spoke softly now.

"What happened to the Sith in the past is not the fault of those in the present." Mahree retorted, head down. She was caught off guard when Kurin's voice changed - it was calm, almost soothing as he sounded like he was honestly trying to help the situation. It frustrated the girl a little, but she said nothing for the time being and reluctantly listened to his instruction.

While she slowly gained control over her breathing, he pressed a command into his wrist unit, activating the venting system on the other cell, extracting the remaining knockout gas. The prisoner within would remain unconscious for a while more. In just over half a minute the gas was gone and he sent a silent message to temporarily disable the force cage, so that he could tuck Dashara into the bed. He removed the rapier and its sheath, placing it on the floor beside her. Then he left the cell, which was remotely reactivated once he was outside its coverage. He would have to arrange some more food for her later.

Feeling the stasis had been dropped, Mahree watched as the Sith Inquisitor put Dash into the cot, tucking her in like a parent would their child. Of course the bond wasn't as close, but seeing the action still reminded Mahree of such.

In the other cell he could see that the detainee there had recovered somewhat, no longer looking quite so stressed out. “I suggest you eat something. It will help.”

The actions this Sith varied greatly from the last, which Mahree found odd and very surprising. Her first captor did not supply food for a few days, her cell had been much smaller and the treatment harsher. Yet this Sith seemed to… care?

The young girl watched Kurin closely after he suggested she eat. At first it seemed that she would refuse again, but after a few long moments of hesitation, Mahree stood slowly from the cot and took a few steps towards where the tray of food sat after the Sith had deposited it before. She did not take the whole tray with her, instead she grabbed a few different food items and returned to the cot, snacking as soon as she sat down.

He let her earlier statement go unanswered. It would do no good to start another heated discussion. Letting her eat, he sat there watching silently. “If there is anything you might want to know, don’t be afraid to ask.” he said when she was mostly done eating.

“I would appreciate in knowing the name of my gracious host.” Mahree began, eyes glancing up at Kurin for a moment before her gaze returned to the floor. She placed one final cracker in her mouth and decided she was done eating for now.

“That is something I naturally can answer. My name is Kurin Tonaal, though most simply call me Inquisitor, occasionally followed by one of my names.” He paused for a moment. “I know your first name is Mahree, but I do not know the rest of your name. Is that something you are willing to share?”

The exchanging of names was not something Mahree had foreseen while in this Kurin’s hold. She listened to his question, asking for her last name. The young girl glanced up to the other cage, watching a sleeping Dash for a moment before her gaze returned to the ground. “No, I don’t think I am willing.” she mumbled, wiping some crumbs from her face as her gaze remained down, away from Kurin.

“Very well. I will not force you to reveal it.” He was a bit disappointed, but not overly surprised. Earning their trust, if he ever did it, would take time. Had he had more than one cargo hold available he could have considered having one of them moved, but that was not an option at the present. “I will leave you alone for now, though someone will come by with more food later for you both.”

Now... I think I'm done with it.
One: Still working on it, revision lost motivation but it's coming back.
Two: Was waiting for feedback over what we're doing ICly so I can determine anything else I need to add to it.
Three: Didn't get an answer to two in the chat. :P
Hide and Seek: Part 2

Location: Benjamin’s home, NYC
Time: Afternoon, month after the Wolf Hunt.

Benjamin's arms burned as he pushed up then lowered back down. Each time, he repeated the movement in sets. After several hours, he gave one final pushed and hooked the bar on the stand. In a well-practiced motion, his figure slid out from underneath it. Sweat beaded across his surface making him feel grimy from the extreme work out.

An arm snatched up a nearby placed towel and began to wipe around his eyes. His wave hair flipped around, some times slipped into his eyes and made them sting. Finishing up, he rose upright. He discarded the towel while he walked toward the door.

When his fingers touched the handle, a loud rapping caught his attention. His head whipped about to the source: his bedroom window. Benjamin frowned before he began to investigate.

On the still, a blue-black crow stood outside. The beady eyes narrowed onto him and became motionless. Almost like it was studying him. In a sudden burst of energy, the crow's wings jerked out and feet kicked off its perch. It swooped wide once before it vanished into the distance.

Benjamin remained at his room's entrance, confused by the sight. It held some familiarity, but weirdness too. He shrugged it off as he turned around to exit his personal space.

He managed to catch the clock on his way out. The digital numbers flashed 12:00 PM.

'Explains the hunger pains,' Benjamin mused.

He soundlessly made his way down the stairs into the hallway outside the kitchen. The sounds of the door unlocking and swinging open caused him to pause. It had to be Emma, she was the only one to have keys to the house.

As he entered the kitchen, he realized her shift started earlier than this. The oddness strict him, but he didn't linger on it. It didn't matter to him now.

He noted she had two large, paper bags in each arm. She struggled to loosen the keys while she juggled them. Despite Lorrie's continual complaints, Benjamin moved closer and reached to help her.

"I got them," he began to take them from her.

When Emma came to face him, they fell from her grip. In her shock, she uttered a phrase Benjamin couldn't understand.

"¡Oh dios mío, Benjamin! ¿Que está haciendo aquí usted?"

In the nick of time, Benjamin had managed to slip his arms underneath to catch the bags. He doubted that Lorrie would've forgiven the waste. He placed them on the counter and turned back to Emma. She appeared to be staring at a ghost. The image of her hands pressed against her mouth and pallor skin created some discomfort in him.

He finally broke the silence.

"Emma, you know I don't understand Spanish. What's the matter?"

His words seemed to recover what sanity she still held. Recovering from her shock, she lowered her hands and spoke. Her eyes still looked him up then down. She seemed to expect him to evaporate at any moment.

"Ms. Hart called and said you weren't coming back home until the day after tomorrow. I had to shop and ensure we had food for when you got back. Was there a change in plan?"

Emma's voice caused a small headache to bud in his head. Images of a man surface into his mind's eye. A worn, green cap flattened black hair streaked with grey against the auburn skin. Grey eyes stared at him and gave off an aura of familiarity. The image faded shortly after leaving him with a throbbing pain in his head.

Emma's hand rested on his shoulder and her eyes filled with concern. Her voice became steady.

"Are you all right Benjamin?"

All he could do was a nod and deflect her worry with a simple word. "Yeah."

She became hesitate to accept this forcing him to farther comfort her.

"Yes, I am. I just got a headache. I must've strained something during the workout, it will pass."

He could sense the reservation in Emma when she pulled her hand back and turned to the groceries. She began to pull out various food from fresh cod to kosher salt, setting them down into a neat line.

"I'll make you some fish tacos. Or would you prefer Philly cheese steak wraps?"

Benjamin finally pushed his pain to the side to answer her.

"Fish tacos sound delicious. Would be faster than the wraps too."

Emma gave a small smile then shooed him out of the kitchen.

"I'll start it. Can you see if Mr. Reeves and Ms. Hart want something else?"

He shrugged then sulked out. He wandered around the house for a good hour, calling for Daniel and Lorrie. Neither answered him. He began to suspect they weren't home when he returned to the kitchen. By now, the aromas of baked cod filled the air. Cilantro, lime, and other seasonings heightened the already savory scents.

"I can't find them. I guess they left for something."

Emma didn't comment on it. Instead, she passed him a plate with four tacos prepared and sided by lime wedges, sided by a strange salad. He glanced at it then back to her. Seeing that he expected an answer to her creation, Emma let her smile widen and answered.

"It's a Mexican Cesar salad. I found it on the net and it's supposed to be rather healthy."

Benjamin nodded and began to head upstairs, his escape paused by Emma's voice.

"With Mr. Reeves and Ms. Hart out of the house, you know you don't have to retreat upstairs. I don't mind company while I dine in the kitchen."

Emma's offer sounded tempted as he pulled away from the stairs. He sat his plate on the counter and negotiated a bit.

"All right. I'll stay down here on one condition. The first signs of the dragon lady, you distract her and I'll make my get away upstairs. Deal?"

<Snipped quote by Fallenreaper>

No,not the plague.

Just fleas.

Don't make me have Ben chase Lyger up a tree. He's not a pussy cat at least.
<Snipped quote by officaz>

There are a few vampires, Dracula is also around. And there are a ton of breeds out there too. Vampires are also gifted in magic and could probably even be metahumans if they were turned after the fact. I'm not sure how they would react to becoming Meta powered after becoming Vampires but that also could be a possibility. Anyways there's tons of ways to make Vampires and the kind of characters they could be. So we're always open and accepting as long as basic rules are followed.

No god modding, no reality warping powers, no player mind control. And of course basic Guild rules too. Just write up a sheet post it in OOC and once accepted post into the Character tab.

Pretty much that. I also know there are a few players who dub in the supernatural and other genres which allow your character to cross paths with them whenever you want. I know I have a werewolf that's involved in that stuff, and I'm slowly trying to back on his feet again. Had an extreme case of motivation block since most of the players he was attached to ended up becoming overwhelmed with real-life or dropped the rp suddenly. I swear, if I didn't know better I think Ben had the plague or something.
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