Avatar of Fallenreaper


Recent Statuses

6 yrs ago
Current Yes, I'm an oversize child. Deal with it. :P
6 yrs ago
That moment you've got too many rp ideas floating in your head, but you don't want to overwhelm yourself? Yeah... I'm right there, suffering in silence.
6 yrs ago
RP hunting is like finding the rare toy in the cereal box. Doable, but the time and effort is nearly more than I can bare!
7 yrs ago
That amazing high when you realized how far you've come in improving your writing. It's impossible to describe, but drowns you in a positive glow.
8 yrs ago
I love being a terrible person by making my PCs' lives miserable, it's art form that never gets old or boring.


Personal details I've got enough room to share.

Nicknames....Fallen (preferred), Reaper, Devour of lost souls, etc.
Sign...............Libra (true to sign surprisingly)
Occupation....Wandering and exploring the caves of my insane mind
Location.........USA (Lost in the Cornfields!)



Click the links (Titles) below to be taken directly to the thread.

Advance RP

Accepting: GM/Co-GM Nitemare Shape, Hound55, & Dedonus

Formaroth Part 2: Throne of Lies
Still Accepting: GM TheDuncanMorgan

Casual RP

X-Men: The New Era - Issue II: Avalon Rising
Accepting: GM Almalthia, Co GM Pilatus

Legacy of Heroes: The New Age
Accepting: GM Jessie Targaryen, Co GMs Alfhedil and Apollosarcher

Nation RP


Arena RP

None yet.

Extra Stuff Featuring: Flight Rising.

Most Recent Posts

Ten minutes is not very much time to many. But for Mahree, ten minutes felt like an eternity as she endured Kilian’s punishment through the use of the shock collar. He was strategic in how he worked. Ten minutes gave Dashara enough time to think over what had happened, and what could be happening to her poor friend while she waited for Kilian to arrive.

Chatting quietly to themselves while watching over the new Neophyte. As the electronic door to the combatives room opened, both straightened themselves as Overseer Haryss entered. He looked to the apprentices, then to Dash where she sat.

“Worried about your… friend?” He mocked, eyes moving from Dashara to the apprentices.

Dashara didn’t say a word. She merely tightened her jaw and kept silent, watching him carefully. She had picked a corner to ensure neither of Haryss’ dogs could surprise her. Not that they appeared to think without their ‘master’s’ commands.

Kilian chuckled at Dash’s silence. He was a little surprised at the restraint she showed, even after being pulled away from her friend and having no choice but to leave her in his hands.

“You’re not even going to ask if she’s still alive?” He asked, turning to one of his apprentices and handing them his lightsaber. He also removed the control gauntlet on his wrist, handing it over as well.
“It would be very simple, really. I could just press that little button down and leave it. She’d be dead after a few minutes of that constant stream of electricity. And you wouldn’t even know.”

“Then you lose any possible reason for me to hold back from trying to escape.” Dashara’s voice held an edge to it when she responded. She kept sitting as to show how little his taunting mattered to her.

“You can keep thinking that.” Kilian began, running a hand through his dirty blonde hair and turning to face Dash. He took a few steps towards her, his shoulders broad and squared off as he approached her. “She was weak. A means to an end you could say.” he taunted, stopping a few feet in front of Dash.
“Weak, spineless, dependent and oh so innocent. Does that sound like your friend? I just call it a waste of space.”

Kilian kept pushing, verbally, mentally. He wanted to find that tick, to see just what Mahree’s meaning was to Dash and how far she would go to defend her weaker friend. Just how much of a puppet could Mahree be used as, and when would Kilian have to push farther and try a different tactic?

Dash’s lips tightened into a line. Her anger rose in her throat before she shoved it down, pushing it back into the bottom of her stomach. Cautiously she stood upright onto her feet.

“She’s stronger than you think. If she is dead, I guess you lose your leverage.” Her eyes looked to the door then back to Kilian, studying his reaction to her obvious thoughts.

“You don’t believe me? You seem a little less worried than I would’ve thought.” He began, catching her glimpse as her eyes momentarily moved to look at the door.

Ah, yes. The exit, the way out. Just how far would she get? Would she go back for her friend?
“No matter. The weak ones always die in the first couple of days. Overseer Genbit might not be too pleased, but I’ve saved him the effort he’d have to put forth later.”

Kilian went silent for a few moments, judging Dash’s body language, her gaze, her aura. He stepped closer to the girl, testing, gauging her response. As he did this, Dash’s head snapped into his direction while she circled around and closer to the door. Kilian reach out suddenly, past her telekinetic defense, which was weakened and poorly protected, and forced her to remain still right where she was.

Quickly, Kilian moved toward Dashara, stepping right up in front of the girl. He felt an overwhelming sense of fear and anger as he approached her. He scoffed held a hand out, “It’s a pity, really. Your friend tortured and writhing, begging for mercy. Just one less pretty face around here.”

As he spoke, Kilian could feel the girl fighting back. One hand remained out, holding her in place, as the other lifted to her face. Oddly gently, smooth fingers ran themselves along her jawline and underneath her chin, fingers forcing her head up just a little more so he could see her gaze fully. “Shall we begin?”

Dash fought the trembling rippling throughout her. Her skin crawled from his touch as she continued to glare at him, still trying to fight the force holding her in place. She pressed her lips together before she voiced her thoughts of him.

“Get your fucking hand off me.” Her hand twitched causing a few deactivated training droids to rush at the Overseer’s head.

The hand along Dash’s cheek moved quickly, reaching out towards one of the apprentices. His lightsaber was pulled from their loose grasp, through the air and into his hand. He ignited it quickly, turning and slicing his blade through the three training droids in two quick, precise movements. He deactivated the lightsaber in the next moment, his head turning back to look at Dashara.

She bolted for the door. Her figure slipped around his back and the apprentices, leaving them behind her. It wouldn't stop them for long. The first one reached her in moments. His gloved hand snagged her tunic back causing Dash to stop and fling her elbow back. A sound crack indicated she scored a hit followed by a yelp. Her lips curled into a smirk while she turned back to slam her hand on the panel, the door hissing open easily.

The second apprentice pushed in to land a strike on her cheek. Dash raised an arm and redirected with the back, pushing it behind her. Her other fist shoved into the unprotected ribs. She finally kicked into the knee, bring him down to a kneeling position.

Leaving the two to nurse their wounds, she rushed out. Her hand hit the panel to prevent any of them from following her.

Kilian moved to his apprentices, watching the ordeal unfold. The door closed just as the man stepped up to it. He stood still for a moment, glancing at the younger Sith nursing their wounds. Eyes rolled slightly as he got the door open and stepped out into the hallway. All was quiet, the girl moved fast. Perfect.

Kilian took a deep breath, the chase had begun. As a Sith Assassin and now an Overseer, Kilian enjoyed a good chase.

Dash managed to slip around the corner. She jerked to a stop and pressed herself against the wall, attempting to be as small as possible. Her chest heaved up and down. Each gulp of air burned while she listened for any heavy approaching steps. When silence reaffirmed no one followed her, Dash's eyes adjusted to the darkness. She began to make her way to the surveillance room.

It took a few long hours as she tried to slice into the door's panel. Several times she got sparked causing her to jerk back, her fingers singed by the failure. Feeling the effort becoming futile, she broke away from the attempt. Sounds of feet approaching caused her to dart away to hide around a corner.

A technician leaned down to examine the damage. His hand pressed a comlink and muttered into it. He clicked it off then began to work on repairing the panel.


“Apprentice Meva, move towards Mais-Ede’s room. Stay there until further orders.” Through his comlink, Kilian moved his apprentices, strategically, slowly, giving him time to think out this chase to the last detail. He’d just received word that one of the security room control panels had been tampered with. It was his charge, Dashara, no doubt. Kilian himself remained on his path, making his rounds, giving the little rat time to think through what she wanted to do.

The security room; it could reveal to her pathways through the Academy, and a way out if she knew where to look. But that’s not what she wanted access for. Was she taking such a big chance just to check up on her friend? That’s a detail Kilian wanted to find out for himself, for he could still use that bond to his advantage.


Meanwhile, Dash peered around the corner. Her eyes scanned the technician occupied with the panel. With a debilitate movement, she crept toward the distracted man. Her hand reached out then gestured for a tool to snap into hand as she rushed to slam it into the side of his face. The man crumbled into a heap.

Wasting little time, she began to search his body until she found a key card. She slid it in and the door granted her access. Her eyes glanced to the evidence she needed to get rid of then sighed.

A half an hour of pulling and tugging him inside, she managed to shut the door. On the outside everything appeared untouched to avoid suspicion. With the spare cords, Dash managed to tie up the Technician to a chair and shoved him in a corner.

Her attention turned to the multiple screens facing her now. She clicked one or two buttons, causing a few holocams to flip between different areas. She caught sight of one of the apprentices standing guard at the hallway nearest Mahree. That stuck her as odd. If Mahree was dead, they would've been more busy to ensure she didn't leave rather than guard a corpse. She bit the side of her cheek before deciding something. With a bit more fiddling, her screen showed her Overseer Haryss.

The apprentice and him appeared to be in conversation. A few moments passed before the prior took off down another hallway. Dash debated on something then with tool in hand, she stabbed the panel and sabotage it. Stepping back from the sparking lock, she walked back to the technician. After a bit more picking in the pockets, she managed to find a small map covering his duties, his tool belt and the card key to the beast pens. Her smirk renewed when an idea flicked into her head.

She tightened the belt about her waist as she looked around. When Dash found the vent cover, she unbolted the fastenings and crawled in. A few marks had been made on the map to note Overseer's Haryss', his apprentices' and the beast pens' locations. All she had to do was follow it.

With an agile and practiced movement, Dash lowered herself down. She dropped soundlessly onto the floor. She ensured herself a hallway ahead of Haryss' patrolling path and nearest the beast pens. Carefully her eyes peeked around the corner to monitor his location.

“You know, young one, Despite all this trickery, I still sense that fear from you. This is not a place to make mistakes.” Kilian warned. He halted his feet, feeling Dash’s aura behind him. That anger, the hate. Not all of it created here, but Kilian knew her past may have played a role in those feelings as well.

“What else have you got planned, little rodent?” Kilian called out, turning around and facing the corner in which Dash was hiding behind.

"Why don't you try to catch me and find out? Or has your position at the Academy made you a fat and lazy Nexu?" Dash retorted as she jerked back, once more hiding herself from sight.

Kilian’s eyes narrowed as he huffed in disapproval of her comment. He said nothing further though, instead moving quickly towards the corner, towards Dash.

The moment she heard footsteps coming into her direction, she rushed away from them. Her body moved with force speed and fear, increasing her speed. As she turned on a datastik, she shot into the area of the beast pens. She swiped the keycard on the lock causing it to open. Without stopping, she shoved her way through and into the lower area. Dash stopped long enough to slam the button causing the door to hiss shut behind her. Without the keycard, it would take some time to get inside.

Stopping at the door to the lower area, Kilian nearly pulled out his lightsaber to cut the damn thing open. This chase was his idea, so he couldn’t be overly upset at the young girl’s attempt to outwit him. He opened up his complink and called for one of his apprentices to come to his position.

A few minutes went by before the door opened slightly. Kilian put both hands on either side and forced it open, stepping through and ordering his apprentice to remain at the door. He followed the stairway down into the pens, his eyes scanning the dark corridor with the cages lined on either side, bright red energy shields keeping the animals within at bay.

“You know, so far your little scheme hasn’t gone so well, has it? I mean, you told poor little Mahree you would both leave together, isn’t that what I heard? And now she’s dead, and here you are playing my little game.” Kilian called out, hearing his voice echoed through the chamber.

Dash hunched down and moved through the cages. The red floor lights and shielding illuminating her figure faintly. Just enough to see by, but only barely. Creatures began to stir from her presence causing them to growl or roar in irritation. She found the nastiest looking predator. With a slam into the control panel, she jabbed it with the slicer tool. The shielding fizzed then shut down immediately.

About the size of a cow, the serpentine body it brought its front body to raise upright. Large hulk-like arms hung down long enough to nearly drag its knuckles across the metal floor. Cracks in the platted spine glowed with red as it lowered its head in her direction. It sniffed twice before retracting back.

Dash noticed it couldn't see as she stood completely still. Its six digit hand reached only to stop short and tug across her tunic. Her held breath burned in her chest while she didn't move.

When Kilian's voice echoed in the large room, its head whipped to that direction. A rattling, quiet hiss rumbled through its throat. It slithered off on its four other legs into the raptures then vanished into the shadows.

His footfalls were near silent as Kilian made his way through the chamber, passing by cage after cage, aggravating the creatures within. A deep, rattling noise filled his head as he walked. He had a mere moment to look up before a large, six-legged, raptor-like creature dropped from the pipe and metal makings of the ceiling above. Kilian drew his saber quickly, diving to the side to avoid a strike from one of its large claws.

Bringing up his wrist to his mouth, Kilian attempted to get a message out through the comlink. The man tried to sidestep quickly as he did so, but took a hit from the large creature which threw him back before he landed on the ground.

The gauntlet on his left wrist was knocked off by the impact, his lightsaber also thrown away from him as he landed. Kilian turned quickly as the creature charged him, hand reaching out and using the Force to call his lightsaber back into his grip.

Dashara quietly made her way toward the sound of conflict. Slow and steady, she managed not to attract the beast’s attention during her trip back to the entrance. In the gloom she managed to spot the gauntlet fall off and slid against the nearest cage. Her hand stretched out to force pull it toward her.

Kilian saw the gauntlet move slightly where it lay. Looking back towards the stairway to the door, Kilian noticed Dash's dimly-lit figure. He scowled before his attention turned back to the creature attacking him. Saber back in his hand and ignited, one swing and the creature lost a clawed hand. He dove to the side to avoid another strike before the creature charged him once more, forcing Kilian to fall back to reposition himself.

Dash rushed out of the door, now empty of the apprentice. She kept moving down the opposite side from the quarters to find another vent. Careful to avoid attention or encountering additional trouble, she managed to unbolt and crawl into another shaft. She fixed the cover up and pulled out the map. With haste, she began to navigate her way back to Mahree’s quarters. Just a few feet away, Dashara exited the nearby vent.

Her hands flicked two wires together causing Mahree’s quarters to open. She quickly stepped in and shut it behind her. Dash’s eyes fell to the crumbled girl’s form. Regret and fear filled her heart causing her to find closure. She fell onto her knees then tested her friend’s pulse. After several seconds, the faint thump pressed against Dash’s fingers. Tension emotions released as she realized Overseer Haryss had lied.

A brief glance at the gauntlet told the Zeltron hybrid what she had to do and once more she rose to her feet. She peeked out through the door. Seeing the coast clear, she rushed down the hallway back to the combat room earlier. It was the last place he would assume she would revisit.

Once more in the room, she scanned for anything to help her break the gauntlet. Nothing appeared useful causing her to frown. Her hand dropped the offensive technology as her foot stomped down hard on it. A loud crack draw some peace of mind. A few more stomps later, the device was beyond repair. Nothing more than a shattered mess. Breathing hard, Dash turned on heel and went to leave.

As Dash moved to exit the door, it opened quickly. She was stopped however as a telekinetic Force wrapped itself around her throat. Walking through the door was Kilian, followed now by four other apprentices. Haryss face held a dark and dangerous expression, his eyes reflecting the fury and anger he felt towards Dash. Across the left side of his jawbone was a deep, dark cut that had been hastily cleaned of blood, but continued to bleed slightly. One other was carved into the breastplate across his chest, and no doubt would have been fatal had his armor not held.

Lifting Dash into the air slightly, he let her struggle as the group behind him followed into the room. He saw the gauntlet on the floor, smashed to pieces, destroyed. A smirk found its way to his lips as he looked back to Dash.

Dashara continued to claw at her throat as she noticed her feet dangling above the floor. Her lungs burned and threatened to explode when the helplessness set in. The anger wavered in favor of fear. Gradually the numbness started to settle in as the fight in her drained. Her panicked filled eyes began to droop.

"You will learn, quickly, who is the master, and who is the rat." Kilian started, his grip wanting to tighten, but the man knew he had to restrain himself. He suddenly released the hold he had on Dashara, letting her fall to the ground.

When Dash’s legs landed, they crumbled underneath her. She hit knees first and curled forward. The moment air hit her lungs, it felt like she was inhaling glass with each breath. Dash coughed and sputtered until the pain began to subside.

He walked up next to her then, kneeling down and putting a hand around her neck this time. He pushed her, forcing her back onto the ground so that she was looking directly up at him. He was not pushing hard, but enough to show he would take hold of her again, easily.

"You are mine. We're going to play my little game now. One where you listen, you obey, and you follow my orders like your life depends on it- because it does."

Kilian stood then, glaring down at Dash before he turned towards the door.

"Take her to her quarters," he said to the apprentices, stopping at the door and glancing back at Dashara, "Welcome to Korriban, little rat."

Collab Part 3 With Heat and Amalthia
Location Jedi Ship

Drey continued to blast away. His finger pulled the trigger and popped off another head, leaving a singed neck in its place. A foot kicked out to send the corpse. It tumbled into the others still fixed on him.

As the Sith made their way to the ship, several of the zombies turned their heads. They followed the fresh meat rushing to escape. A few stragglers still kept their attention on Drey causing the trooper to mutter a curse.

A pain seared on his unprotected calf as teeth found his flesh. Blood trickled down, but he bit his tongue to muffle his scream. He kicked back dislocating the jaw. When his leg was released, he stomped back and crushed the skull underneath his boot. Fighting through the pain, he continued forward.

Scenting blood, another chomped down on his arm. The teeth broke across the armor. His arm jerked back then elbowed the shambling carcass. His other arm whipped out a vibro-dagger and shoved through its chest. Purple light snuffed out instantly. Keeping hold on the blade, he jerked it out and continued on.

With careful and gradual effort, he arrived at the panel. He took the butt of the rifle and shattered the locked cover. Clearing the shards of glass, he noticed a corpse. He hunched down and tore the belt off. He wrapped it about a railing to fix him in place. Moment the Sith fell back into the ship, he slammed his fist on the button. The airlock doors began to rattle open as things began to slide toward it. Space sucked the air and zombies out. Their bodies lacked the strength to resist the pull while they floated into the inky darkness.

Drey held his mask tightly to his face, activating the limited oxygen inside. His fingers fisted about the belt’s leather when his feet began to float from the ground. The sucation erupted around him while it threatened to pull him into the endless abyss. After the last of the corpses flew out the airlock, Drey curled his arm and reached for the panel. Inch by inch, he reached for the button. After one last shove, his hand slammed onto the button causing the airlock to shut.

The hangar was a frenzy of combat and death as two sets of dual crimson red lightsabers lashed out through it. Carved bodies of the undead, now having achieved a true finality laid crumbled across the steel floor. Some still lived, howling in dismembered forms as they could only watch the continuing brawl. All that mattered to the rapidly moving Falleen was that they had been removed from the fight and no longer stood as obstacles to the Sith’s escape. The former soldiers and mercenaries were the first ones to fall, not even posing a match to both of the highly skilled Sith. Lightsabers now clashed, as the remaining zombified Jedi and Sith savagely attacked the two living combatants.

Zes paced backwards, twisting and contorting his body as an undead armored Sith swung madly at him. The monstrosities did not fight like true Sith or Jedi, their lightsaber motions were more akin to a club swing. There was no beautiful grace, not a hint of style to their attacks. It reminded him of a wild beast attacking its prey. A barrage of cleves, stabs and lunges. As the Sith assassin battled back the onslaught of blows he slammed both his own lightsaber blades down, plasma scorching as he then leapt upwards. He flipped above him zombified opponent and as he landed powerfully stabbed both his weapons behind him. He was rewarded with the satisfying sound of a deactivated lightsaber bouncing off the durasteel floor accompanied by a screech of final death.

He turned his entire body around as he searched for more foes to slay, but only met the alluring gaze of Tishombra as both Sith had eliminated all of their dark side possessed opponents. The Fallen stared at the gorgeous redhead for a moment, the hangar now eerily silent besides the sounds of their ignited lightsabers. Then he nodded towards her and deactivated his weapons, turning towards the vessel they had come for. A means of escape from an operation that had gone horrifically wrong. As he removed his helmet a tired smile of relief etched onto his lips.

Drey hauled himself up to spot a small group rush to the ship, their arms full with their quarry. He recognized them from the bridge. With the clock against him, he followed their lead and quickly limped back to the ship. Once inside, Drey isolated himself with the medical kit. He hoped these things weren’t contagious.
Collab with Almalthia Part 2

Location: Mara`s classroom
Time: 2 days ago

“Yes. As for the individual who placed the bounty, we identified him as Ikle Garix. It also appears she has issues with being physically handled. Overseer Haryss and her got into an altercation shortly after her arrival. I was unable to collect more information over it. ” Mara moved to her desk and retrieved another datapad. Upon returning, she offered the device to Tishombra.

Tishombra took the data pad and called up the information rather quickly. "Never trust an Inquisitor to do an Apprentice's work. She was an 'escort' and Garth must be losing hand over fist if he wants a cool one thousand for her alive, preferably.”

“Or there’s something more than meets the eye. His establishment doesn’t appear to be losing any notable funds as far as the Empire can tell. Honestly, I haven’t dug too much into it.” Mara settled back in place against the counter.

Nodding Tishombra committed the information to memory. It would serve its purpose later. Knowledge is power. “Sometimes digging can reveal things that we want to keep hidden. So am I to be herding cats in this tomb?”

“Yes, that will be the outward appearing goal. I also hope to cause friction and distance between the two. I have no doubt Horizon will try to keep close to Mis-Ede, even aid her in winning to avoid punishment.”

Mara’s hand reached out to gently stroke one of her plant’s leaves. The thing shuddered with pleasure then appeared to settle down.

“I have doubts she will be affected much by the pain or aftermath.”

“Distance them. Consider it done Mara.” Tishombra touched her heart and inclined her head.

“Good.If you have nothing else you want to know, will you leave the datapad on the desk. I still need to finish trimming my plants or they will get fussy.”

Tishombra looked at Mara thoughtfully. “Is this a last resort? What have you tried?”

“We’ve only had them for four days. The last resort would be tossing them into a pit and forcing them to kill each other.” Mara pointed out and inhaled, then continued.

“Horizon has been skipping classes and proving elusive, even for Overseer Genbit. The harder we push, the more she fights back in her own ways. Pain seems to stop her from pushing a boundary too hard, but beyond that… it doesn’t seem to do much more. This includes any harm to her ‘friend’.”

She moved onto Mahree.

“Meanwhile, Mis-Ede has shut down at every attempt we made to reach her. I even sensed the younger one doing… light-sided mediation. A weak variation which according to the Inquisitor, she learned from Horizon. She was heavily punished for it.”

Her knuckles had whitened slightly before color returned, her grip loosen from the counter.

Tishombra nodded. “That doesn’t bode well. So stir up anger and fear. Make them use it. I’m not here to make friends. I’m here to take an Apprentice on worthy of a Darth.”

Tishombra was very interested in Dashara Horizon. A somewhat kindred spirit. She found herself wanting to pull for the girl. “Do you still have access to that hallucinogen?”

“Which variety? I have several.” Mara inquired, curiosity edged into her voice now. She eyed Tishombra as she wanted more details. Her figure already began to move toward her private collection of toxins.

“One that will not kill them and would make them open to suggestion. Corinth never said I can’t play games. You remember how good I am at games.” Tishombra grinned maliciously. “Lace it on a stimpack and be powerful enough to work in seconds. I think you have just the thing. Then no one dies and we drive them apart.”

Mara nodded as she looked through the numerous vials. She selected two, a small and larger one. The latter was filled with a thick liquid with a pale glow. She made a little swirl before she began to fill the smaller vial up and set it on the desk.

“I don’t have a stimpack in the room. You’ll need to get one and empty it. You have enough for three doses so use them wisely. I would suggest you not let Horizon see you use it, or she might try to overcome it.”

“Noted. They won’t be for her though. Mis-Ede…" Tishombra trailed off.

“From your mention of Overseer Genbit’s name, I figured as much. However, my warning still holds. Horizon has some attachment to Mis-Ede, but why is a mystery. They never met until they were transported to Korriban.”

Tishombra shrugged. "Might just be the fact that they were captured together and in the same vicinity." She shook her head. "Does either of them have a strong empathic signature or reason biologically to have formed this bond?"

“Horizon is a Zeltron Hybrid and seems to have a stronger than average empathic ability. It can be problematic for anyone with low mental defenses. We’ve not yet tested the full extent of her ability in this area, but I have noticed high control when it comes to her emotions.” Mara noted as she began to put her toxin away and relock the cabinet.

Tishombra's fingers flashed over the screen and called up the information on Zeltons. Reading the excerpt and nodding. "This could explain why." Tishombra handed over an in depth analysis of Zeltron physiology and possible Force deviations.

Mara took it and examined it. Her eyes rapidly brushed over the words as she digested them. A realization ignited in her eyes causing her to pass it back.

“It does. No wonder Embrus chose you as his apprentice, you never fail to go above and beyond the effort to get things done.”

Tishombra inclined her head in acknowledgement of the statement. It wasn't easy to impress Mara. Passing over a stimpack that was empty she watched Mara fill it up.

Tishombra thanked Mara and collected the hallucinogenic. She exited the room and made her way toward her quarters.
Mara walked around her desk and took a seat, listening to the student’s tune change. As she faced the young hybrid, she folded her fingers into each other. Letting another moment pass, she turned to a top drawer. Her hand pulled out a datapad and wordlessly passed it over to him. On it was a three woody-stemmed plant with fungus growing on it.

“Within the catacombs underneath the Academy is that plant. Find it and break off a small section, the sticky sap will lessen the symptoms when swallowed. Do not taste too much. A small amount will do.”

She gestured for him to take the datapad with him as she retrieved a jar. It thumped on the table then she slid it over him.

“If you want to gain any favor from me, I require only one whole stem from it. Including the roots. The datapad will show you the general areas to look in order to find it. If you come back alive, I’ll consider giving you limited private lessons.”

Hai took the datapad after giving it a once over to try and memorize the plant and grabbed the jar with it. His grin got a little less tight and a bit more smirking, some of the confidence he’d arrived with returning now that he’d been given a potential way out.

“Consider it done. I’ll be back with the sample in short order.”

With that, he turned to walk out, already thinking over where the best place to start searching might be.

“If you manage to survive, be less foolish and open when you aim to gain favors. You will learn quickly it’s an exploitable weakness.” Mara’s ice-cold voice chased after him.

“I’ll keep it in mind.” Haiki muttered back to her as he walked out, not caring if she actually heard or not and trying to shake off his wounded pride considering his life was literally on the line.

From there he would go to the area used for sparring practice, hoping to break into a weapons locker and get one of the training sabers stored there for protection. Fortunately, he always carried a toolset on hand and between that and his innate talent for manipulating machinery with the Force he thought his chances were good.

He had only gone to the academy catacombs once before on a training exercise, but he still knew the way down well enough to get to the entrance. Once there he had Jana shine a light for him and use her sensors to try and map out the cave ahead as best she could.

“The thing has to be here somewhere Jana, try and fine-tune your sensory equipment while I look the inefficiently old fashioned way…”

As the droid’s light shined into one of the numerous tunnels, three pairs of eyes reflected the light back. A deep growl echoed off the walls as they vanished once more.

Hai flattened himself back against the closest tunnel wall and stilled everything about himself as much as he could: his movement, his breathing, even his heartbeat. He called the training saber he’d stolen to his hand with the Force but didn’t ignite the blade, instead of straining to sense the creature in the darkness before inching forward again, this time as slowly and quietly as possible.

The silence continued to settle in the scenery. Nothing seemed to move toward him.

Hai proceeded again but with greater caution, trying his best to silence himself as much as possible, drawing on what he could remember of his survival training for dealing with predators. At the same time, he tried to relax his body and seem unaware of the danger. Let the creature or creatures think he’d be easy prey. He briefly signaled Jana to ready the few combat countermeasures she had installed and continued down the tunnels.

Jana’s light caught a brief glimpse of something in the nearby shadows. It froze then turned to face the droid's light. A slender reptilian hound bore its several rows of sharp teeth. Its hunches rose on its as it straightened up from its stalking posture. About thirteen-foot in high of raw muscle covered with scales and spikes along the spine. It glared at the young acolyte before it charged right at him. Jaws widened and ready to sink it into the unprotected flesh.

Hai fought down his brief urge to panic and instead waited trying to read the creature’s movements and trust in his reflexes and the Force. As it charged in Jana shrieked a warning and he whipped the training saber up, aiming to ignite it right into the creature’s mouth as the beast opened wide to bite him.

A hiss and smell of charred flesh indicated that he struck true. A loud scream erupted from the creature's lungs as it backed away. Another blur launched itself at Hai from his left while a third one attacked Jana.

Hai’s right arm suddenly started to go numb and unresponsive just as he whirled to confront the second blur, but adapting quickly he just let go with his right hand and swung with his left along with the pivot. Jana responded to the charging monster by shooting out a length of fiber cord to entangle it and then firing out little bolts of electricity to discourage any followup if it broke free.

Another yelp and the second creature backed off. It whipped about and ducked back into the shadows where it came from. Its yellow eyes reflected lights back before it melted into the darkness. Meanwhile, J4n4’s opponent became entangled in the cord. It snarled then began to struggle free, left behind by its pack members.
Dashara stood still. Her right side pointed at the door with a weapon in hand. She pointed the blade toward the floor in a non-aggressive, but ready stance. Her left hand rested on her hips while she studied the lighter weight weapon. With a flick to the right, it swung faster than she expected through the air. No effort needed to adjust the motion back to the left.

After a few more test swings before she lowered it down again. The faint hum rang in her ears. It reminded her of how much it could sting. The Inquisitor's words began to rumble in her head.

'Peace is a lie, there is only passion.
Through passion, you gain strength.
Through strength, you gain power.
Through power, you gain victory.
Through victory, your chains are broken.
The Force shall free you.'

A perfect lie.

Dashara recalled the last time she used her anger or passion to free herself. Nothing happened when she applied to the force. These emotions failed to save her. Now they battered at her control. A fire under her surface began to rise from her core. The passion and fury began to swell in her. It sparked her into action when she decided to stop holding it back.

Her arm jerked out, then slashed to the right. She took a step forward then back, jostling for an advantage against an invisible enemy. She twisted to the left as she continued to circle about. Each movement held purpose and graceful intention. A dancer with a passion to maneuver her foe while defending her ground. Her father's description brought a smile to Dashara's lips.

Selene and Dashara meet for the first time. Maybe a shared passion for combat might spark a connection, for better or worst, between the two. Only time will tell.

Setting: Korriban Academy, within one of the public combative rooms.
Time: Morning, just after breakfast. (Few days after her arrival)
🔥Ciara Smith🔥

🔥 Location: Silvermist Academy, Baths--> Messhall
🔥 Time: Afternoon

Ciara glided through the crowd of students moving past her. She shifted one way then the other before a larger student forced her to grind to a halt. A large grey skinned girl with a deformed nose, white tusks from her lower jaw and a hulk-like form. Ciara failed to puzzle how the student managed to fit, but she shrugged it off. She hated it when answers didn’t come easily.

Her arms crossed over her chest while she waited for the student to move. Red veins snaked across her surface, cracking the dark and flawless surface. Budding signs of her growing irritation. She hated being in close proximity to those who weren’t fireproof. Constance entered her thoughts causing Ciara to sigh, missing her usual partner on missions. Out of the numerous students, those who had powers associated with fire or resistant elements allowed her to be herself. Not tip-toeing all the time. This was the only drawback of being trapped in the Academy, but it wasn’t any better out there.

Her thoughts shattered when her ears caught a voice talk to her. She turned her head to catch the student’s image and clue her into his name. Joseph. The word hauled itself from the ashy remains of her mind. Her expression still looked annoyed despite him not being the source. Numerous black pustules covered areas near his fragile-looking body.

“Ciara Smith. I’ve seen you around, but why choose now to say hello? I figured you would’ve been with your own group of friends instead.”

Her ears caught a soft thump in the courtyard but ignored it. It was likely some snow falling to the ground from a tree or something.

The boy hesitated slightly before nodding, his voice echoing in a slightly raspy tone.

” Precisely - I would be, if I had a group of ‘friends.’ I do not, and am therefore attempting to join your group instead.

The boy then pulled his cloak around himself tighter, in a far too rigid and stiff motion. He paused briefly before continuing.

”Of course, that is only if you would want that - I can leave now, if you find my presence irksome.

Ciara turned to face him. She narrowed her eyes, studying him closely. Her head tilted as her smoky hair continued to float off into the air. Any heat that radiated off her had lowered in a few degrees from before.
“I guess? I don’t feel like I have a group. Just a few people I hang around with or go on missions with. It’s not easy getting close when you can burn someone. Know what I mean?” Her voice sounded unsure, but not an outright no. Her posture relaxed from its tense stance before gesturing for them to head out.

The boy’s facial features didn’t soften or change, but his cloak was clutched less closely, and the black tendrils inside of it occasionally twitches or grabs for his hands.

”Yes, I know what you mean - it sounds quite inconvenient. I would like to meet your partners, if you ever have time to spare. Alternatively, we could exchange personal information and resources at your leisure, as I have read ‘friends’ do on occasion.”

“Right now, I am heading to the mess hall for breakfast. I spent all night keeping the fires lit and need something to eat. Want to join me? Constance should meet me there soon.” Ciara offered as she decided to lead the way. Her feet moved toward the door and shivered at the chill greeting her, forcing her to core to increase her temperature.

“I fucking hate snow. Burns me when it melts and takes a while to stop.”

Joseph didn’t immediately respond to the request to join Ciara or her complaint about the weather, but he did follow her. His cloak responded to the sudden cold with a small hiss and small tremors, but the boy was calm otherwise. He only spoke a minute or two after Ciara spoke.

”It is understandable - snow was a very bad thing in my old home, so I have never found it comforting either.”

The pair quickly moved through the academy courtyard, crossing the plants that have died or lost their foliage. Joseph seemed to focus on a small structure close to the dorms, but made no motions to go towards it or point it out to Ciara.

Eventually, they finally arrived at the Mess Hall, where they started to get their food. As they did so, he addressed Ciara, attempting small talk.

” Where would you like to wait for your friend? I rarely eat in the Mess Hall, so I would not feel comfortable choosing where we will wait.”

Ciara pointed to the table near the kitchen as she moved toward it, expecting him to follow her. She didn’t sit when they arrived. Instead, her eyes looked to the staff walking in and out. They looked a bit busy, but she didn't mind. Her eyes caught the towering tinder box in order to avoid scorching him. She would never hear the end of it if he got singed and ignited the whole academy.

“I usually find it warmest near the kitchen, the fire is always going. I’ll grab us something. Want something specific? They have some pretty good stew and bread.” Ciara turned her head to show her attentiveness.

Joseph paused for a second in hesitation, before nodding his head and giving his normal monotone response.

”I would like that, yes. Please pick whatever you think is good, but please make sure there is a decent amount of meat, if you don’t mind. Thank you very much.

Joseph sat at the table, moving to take the corner seat and looking somewhat anxious.

@Lightning Fast
Dash Horizon

Directed: Aria Saal @The Elvenqueen
Indirect Mentions: Haiki @Espada Emi, Tishombra @Almalthia

Feeling the storm die, Dash’s hands reached for her wrap. With a careful and quick movement, her hands began to move it. Her fiery red hair cascaded down across her shoulders to rest at the bottom of her shoulder blades. Curls twisted and spiraled ruffled by the harsher breeze rushing through the valley. Dash wrapped the cloth around her arm so as not to lose it, tying it off at the end. Her ears caught the sounds of a speeder approaching causing her head to turn into the owner’s directions. A woman with red hair drove then parked near the ruined tomb, pausing to take her goggles off. Dashara couldn’t stop her eyes from lingering a touch too long on the bike before she jerked it away. Hopefully no one saw it, she prayed.

Her arms moved onto her hips while she watched the exchange of the two female humans. Her nose gave a small quiet exhale from the not so subtle insult.

“I didn’t know Sith enjoyed taking bet.” Dashara nearly forgot to keep her tone free of sarcasm. Her phrasing likely hinted to her true thoughts about the subject.

She caught the kid out of the corner of her eye. He couldn’t have been any older than fourteen by her guess. Kids like him were often considered weak prey and time after time, they crumbled to the predators.

Outside Tomb

Week 1, Dᴀʏ 1

Korriban's red sand kicked across the dusty terrain. Barren of life and water, only the wind dared to stir. Over the harsh terrain, a few dots made their way toward the hidden tomb in the dunes. The smoothed stone stood out against the grains. The large rectangular doorway oozing echoes of the past before the group. Ancient Pureblood language lined down the door, breaking the monotone surface. Cliff sides bordered it like guards protecting a secret.

A secret pillaged long ago.

Mara's narrow face turned up at the husk of the tomb. A meager donation to the Academy and freely used by the Overseers for various purposes. Today it would assist in exposing the week-old arrivals to the reality of the Sith world.

Her eyes slide over to Dashara Horizon and Mahree Mais-ede, both older force users. A heavy risk to take them out before fully being indoctrinated. If Overseer Corinth hadn’t agreed to accompany her, she would’ve had a struggle on her hands. Especially with the Zeltron hybrid.

After stopping at the door, she looked at Corinth before making her way into the tomb. The plan was simple. She would find a room in the tomb where she waited for the students to find her and receive a baton. Any non-student volunteers would sabotage or hinder the students, preventing them from completing their given task. While she couldn’t punish the non-students for their failure, the students weren’t under any such protection. They would suffer for it. Meanwhile, Corinth would inform them about their goals then force any unwilling to participants inside.

Dashara crossed her arms over her chest. Her eyes scanned the horizon while she ignored the other individuals present. Rocks, sands and the academy loomed not too far from their location. The last building itself seemed to menace and taunt her. A faint reminder she couldn’t leave. She inhaled then exhaled to keep her emotions in check. From her peripheral vision caught Overseer Cessair glare in her direction. A bitter taste rose in the back of her throat. She could describe the horrible woman in a few words. A bitch with a stick stuck up her ass. It wouldn’t surprise her if the Overseer could shit at all. Shrugging the frustration off, her eyes fell on to Mahree. Guilt plowed into her as she jerked away. It was too much to handle.

She said nothing as she instead sized up the others.
Collab: Lieutenant Satra Maral
975th Special Duties
& Drey Rumen

Location: Bridge

@Moskau Spieluhr & @Fallenreaper

Contact, a commando signaled as a squads worth of weapons pointed towards a new set of figures that moved down one of the adjoining corridors leading to the bridge.”

Corporal Drey and his mercs covered the corridors effectively. Their eyes peeled and steps moved with purpose, heading to the bridge. As one merc turned the corner, his blaster rifle went up. Drey tensed as he moved forward to spot the threat. He sighed and pulled the merc’s twitchy weapon downward toward the ground.

He turned to the unknown squadron with a single, nonsense word. “Perf.”

Tension thick in the air, he waited for a reaction.

“Cakes”, came the predetermined reply from the closet commando as he signaled the commandos behind him with a hand still holding the compact blaster he wielded with the barrellel pointed towards the new arrivals and a finger still resting on the trigger. Friendlies.

Lowering her own weapon, Maral moved from behind her cover raising a hand peacefully as she stepped towards the newcomers. The countersign had been carefully shared. The risk that the Republic had managed to figure it out was minimal. And they could always use more bodies. Breaching into a bridge on lockdown was rarely pretty.

“L. Lokar,” Maral said, using the name she had been provided. It was a plausible enough cover, an unremarkable last name. She paused, giving the commanding officer of other group of soldiers time to identify himself. “Care to give us a hand?”

“C. Rumen and yes, I think we can do that,” Drey said, not saying the Corporal out loud. The ship still held security cameras and he didn’t know if they have been disabled yet.

“Just lead the way, and we’ll follow. Then we can likely get off this floating piece of metal before something else happens.”

“Sorotai, are we ready?” Maral asked as she returned to her former position beckoning the commanding officer and his mercs to follow. Her commandos wordlessly making room for the mercenaries as the two groups of soldiers stacked up alongside the blast door.

“Comms are down,” the commando splicing into the mainframe replied.

“Count us down from ten, if you please, Mr. Goran,” Maral said, nodding towards another commando that held a detonator in his hand.

“10, 9, 8,” the commando began, “7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. Fire in the hole.”

The dim corridor exploded with light, noise, and heat as the thermal charges expertly placed along the weak spots of the blast door exploded. The heavy blast door itself sailed through the air, tumbling onto the bridge of the cruiser before crumbling into pieces of vicious shrapnel that cut through flesh and metal like Corellean butter. Primed stun grenades followed. Loud detonations and blinding flashes accompanied the Imperial soldiers as they burst onto the bridge.

When Drey entered, he went for the nearest body. His right hand gripped the wild punch tossed at him and jerked it to the side, twisting the man to expose his back. His free hand thrusted to the lower side nearest the ribs causing the man to tilt his balance. Drey’s foot kicked out at the knee, forcing the man down. His arm wrapped about the neck as he choked the life out of the target.

Meanwhile, his eyes spotted the other mercs start to fire or take down their targets. In the haze, the shapes were hard to distinguish. A blaster pistol shot sliced through landing on one of his earlier mercs. They took the shot into the chest and crumbled, never to rise again.

When his target went slack, Drey moved onto the next one. Slamming their face into the console while their back was turned.

Taking advantage of the additional chaos that the mercenaries created, Maral and the commandos of the 975th swept across the bridge without hesitation. Navigation systems and state-of-the-art firing computers became cover. Bracing against a chair scorched by blaster fire, Maral took careful aim. With a light squeeze of her finger, her disruptor rifle sent a brilliant bolt of energy smashing into the unfortunate Republic technician she had targeted. She watched as her target was torn apart atom by atom. She waited, tracking another Republic trooper as she tried to reach cover. Firing again, Maral did not need to see that she had hit her mark. She heard the screaming.

The haze was fading slowly as the Imperial commandos poured forth. It was only a matter of time. The Republic soldiers were scattered. They were too busy dying to notice that they were being flanked. They couldn’t breath. They could barely see. Maral felt no sympathy. They were weak. The corrupt Republic had doomed them from the start and had sold their lives for nothing. For some force user who’d never understand. For a cause that didn’t matter. Not any more. For a lie. A false peace. Yet another deception perpetrated by the Jedi. Villains ashamed of their own genocide. Cowards afraid of the truth. Arrogant children playing at war.

Maral did not feel hatred. A soldier had no use for hatred. A soldier has only to act. A soldier has only to win. A soldier had only to kill. Maral moved methodically, choosing her shots carefully. She moved as her commandos laid down suppressing fire. Expertly shifting from cover to cover. Presenting a target for only the briefest of moments as she fired at the surviving Republic naval personnel.

The tide turned quickly. The Republic soldiers fell back as the full weight of the two Imperial military units smashed into them. Pushed into a corner of the bridge, they died quickly. Their cover rapidly reduced to rubble under the increasingly overpowering fire of the Imperial forces.

As the battle began to die down, Drey took stock of the damage. Out of the mercs he brought, only he remained. His boots walked over the charred and fallen bodies, his gun raised to eliminate any further resistance. Both allies and enemies were downed, but the battle was obviously one-sided. Most of the corpses were Republic.

Drey inspected the bodies, shooting most of them in the head to ensure they were dead.

With the bridge secured, the commandos of the 975th went about their work carefully placing thermals explosives at critical locations across the bridge. They would take out all the systems in one fell swoop, leaving only a few minutes of emergency power, gravity, and air. A small detachment of commandos had already infiltrated the engine room. The reactor room would not go quietly in the void filled skies. There would be precious little left of the cruiser for the Republic to study. There would be enough uncertainty for the Sith Empire to handedly place the blame on some marauding band of pirates and mercenaries.

Confident in her commandos demolition preparations, Maral turned to the lone survivor of the other squad of Sith aligned soldiers, “Rumens. Your men fought well. A pity they didn’t make it.”

“They died in a fashion that suited them. It’s a merc’s life to live in uncertainty and risk. At least they didn’t die like whimpering dogs.” Drey’s voice sounded calm and cold but held hints of respect to the dead. His eyes turned to Maral both in a studying manner and with a hardened expression. One that cried a veteran in combative situations.

Maral gestured towards a now open blast door and a corridor past it, “That corridor should lead you to the shuttles. Expect resistance, there’s likely to be some Republic troopers still alive and able to fight. I don’t have any soldiers to spare, so you’re on your own. ”

Holding out a hand, Maral continued, “You won’t have much time, so don’t wait for us. If we’re not there when you are ready to dust off, then just leave.”

Drey shook the hand offered, his lips curled into a smile.

“Understood and happy to help. Don’t die or be late. I have a feeling that things are about to get much worse.” He took the hand and shook it. He didn’t feel the need to explain. It was just a gut feeling he learned to trust.

With quick respectful nod, he inhaled then exhaled. His figure vanished down the corridor. Several minutes later, a loud bomb sounded behind him. The metal walls rattled and the lights flickered before they immediately clicked off. Time to wrap up this mission, he thought.
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