Avatar of Fallenreaper


Recent Statuses

6 yrs ago
Current Yes, I'm an oversize child. Deal with it. :P
6 yrs ago
That moment you've got too many rp ideas floating in your head, but you don't want to overwhelm yourself? Yeah... I'm right there, suffering in silence.
6 yrs ago
RP hunting is like finding the rare toy in the cereal box. Doable, but the time and effort is nearly more than I can bare!
7 yrs ago
That amazing high when you realized how far you've come in improving your writing. It's impossible to describe, but drowns you in a positive glow.
8 yrs ago
I love being a terrible person by making my PCs' lives miserable, it's art form that never gets old or boring.


Personal details I've got enough room to share.

Nicknames....Fallen (preferred), Reaper, Devour of lost souls, etc.
Sign...............Libra (true to sign surprisingly)
Occupation....Wandering and exploring the caves of my insane mind
Location.........USA (Lost in the Cornfields!)



Click the links (Titles) below to be taken directly to the thread.

Advance RP

Accepting: GM/Co-GM Nitemare Shape, Hound55, & Dedonus

Formaroth Part 2: Throne of Lies
Still Accepting: GM TheDuncanMorgan

Casual RP

X-Men: The New Era - Issue II: Avalon Rising
Accepting: GM Almalthia, Co GM Pilatus

Legacy of Heroes: The New Age
Accepting: GM Jessie Targaryen, Co GMs Alfhedil and Apollosarcher

Nation RP


Arena RP

None yet.

Extra Stuff Featuring: Flight Rising.

Most Recent Posts

Chapter 3

Week 4, Day 2, Midday

In nearly a weeks time, Dominik and Sar and many of his men had located six more empty villages. They had also made contact with two leaders from other clans. One was a good friend of Sar’s, Cayne Freetaa; the other was a man named Lera Kairn who seemed much more wary than the rest in working with the Jedi.

Two days after their encounter with the Gutkurr, Dominik had allowed Lo to accompany him back out on scouting missions. Her ankle had healed well with help from the Twi’leks, whom Dominik was starting to make great headway with, relations wise. He and Sar started to see eye to eye on many things after both of their views were cleared up and a mutual goal was agreed upon. Dominik wasn’t sure how long it would take, but he promised he and Lo would stay with them, doing all that they could to urge the Republic and the Jedi to send aid to Ryloth.

He managed to make contact with the Council, confirming the Twi’leks would get one to two shipments a month of supplies in support of their cause. It was all the Jedi could spare for now.

The Mirage had been moved closer to their place of operation, but had been kept shut down and out of sight to avoid attention from anything on the ground.

A very crude satellite receiver had been constructed out of junk from different villages, allowing Dominik to relay communications back to the village should he and Lo need to make contact with their wrist links.

Many of the warriors from the now three united clans were gathered in Dusa to discuss a new plan, one that would allow them to find out just who was behind the disappearances of the Twi’lek villages.

Dominik sat before the large crowd, all seated on the stone floor. Sar and Cayne sat next to him, and Dominik had Lo seated at the very front with the crowd, so that she was facing them.

“We’re taking twenty men to Gandra tonight,” Sar began, looking over the gathering as he spoke loud and confidently, “We’ve received intel from their leader about rumors that there will be an attack. We will lay in wait so we can surprise those slavers when they arrive to take our people. If we can find out who is behind this, we can better prepare to oppose them in the future.”

“Surprise is our key,” Dominik then began, “We will lay in wait and surprise them when they show. This is a simple ambush, we will take as many prisoners as we can, killing them will only breed more hate. We leave at dusk. I will take my Padawan and scout ahead so that when the rest of you arrive, we can quickly take position. By the end of the night, we will have an answer as to who’s threatening your people.”

At the end of Dominik’s speech, the group of warriors started to slowly disperse and prepare themselves for the fight to come.

Lo continued to sit for several moments longer, waiting until most of the Twi’Lek had departed. She gradually rose to her feet and walked toward her master. Her fur laid flat upon her skin indicating her calmness. When her nose twitch, she scratched it and spoke.

“Is it bad I’m nervous about tonight?” She asked quietly, her hands folded into her sleeves. Though she attempted to look indifferent and ooze tranquility, Lo suspected she failed on that part. Especially when her feet kept shifting in place.

Looking to Sar and Cayne, Dominik nodded, indicating his leave before he stood and moved to Lo. A hand rested on her shoulder as he pulled her close, urging her to walk with him as they started towards the tunnels. “You aren’t the only one Lo. There’s a lot that could happen. All I need you to do, is your best. Alright?” he asked as they started into the tunnels. Twi’lek men stood guard with blasters here and there, but all of them smiled as the Jedi passed, their faith in the two unwavering, their relations having grown strongly in the past week.

“I’ll try. I just hope it’s enough.” The padawan replied as she walked with her master. Her eyes watched the smiles and couldn’t help but return it, happy they were helping the natives.

“I’m not the best in an intense situation or combat. I wish I was, but my friend Mideo kicked my butt so many times. She was amazing at it. Of course, she had to keep herself from getting sick during swoop bike races.” Lo chuckled at the memory.

“When you’re in the heat of the moment, I think you’ll be surprised at how little ‘try’ there is, and how much ‘do’ you can accomplish.” Dominik replied. A sigh escaped the older Jedi’s lips as they walked. Finally they came upon the exit, their speeder bikes just to the left, ready to leave. “I know you haven’t had much real world training, Lo. But you would not be here if the Council did not deem you ready, you understand that, right?”

“I want to say yes, confidently. Somehow, I think you can feel my doubt over it even if I try to hide it.” She smiled weakly, being truthful about her answer.

“Even if you have doubts, showing courage in the face of uncertainty is the best thing a Jedi could do. I can help with doubts, uncertainties, questions… but I cannot force you to have courage. You have to do that all on your own. This is our mission Lo, we have to do this ourselves. As allies, we have the Twi’leks to help us, but as Jedi, as those who are connected to the Force, we’re on our own here, we only have each other. I’ll do my best for you, and all I ask in return is that you do your best as well.”

“I always do even in my gloomiest mood. Drove my fellow younglings crazy.” She let her smile strength a bit, her eyes looked at Dominik and lingered there. Her chest inhaled as she tried to push away the worry. Courage was like an elusive creature that refused to stick around.

“I don’t understand how anyone can keep it up or even do it.”

"It's natural, Lo. I'm sure you'll be surprised at the courage you have when it comes time for it to show." Dominik lead them towards the speeder bike, the man quickly mounting his as he looked back at Lo.

"Now come, we don't want to put the operation behind schedule. We're going to scout out the village and ensure we have a strategic place to wait for nightfall. Stick close behind me." He said, smiling to his Padawan before the engine on the bike started to rev up, before Dom took off towards the village, aiming to stick to the bottom of the canyon until they arrived.

“Right.” Lo replied.

She strode to hers pausing long enough to notice the dent from the Gutkurr attack last week. Her hand brushed over the damage before she glanced at her ankle, clearly healed now. A smile tried to hide her bitterness as she lifted her leg and mounted her speeder bike. Her finger flipped the switch causing the engine to roar. She revved it once then twice, savoring the vibrations of power rippling through her.

As Dom took off, she hit the gas and followed suit. Her bike slipped into his wake following the naturally carved path for them.

Week 4, Day 2, Nightfall

Set up on the cliff’s edge overlooking Naluamoor, Dominik instructed Lo to keep her head down as they both crouched next to an old, eroded wall of a house that once stood. If the slavers were to raid tonight, he expected them to come from the eastern or western canyon path. From the south was a cliff that held no pathway down to the village, and their position sat to the north, on the cliff’s edge near a slope that lead down into the village. They had the upper hand, the high ground, the best strategic position they could hold while they waited for the raiders.

“Once the enemy makes their assault, our job is only to protect the Twi’leks in the village, alright? I want you by my side at all times. Follow my lead and trust in the Force.”

Lo fought not to flinch or twitch, her eyes peeled for any signs of life. Her ear twitched causing her to look to the side and listen to her master’s words. She bit her lip then nodded her understanding. Already her anxiety tried to overwhelm her, but she pushed it to the side in favor of focus.

Dominik could sense his Padawan’s anxiety, but he also felt her attempt to control it. It was good to feel the young Bothan trying to reign in control over her emotions. Night was falling and the Twi’leks were finding their positions. Everyone in the village below was advised to stay indoors and vacate the houses that were farther away from the defensive position.

Sar moved from one eroded building to the next, using larger boulders as cover when there were gaps in his movement. "Master Jedi," he began as he loved closer to Dominik and Lo, finally stopping and kneeling down next to them a few moments later, "Our scouts haven't reported any suspicious movement. Maybe they aren't coming tonight."

"It's still early," Dominim interrupted, his old eyes scanning the horizon as the last light of the day started to disappear. "Tell your men to hold their positions and watch the horizon. We have to be patient."

Sar nodded to Dominik, shooting a quick, reassuring smile to Lo before moving back towards his position. Dominik turned to his Padawan, watching her movements, feeling what she felt. He wished they had more time to train, to prepare, to be the Master to his Padawan. Lo had waited patiently for months while his Jedi duties kept him elsewhere. Now he was finally able to be with her and he had thrown her into neutral space.

She deserved to be trained just like all other Padawans. He could sense her want to please, to do her best; but behind those feelings were senses of self-doubt, hesitation, and worry. Her training was his priority, but first he had to ensure they had a hold of this conflict before anything escalated, otherwise they wouldn't make it long enough to do any training at all.

From far behind them in the darkened treeline, about one hundred feet behind them, yelling and gunshots suddenly erupted. The yelling was in Twi’leki, the Twi’leks native language. Blaster bolts started to light up the treeline as Sar turned his men’s attention to the disruption behind them. Dominik stood from his position, two hands going out and pulling a large chunk of wall from farther to their side and to their front to provide cover.

“What are your scouts reporting?” Dominik yelled to Sar, to which the Twi’lek man glanced over from his position as his men prepared for what could be coming. “Nothing! We’ve received nothing back!”

Standing behind the wall, Dominik drew his lightsaber, it’s vibrant green blade lighting up the night around them. Blaster bolts started firing in their direction, hinting that the Twi’leks who were in the treeline must’ve been overrun.

“Lo, fall back into the village. Some of the warriors will follow you, make sure the Twi’leks in the village are safe and hidden.” Dominik instructed, moving from his spot behind the newly acquired wall and starting to deflect laser bolts back away from their Twi’lek allies. Nothing emerged yet from the trees, though the amount of blaster fire coming from the treeline indicated the enemies were many in numbers.

Lo wanted to stay despite her master’s orders. She tightened her jaw as she struggled with the emotions churning in her. With a heavy heart and strong will, she turned on heel and bolted for the village. Her feet rushed down the slope that led to the village while she left Dominik behind.The speed nearly skittered across the land, her body swaying to adjust her balance and stay upright on the way down.
Dash Horizon

Bitch is brazen, that’s for sure. Dashara thought as her eyes narrowed on Tishombra.

Dash’s jawline tightened slightly while she fought the impulse to reply immediately. Pain still gathered in her swollen ribs causing flare ups and remained as a memory of where the pole struck. The damage barely healed from yesterday. To ease her pain, Dashara breathed lightly to keep it at a bearable level. She couldn’t help but continued to lock eyes with the mocking sith. The woman’s jeering and taunts caused Dash’s skin to bristle in dislike.

When a breeze kicked up some sand, her had wrapped the bottom of the scarf to her mouth and nose. The tension spread through her body followed by the determination not to show weakness.

“Careful… even a kitten knows how to scratch.” Dashara muttered under her breath, her quiet challenge hidden from sight. However, her eyes sharpened in defiance as they never left Tishombra’s.

A year ago, she would’ve stood patiently and taken the insult. The fight beaten out of her then. Her old resistance to authority had just recovered during the last year, but she knew some scars were more difficult to get over than others. Her skin crawled to life at the thought of Overseers Haryss.

Any additional thoughts were cut off when her ears caught Overseer Genbit’s voice cut in. She had never heard him speak that way, especially since she never attended his classes. However, the tone indicated disobedience wouldn’t end in her favor. Dashara sighed. She dropped her arms, much to her ribs gratitude, while she moved part the older Sith. Her shoulder brushed the woman’s as her peripheral vision silently observed the reaction. Nothing happened.

With the other students, she found a place at the end of the line up. Dash resisted rolling her eyes when she noted Overseer Genbit’s pride ooze from his smile. She kept her emotions over the display from bleeding into the air while she continued to listen, her body language masked it with a bored expression.

Dash didn't trust what Overseer Genbit said about the tomb not killing them. Neith’s words still rang in her head, but now… she doubted them. Not that it mattered. Mahree and herself would be long gone from this place, leaving it a distant and haunting memory. Dashara glanced across the landscape reflecting the fate she wanted to avoid. An empty existence. She couldn’t prepare since all she had had on had been given to her on the day she arrived.

Her eyes glanced to Mahree and gave her a reassuring smile, enjoying the sensation of determination shinning out of the negative emotions. Dash pretended she didn’t see the healing cuts underneath her friend’s chin. She would look into who ever caused that later when they were alone.

Outside Tomb
“You show restraint where it isn’t necessary.” Kilian scolded, watching as the other apprentice huffed in frustration at the defeat and dropped the wooden staff to the ground.

“There are no rules here. And I can tell you right now, I know your opponent wouldn’t have been so kind in restraining her hand.” Kilian pointed out, looking to the blonde woman who simply crossed her arms and smirked at Dash. The Overseer walked up and stood just a foot away from Dash, gauging her reaction, watching what she did as he got closer.

Dash tightened up as her knuckles whitened from the grip on her weapon. Her eyes watched him closely, the fear rising up in her throat. She was ready to fight him.

“A win is a win. I just decided to win on my own terms and stop playing your little game.” She spat back, her feet planted to hold her ground. Her breath shallowed a bit as the adrenaline began to fade.

“I have more control than she does over my anger. Who’s the weaker one in that situation?”

“Oh the game has only just begun,” Kilian began, ignoring Dash’s question about the weaker one between them. “If you think this little sparring match was a test of control or strength, just you wait.” the man warned, taking one step closer and looking down at the Neophyte before him.

She had her strengths, though from where he wasn’t sure. Research was planned, on her past, her strategies, every little movement she made, every word she spoke. Kilian would dissect every little detail about Dash that he could find until he reigned in full control of the girl.

“You’re just bully. A pitiful, worthless bully with no strength of his own.” Dashara turned her back as she walked away, putting more distance between them.

Reaching one hand out, Kilian took hold of Dash in a form of stasis as the girl threw names and insults at him. His head tilted back slightly, eyes closed as he took in a deep breath. By now, Ehla had started to take her leave, hurrying out the door in which she had appeared from before.

Exhaling a deep breath finally, Kilian held that stasis and walked towards Dash, slowly, methodically, letting each footfall make a sound as he grew closer. Coming around in front of her, he moved his hand down to force her into a kneeling position on her knees, in which he kneeled onto one knee so that they were face to face. A sinister, yet soft smile lay upon his face as his deep blue eyes looked into hers.

“You have no idea what strength I hold,” he began, staring directly at her as one hand remained suspended, keeping her still, “I could show you, if you like… Your eyes, I’ve seen them many times before. Fear, anger, hatred, all meant for me. Your eyes are just like so many others, all of those I’ve seen right before I cut their worthless husks down where they stood.”

“Then...fucking end it.” Dashara struggled to speak.

“You misjudge your worth, Dash.” He spoke, one hand raising up, forefinger and thumb resting on her cheek as he looked into her eyes.

“S-stop. Please.” Her voice felt weak and pleading. She became dangerously aware of her pain in the left side, but her focus remained on him.

Feeling her shake just at the tips of his fingers, Kilian tilted his head slightly to the side as he watched the girl.

“Now, this isn’t the girl Mahree was talking to before, was it? What was it you said? About not giving them the win? Don’t be like an animal; but animals beg for mercy, don’t they?” He asked removing his fingers from Dash’s chin before he stood up straight.

“You will attend your classes, you will obey what I say and when I say it. And I will kill your friend, and make you suffer by watching as I do it. Then you’ll suffer until I’m done with you. Do you understand?”

Dash inhaled sharply when she no longer felt his fingers on her. Her eyes forced themselves shut with some effort as she refused to answer. She curled her hands into fists, but she still couldn’t rise or move beyond the little things. And even those took serious effort.

Hearing no answer, and seeing her attempts to avoid answering and avoid looking at him, Kilian shrugged before he motioned the two apprentices over to Dash. They took hold of her arms as he removed the stasis and turned towards the main door, his back to Dash for a few moments as he walked.

“Or, I can take my two minutes right now. I’m sure Mahree is feeling a little lonely again, I could pay her another visit.”

“LEAVE HER OUT OF THIS!” Dash shouted, her strength renewed in her voice. She fought the ripple of pain that surged from her action.

“This is between you and me.”

Stopping in his tracks, Kilian did not turn, which allowed the smile on his face to be hidden.

“Then give me an answer.” He repeated, turning to the side so that he could look back to Dash.
“Do you understand?”

“I understand it.” Her words chosen carefully.

Her choice of words caught Kilian off guard. The man stared at her for a few long moments, contemplating his next actions as the girl stood, held by the apprentices.

“Good.” He said, his smile now showing upon his face before he turned and disappeared through the doorway. “To her quarters!” he called from the hallway before disappearing completely.

Moving immediately, the apprentices kept a very tight grip on Dash before turning towards the opposite doorway, heading for her quarters and leaving the young woman to think on the events in the pit. Dashara pulled against their grip feeling the reward for her efforts with fresh pain and panic. Her head followed Overseer’s path out. Fear for Mahree and most of all, herself overwhelmed her anger and suffering.
Week 7, Day 2

The halls of the Sith academy were filled with the typical noise which made the Falleen feel strangely nostalgic. Though he didn’t miss a single second of the harsh days as a future Sith in the academy. As he walked his eyes caught sight of various acolytes and their teachers, a group of younger acolytes were being made to spar. One of the fighters went down hard, as they took a training lightsaber to the gut which definitely left a nice bruise. An instructor ran up to the downed boy and began to scream at him, reprimanding him for failure. At the sight of the hit Zes cringed as he recalled similar blows he’d receive in mock duels during his academy days. He practically felt his skin shiver from where there had once been welts and marks from fights. He definitely didn’t miss that part of the acolyte life.

Zes was clad in his Sith robes, a stylish black outfit dotted with red stripes and markings. His lengthy braided hair was tied in a long ponytail and swayed gently with each step. Both of his lightsaber hilts were tucked tightly along his belt, unlikely to see usage while he was in the academy. As he strolled he felt eyes upon him, some from students and others from the instructors. Though none spoke out to him, he could tell they glanced at him. He presumed some of the looks were due to him being a graduated Sith while others were due to him simply being a Falleen. His people were not a common sight in the galaxy, particularly in the Sith ranks.

The assassin had come to the academy to meet with Master Qolshuz, undoubtedly to get ribbed out for his recent failures. Though how much both of the failed missions were his fault was in the air, at least the latest one involving the Republic ship raid had spun far out of his control. The woman they had ‘freed’ from the Jedi ship, Selene, was in the academy on this day. Perhaps he’d seek her out later on, if not simply to observe what she was doing now that she was in the Empire. The powerful force user intrigued him, as she likely did for many in the Empire. The dark side blanketed Korriban in its warm embrace, he was certain that Selene would flourish here and see the beauty of the Empire. His next thought came to Tishombra, the fiery redheaded Sith apprentice who had an ‘interesting’ forced partnership with during the Harvest Moon operation. Perhaps she was here as well.

The Fallen rounded a corner, passing by more Sith young and old as he walked. It was pleasing to see the academy operating at such an efficient level. They were practically flourishing with new blood, though how many would survive or more aptly thrive the academic process was an entirely different matter.

Dashara examined her fingers. They still stung from her slicing attempts on her room’s locked door and left slight redness on the tips. She hissed then tried to shake some feeling back into them. It would come in time, she knew. Until then, she had to suffer. Her green eyes studied each student as they began to file into the numerous rooms, either to study on their own or through the various Overseers.
She caught sight of one. An older male, stern and wrinkled by the years. His yellowing eyes harshly scanned down each hallway as he began to herd the remaining students into a classroom, she truly doubted they were the right ones. As he drew nearer, she quickly detoured from her original direction and ducked down an isolated hallway.

“Fuck...fuck..” She muttered under her breath, feeling the older man seem to detect her. It was times like this she wished she didn’t have the lavender coloring to her skin. Blending into a crowd was nearly impossible in certain situations.

With a hasty and well practiced grace, she managed duck into an empty classroom. She closed the door just before the Overseer spotted it. Dashara held her breath while she pushed tightly against the nearby wall. Her heart pounded in rhythm to the steps moving briskly across the marble floor. Gradually the sounds began to fade indicating she had eluded trouble for now. Cautiously, she began to open the door and peered outside.

As Zes continued his walk down the hallway he watched as a group of young students were led into a classroom by an overseer. The Sith smirked at the sight of the children being herded inside, likely to be given lessons on warfare, the Force or the Sith way of life if he were to guess. He could recall being the only green skinned child, a solitary alien in those classes amongst purebloods and humans. It often put him on the end of bullying and taunts, which he learned to first ignore then draw inspiration from. His eyes caught sight of a woman in the uniform of an acolyte, especially noticeable by her light purple complexion and her beauty.

He made direct eye contact with the peeking woman, as she popped out halfway from the room down the hallway he walked. The expression on her face indicated stress, a high level. She seemed to be up to mischief, judging by the peeking. It was not really his business as he was not part of the academy in any capacity. Still, her alluring eyes caught his own, as did her flame red hair. It seemed that stunning redheads were the theme of his recent days when it came to females.

“Are we up to no good, young Sith?” Zes asked semi seriously, a slight smirk peeking onto his dark green lips as he asked the question.

Hairs on the back of Dashara’s neck rose, her eyes snapped into Zes’ direction. In a short few moments, her vision absorbed and committed his image to memory. On any other day, she would’ve admired his features like most younger men of various races. Falleen rarely cared to stop into Little SlugLand, but she had encountered a rare few. Mostly pleasant experiences. Which would he be, she asked the question without any proper answer.

“Maybe.” Dash smirked, letting her fear and anxiety release from her. She was the master of her emotions, not the other way around.

“At least, if skipping class is counted as being bad.” She lied with the practice she earned while facing numerous criminals, clients and more.

Not a true expert, but she had enough skill to make it believable. Cautiously she stepped farther out into the hallway and cast a glance around.

“Maybe? Well I’m no overseer, I’m not going to report you or reprimand you, especially for skipping class. Its redundant type teaching at a certain level, embrace the dark side, use the force as a weapon, become powerful and use it to dominate the weak,” Zes replied, speaking to the gist of the most basic Sith teachings. “Though, I wonder why you’d be peeking out of a room like you were instead of wandering the halls or slacking off somewhere.”

He stated firmly, then took another step towards the redhead, looking her over wordlessly. Then he added another inquiry, off topic from the skipping of classes. “You’re a Zeltron aren’t you, by the way, or at least partly. I can tell by the lavender skin and that distinct red hair.”

“This place is easy to get bored in. Not much fun and very limited ways to relieve stress, so exploring seems like a better option.” Dashara answered casually as she shrugged, her lips still holding onto the smile.

“Good guess, but in this case the red hair is from my human side. Speaking of unique creatures, I have only met a few Falleen in my time. Mostly pleasant experiences, I’m happy to say.”

“My people are rare to find off our homeplanet, but those that do go offworld and explore are the more adventurous and daring kind. My world is the jewel of the galaxy, peaceful and gorgeous, many Falleen simply do not want to leave it.” He interjected, then let her continue as he spoke with a cockiness when it came to his homeworld. Zes had not been back there in a very long time.

She paused, placing her finger to her lips while her other hand held her elbow. Since you’re not an Overseer, what are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be off on a mission or something?” Dash vague recalled Apprentice Konaal’s training vids on the subject as she bullshitted her way through it in a vague way.

“It can be boring here, indeed. Once can find fun though depending on what they desire. The Sith life becomes much more interesting once one is out, unless they burn out,” The assassin stated plainly, then smirked flirtatiously at the half Zeltron. “Would be a shame if one like you didn’t make it. Zeltrons are a lot of fun, in many ways.”

Her smile didn’t waiver, at least on her face. A small tension budded in her jawline before it faded away.

“I can confidently say that this type of environment isn’t new to me. As for seeing the fun, it’s a lot harder when you have no one to show it.” She flirted back, shamelessly enjoying his attention.

“My business is my business, young Sith. Perhaps I just got back from killing a whole bunch of Jedi, or conquering a planet,” He stated with a laugh, refusing to diverge on the actual details of his most recent mission. “You do say? Walk with me They won’t yell at you if you’re with me. I bet I’m the highlight of your mundane little day anyway. I can be quite fun.”

“I’ll believe it when I see it. Lead the way.” Dash folded her hands in front of her and walked with a posture that didn’t suit her upbring on the Nar Shaddaa streets. An element trained and beaten into her from her escort days.

Her feet kept in pace with his when they walked. “Since you won’t tell me why you’re here, can you tell me more about yourself? I won’t poke, I promise.”

“Daring to ask a mysterious Sith like me for such information. I could be the kind that kicks orphans and tortures for fun,” Zes said with another laugh as they walked alongside each other. “My name is Zes, I serve the Empire in intelligence, as an assassin and spy mainly. I’ve been across the galaxy wherever I am asked to go to serve my masters. I’ve broken into heavily guarded compounds, blew up Republic bases and killed politicians as well as numerous Jedi. Before that I was a noble on my homeworld, a Sith visited the world and took me to this academy as a teenager. Since that day I’ve been a Sith.”

“What about you, my pretty Sith. What's your name? How did you end up here? Zeltrons aren’t exactly common in the Sith ranks.” The Falleen asked as he turned the questions on her, curious about the young woman. He still had to make his way to his master, but some chat would help to kill the boredom of his walk. As well as possibly lead to more ‘fun’ down the line.

"I found life is way more fun with an adrenaline rush." She ignored the little voice in her head screaming at her stupidity. Her stubbornness won out as she tucked her anxiety away and focused on the lie she had to fabricate.

Dashara knew she had to fake it well and forced her to tread a lie very close to the truth. Her feet continued to walk while she considered her words carefully, turning them over in her head before finally airing them out to dry.

"I was found on Teya VI by an Inquisitor, who informed me about imperial law. Naturally I didn't understand and was somewhat resistant. Before that I enjoyed a life of freedom among a kind hearted group who traveled a lot."

There were plenty of gaps in her simple and brief explanation. On top of that, she had managed to smoothly avoid giving her name. Dashara wondered if he would inquire about it again or simple move on.
Drey traversed the ship’s corridors, taking the shortest route possible. His boots echoed with each step and kept the relentless pace until he approached Tishomba’s quarters. With a smooth movement, his hand reached out and pressed the button. He stepped back to wait to be allowed to enter. As the seconds ticked into minutes, he shifted in place. His mind had been locked on this moment causing him enough distractions. He lingered on the sensation of making someone stronger than himself squirm and wiggle. The thought of power caused his mouth to flicker up into a smile.

"Come." Tishombra didn't mince words. She'd been looking forward to seeing Drey again. Anticipation made her smile all day.

As Drey opened the door, he was greeted with a dinner that looked like it should have been at the captain's table. Tishombra was dressed in a semi sheer navy wrap. She had something on underneath but it was obscured and not entirely visible. It seemed like the wrap floated around her.

The aroma hit him first causing Drey to inhale deeply, his mouth watered on the inside. He swallowed when his eyes shifted to Tishombra. His head visibly tilted up then down, following her subtle curves through the thin fabric. Very little was left to the imagination. At least, in his imagination after the first coupling. Words escaped him as he edged in, but the boyish smile still creep onto his face.

“I have to say, I’m liking what I’m seeing.”

Tishombra smiled. "I thought you might. Better food." She moved closer, her hair loose and swaying in time with her hips.

“Any food can be better than my cooking.” He commented, noting his bland tasting attempts to produce something edible. His eyes followed her. Absorbing each step and sway, recalling the sensation of exploring her. His upper teeth bit his lower lip while he struggled to not cover the distance she created between them.

“I see your favorite hobby is teasing the hell out of me.” Drey joked as he stepped toward the table, ready to take the nearest seat.

"I thought it was a shared hobby." Tishombra sat down in the chair opposite him and gestured to the meal. "By all means sit. You seem famished."

The meal was simple. Salad and steaks. There was a bottle of wine opened to breathe.

Drey accepted the offer as he pulled the chair out and took a seat, pushing himself into place. With a normal woman, he would’ve had her seated first. He doubted his efforts would’ve been appreciated by a Sith unless requested. They valued strength and independence, seeking company only to satisfy their lustful needs. He wondered how much of this thought rang true for Tishomba who seemed to enjoy his open affection.

Sitting straight, his eyes turned to her expecting her to join him. He had to admit the meal was better quality than those he ate with the rest of the crew. It didn’t mean it was bad, it just lacked any notable taste or texture.

"How long will you be on Korriban?" The question came out awkward and Tishombra quickly added. "You did say you were interested in the Force. I'd be willing to answer any questions on the subject. It might take more than one day to explain."

Tishombra took a bite and awaited his response. She raised her eyes to see his reaction and determine if he was interested or just making conversation. She was hoping for the former.

Drey took a moment to think. “It depends on how quickly transport is arranged and I’m needed, I have at least a week.”

He sliced a piece of the nerf steak, pausing to pop it into is month. “I learned a bit from Apprentice Terrick and Rahn, but it left a few more questions than it answered. I will admit, it’s likely harder to teach a non-force user than a force user.”

Drey knew it was best not to mention Xid’s explanations left much to desire and only gave a little understanding. The kid didn’t know how to teach anything outside his comfort zones. He chewed his piece and cut more, preventing Tishombra from inquiring about it.

"I've never tried but I like a challenge. How extensive is your knowledge? Where should I start? Anything in particular that you're dying to know? I could start there." She took a sip of wine.

“I do know you’re born with it, which is why they are looked on so highly. The details are what are difficult to grasp. My mind unfortunately also wanders into the more intimate areas, but I feel that’s best avoided.” He didn’t say it outloud, but the hint was clear. He had noted her reactions and suspected that such a topic was not approachable. Not yet.

He continued to eat his steak, the piece half gone, before he took a sip of wine.

Tishombra put the glass of wine down. "Depends on the definition of intimate. I'm sorry, the context not definition." She gestured around. "This is just as intimate a setting as torture." She indicated her right arm. "This amongst other experiences were an intimate setting. An unpleasant intimate setting. I confess I've not had a setting where it's been...pleasant. But that can change. Some things are unknown and unpredictable. Nothing ventured nothing gained.”

She leaned back and drained her glass. The subject was not a favorite of hers. She owed him and it was the first time she'd let her guard down. Mara would be so disappointed in this turn of events. Corinth would be proud. Which might not be a good thing.

She was curious about Drey. Passed over four promotions and likely would this one as well. Trained to resist the Force and apparently had a taste for danger. At least in the bedroom.

She'd have to be discreet. She didn't want to be but it would protect him more if she was. Embrus would be looking for an excuse for her failure. His life was her responsibility. His health was her responsibility. His family's welfare was her responsibility. She pushed away the train of thought she was on and looked back at Drey.

“Fair enough. It’s why I gave the option to keep it off the table. ” Drey calmly mentioned, keeping the topic light as possible.

He observed her while he continued to eat, sipping his wine. He was careful not to drink a lot. Blayse could easily down six beer bottles, but he could barely handle three. Wine wouldn’t be a good idea to risk affecting him now. He could tell she hadn’t wanted to share, drawing his mind to question why she did. Most Sith rather fabricate a lie rather than admit weakness or raw experiments of helplessness. Maybe she was more human than most Sith. At least, he hoped she was.

“So, you’ve read my file and know more about than I do of you. Mind sharing what you feel is acceptable? Let me have a bit more even playing field?”

He started on the salad as he set a portion of his steak to the side. It would be finished after the salad.

"Where to start? I come from Korriban and both of my parents are still alive as well as my brothers and sister. I'm the oldest of four and look the most like my grandmother. She was human and married into the Ferro bloodline. She was a powerful woman, and subsequently brought that power and much needed gene pool.

I was trained at an early age in the basics in the Academy and was in the top three percent of the Academy records. I am skilled in wielding two weapons, be it sabers or lightsabers. I am five and twenty. I served a previous master before Darth Embrus. Lord Rahl who was killed, likely because he was found out to be a spy and the Empire had to nab him for it. Darth Embrus stepped in and saw that there was a good Apprentice available.

I was nineteen when I earned my title. I was ten when I got my scar from Force Lightning because I corrected an Overseer. Lord Rahl was just as pleasant in more…"
She shook her head. "I'm sure you don't want to know those details. That's basics. Ask what you'd like to know." Tishombra reached out and poured more wine for herself, a half glass. She raised the bottle and indicated his glass.

“Nay, I know my limit.” Drey admitted through hoping she wouldn’t take advantage of that. He knew she might later on, but he trusted she knew a line not to cross. At least, not yet.

He sat to absorb the information given to him before moving on.

“The incident earlier, when you sent me flying. You didn’t expect that, did you?”

"You're correct. That was unexpected." Tishombra sipped her wine.

“Do you know what it was?”

"I could be snarky and say the Force. Lesson one. We label powers specific to things they do. What do you think it was Corporal?" Tishombra gave him a smarmy look and swirled the wine in her glass.

“It’s nothing I’ve seen before. Considering it sounded like a scream and tossed me back, I would say Force Scream?” He took a jab at what seemed obvious, looking to her for the correct answer.

Tishombra inclined her head. "Yes. It was not a power that I knew I had."

“It seems like troopers, you can learn or have talents for certain things. I can relate to that more than blowing my enemies back with a scream.” A small chuckle rippled through his chest to spread throughout his body.

"At times they come in handy. Other times they push to the surface and you have an out of control situation."

“You only need to focus on control. Being aware is half the battle, the rest is hard work. At least from what I’ve heard.”

"I'm always in control. A skill that you seem separated from Corporal." Tishombra snarked at Drey leaning forward smiling so that her dimples flashed.

“I can name at least once, you weren’t in control. I’m sure it will turn into two before the evening is over.” He couldn’t help, but looking slightly pleased with himself. The memory was still fairly fresh in his mind. He leaned back into his chair as he finished his meal, the salad completely finished off now.

Tishombra's smile deepened and her eyes sparkled. "Promises, promises. Thankfully you have proved you're more than...equipped to back those boasts up." She rose and collected the dishes setting them in bags.

As Tish removed his plate, Drey rose to his feet. He stepped quietly behind her and gently touched her shoulders, letting his hands wander down to her waist. His body leaned into hers as his arms wrapped about her. He couldn’t wait any longer for dessert.
On Ship bound to Korriban, 2-3 Days after Harvest Moon Mission

Drey walked with purpose across the metal grates. His eyes locked on his datapad, his report checked for grammar and clarity. He spread his awareness out to note the others floating past him and avoid collision courses. He noted an error on his report then abruptly corrected it. His eyes looked up to see the mess hall coming into view, his lips curled into a smile. With a small tug at his tunic, he straightened out the wrinkles in his uniform and maintained his neat appearance. He placed the datapad into the nook of his arm while he slipped into the line. Several other officers seemed to have thought this was the best time to take a lunch break because he spotted the larger than normal number waiting to be served.

He sighed, feeling his stomach claw at him. A regret at failing to eat before the mission washed over him. All he could do was patiently wait until his turn came around. Sith were allowed to cut the line and be served first or given in their onboard quarters. Few ever decided to dine with the soldiers in their own area.

Drey couldn’t help thinking of Xid. The young Apprentice would’ve enjoyed chatting and mingling with the troopers. It had only been a bit of time, but he rolled his eyes at how much he missed the kid. Purely ridiculous.

Tishombra walked into the mess hall flipping her hair over her bare shoulder. She’d decided to wear the white leather. It had one sleeve and clung like a second skin. Her right arm was proudly displayed from the tips of her fingers to her smooth shoulder. The white on white leather looked as if it was once piece from farther off but on closer inspection it was at least two pieces. She flashed a bit of skin, just above her hip, as she flicked her hair over her shoulder.

She knew that she could jump ahead of everyone but she rarely did so. Troopers were the backbone of the Empire and she was no better than they were. Truthfully, the only thing that set her away from any of the others was the difference in her wardrobe. Or so she thought. She had the confident air of a woman who knew she was in charge but didn’t take advantage of it till someone pushed her to it or she needed to.

She raised her hands to her temples as she thought about that damned mark, Selene. Massaging her temples and ran a hand through her hair. She’d left it down after she had showered and wished she’d actually put it back into the customary high ponytail. She felt the ends tickle her sides as she shifted her hands. She had one vanity it was the pin straight, waist length, firey red hair. Well maybe her gold eyes with thick dark lashes too. And the scar. Okay maybe more than one.

Tishombra raised her arms over head and stretched out her arms and stood on tiptoes. She knew just how much skin she flashed and rolled her shoulders. She was bored and this would get her attention. Likely not conversation but at least this would take her mind off Selene. Conversation was too much to ask for sometimes.

Drey’s eyes caught the woman’s image pass him. The same flirtatious Sith who offered him a view of her ass during the mission. His eyes shifted and his peripheral caught the flash of skin. His lip twitched with a smile, enjoying the view. Noting she didn’t push forward, he shifted around to face her.

“A lovely creature like yourself doesn’t have to wait.” His voice was smooth and calm, confident in what he said. Most Sith were vain creatures, in some fashion or another. The higher ones often felt they were superior to soldiers like him, but the occasional ones learned the pleasure of his company.

Tishombra smirked at the man who called her lovely. “Thank you but I prefer to actually let the others before me take the last of this morning’s cooking so that they put out the fresher items. Besides I don’t mind waiting it allows me time to think. You look much hungrier...than myself.”

Her eyes sparkled with mischief and she bit her lip to keep from laughing. She didn’t quite succeed her shoulders shook with mirth and the silent laugh was evident in her breathing as well. She watched him from under her lashes to see his reaction to her flirting.

“Depends on the definition of hunger.” Drey fought hard not to tease too much.

He took a breath, adjusting his datapad in his arm and took a step back when the line moved. With years of training one could learn to be aware of their surroundings while never being force sensitive. It helped one survive to a ripe old age and prevent injury. He licked his lips a bit, eyeing her up without being obvious. Inside his head, he debated on how wise his next action would be.

“But yes, if I had a higher rank I would skip the line and have my meal delivered. The privacy is much better than soldiers chatting or trays thumping around. It makes you appreciate the small things in life.” He didn’t want to be too forward because a force slap hurt.

Tishombra’s eyes widened in shock just before she caught herself. He was actually daring enough to flirt back. Most people took one look at her and didn’t flirt but treated it like an interrogation. They focused on the fact that she had the scar and showed it off. He was actually reaching out. Normally she had to poke and prod the other apprentices of her master to even really get a conversation out of them. She’d actually gone in disguise once and had a decent conversation with a merchant. Honestly she couldn’t call Daymon each time she wanted a halfway decent conversation.

“Well that is something I had not thought of. But then who do I talk to? Who would you talk to? You were buried in-” She stepped closer and her hair shifted over his arm as she looked at the data pad. “Your mission report. Ah you were on the ship that Vaughn was flying.” She reached over and scrolled up. “Corporal you’re not very observant are you? You would have recognized me from that ship. Or maybe I just didn’t make that big of an impression.” She noticed the email that looked official and looked right into his eyes and smirked. They were the same height so they were eye level and she was invading his personal space. Seeing how far she could push him

“To be fair, our paths didn’t cross until we were heading back to the ship. I couldn’t afford to be distracted by your assets or I might’ve never survived to have this lovely conversation. It’s hard to keep from being trampled when your attention is admiring someone.”

His feet planted themselves, knowing she could easily toss him like a rag doll. Some Sith didn’t care about assaulting a soldier if it was ‘justified’. His eyes locked with hers, unafraid and ready for any aggression. He allowed her to invade his personal space for now. A minor offense and too petty to pick a fight over.

“If you wanted to see my datapad, you could ask. I would be willing to hand it over, My Lord.” He left the sentence shorter than he wanted, unsure of her title or her name. Sith weren’t clearly marked like himself so he used the default greeting. He hoped she wouldn’t call his bluff.

Tishombra kept her features in a smirk that really wanted to pull into a grin. He was giving as good as he got. Well up to the line and not crossing it. She’d have to see if he’d cross it at some point. He was interesting. He was different. Refreshing. “If I wanted the datapad in my hands I’d have it wouldn’t I Corporal? And as far as I know I have yet to make that title. No simply an Apprentice. For now. You’re interesting. Grab us some lunch and lets go Corporal. Let’s talk...for now. The datapad please?”

She nodded her head at the fact that the line now started with them. She smiled genuinely which brought out her dimples and made her seem less threatening. She held out her hand passively as she waited for him to hand the datapad over.

Drey wanted to curse, but he couldn’t. He set himself up for this and would face the results. Besides, his stubbornness refused to let him leave something unfinished. With a smile, he took the datapad from his arm and passed it over to her. It held everything he downloaded recently. That included the report and his personal files, including a few that went back as far as Feena. His busy duty had prevented him from copying them into datasticks then deleting the remaining ones during that time.

“As you wish, but a name would be helpful. My Apprentice doesn’t sound as formal as it does when accompanied by a name.” He passed her the datapad, careful to keep his calm and polite demeanor.

Tishombra took the datapad gently. “It would be helpful wouldn’t it my Corporal? But we’ll get to all that. Go ahead and get us something to eat.” She didn’t care if he noticed that she was being irritating or that she was actually not pissed and truly interested. She frowned as she turned away from him reading the datapad.

Drey couldn’t help but admire the view. She had a nice shape, from her bust to her hips, giving him plenty to enjoy. His attention turned back to the tray ordering the daily special. The perk about the mess hall on a ship, options were limited.

Drey Rumen. He had been married. Widowed. Young boy offspring. She wondered if he looked more like his mother or father. Tishombra pulled up some photos. The boy had much of his father in him. The boy’s hair was a touch lighter and his eyes were blue not green that his father’s were. Like jade.

She shook her head and closed the photos. His parents were still alive and probably kept the boy while Drey was away. Interesting. Where was that line? How far could she push him. How soon would he catch on that she wasn’t really serious about being overly pushy? How soon would he defuse the trap? Could he if she played with him? Or would he be too focused on the possibility of a threat?

Oh he has worked under not only Collem but Blayse Corvinian as well. He was interesting. She scanned his service record and noticed he’d been in twelve years and up for a promotion about four other times. This was the fifth.

She lead them out of the mess hall as she read and filed the information away. Her hips swayed unconsciously. She started off leading him to her quarters but soon slowed to fall into step with him as she skimmed his service record. She gave him the option of following or standing with her. The hallways became less and less crowded. “So. Corporal what did you think of the way your last assignment was handled?” Tishombra turned to him and gave him a smirk waiting for his answer.

Drey juggled two trays, his eyes watching her hips sway until she fell back. He shifted over to allow room rather than drift back. His lips frowned in thought for a moment, recalling how he hid with the mercs and the end result.

“Messy as it was, we managed to complete it. I say it was a success for the most part.” He gave his honest opinion based on his thoughts.

Tishombra tilted her head bridlike and blinked. “How would you have done it?” She wanted him to answer honestly but she had a feeling that she’d have to dig a little deeper to get him to. She reached out and her door opened for her. She walked in and sat down in one of the two chairs.

Her room was small sitting room and the bedroom separated by a half wall. She’d thought it was huge for the fact that she was an Apprentice. She wasn’t one for decorating anything so the only indication that the room was lived in was the twin sabers and twin lightsaber hilts that were on a desk attached to the half wall. She took a tray from Drey and indicated he sit.

Drey noticed the emptiness of the room, feeling it reminded him of his own. Practical and shortly lived in. A soldier’s life to its fullest. Seeing her sit, he brought the tray over to the nearby table and took a seat himself. He had been thinking the whole time over what she asked.

“Truthful? Nothing much different than Captain Corvinian. He’s bright and has a tactical head on shoulders, even when facing unknown odds. Our target was a force user which made her unpredictable and dangerous. Normal troopers have no chance in close combat at subduing her without harm. They would’ve been slaughtered.”

He paused for a breath then continued.

“The only hairy part was when we made a tactical retreat. One ship down caused numerous losses that could’ve been avoided if we left a small group behind. Mercs were also not military trained which quickly dissolved into chaos. The ending would be my only change and that is to leave a small group to secure each ship.” Drey’s eyes met herself, studying her intently.

“Yes well the end wasn’t...planned that way.” She looked up at him pausing as she took a bite. It was a normal bite. She wasn’t one to take those stupid tiny bites that a lady was supposed to unless she was at a function that she was expected to. Sometimes not even then. She swallowed and licked her bottom lip. “So leaving a group behind to be killed by the target? Make no mistake Corporal she would have. Someone that can make the dead rise and turn into walking torches? She’d have no problem dispatching a squad of troopers. Back to the point, you could make that call? Because from where I’m sitting I think you wouldn’t have.” She took another bite and eagerly awaited his answer.

She really wanted to know what he thought. How his mind worked. The more data the better and deeper she could dig to see how he ticked.

“You’re right. I would’ve likely been with them when it happened.” After seeing the woman take a bit, he began to eat his own meal. He stabbed the meat cutlet then sliced off a chunk, slipping it into his mouth. He chewed a bit then swallowed.

“Despite that, they could’ve rigged the ship to not work without the pilot. If you train someone well enough, they can resist the effects of both torture and mind manipulation. Making the ship dead in space for her as well as us if he was killed. Not perfect, but one option.” Drey didn’t mention he would’ve been laying in wait to take out Selene the moment she showed.

Tishombra smiled. “So by your logic, as brilliant as Collem is he was not as through as he should have been. I imagine that little tidbit would make someone want to hunt you down Drey. But the problem is you’ve been such a good citizen that you know for a fact that they wouldn’t go after you. You know who they’d go after don’t you? Who’d they’d send?”

Push one.

“No, Collem did the best he could in a situation he had little to no information about. I’m using information after the fact which alters my tactics. You asked what I would do differently, but that is vague enough to assume it could be based on my current knowledge. Not before.” He pointed out, taking another bite.

Tishombra laughed softly. “Semantics. You know it.”

“Knowledge is important. Being a Sith, you also are aware of this and often times value the advantage it gives you.” He had only partly finished his meal, still fixed on the conversation.

Tishombra finished pushed her tray to the side and leaned toward him. “I also know that some knowledge is dangerous and makes you a target. Do you play Sabacc Drey?”

“Only if you prove you’re someone dangerous.” He countered, knowing full well what some Sith thought little of troopers or their abilities. Few would ever expect him to have the knowledge to kill one of their own.

“Non-force sensitives aren’t much threat against the Sith. And I’ve played Sabacc a few times, but not often. It’s been a while since I last played.” He finished off his meal before gently sliding the tray toward hers.

Tishombra took his hand in hers. “How do you know your not playing right now? As for dangerous.” She stood and moved to between his legs looking down at him. “Some danger is worth it.” She caressed his face.

While she caressed Drey’s face she pushed on his perception of her. She had seen a picture of his wife. It was a matter of pushing his perceptions around, tricking his mind. She knew it wasn’t going to be easy. She ran her fingers through his hair and kept pushing. A little here. A little there.

Drey’s mind felt the pushes. Immediately his body tensed and his eyes snapped to her, his jawline tensed.

“Not this danger.” He blamed himself. He should’ve been more cautious as he rose upright, his mind trying to fight the shift in image. It hurt his heart more than he wanted to admit.

“I think we’re done here and it was nice meeting you.”

Tishombra let go. “Drey. I would give you an apology. I believe that is what it is called. I crossed a line.”

Drey considered some choice words to fling at her, but just inhaled then exhaled. Losing his temper in an enclosed room with a woman whole could fry him at any moment was a very bad idea. Especially since he got himself into it. Was Xid the only Sith he could honestly trust in this damn place?

“Look I know you’re mad. Furious. I got really pushy and oh nevermind.”

“You’re force sensitive, I’m sure you can tell mad isn’t the accurate word.” Drey’s voice fought not to harden.

“I don’t have to be sensitive in the Force to know how utterly livid you are. I wish it included time travel in my less than desirable traits at present.” She snapped and moved around him blocking the door. She’d get this apology out and see if she couldn’t at least be his friend. Wanting to be looked at the way she imagined he might have his wife just once would have been nice. She didn’t want to push too much and hurt him. She’d seen that happen before. Damned if she was going to admit that unless it was a last resort.

“If I didn’t find you appealing, I wouldn’t have been so easily lured here.” He shot back.

His hand rose to his face where he pinched his nose bridge. He continued to inhale then exhaled before speaking again.

“My wife died serving the Empire. Left to die by a Jedi during a mission. I’m a soldier who survived and was strengthened by that pain, but seeing it again won’t make me stronger now.” Drey wanted to leave as he grabbed the datapad from the bed, then moved to the door.

“I did not show you something painful to make you stronger. That was not my intention.”

“It’s better than the other options. Which is to draw out my pain, make yourself feel better or get some sense of power over me. So which is it?” Drey couldn’t pass her so he risked taking a few lumps if he could just escape this room.

“Oh yes because it’s always one of those.” She could feel something building. Something different than anger. It was like a ball of hurt, sadness, and rage deep within her. Her eyes flashed with her temper rising to match his. “You wouldn’t understand anyway” She didn’t move. Couldn’t. If she did she was afraid that she’d hurt him or that he’d walk away and she couldn’t decide which was worse.

“Then explain it. How is being my dead wife helpful? I assume you didn’t read my service record completely or you would know force tricks are less effective on me.” He crossed his arms over his chest, planting his feet into place. He wasn’t moving from the spot unless the woman threw him.

“Yes and I was arrogant enough to think I could get past those without hurting you. Needless to say, I couldn’t and I stopped. Had I been successful you wouldn’t be livid with me right now.” She paused to try and control the foreign emotion. [color=orangered]“You wouldn’t have even remembered it.”/color]

Tishombra moved away from the door so he could leave. She wrapped her arms around her stomach and turned away from him. Her voice was a whisper and sounded like she was crying. “I’m sorry Drey. Truly.”

“Frick me.” Drey growled under his breath, not enjoying a Sith breaking down.

“I would’ve been more angry if you succeed. I didn’t love my Elera because of her looks, but her personality. So the moment you opened your mouth, I would’ve known.”

He inhaled again.

“I came up here because I was curious. Where that curiosity would lead, I don’t know. Would it be a one night stand, something more, or just a conversation? I had no idea. If I wanted to be with my wife again, I would’ve let myself die back on that ship and let my parents raise my son.” He let the words sink in.

Tishombra didn’t know what was going on but the pressure only got worse as he spoke. He was right. Each word was like twisting the knife. The pain fed the rage and sadness. Something was building and she had to get him out of the room.

She nodded she was turned away holding on, pushing down the feelings as best she could. “I…” Groaning she fell to her knees. “Drey… I… something is…”

Drey tossed his datapad on the bed as he kneeled down next to her. His hand touched her back gently and his anger faded into concern. Her arms were wrapped about her stomach causing him to immediately consider poisoning. Promptly he shifted to examine her tray, noting any discoloration or odd scent. Nothing.

“All right,” he snatched the water bottle from his tray and once more lowered down to her, popping the top open. He passed it to her.

“Drink that. Inhale and exhale. See if it passes. If not, I’ll get the medical team.” Drey observed her as he tried his best to determine what was wrong.

Tiishombra nodded and took the bottle from him took a sip. Inhaled and then lost it. Her eyes going wide a look of apology. On the exhale a scream pulled from so deep within her that it was inhuman. It was as if a hand reached down and pulled out emotions of the past few minutes.

The rage, wrenching despair and pain echoed in it. It was as if the part of her that had been so filled with rage, despair at never having even a taste of what Elera had, hurt and jealousy all ripped lose in that scream and manifested itself with the Force.
Jaslyn hurried to the hangar her braid swinging with her long strides. Her robes swished and billowed with her movement. She’d been assigned to lead around Lo Lya’Tre before the Padawan’s master Dominik Rothul came to collect her. Jaslyn was always the type to volunteer for keeping the Younglings entertained or making it easy for new people. Her grasp of languages and empathy made it as easy as breathing. She didn’t even have to think it came to her naturally.

Jaslyn strode in just as a ship landed. She was motionless. One of the rare times that she was. She didn’t want to scare the girl by darting around. She watched as a young Bothan stepped out and Jaslyn headed over to her. “Hello. Lo Lya’Tre?”

Lo’s head jerked up from examining her feet. She took in the human woman before her, absorbing her image. Red hair flowed along the curve of the face then sweep back into a braid, contrasting with her pale skin. The tan and white traditional robes indicated she was a padawan.

Relaxing slightly, Lo broke the pause between them.

“Hello and yes. I assume you’re here to show me around?” She asked in a timid voice.

Jaslyn nodded holding out her hand to Lo.[color=yellow] “You got it. My name’s Jaslyn Dayne. You hungry? We can get something to eat if you want. Or did you have someplace special in mind?”

Lo took Jaslyn’s hand, a small smile crept to her muzzle.

“Well, I am hungry. I’ve never been here so any suggestions would be great.”

She pulled her hand back and looked about in wonder, her mind filled with questions. Immediately many of those popped off without her mind realizing it.

“How this place always looked so pretty? How long have you been here? You seem to be a padawan like me, so do you train here with your master? What is it like staying here?”

After about the fourth question, Lo abruptly stopped herself. Her right hand rose to her muzzle and she smiled sheepishly.

“I’m sorry. I got carried away.”

Jaslyn grinned at the questions. “So which one do I answer first?”

Jaslyn held back laughter in case Lo thought that Jaslyn was laughing at her. She directed the fellow Padawan to the dining hall. “Staying here is well… hard to describe. There are good points and bad points and some just neutral points. More the latter than anything else. My Master Merrian is off planet at this moment but yes I am training here. We have quite a few training facilities for all kinds of training. Force talents, lightsaber combat and more.”

At the dining hall Jaslyn lead Lo up to a counter and smiling asked for some food. “Two specials please.” Jaslyn kept her hand in Lo’s and lifted the trays with the Force. “I’ve been here for six years now and yes it’s always pretty.”

Jaslyn found them seats and sat down. She began to eat. In between bites she pondered questions for Lo. “You’re curious. Keep it. It will serve you well. Questions mean answers. Answers mean knowledge. Knowledge means understanding. But anyways...How was your ride here?” Jaslyn’s tone was genuine, open and friendly.

“Yeah, but as some of my teachers told me. A good way to temper thirst for knowledge is through observation and then asking questions. My rain of questions could be seen as rude rather than seeking understanding.” Lo explained as she began to examine the food on the tray.

Her eyes shifted from the grilled loin to fruits and vegetables. She picked a few leaves from the salad then popped it into her mouth. She listened to Jaslyn ask her about her ride as she finished the bite up, she swallowed.

“It was uneventful, but I did meet a few individuals on the ship. The gruffiest woman seemed to take a liking to me and was a bit worried. What’s your favorite thing to do around here?”

She poked her salad for a new bite.

Jaslyn smiled. “Well I like to entertain the Younglings and tell stories. But by far my favorite thing to do is work on my Forms. I’m working on my Knighthood Trials.”

“Those can be stressful.” Lo commented, her mouth still partly filled with salad.

She swallowed to clear her throat as she ran her tongue across her teeth. A wedged green disappeared from its position into her mouth.

Nodding Jasly replied with a grin. “Well nothing that is worth it isn’t. Unless you want to be a Padawan or be in the Corps. Of course you’ll do just fine.”

“I do want to be a Knight, but I still have a long way to go.” The young Bothan admitted as she turned on the chunk of meat, slicing a piece off.

The main course was her favorite part compared to the sweetness of the fruit and bland favors of the salad.

Jaslyn finished off her food and watched Lo. “So Lola. What do you like to do?” Jaslyn picked up her tray and cleared it then put it away.

“Lo.” Lo immediately corrected Jaslyn upon hearing the nickname. Her head cocked to the side, but she shrugged it off as she continued.

“I’m pretty open to many things. I think my favorite stuff is exploring new places and socializing with others. It’s fun to learn new things about someone I just met and had time to warm up to.” Lo took another bite of her meat then moved onto the fruit. The juice squirted onto her claws causing a face.

Jaslyn passed Lo a napkin careful not to laugh at the younger Padawan. “Here. Sometimes they do that.”

Lo took it and carefully began to wipe off her claw, frowning at the sensation.

“I’m not a fan of stickiness. It gets into my fur and it sticks up for days. Not a pleasant experience.”

After she finished wiping off the juice, she crumbled up the napkin and placed it on the side of her tray. She decided to avoid the fruit now.

“Want my fruit?” Lo offered nicely.

Jaslyn laughed at the mental image of Lo’s fur sticking up and quickly apologized. “I’m sorry I just got a mental picture of what you just described. I would hate for food to go to waste. I can show you to the quarters so you can wash up. If we have some time before your Master gets here I can take you on more of a tour.” Jaslyn stands and pops the fruit in her mouth chewing. She motioned to Lo and decided that they were going to see the training rooms.

“I don’t know when Master Rothul will be picking me up. According to Jedi Throne and Typhis, he’s been a bit busy. It will hopefully be within the month, but it might take longer.” Lo stated, happy to be rid of the sticky fruit.

She already had most of her main course done as she continued, still enjoying the meat.

“So, I’m not even sure what I’ll be doing until he arrives.”

“Stick with me Lola.” Jaslyn laughed at her pun. “I’m sorry I didn’t mean it quite like that. But it was funny.” Jaslyn took the other tray and cleaned it off and set it with the others.

Lo stuck out her tongue in a playful matter, following suit.

Jaslyn lead Lola down a couple of halls and to a room that was open. It had one other bed in it. “You will be sharing this room with another student. She’s not currently here. Her name is Mideo. She’s a Zabrak.”

“Wait, as in Mideo 'Mid' Benara? I actually know her from H’Ratth!” “ Lo squeaked, her voice heightened into a few octaves at the end.

Another sheepish smile spread across her face. She looked at the room noting things, but nothing stuck out to her. It was pretty plain like her own back on H’Ratth.

“I’ll have to bring in some new plants. Maybe an herb box if I’m allowed.” She glanced back to Jas, her figure having stepped in to examine her new room.

Jas patted Lo’s head. “I don’t see why not. I was going to go practice my Forms wanna come?” She asked the question because leaving Lo seemed rude. Not that she wouldn’t mind a partner. Master Merrian had been away and Jaslyn felt like she was getting rusty.
Alrightyyy folks, I hate to dip out so quickly but it seems this is the best way to do it without causing too much harm to the rest of the plot, due to unforeseen circumstances I'm going to be pulling out my participation as I don't think I'll be able to give it the time it deserves and I don't want to hold anyone back

Therefore, Fallen has my permission to write out on my behalf. Thank you for having me, even for such a short time and I wish y'all the best with the rest of the story <3

You're officially written out, go forth and prosper my child! And kick RL's ass.

The rest of you, there's no posting order so feel free to write as you want while we wait on Apollo to kick this thing off.

Dash Horizon

Dash glanced at the youngest’s statement. Her brows narrowed and her expression hardened, worry hidden by her stubbornness. After a moment or two, she rolled her eyes. She resumed a defensive posture, her arms crossed over her chest and side turned to the others. It allowed her to react if something unsavory happened. Movement from the corner of her eyes caused her head to jerk to the side. She spotted both the older Zabrak female tracing the temple’s etched symbols and a red Twi’Lek casually stepped out of the entrance. Dashara’s teeth gritted, her jawline tightened in suspicion. As the Twi’Lek’s glanced her way, she locked eyes and twisted into an accusing glare. Sith were known for playing dirty.

Her time with Overseer Haryss taught her that much.

Words started to raise to the edge of her throat until Mahree’s voice stopped them in their tracks. Dash blinked and refocused her attention onto her friend. Depression and regret filled her eyes, but she looked away for a second. She wanted to avoid Mahree seeing the guilt surfacing in her.

“Whatever it is, just give it everything you got. Don’t worry about me. Do whatever you need to in order to avoid getting hurt. Kay?” Dash turned back to flash her a smirk, her mask up and solid.

Any additional conversation had been drowned out when sounds of a speeder approached. It ripped across the desert landscape and kicked up dust in its wake. Gradually it came to a stop and the driver dismounted. His figure indicated male with the wide shoulders and narrow hips. He briskly walked to the edge of the gathering then patiently waited to be addressed.

Dash watched Aria Saal recognize and moved toward him, sizing his image up. A small, quiet conversation ensured. He gave her a letter which she immediately ripped the seal off. Her skin paled before she glanced at him. He nodded, confirming her concerns. With a quick gesture, she crumbled it and put it away on her belt. A cuss slipped her lips on the way back to the speeder. Her figure slipped into the front and they took off back to the academy. The sounds faded into the distance.

Outside Tomb
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