Avatar of Fallenreaper


Recent Statuses

6 yrs ago
Current Yes, I'm an oversize child. Deal with it. :P
6 yrs ago
That moment you've got too many rp ideas floating in your head, but you don't want to overwhelm yourself? Yeah... I'm right there, suffering in silence.
6 yrs ago
RP hunting is like finding the rare toy in the cereal box. Doable, but the time and effort is nearly more than I can bare!
7 yrs ago
That amazing high when you realized how far you've come in improving your writing. It's impossible to describe, but drowns you in a positive glow.
8 yrs ago
I love being a terrible person by making my PCs' lives miserable, it's art form that never gets old or boring.


Personal details I've got enough room to share.

Nicknames....Fallen (preferred), Reaper, Devour of lost souls, etc.
Sign...............Libra (true to sign surprisingly)
Occupation....Wandering and exploring the caves of my insane mind
Location.........USA (Lost in the Cornfields!)



Click the links (Titles) below to be taken directly to the thread.

Advance RP

Accepting: GM/Co-GM Nitemare Shape, Hound55, & Dedonus

Formaroth Part 2: Throne of Lies
Still Accepting: GM TheDuncanMorgan

Casual RP

X-Men: The New Era - Issue II: Avalon Rising
Accepting: GM Almalthia, Co GM Pilatus

Legacy of Heroes: The New Age
Accepting: GM Jessie Targaryen, Co GMs Alfhedil and Apollosarcher

Nation RP


Arena RP

None yet.

Extra Stuff Featuring: Flight Rising.

Most Recent Posts

Week 7, Day 1, Late Evening

"No disrespect Master, but I disagree." Lo's face turned to face her master. A familiar hardness etched into her muzzle and eyes. She let her frustration yield to her determination as she leaned her back against the table. In her hands, the mortar and grind already had been turning the herbs into a paste.

"I might not be able to heal it, but I can give you a painkiller. I do this for a few good reasons." Her voice remained firm and resisting her master's protest. She shifted the grind into the bowl as she lifted her fingers and counted the reasons.

"First," her first finger lifted.

"If anyone sees you in that condition, it will affect the Twi'lek's faith in you. Especially since it's a persisting injury that they knew nothing about until now. While Sar and a few others understand, others will not."

She lifted her second finger.

"I need to be able to focus. Through our link, I get faint sensations and those are distracting. This is to give us time to teach me how to block it out."

Lo inhaled, revealing her last and final reason.

"Finally, before you deny the painkiller with the excuse that others need it... I'm only using local herbs. Ones we can easily replenish and have plenty in stock. I also need the practice to familiarize myself with how they work and strength. You're going to help with that."

Once more, the padawan inhaled.

"Now, stop being unreasonable. Else, I will show you exactly how H'Ratth healers tend to stubborn patients." Lo appeared to prepare herself to deal with additional issues as she looked at her master.

Dominik listened to his Padawan’s words as she spoke, giving him no time to interject with an argument as she countered every single one he was preparing to throw at her. By the end of it, Dominik was obviously peeved at his Padawan’s ability to argue with him at that moment, but he also admired her determination and stubbornness.

He pulled back a glare that had formed; she knew how to argue and how to do it well. The older Jedi huffed in frustration before his eyes closed as he accepted his defeat. He shifted his legs slightly as he felt the sharp pain threatening to dig deeper into his hip.

“You’ve learned well.” He muttered in defeat, wincing at the pain he felt but attempting to distract his mind by talking to his Padawn.
“Well, I have spent about two months with you. If I haven’t learned anything during that time, I consider myself a terrible padawan.” Lo stated bluntly as she finished grinding the herbs then shaking the paste into a cup. She passed it to him.

“It needs to be digested. Beware, the herbs are bitter. I suggest taking some water with them to ease the taste.” After she passed it off, Lo looked to her master.

“We need to get you off the floor before the chill makes it worse.”

Dominik reached out slowly, accepting the cup from his Padawan. He brought it to his nose, smelling its bitter scent before pulling it to his lips. Closing his eyes, he sat up slightly, using his other arm to hold him up before he threw his head back, swallowing the paste in one go. He could help the face he made moments later before he coughed a couple times, swallowing in an attempt to get the taste to disappear faster. He held the cup back out towards Lo, allowing her to take it before that arm returned to help prop his body to fully.

Without waiting for Lo's help, he slowly turned his body so that he was in a sort of kneeling position, gathering his strength before he slowly started to help himself stand.

Lo stood there, watching her master swallow the herbs. She reached for the bowl then quickly turned away. Not seeing the pain or struggle helped her to squash down the urge to help him. His pride and stubbornness would fight her on that.

"So how do you feel? Are the herbs dealing with the pain at least? Don't lie because I'll know." Her voice retained a firm, but softer tone this time.

Dominik slowly found his footing as he stood, keeping most of the weight off of his sore hip, though he could tell the herb paste was already working. He winced as he felt a dull pain surge from his hip and down his leg, but it wasn’t nearly as bad as it had been before. He looked to a nearby crude wooden table, one hand reaching out towards it. On it, his lightsaber and wooden walking stick started to tremble. He pulled both of them quickly towards him, both landing in either hand. Dominik mounted the lightsaber on his waistbelt while the other hand took the walking stick firmly and held it down next to his right leg. The walking stick came up to his waist, a finely made cane of carved wood and leather. Dominik adjusted his clothing on his form, noting how they were starting to wear, before looking over towards his Padawan.

“Come Lo…” He said, pausing and showing his Padawan a weak but confident smile, “we should try to find out what happened, and see if Sar needs any help.”

“Lead the way.” She snatched her own lightsaber and quickly followed him out of the hut.
@PiePizzle Got one stamp of approval from me.
@fallenreaper Quoin is interested.

All right, put his CS in the tab and make your first IC post. <3 Welcome on board.
Week 7, Day 1, Evening

Lo frowned as Dominik's hand tried to push her away. Her eyes snapped up, filled with frustration and anger. Immediately the emotions faded when he explained why. She gritted her teeth, but didn't say a word. Instead, her hands pulled back from Dominik's side and back into her lap. She remained sitting on her knees. All the healing energy dissipated.

Silently she watched in helplessness as her master waited for the pain to pass. Through their link, she could easily tell how much he suffered, but she bore none of the pain herself.

At Aren's words, the padawan looked into her direction. A simple nodded revealed she had heard everything. Her following words confirmed it.

"Thank you, Knight Bec. It's appreciated and I will try to remember it." Her voice took on a soft, but quiet tone.

Several silent moments passed before Lo began to raise to her feet. During the unexpected tremor, several things had toppled from the shelving. Including her healing herbs. With a careful and delicate touch, Lo began to pick them up. She paused with a small root in her hand. An idea formed in her head as she moved to her mortar and grind.

"Where's the pain originating from? Nerves, muscles, what? What is it like? Stabbing or continue throbbing?" Lo asked her master, listening carefully to his description.
Week 7, Day 1, in the darkness of evening

It was going to be all right.

Lo repeated to herself and moved to the wall near the foot of the bed. As much as she tried, her over protectiveness refused to let her go farther. Giving into that instinct, she allowed her this weakness but no more. To prevent her from fretting, she leaned against the wall and crossed her arms over her chest. The young Bothan carefully observed her master's progress. As Aren helped him upright, she pressed her lips together to silence the worried words.

This was unavoidable. Being a Healer, she knew the importance of these exercises. Bones and muscles were important. During her master's coma, he had lost both muscle mass and bone strength. They couldn't help properly without some work.

When Aren managed to get him fully up on his feet, Lo's breath stilled in her lungs. Her fur flattened out with a nervousness against her will. On instinct, her upper jaw bit the lower lip. A slight sting to distract her from her master's poor condition.

She never sensed the aftershock's approach until it hit.

An violent and sudden force knocked her balance from her. Her arm snapped out to catch herself. IT managed to snag the bed, stopping her from face planting into the stone floor. Darkness washed over them when the few candles in the hut toppled from their perch. Snuffled out by the impact.

As Lo righted herself, only the few crystals illuminated inside. She froze when she heard Master Rothul plead for Aren to lay himself. The padawan's heart stalled from fear. Half risen, her eyes met Aren's. That eye connection broke her spell as she pushed upright then moved toward her master.

Instinctively, she dropped to her knees. Her palms touched to his side and wordlessly she began to focus her spirit into healing him. Her eyes closed and her mind turned inwardly, using the force to guide her skills.
Wormstew Town, Nar Shaddaa
3 week, day 2, Night

Cria Kiles sighed as he shifted his cloak onto his shoulders and jerked it straight. With a final glance in the smeared looking glass, he took a moment to admire himself. The man stood about five foot and ten inches, a respectable height on average. His blond hair and beard had become peppered by soft gray highlights, a sign he was getting along in years. A darkened complexion tanned his skin indicating work in the elements.

Satisfied with his modest looks, he frowned at the thought about his next task. Usually he avoided working with smugglers, but times were hard and desperate. The Exchange needed new smugglers to fill out its ranks. They chose him to test those possible recruits followed by paying them if they succeeded. About five hundred credits for the whole trip. With another heavy sigh, he pulled himself from his thoughts.

Cria's heavy steps exited his room within Wormstew's hotel, and he pulled out onto the dank ramp parts. Wormstew rested in the lower regions of Nar Shaddaa, where the waste and filth ran down to. His boot splashed into collected puddles of polluted water. Each time, the water drenched the bottom of his trousers until it began to seep through.

Dim lights illuminated through the smog as he drew closer to Derius Bar. It was a small building, what looked to be a warehouse turned into business. Already patrons had begun to flock there and spend their hard earnings on drinks and company. The crowd was perfect. Distracting and active, the chances of anyone noticing a business transaction were slim.

After a bit of squeezing through the bodies, Cria walked up to the bar counter. He leaned for the bartender to hear him as he made his order.

"Give me an Ale." He stated as he passed over a few credits. His figure hunched over the counter while he waited. He didn't expect all the interested Smugglers to arrive at the same time and approach him for the job, so he would be here a while.

The worst things happen in the shadows and it's a place where the law rarely walks.

In Character Info

For years, the conflict between the Exchange and the Hutt cartel has been a continuous thing. They play their war in the background where the light of law can never reach. As time passes, the hostilities against each other only grows.

Welcome to the war.

Recent rumors have it that the Exchange been seriously busy. Hiring smugglers to subtly transport chemicals, samples and equipment to discreet locations. All done to aid their ability to create more profitable and cheaper spice variations. If successful, they could dominate the drug trade. Naturally, the Hutts have their own ways to sabotage the Exchange's plans. They hired bounty hunters and mercs to track down the smugglers.

Now, pick your side.
Out of Character Info

The thread is going to be used for Exchange vs Hutts conflicts. It's a multiple part story about the Exchange's attempts to overcome the Hutt's current drug lord status. The primary focus is on the smugglers and bounty hunters/mercs wrapped up in this hidden conflict. It's a heavily driven story by players with the GMs tossing a few outside threats, challenges, and other stuff.


  • Please respect and accept when the GMs make decisions/judgement calls.GMS are Heat and Fallenreaper.
  • Player conflict will happen in the rp, but the scene should be worked out and agreed on by both parties involved. The aim is to create a fun story for both players.
  • No character deaths without the creator's permission. This must be mentioned either in the OOC or in a pm to both GMs. Any scene that kills a PC and the GMS aren't aware of the agreement, both players will be contacted to ensure it was a mutual agreement. Please don't forget to contact the GMs if there's an issue, and we will help resolve it.
  • Have fun and communicate. We encourage players to enjoy adding to the story and exploring the conflict. If you have a big idea, pitch it in the OOC or to the GMs. The best part of rp is when players create their own fun too.

Almost thought Khulbe might be good for this, but it seems the Hutts themselves were not invited!

If you can come up with a plausible reason, it is possible. Though Heat is the Hutt representative so those on the Hutt side has someone to contact. Since I had unexpected computer issues, I will be starting the IC Monday. Anyone still interested even after it has gotten under way, can contact Heat or myself and then pop on in.
Week 7, Day 1, Afternoon

Dominik's mind wavered as his eyes fell on his Padawan. He forced himself to focus as he listened to her words so that he could properly comprehend them. His chest rose and fell in a somewhat quickened pace as even the little movements took a lot of his energy. The man could feel a pit in his stomach as he laid there, he hadn't eaten for a week. Lack of nutrients and fuel was partly to blame for how weak he felt.

"You have every right to feel that way, Lo. No one your age should have to take on the responsibility you have… but you took it anyway-" the man paused for a moment as he tried to collect his thoughts.

He took a deep breath into his lungs and held it for a few moments before exhaling, giving himself a few extra moments to think.

"I'm proud of you. No doubt I owe you my life. You've done so much where I could not." He said, allowing a faint smile to light up his features as he looked at Lo.

"You look older…" he began, observing the change she had made with her fur pulled back into a bun. "It suits you."

Lo patiently waited until her master finished. Her dark eyes lingered on his fragile form, a faint reminder of his state. She smiled at his compliment on her hair causing her hand to rise and check how well it held up. All seemed in order as she let her hand drift back down. So many words clawed to the surface, but not of them fitting for the reunion. She took a deep breath then began.

"First off, thank you master. I grew a lot during your healing. Some of the Twi`lek elders didn't expect you to recover and it was considered to transfer you to H`Ratth at one point. Especially if you didn't improve."

Lo glanced to the ground for a moment. Guilt washed over her, surrounding and tainting her with the undeniable facts. The only reason it hadn't happened was because she selfishly refused to let it. Again, she inhaled.

"Let's get you something to eat and drink. Then I can catch you up on what you missed." She lifted from her seat as she moved toward the door, unsure if anyone stood nearby.

Dominik could sense there was something about Lo that wasn't of the norm. He didn't fully trust his senses however, and also didn't want to push the subject right away. As she talked about H'Ratth, and a possible transfer before, Dominik was glad it hadn't happened. The move could've been difficult, and most definitely dangerous.

"You trusted in your abilities. And it is because you trusted in yourself and the Force that I'm here right now." Dominik said, trying to reassure his Padawan that all was well.

Seeing her move to retrieve something for Dominik to eat, the older Jedi sighed and let his eyes rest, feeling his body was slightly more awake now that he had seen his Padawan.

Outside the hut, Aren stood near the door. Sar and many of the other Twi'leks had moved on and continued their duties to the village to give Lo some space and time with Dominik.

As the young Bothan emerged from the hut, Aren looked over to her. "How is he, Lo? Would you like help with anything?" She asked gently, turning to face her and letting a small, reassuring smile light up her face.

"He is still pretty weak and he needs a proper meal. Can you can bring back some meat, vegetables, and water? I still need to check him over and determine what herbs to give him." Lo stated as she stopped just within the doorway, her attention on the older Knight.

Her voice remained calm as she paused. Promptly, her head ducked back over her shoulder. Satisfied by the image of her master resting, she turned back to Aren.

"I think he will be fine, but he is to stay in bed unless supervised. No stress or extreme activity. Else I will not just deal with him, but whoever let it happen." While said in a sweet voice, it hid an undeniable threat as Lo smiled back and ducked back inside.

Aren made a mental note of the food items Lo requested. She had heard one of the Twi'leks was cooking up a bone broth with added meat, and Aren was sure she could get some vegetables thrown in. A light meal would be best for Dominik's healing but fragile body.

The Jedi Knight wasted no time heading to grab a meal for Master Rothul, Lo's words hanging at the back of her mind for a moment as she walked. Aren had a feeling it would be Dominik's own actions they'd have to look out for first.

As Lo walked back inside the hut, Dominik's eyes opened again, his ears picking up her quiet footsteps.

His eyes closed again as he took a deep, content breath. "I believe you told me you found my holocron… didn't you?"

"I wasn't sure if you could hear me or not. I worried it was my desperation that clouded my judgement and connection with you. It's good to know your gestures weren't just a reaction to mine."

Lo exhaled. Lightly her feet stepped across the hut's floor and made her way to the stool, pausing to adjust her robes. She lowered back into the seat before looking at him.

"I believe you know I'm still struggling with the password. I'm not very good with puzzles or guessing things. The protections you set up were effective, but I couldn’t leave it on the ship. It felt wrong to."

“I’m glad you took it with you…” Dominik said quietly, his eyes closed still. His chest rose and fell lightly as his mind wandered; thinking about those last moments he thought were his last, all that he had yet to tell Lo, all that he wished to tell her. But now wasn’t the time, he wanted more strength before answering some of her questions.

“What’s the one thing I always tell you to do, Lo.” He began, his eyes finally opening again as he glanced to the young Bothan next to him. “That is your answer.” He teased, smiling slightly at the young Jedi as he watched and waited for her to start figuring it out.

Lo's mouth pressed tightly together. Her head cocked to the side as she absorbed his password, finding it simple and easier than she expected. For several moments, she found it hard to believe.

"Why that word?" Her question tumbled out, urged by her curiosity.

“It’s what I live by.” Dominik answered simply. His eyes moved from his padawan to glance at his form before they closed. “All my life Lo I’ve had trust challenged, constantly. If I trust in the Force I know it will lead to me where I should be; then I trust in my friends, my fellow Jedi. It’s because of that trust that I’m still here today. If I didn’t trust and hope that they would come I might’ve died at the hands of Sith, hands that tortured me for nearly a year.” The man explained, revealing part of his past to his padawan that had yet to be mentioned.

“It’s something the Sith don’t have, Lo. They don’t trust anyone but themselves. They don’t trust in the Force, they manipulate it. That is where the Jedi and Sith differ the most… In being able to trust.”

Lo remained still. Her eyes watched and studied her master while thought rumbled around in her head. More questions wanted to surface, but she bit them back. Now wasn't the time to burden him with more. Instead, she exhaled the desire away.

"It explains why trust is important to you." She let a smile slip onto her lips as her head righted itself once more. Her vision glanced to the door, hoping to see Aren arrive with food.

Not but a few moments later, Aren walked through the doorway with a crude wooden bowl in one hand and a small wooden plate in the other. In the bowl was a Rycrit bone broth with small chunks of meat, and on the plate was a few different varieties of vegetables all cut up into smaller pieces. Ro'sara walked in behind Aren with an extra blanket in one hand and a drinking bowl of water in the other.

Both smiled to Lo as they walked inside, their eyes moving to Dominik momentarily before they approached Lo.

"If there's anything else you need Padawan, don't hesitate to ask." Aren said gently as she handed the bowl and plate to Lo.

The padawan took the bowls and plate, setting the plate and water bowl on the side table. Her hand stirred the primal spoon about the broth to cool it to a lower temperature. It wouldn't take long. Her head turned to the Jedi and Twi'lek, giving them both a smile. She paused in her stirring to point at the foot of the bed to set the blanket on.

“Thank you both. I think this is enough for now and I appreciate it." Checking the broth once more, she looked to Dominik.

"Would you like to start with the water, broth, or the vegetables first?"

It wasn't until Lo's question that the older Jedi came fully to terms with his situation and condition. He paused for a moment at her question, his gaze moving to Aren and Ro'Sara briefly. Aren smirked, she knew that look. No doubt he felt embarrassed at the fact that he needed his Padawan's help in order to feed himself. In a few days he would be stronger, but for now his waking body needed to feel itself out and fully wake once more.

He closed his eyes and sighed before finally answering. "The broth." He mumbled, causing Ro'Sara to giggle at his stubbornness. She placed the blanket at the end of the bed and left quickly with Aren, leaving the master and Padawan to themselves.

As Dash fell over the edge, fear pulsed through her veins. Her arms snapped out and snatched the pit's edge. She jerked to a stop. A small cry escape her lips, her legs dangled just above the shadows. Her eyes glanced down into the darkness. The tips of spikes glistened with malice intentions, stained by a faint coat of red. All the breath in her throat stalled in her lungs.

Adrenaline raced within her veins, snapping her from her fear. Her arm reached for the ledge only to fall short. A second attempt proved nearly as fruitless as she dug in her feet and shoved upward. The rocks that gave her grip crumbled from under her weight. Dash yelped when she slipped only to catch herself again. Her mind frantically searched for possible escapes.

The walls were too gravelly to provide proper friction. No other beam or ledge nearby. Each option, her mind ticked off as she weighed the danger in a rapid visual. Seeing no perfectly safe way out, she took a chance. Slowly Dashara began to sway side to side. Her mind counted each one.




On the last one, her other arm lifted and snagged the edge. She tightened her hold. With all the effort in her body, she began to pull herself up.

"Dash?! Are you alright?"

Relief washed over Dashara when she heard the familiar voice of Mahree. The girl's hand wrapped about Dash's wrist and began to aid her up.

"Yeah, I let me guard down," she began before flopping onto the ground on her back. Inhaling to recover her air and settle her panic mind, her torso sat upright.

"Someone shoved me from behind. I only saw the Zabrak kid, the one with the droid. So... how good are you at wall running?" Dashara's eyes settled on Mahree when she asked the question.

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