Avatar of Fallenreaper


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6 yrs ago
Current Yes, I'm an oversize child. Deal with it. :P
6 yrs ago
That moment you've got too many rp ideas floating in your head, but you don't want to overwhelm yourself? Yeah... I'm right there, suffering in silence.
6 yrs ago
RP hunting is like finding the rare toy in the cereal box. Doable, but the time and effort is nearly more than I can bare!
7 yrs ago
That amazing high when you realized how far you've come in improving your writing. It's impossible to describe, but drowns you in a positive glow.
8 yrs ago
I love being a terrible person by making my PCs' lives miserable, it's art form that never gets old or boring.


Personal details I've got enough room to share.

Nicknames....Fallen (preferred), Reaper, Devour of lost souls, etc.
Sign...............Libra (true to sign surprisingly)
Occupation....Wandering and exploring the caves of my insane mind
Location.........USA (Lost in the Cornfields!)



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Advance RP

Accepting: GM/Co-GM Nitemare Shape, Hound55, & Dedonus

Formaroth Part 2: Throne of Lies
Still Accepting: GM TheDuncanMorgan

Casual RP

X-Men: The New Era - Issue II: Avalon Rising
Accepting: GM Almalthia, Co GM Pilatus

Legacy of Heroes: The New Age
Accepting: GM Jessie Targaryen, Co GMs Alfhedil and Apollosarcher

Nation RP


Arena RP

None yet.

Extra Stuff Featuring: Flight Rising.

Most Recent Posts

I'm in. *snickers*

I hope this CS is suitable. >,< I'm still figuring out the character and her powers might have more limits or freedoms than I originally put on the sheet, but it's on a case by case for story. I did try to establish the basics as well as I could.

Name: Lo Lyra’Tre
Species: Bothan
Age: 13
Gender: Female
Rank: Padawan
Master: Master Dominik Rothul

Detailed appearance.

Lo considers herself pretty average in looks for her race. She is a young Bothan and she looks like a younger version of the adults, her body having an athletic build. Her height is about 5’1”, the tallest she will likely ever get. A long, canine-like snout dips from her face with neatly trimmed beard along her chin and jawline. Her ears are long and end at a narrow tip. Long brown fur flows around her head, tied back into a ponytail at the bottom of her neckline. Her Padawan braid dangles at the right side of her face and ending just underneath the jaw. The same colored fur covers her body in a shorter fashion. It has a tendency to betray her emotional state by flattening, bristling or puffing out. She has eyes as green as the grass on a perfect day.

Her usual garments are the traditional padawan uniform in a tan and brown color. This consists of the inner tunic, tabard, sash, belt, trousers and boots. Nothing really fancy and appear have some wear and tear.

Report on natural ability with the Force, as well as all known Force Techniques and the skill levels.


Force Jump
Force Speed
Force Throw
Telekinesis Defense
Mind Tricks


Force Healing- While at H’Ratth, Lo learned she had a natural knack for healing. At this small display of talent, the Jedi instructors felt it was a skill worth developing for her. Her force healing is at a basic level and requires heavy concentration to maintain it. With education and experience, it could become a valuable skill for her.

Force Sense- Lo is sensitive to changes in the world around her. She is quick to pick up on danger aimed at her and noted to react much sooner than her peers. With time, this could turn into an ability to sense other force users.

Report on known skills and combat experience, training and lightsaber training.



Martial Arts- This is one of her weaker skill sets compared to her Force abilities. While she has the stamina and ability to fight, she lacks confidence in it. This affects her assertiveness in defending her position and she second-guesses her instinct. Mistakes happen to leave her open to counters, disarms, and more in combat.

Survival Skills- The best thing that Lo got out of these lessons were what herbs and plants would heal. This was the main reason she actually developed an interest in it and it stuck in her head. Now she can survive in nearly any environment for long periods of time.

Basics of Republic History- Lo finds it hard to recall her lessons over Republic history. It wasn’t the fact she didn’t pay attention, but she held no interest in it. At least, she got a general idea that the Republic was worth protecting and assisting.


Basics in Speeders and Starship piloting (including navigation) - She took to the basics in speeders and starship piloting well. Not only did she love the adrenaline rush and wind in her fur, but she was also good at it.

Medical Knowledge- Due to H’Ratth’s specialty in Healing, Lo has gained basic knowledge and experience in how to treat others. This is one of the lessons that Lo gravitated toward and enjoyed learning about. Seeing this, a few instructors encouraged and helped develop her basics. This included natural healing and with the force.


High Stamina/Energy- Like many youngsters, Lo has high levels of energy and gives everything her all. This can lead to good and bad things.

Known interests of the candidate.


Week 7, Day 2, Early Morning
Location: Twi'lek underground village

Lo relaxed as she watched him take the bowl, eating the simple breakfast. She was thankful the Twi'lek had learned how to make their fires smokeless. However, they still needed to be careful. Any fires could easily lead the Sith and the Slavers back to their door. It wouldn't help anyone.

The younger bothan sipped her tea as she considered the future for a single moment. Her master's question interrupted her thoughts causing her to look at him. It left her scrambling for a reply which she had none. Her fur bristled a bit then settled down once more.

"Speaking bluntly, Master. Ever since we came to Ryloth, have I ever been ready for the day? From slavers to sith, the time spent here has taught me one thing. Readiness is an illusion for life. No one is truly prepared for whatever a day will bring." Lo paused for a moment, a bit surprised by the words she spoke. They were truthful, but sounded weird coming from her.

She sighed. "Sorry, the short answer is no. I am not."

Her hand began to rip a piece off the bead then folded it, scooping some yellow mush onto it. She popped it into her mouth and chewed. A thick and grainy texture, but a strong favor. The padawan rather enjoyed it.

"How are the herbs working? I decided to experiment and alter the herbs, substituting one for another. One that was a bit easier to get around the village."
Collaboration Mahree & Dashara

Dash frowned. Her eyes tried to penetrate into the shadows, difficult due to the poor lighting. She inhaled to sooth her frustration as she began to examine the hallway's sides. Clinging to the wall, Dash extended her foot to test for a small ledge. Nothing. The stone had been worn smooth, and she leaned back into the platform's safety.

"That idea is pointless." She muttered under her breath.

Mahree glanced up as her friend tried to look at all their options for crossing the pit. The cave’s ceiling was high enough… perhaps.

“We can try to jump.” Mahree said, looking back at Dash. She figured her friend wouldn’t like this idea very much given Dash’s hesitation with the Force, but it was worth suggesting. Mahree was confident she could do it, and was confident that she could encourage Dash as well; but she didn't want to force her friend.

“You sure?” Dash asked again, now hearing Mahree. Her eyes turned to face her friend and looked her over for any hesitation or hidden worry.

Seeing nothing, the older woman sighed in relief.

“You can go first, I’ll follow. It’s not the first time I’ve jumped across a gap.”

Mahree shrugged and stepped forward, holding the stage in one hand tightly as she glanced down into the pit. The younger girl turned suddenly, using the momentum and throwing the staff across the pit and to the other side.

She took a few steps backward, taking in a deep breath and getting low before pushing off the ground. She ran fast, lowering and pushing off into a jump at the very edge of the pit. She used the Force to strengthen her jump and push her further, allowing her to land one foot on the other side at the very edge. She moved forward, making sure she was safely over before glancing back over to Dash.


Dash silently stood back. Her attention shifted to follow the girl's rush across the gap and hoped for the best. For the short time she had known Mahree, the girl hadn't shown much athletic or acrobatic talent. The time it took for the younger girl to get across felt like an eternity to her. A dreadful one.

The spell broke when the girl's feet landed safely on the other side. Dash let out a heavy sigh of relief. Her figure bent and her hands found her knees, the lock muscles loosening. It took everything to fight the urge to simply collapse at that moment.

Her head perked up at Mahree's question. A sharp, confident grin spread across her lips.

"This is a piece of cake. Better make room."

Her hips swayed as she moved from the end, giving herself a running start. She flipped about then lowered her arms to the ground, her foot braced against the ground. She inhaled then exhaled. Without warning, her figure bolted forward. When she drew close to the wall, her foot extended, and she tilted her balance.

In a well practiced move, Dashara managed to wall run over the gap. At the last bit, she kicked off and landed on her feet.

"Hopefully all our challenges will be that easy, but I doubt it." She flashed her friend a smirk.

"You just had to show off, didn't you." Mahree teased as Dash landed her run across the wall. She smiled to her friend before kneeling down and picking up the staff she had thrown across.

"They probably won't be… but as long as we take them together, we can make it."

Dash chuckled. “Comes with living in ‘Little Slugland’.”

Her lithe figure moved past her friend and into the chamber beyond. About four pillars surrounded the center with a room to the left and right. So far, no presence appeared to be in sight. This put Dash at ease as she considered which direction to head.

"You learn quickly or you die. I wasn’t going to end up being another dead kid left for the rats on the ramparts. I was going to survive to see somewhere better. “

Her eyes glanced at Mahree to indicate if she had an idea of where to go next.

Mahree hesitantly examined their path ahead. She watched Dash for a moment before the grip on her staff tightened as she started to follow her friend.

Across the gap, something shifted in the pale light and paused. Light reflected off a pair of eyes following the pair before it vanished.

Room 1 to 2
Week 7, Day 2, Early Morning

Lo smiled and took the bowl from the camp fire. Numerous vegetables and meat floated in a rich, dark broth. Most the food on Ryloth had been stews, mush, or simple meat and bread arrangements. Not that she complained. The cooks were surprisingly good at making whatever they had smell and taste acceptable.

Thanking the young blue skinned Twi’lek, the young bothan made her back to her master’s quarters. She carefully balanced a tray with two bowls of stew, bread, and yellow mush. Her nose twitched with each step, but she managed to keep it steady in her hands. Carefully she navigated through the others waiting in line for their portions.

Her eyes caught sight of her master sitting by the rock pile, deep in mediation. Her head cocked to the side in confusion. Choosing not to question the reason endlessly, she moved closer. She stopped in front of him then set the tray down between them. Her legs folded up to pad her rump from the hard, packed floor.

“You should eat,” Lo stated as she held out a bowl for him, with some bread.

A heavy, mirth filled chuckle escaped Cria's lips. His head turned and sized up the new arrival. Already the Zabrak reversed in his mistake, ordering a drink to pacify the woman. It was a good thing too. No successful business person enjoyed a warm body that wasn't a paying customer.

The Exchange representative brought his ale to his lips, half draining the mug. A nice buzz grew at the back of his skull, but not enough to hinder his work ability. Taking the back of his hand, he wiped his beard and lips clean. His blue eyes turned to the alien before he offered a generous piece of advice.

" Usually best to order a drink, no matter how long you're going to be here. Puts credit into their pocket."

Cria slid closer as he continued. "I'm glad you could make it. So, how much did they tell you about the job?"

The blond man expected Daklero to know very little or nothing, but he had been surprised before. He watched the Zabrak then glanced to the door occasionally, waiting for the smugglers to arrive.

Welcome onboard. ^-^
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