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7 yrs ago
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@Andreyich@ClocktowerEchos Not the way I run 'em.

Officially throwing my interest into this! Thinking of doing something with Philadelphia and being aggressively American.

Ryoko Yumekishi

It was a lovely day, wasn't it? And so, while many were in the library, there was one who was actually outside, right now. Well, for given measures of 'out'. Not too far from the library proper, parked up against the curb, was a black-and-red Ford Mustang, license plate 'HAMRHED'. The young lady inside sat in the passenger seat, one leg up with her foot against dashboard and keeping a book in place while she read. Ryoko had already been and gone from the bookshelves and studious campus-goers, having borrowed her lot for her work. She was taking in a book on Carl Jung while simultaneously shutting out the world, and yet inviting it into her senses passively.

Windows were down, and her music list had changed to a song that was just asking for trouble, but she liked it along with the show and game she'd heard it from, so it stayed as she pressed on. Ryoko's study in psychology was not just a simple reading and repetition of facts on paper. When she was not trying to figure out people, she was absorbing atmosphere both inside and out, to gain a feel for where people's reactions would lie in certain conditions. It was right alongside with the whole nature-versus-nurture argument of what marks you more in development. Personally, and perhaps the point of the argument was always to encourage this, Ryoko found that there was no way it couldn't be a matter of equal-footing in the normal development of a personality.

Take her, for instance. Traditional upbringings, respect for her parents, and a certain pressure in the back of her mind to succeed so that the rest of the world looked favorably on her family...AND YET, here she was in Philadelphia in the United States, leaning back in her American car with her jeans and her music playing and so on. Who really ruled in this dichotomy? Her parents had helped her establish this on the promise that they would hear good things, and she was personally very motivated to pursue Psych because of the events in her life.

Of course, I'm gonna have to take a break at some point. When was that event about the fossil suppose to be again?

Major-wise, archaeology had little to do with her field, but history had a place in understanding where people came from mentally as much as physically, so it was kind of a 'Why not?' sort of thing. Besides, it could be interesting.
@Darkmoon Angel Hey, I took time off, too. No worries.

What was the age-old saying, still relevent to this day? 'The enlisted men always run the war because their CO is talking out of their brass'? Well, this wasn't war, and Joey wasn't really a CO, but it amounted to the same, especially since the guy had the delusion of being in command. Nero didn't even respect the people that actually had the authority, so what chance did a Joey-Come-Lately have? Take, for instance, the moment where the guy thanked him for providing information the clueless bastard didn't have. That resulted in Nero flipping him the bird and saying "Oh, anytime, dunce cap.". He was running on piss AND vinegar, when it came to that guy.

However, after that...Nero actually leaned back and seemed to relax as there was a discussion of some sort outside the room. So, true to Nero form, he just seemed to be deriving pleasure from busting that guy's chops in general. It'd make the horrible food taste better later, if he ever got around to eating it. Thus far, no. But anyway...as everybody was made privy to a meeting by hologram...apparently, Moonstrike was calling them? Well, we'd like to say it was unexpected, but...eh, it was only a matter of time. The odd part was that it was Moonstrike Two, who was presumably someone they'd never actually spoken to before. It was here that Natasha began to lay out for the M2 that they had some problems, to which Nero was just idly paying attention to until he heard the part about parents.

Huh? Who the fuck is worried about- Ohhh...

See, he was under the impression that most anybody here was on pretty bad terms with their parents, given that they were all draft picks for the Ascendancy's dirty little project. Nero hated his and didn't even give a rat's ass what they were doing in life or if they were even dead. He kinda' wanted 'em to be dead, and he kinda' wanted to kill them. And of course, we all know Narvia's not on good terms, either. The list goes on, but he remembered as he was sitting back that Avelyn had gone to talk with Natasha, so it might've been her folks. To which, Nero was like 'Yeah, fine, whatever. Just don't do mine any favors.', because the hell with them.

Anyway, he listend on, and the M2 seemed to indicate that the pirates had their own agenda, because they were basically jailbreaking rebels. Recruitment drive to the yar-yar bunch? Might be, or they might be calling in for favors from Moonstrike itself. Hell, even the Joester might be right, for once, and that it was more frame-up work. Nero listened on, actually keeping his own yap shut for a bit. Because as the information unfolded, it seemed very much...like the pirates were acting...kinda' like himself. Think about it. There were people who actually thought of Nero as 'the silent assassin', but what does he do? He talks shit at people and pisses them off. He's baiting, he's goading, and sometimes...he's a real asshole. More to the point, the list of people that Nero actually gives a damn about is on a short list. Perhaps only the people in this room, minus at least a couple of them. You probably already know who. Still, the point was this: The pirates were trolling Moonstrike, and then lying back and enjoying it like Nero would.

The conversation continued to indicate that because Moonstrike was far too busy putting out literal and metaphorical fires, thanks to the pirates, they were kind of on their own to pursue the pirates themselves, which they would've planned. However, there was a supposed information source that indicated that there was a victim of the pirates joining the crew, and that they had a dangerously-violent Star Marine to gain in all of this, as well. Nero found this to be suspect, through and through, so he'd be keeping an eye on stuff with that. And the price? Some Moonstrike members being turned over to the rebels the pirates just screwed over, which the M2 indicated would be used to go on a mole hunt. Good plan! If they pick the right ones, the rebels get to tear ass on the ones that REALLY caused this mess. Now, that's planning.

What everything boiled down to was this: They had a series of objectives - info gaining, mending fences, handling the pirates, etc. - and these would not be all in one location. So, against all logic of Dwellings & Deathtraps - the weird tabletop game made by the Rau've when their Star Marine guests started asking for something fun to play - they were splitting the party. And while the potentially-dangerous Marine made him curious, you all know what Nero's into.

"Well, I'd personally like to kick some pirate ass and make them walk the plank. And by that, I mean shove 'em out an airlock. Let's do this thing."
They landed on the ground, and Wu-Han said that someone would notice what they just did, so they should leave. Yeah...those kids lookin' right at them would probably know a thing or two. They were in the city proper, which meant that folks just were living here and working, all employees of the MMC and their families. Niko wondered briefly if any of these people really knew how bad their company was...when Han noticed a figure on a roof. Wait, had they been spotted already?! Well...kinda'. There was an assassin, much like the ones they encountered in China, but he didn't attack, he...threw a cellphone at Wu, which then proceeded to ring!

"Okay, that has to be the weirdest thing I've seen today."

Who reaches out like this?! Well...apparently Wu's order does. Not the owners of this town. At a guess, they send men with guns. Turns out, the caller was Goda. They were going to meet? Good. With all the trouble he'd caused them on Earth, Niko actually felt the need for a little payback. It may've been a more personal thing for Wu-Han to face this man, but once the Wuyeying had attacked the people in his life, it was just as much a stake for him, as well. Once the call was over, Han asked him his own opinion on the matter: Go right for him, or let him wait?

"I think-"

Suddenly, every single electronic sign in the city changed to their faces, and an announcement with a heavy reward posted was made about them! Niko was shocked by the sheer scale of it. The entire city would be up in arms! This is precisely the sort of thing that made him want to go to stealth, but how? Their faces were everywhere! Staring at it, he muttered...

"I think we just became the most wanted men in the world..."

Then, a little more collected, he looked Han's way and said "Let's move!", before leaping into action himself. The two of them were fast? Well, good, because they'd need it! For now, though, Niko was looking for the darkest alley available so that they were out of sight for just a minute or two. While he was doing this, he spoke allowed to his partner in this mess.

"We don't exactly know where his office is. I've studied the basic map available for this place, but they wouldn't just print where the assassins live. We need some information, or a means of tracking. Here, this alley."

He slipped into one of those mid-block intersectional alleyways you find in cities, where the backs of buildings usually face, currently lamenting the lack of a disguise kit or even a decent hat. And still no sidearm or any firearm at all. Totally out of his comfort zone here.

"If you have any ideas, speak them now. We have maybe a minute or less before someone spots us here. Personally, I think a bit of hiding out somewhere is best."

<Snipped quote by FalloutJack>

Ah, okay, well then accepted in that case.

Also, something that has been on my mind. Does anyone here want a discord? I will make one if enough people want one.

Edited, and I will re-post in characters shortly.

It'd be easy enough for you to get a channel for OOC discussion on Stuff's server.
<Snipped quote by FalloutJack>

A good cs overall, but, Distortion. How exactly does it tie into being soul based?

Ah, beggin' your pardon. I'll add to the description to make it more clear, but it works out to this: Her energy is projecting out, grabbing light and sound, and then giving it a twist so it's harmful to the senses. If she's in contact with you, she has a clear line to you yourself and can distort your energy that way.
Okay, this turned out differently than I expected, so the character I was thinking of trying out doesn't really work here. But that's okay, because I have like a million characters, and this other one fits rather well.

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