(Korean Name: Park Byung-hee) "Don’t worry, your hair will go back to normal soon!"| 11 | 1st | Gryffindor | She/her |
D E T A I L S- HEIGHT: 4'5"
- WEIGHT: 83lb
- EYE COLOUR: Dark brown
- ETHNICITY: Half Welsh, Half Korean
- BIRTHDAY: 14 May
D E S C R I P T I O NAt first sight Bryn is shorter than the average girl her age, though what she lacks in height she makes up for with personality. Bryn is almost always found with a wide grin on her rounded face, lighting up her entire expression. Her hair falls just past her shoulders, medium brown and often left in a mess. She’ll tie it up for sports or classes like potions but otherwise just lets it do as it pleases. Her skin is a light tanned brown shade while her eyes are dark brown, almost black.
When not wearing her school uniform, Bryn tends to favour hoodies and jeans to wear. She likes clothes that are easy to move and run about in and will rarely be found in a skirt or similar.
P E R S O N A L I T Y T R A I T SBryn is an incredibly cheerful, bright and friendly girl. She’s full of social confidence and finds it easy to make friends, often boldly approaching people she doesn’t know at all and starting a conversation. She’s incredibly playful and quick to crack a joke. Often this can be at the expense of others, however, as she has a quite the prankster streak. More likely to be making trouble than not Bryn is almost always getting on the wrong sides of the teachers or older students with her pranks. On top of being a troublemaker she’s very rebellious and stubborn, more likely to argue when she’s in trouble than apologise. Orders aren’t something she does well with.
Bryn is also very defensive of friends and those she’s close to, quick to jump to her aid. However this doesn’t always have a good result - Bryn is also quick to anger, especially if it is friends who are being offended. If someone does something she doesn’t like, to her or a person she’s close to, she’ll lose her temper after very little provocation. While this normally just results in shouting there have been times when she’s jumped all out with a physical fight. This only adds to her astounding ability to get in trouble. Still, when she’s not angry she’s an incredibly friendly and energetic person to be around.
H O B B I E SWatching Quidditch, Football, Running, Skateboarding, Getting In Trouble, Card Games
S K I L L SFlying, Sports, Making Friends, Pranks, Duelling, Story Telling, Punching People, Quick Reactions
W E A K N E S S E SReading, Rote Learning, Anger Issues, Stubbornness, Academics, Impulsive, Doesn’t Think Things Through
- LINEAGE: Half-blood
W A N D- WOOD: Red Oak
- CORE: Dragon Heartstring
- LENGTH: 12 inches
S U B J E C T S- TAKEN: Transfiguration, Charms, Potions, History of Magic, Defence Against the Dark Arts, Astronomy, Herbology and Flying
- BEST SUBJECT(S): Defence Against the Dark Arts, Flying
- WORST: History of Magic, Potions
- LEAST FAVOURITE: History of Magic
Bryn was born in Cardiff, Wales, to a muggle mother and muggleborn wizard father, whose parents were muggle immigrants from Korea. She was their third child, with a three year older brother and two year older sister. She knew of the existence of magic thanks to her father from a young age and grew up in both worlds.
For most of her childhood she didn’t show much interest in the wizarding world, instead loving time with her non-magic friends at school and throwing herself into all sorts of muggle sports. When she was nine her father took her and her siblings to a quidditch match and it was then that she absolutely fell in love with the sport. From there on she begged her dad to let her learn to fly early (he refused) and then her brother, who had started at hogwarts.
While she was a bit frustrated that she was told she was too young to start learning to fly she threw herself more into the muggle sports she enjoyed, especially football and skateboarding, knowing that she wouldn’t get much of a chance when she had to properly enter the wizarding world. And indeed she got her Hogwarts letter just after she turned 11, getting ready to start at the school on September 1st.
Wants to become a keeper in the quidditch team when she can