This was it. It was finally time. Bryn practically vibrated with excitement as she followed her family towards the platform. The train station was bustling with muggles and wizards alike and she couldn't help but grin.
"Oy, Bryn, stop wondering off," her wrist was grabbed by her older sister who dragged her back to the trolly her brother was pushing. "We'll be late if you get lost."
"We're, like, an hour early," the younger girl pouted at Carys but stuck closer to her siblings as they approached the platform. The bounce in her step returned as they reached the wall between platform 9 and 10. Of course, she'd been here before when dropping off her older siblings but this time was different… She was going to hogwarts!
"We're going in," Carys announced, keeping a firm grip of Bryns hand.
"Hey, I'm not a baby," Bryn complained.
"You kinda are," Owen piped in with a wide grin.
"Am not!"
"Alright, short stuff."
"Will you two shut up alright," Carys hissed, which they both laughed in response to. "Lets go."
Bryn braced herself as the three of them ran at the wall, passing through into yet another bustling platform. But here it was much different with the distinct crackling of magic in the air, as owls hooted, people laughed and family's bid their children farewell. She grinned up at the Hogwarts Express. She couldn't wait to be on that!
She remained out of it even as her brother handed her her luggage, which she took without much of an issue even as she had to balance her large suitcase and owl cage under both arms. She was strong enough to take it.
"You're on your own from here," he teased, slapping her hard on the back. She shot him a glare and kicked his leg in response. It seemed that Carys had already run off to her friends - Bryn couldn't blame her sister. She knew she was already sick of the two of them. "Good luck, kiddo."
"I won't need it," Bryn retorted, sticking out her tongue at his laughing back as he went to find his friends. She muttered under her breath about stupid siblings as she hauled her luggage with her and onto the train. Since they'd arrived so early she didn't have to walk that far before she found an empty compartment. She slid in and shoved her luggage up above her. Nice.
Now all she had to do was wait, and hope someone nice from her year would join her.

Vivienne stood, bored, on the platform picking at well manicured nails as her parent’s made small talk to another pureblood family they knew well. They had arrived earlier than she might have liked because, in their words, mingling with others of their class was an important activity. It seemed that crossed over to dropping their children off for school. She was glad she was going this time - the boredom would have a satisfying end.
Her luggage was already on the train, saving a compartment for her that others would be smart to leave. It was right next to her brother’s at her parents behest and he was already there with a close friend of his. Vi, on the other hand, was waiting on the platform for someone.
“Where is Maddie,” she muttered to herself, shoving her hands in her pockets as yet another couple approached her parents with a son a bit older than her. She was not one to dislike social events but normally she was ready for them - dressed up and smile on her lips. Not impatiently waiting for a train to leave.
She just hoped Madeline arrived soon.

“I can’t believe our little brother is starting at Hogwarts,” an Asian girl grinned, squeezing the cheeks of a much shorter boy as she bent over to tease him. “I feel so old!”
“Leave him alone, Qiaohui,” a slightly more serious, but shorter, girl said even as she hid a smile behind his hand.
“Yeah, he must be nervous about starting,” a third girl, identical to the second, added with a grin. “Especially after being seen with us.”
“You’re right about that,” Qiaohui nodded, hand on her hip. “We are pretty popular.”
“I’m just going to get on the train now,” Liqin mumbled, hanging his head to try and make himself look small so he could slip out of his sister’s notice. Thankfully the three of them seemed content with discussing just how great they were that he managed to get away. He couldn’t help but breath out a sigh of relief once he got on board a carriage. Rows of compartments stretched out and he began to walk along them, careful to keep a firm hold of Suyin’s cage as he dragged his suitcase behind him. Eventually he found an empty carriage in a good spot and walked in. He smiled as he put his suitcase away and sat down. Perfect.
Liqin carefully pulled open the window and got out his camera, peering out the window to take snaps of the surrounding platform and the family’s that were bustling about. He was upset he hadn’t managed to get a photo of the express itself due to his sister’s pestering but he could make up for it now. He smirked as he zoomed in on Qiaohui as she almost tripped on her way onto the train.
“Uh, excuse me, can I, uh, join you?”
Liqin turned around to see a brown haired girl nervously standing at the compartment door with it half open. He blinked for a moment as his brain switched from photography mode to formulating words. “Yeah, of course.”
“Thanks,” she smiled, shuffling in and getting her suitcase away. A tawny cat that had been following her hopped up onto her lap and curled up there. “I’m Ishbel, by the way.”
“Liqin,” he responded with a nod, even as he was half distracted by continuing to take photos. “You can just call me Li.”
“Alright, Li, nice to meet you.”
“Nice to meet you too.”