Tuyen automatically recoiled from the massive wall of fire, even as her shadow reached out its claws towards the dog limping away. Before it could get far the intense heat started burning Tuyen’s hand. She bit out a curse, backing away from the fire. With her came the shadow, forced away from the fire and further injuring Tuyen. She could already feel the exhaustion that came with it being active like this but didn’t ask for it to go away - she just needed to get past that fire, and then maybe… she could chase after them.
“Justin, you-” Her eyes widened when Justin leapt into the fire, lips opening to call him an idiot because for all his fire powers he really shouldn’t just leapt into a fucking magical fire wall. She cut herself off before she could get any further because that would be really unprofessional and they were already on thin ice as “experts.”
Thankfully he ended up unharmed, and she let out a sigh of relief when she saw his hand explode into flame on the other side. If he had his abstraction back that meant she could rest a little bit. His was much more reliable than her own. He could handle going after the intruders. She’d do damage control here. She shook her head and shouted over the fire towards him (hoping it would get across), “Justin, I'll stay here and make sure nothing happens, you should go after them.”
She was fairly certain that was his plan anyway but... It was best to make sure.
Wouldn’t you agree, Oscar?”
Oscar was shocked out of the static state he’d been in, staring after the hellhounds with a gaze sparked with curiosity. Oh how we wanted to know just how they worked. Where did they come from? But he turned his attention to Ezra and then the raging fire that another brother was ripping up the house to put it out. He gave a somewhat lazy smile.
“I’ve got it.”
Thankfully even with the fire there was still a lot of residual water around, in his siblings clothing and beginning to evaporate in the air. He narrowed his eyes as he drew all the water towards himself, before beginning to splash it on the fire. It was much faster going than the earth slabs being put over it and much less damaging.
While the fire was being put out, Tuyen took a moment to collect herself. The shadow disappeared from everyone else’s view, returning to something closer to normal to her. She wanted to go after the group with Justin now that there was a path, but she was already drained enough.
“Mr Vanburen,” she said as she approached Ezra, who was clearly the one in charge. She smiled politely at him, and then nodded to Alexander. “My, uh, partner should try to go after them. I take it you haven’t seen these,” she paused, trying to come up with the right words, “invaders before? Do you have any idea what they might be after?”
She assumed the answer would be no. She turned her head to where the fire was being put out. They would be able to get through soon enough. Though she was defenceless now that her shadow had gone dormant and wasn’t confident she could convince it to help her again. Thankfully she was good at not letting any of these worries show, her smile that didn’t reach her eyes well practiced.
“Anywhere they might go within this manor?”