Isabella “Isa” Oliviera Kainde
American | Anti-Entropy | 18 y/o | Valkyrie | Human
C - Rank | Artificial Stigmata |
Mecha-Type | Physical | Scythe
POW - E |
END - E (-1) |
AGI - C |
INT - B (+1) |
HON - C (+1) |
Appearance: At 5’ and slender, Isa is short and unassuming - if it wasn’t for her loud, brash personality. Her plush lips are always hooked up into a wide smile or grin. Her warm brown skin is covered in darker freckles, as if she’s spent a lifetime in the sun when she hasn’t. Her shoulder length, dark brown hair is always done in a variety of styles - a ponytail, braids, two buns. Underneath her straight fringe are light brown, almost amber, eyes sparking with curiosity.
Weapon: Crimson Storm, a self modified Azure Storm to be lighter, faster and sharper.
Ability: Upon successfully hitting a weak point, +1 to the user's honkai stat for purposes of inflicting bleed condition.
Stigmata: Artificial.
Honkai Arts: - Bleed: C
- Time Fracture: E (1 use)
- Honkai Sensing: C
- Weakness Pinpoint: D (Combines honkai and technology to pinpoint enemy weak points, making it easier to hit them)
Battlesuit: Scarlet Executor
- Features: Communications, GPS, honkai sensors, subspace storage (specialised storage to hold specific tools so they can be easily accessed)
- Time Fracture
Burst: Phantom Dash
- Rank: E
- Duration: 2 rounds
- Modifier Points: 2 (+1 POW, +1 Range)
- Effect: Honkai energy coats the battlesuits arms and legs, lightening and empowering the user. It strengthens Isa’s arms enabling her to attack more easily, and increases the range at which she can attack - allowing her to move in and out from short range for an attack.
Skills: Isabella is a skilled engineer, easily able to maintain her battlesuit and weapon along with modifying them (slightly more specialised in weapons). With the right tools and equipment she could create weapons and basic battlesuits. She can also modify and repair AE mech suits and drones, but can’t actually operate them. She could also hotwire a car easily, but again can’t drive it. She has a fairly in depth understanding of artificial stigma and the process of creating them, along with infusing artificial DNA with Honkai energy. She has a quick understanding of scientific concepts. Isa has basic hacking skills, not enough to get through anything too secure. Fluent in English, Portuguese and Indonesian - sometimes falls into Indonesian accidentally when talking about engineering, since it’s the language she spoke to her dad in while learning from him. Technically knows how to use a gun, but likely to miss 50% of the time. Would sooner take it apart than use it. Isa is quite good at wood carving, something she took up to keep herself busy when her parents wouldn’t.
Gear: Isa has all the basics - smartphone, chargers, powerbanks, USB drives, wallet. She has quite a comprehensive tech tool kit, with everything she needs for maintenance of her gear along with modifications. It contains some more specialised tools and materials - some fluid alloy blocks, phase shifters, AE imaginons ect. This takes up most of what she can carry, but she also always has a bunch of chocolate bars on hand (but no other food). She carries a small, relatively blunt knife.
Personality: The first thing noticeable about Isa is that she’s loud and brash, the second is her insatiable curiosity edging on annoying nosiness. She has no qualms about approaching people and very little sense of boundaries, because she grew up in a place where constant questions were encouraged. She wants to know everything - about a person’s technology that is. She asks about fellow Valkyries weapons, battlesuits, stigmata… but rarely about the person themselves. Not because she understands it would be pushing too far, asking something too personal, but because she just doesn’t care that much.
Because of her sheltered upbringing, and rarely interacting with others her age until she began training to be a Valkyrie, Isa is rather socially inept. She doesn’t pick up basic social cues a lot of the time, and doesn’t know when to stop talking. She could talk for hours, especially about her weapon. She’s incredibly energetic, no matter the circumstances or lack of sleep she’s had. For all she talks, though, Isa isn’t actually an extrovert. She’s more used to time alone, and will spend hours on whatever’s taken her interest (namely gear modification). If there are others around her when she does this she’s likely to just straight up zone them out.
What Isa hates the most is being restricted - she spent too much of her life like that. She’ll follow orders if they make sense but she’s not afraid so speak out against those she doesn’t agree with - though rarely for moral reasons, more likely because they just don’t make sense. She likes creating things with her hands and doodling designs, even though her artistic talents aren’t that great. She also quite enjoys taking things apart to see how they tick. She’s fueled by her curiosity and desire to learn, to keep discovering and creating new things.
Because there’s always something new to discover.
Biography: Born to two Anti-Entropy scientists, Isabella grew up surrounded by cutting edge technology and radical ideas. Her father was an inventor and technical genius, specialising in weapon creation - both for Valkyries and mechs. Her mother, on the other hand, specialised in stigmata research and artificial DNA manipulation. They weren’t Valkyries, instead behind the scenes scientists and inventors.
Isa inherited their intelligence and from a young age was following one parent or the other to laboratories and workspaces, asking constant questions and helping as soon as she was able to. She helped her dad make weapons, finding working with her hands incredibly rewarding, and watched her mum researching. As she grew older she was more inclined towards her dad’s field of work, finding scientific research increasingly boring - artificial stigmata intrigued her, but her mum never brought her along when they were actually involved. She had a constant, insatiable curiosity that only grew with age.
Isa had a comparatively good and peaceful childhood, but she grew up incredibly restrictive. This was in part due to her poor health, which improved in her early teens, but also thanks to controlling parents. She didn’t go to school, instead learning from them what they deemed important - science, maths, reading for scientific documentation and their home languages. If she wasn’t at home she was with them at the AE headquarters. She was always with one parent. They had high expectations of her, that she’d become an AE scientist just like them and help finding a solution.
These expectations chafed at Isa, but not because they’d be difficult to achieve. No, she was more than capable enough to do what her parents did. But that wasn’t what she wanted. She’d been controlled and restricted her whole life and she was sick of it.
Isa didn’t want to be stuck in labs in America anymore. What was the point of creating weapons she couldn’t even use, or researching honkai energy when she’d never even seen them? She was bored of it. It was all she’d done for all of her life, and she hated being so constrained. She just knew out on the field she’d be able to find out even more - right at the source, against honkai themselves.
Unfortunately Isa didn’t have the natural talent to be a Valkyrie outside of her intelligence, and slightly higher than normal agility. She didn’t have a natural stigmata and she’d spent most of her life in laboratories, rather than training. But that didn’t matter because there was always a way to overcome that - technology. Even her lack of stigmata was easily overcome.
Isa’s parents, especially her mum, were against it. They knew the risks better than any of getting an artificial stigmata, and the drastically shortened lifespan that came with it. Isa knew this too, but she didn’t care. What was the point of a long, boring life? For the first time in her life Isa went against her parents, getting an artificial stigmata and entered AEs Valkyrie training. After all, there was always a desperate need for more Valkyries.
Through the aide of technology Isa made it through, becoming a Valkyrie and deploying to a few battlefield operations. Her scientific background aided her and those on her team, giving her a different edge - she wasn’t the strongest in a fight but she could easily think of tactics on the fly, targeting weak points using knowledge she’d gained. She was driven in ways different to most of her peers too, not caring so much about the greater good and saving lives so much as constantly learning and evolving.
Reaching C rank wasn’t hard.
Then, she was recommended to Fire Moth. For Isa this was a great opportunity - an opportunity to learn more.