By the time Trisha came out of the side room, she was feeling a bit calmer. At least calm enough to deal with a whole room of mostly strangers. She'd just pushed all the remaining anger away - the parts she hadn't taken out on Leon. Anger at the whole fucking existence of apparition suppression needles. But she'd done her best to suppress it so that she could at least get something out of tonight. While she expected to be ambushed by Gin as soon as she entered the main room, she didn't expect a whole group to have gathered in the area. They looked… like the older folk that Ed had mentioned.
One hand went in her jacket pocket, to hide how it clenched, as her gaze quickly went around the room at everyone that was watching. Felicia and Walt were still around… an odd group of young women silently watching. She paused, catching sight of Layla and Alizée with them… or what was presumably her ghost. But she didn't look long - because quite frankly she didn't plan to interact with them much, or treat them any differently than anyone else here. They'd barely interacted ten years ago, anyway. They might as well be strangers. She didn't bother looking much beyond them - most others didn't seem to be paying attention to them, and she couldn't give less of a fuck about where Leon was right now.
“I feel like I'm on display a bit," Trisha murmured to Ed, subtly stepping back towards the door behind her and the person she felt most comfortable around in this place. She then cleared her throat, and spoke louder, though still directing it at Ed.
“Do I get an introduction or something, or do I just get thrown in the deep end?"
From the group of older folks, a friendly face immerged. Hair pulled back and styled, Ginara Rasmussen traded her lab coat and simple clothes for something more stylish. Black jeans, boots untied, no glasses… All five feet of her looked more like a rockstar than she ever had in front of Trisha. She grinned up at her friend.
”Trishaaaaaa come on, dude… This is the fam, I mean… There's no deep end here, right?”
”Everything is the deep end until you step in. Wait your turn, Jekyll…”
Tamara's voice was cinnamon warm as she spoke up in front of Trisha. Ed was quick to step forward, opening her arms.
”Trisha, this is Tamara… She's in charge of making sure this particular commune stays busy. Her fellows here are part of the Second Council.”
”Saaaaame, which is why you should probably just stick with me!”
Trisha would be able to recognize this Ginara from the brief amount of time she spent playing games like this… Less thoughtful, more aggressive: The speak-my-mind kind of Ginara, socially adept and entirely unwilling to participate in the games before her.
Tamara could only give a weak smile, but it was mostly blocked out from Trisha's view by Ed hugging her tightly.
”It's been one Hell of a day… Trisha, why don't we get you a drink? Sit and talk?”
Back at the table with the No-so-Silent Sisterhood, they were staring contentedly.
”Well, no chance of hanging with Ed for a session tonight…” Mazie grumbled.
”Tawny, what info do you have on Trisha?” Nora asked slowly.
Tanya only shook her head.
”She's definitely not part of my cast… That whole section of Sycamore never appealed to me.” she replied.
Irina grinned and leaned into Layla.
”We maybe… Do a little fiction writing about you guys. Alternate universe stuff, our favorite ships get together, or we save people we like… We used to listen to Alizée tell stories about being there and seeing it and stuff…” she coyly explained.
Layla's eyebrows went up. ”Fiction writing? You mean there's a whole fandom on me and the rest of Sycamore?!
“...Can I read it?”
Alizée patted Layla's hand, her red eyes still very much focused on Trisha. ”Don't pry into their fun, Layla.”
”We really love you guys! It’s a shame you didn’t stick together… there’d be more material,” Annalise said, excited and maybe a bit too loud. She found Leon and looked at him for a moment, then her gaze moved over to Trisha. She let out a sigh, gaze almost dreamy. ”I think we have a new ship forming before our eyes, since Tawny said they were fighting… a fight’s always the best start…”
Layla giggled at that, but quickly covered a hand over her mouth, blushing a bit. Her eyes were on Trisha…
“It’s nice to meet you, Tamara,” Trisha said about as politely as she could muster after all the shit she’d dealt with today, and then whatever was going on with Gin. It was the same, kind of different Gin from gaming the night before. But she’d thought that was just her imagination… It was strange.
“You know I’m here to learn more about Adjoined than make Temple connections, right, Gin?” Trisha looked at Gin, though she smiled to make it clear she wasn’t upset at the other woman or anything.
“But you should come sit and talk too.” Because honestly, she was glad Gin was suggesting she stuck with her - because she was one of the two people Trisha knew here, and knew that she could tolerate. She just needed to push herself a little bit here.
”Duh, I know why you’re here. But it doesn’t need to be boring.” Gin clucked, stepping away from the group of fellow Elders to distinguish herself.
“A drink sounds good, and sitting and talking is… what I’m here for. But just one drink, I don’t want an upset boyfriend if I have too much.” Trisha laughed lightly, shoulders hunched slightly. She felt uncomfortable again. More than the constant, slight discomfort. Like she was being watched. Her head slowly turned around, until she saw the table with Layla staring at her.
“What’s their deal?” she asked quietly, to Ed and Gin.
Ed, now flanked by her friends from outside, didn’t have a thrilled look in her eye. She wasn’t excited like normal.
”Team Whiplash. The Silent Sisterhood…”
”Them’s the girls, feel?” Gin replied with a very sarcastic tone.
”Dude, they don’t like you.” Ed intoned.
”Whaaaat, that’s crap. They don’t like my swagger. But they love my Sycamore Fangames.”
Trisha looked between Gin and Ed, tilting her head slightly. It was an odd reaction, especially from the normally enthusiastic Ed. Trisha’s immediate assumption was that she didn’t like this ‘Silent Sisterhood’, whatever the fuck that meant. If Ed didn’t like them, then Trisha didn’t even want to consider talking to them if possible. After what had already happened that evening she felt much friendlier towards Ed. Friendly. And it was mostly because of that, not her general distaste for socialising with people here in the first place.
“Well I wish they would stare more silently, or not at all,” Trisha said, no longer looking at them. Instead she turned her gaze towards Gin, pressing her lips together into a thin line, even as she let out a little snorting laugh at Gin’s use of ‘swagger’.
“Sycamore Fangames? What on earth or those? You don’t all… pretend to be Sycamore members or something, do you?”
”Uh, well… Yeah, kinda. Like, well, not…”
Gin started up, but couldn’t finish off the sentence before Ed cracked a smile and laughed a bit.
”Go ahead, Ginny… Tell’er about the last Sycamore Fan Fiction competition. That’ll make her feel real welcome.” she chided, a snide grin forming. Some of the others started laughing about her, and there was a quickly mounting sense of cliques revealing themselves from the mists.
Trisha would more than likely feel the gaze of Tamara and her Tortoise in the short distance between them. It wasn’t the same as someone like Lynette, or many of the other Temple members… It was the feeling of being offered a hand without reaching out: A raft in the water, and something to hold onto desperately.
”Don’t pay ‘em any mind. One drink, and we talk.”
She ushered Trisha up the small set of steps into the main room of the hall, where they got quite a bit closer to this “Silent Sisterhood”. They were very clear in their desperation to not stare… But Tamara took pause and turned to face them, addressing from behind dark glasses.
”Layla? Sweetness? You come on. I’d like to speak to you and Trisha both for a moment…”
Near the back of the hall was a wall that had some booth seats. One was clearly well used, full of cigarette trays, butts and beer bottles half-finished. The Elder’s table…
Layla's eyes widened, being suddenly called on. But it was Grandma Tamara and the guests. And Trisha. So of course she would go.
Layla quietly stood, giving a small smile to Irina and the girls, before moving to the Elders table, following after Grandma Tamara. Alizée, of course, was right beside Layla.
Trisha was having a hard time mentally getting past Sycamore Fan Fiction, not helped by suddenly being presented with having to be around the one other Sycamite in the room. She only knew about Fanfiction because of Cass and the type that she talked about was… steamy. And often involved boxers. She’d even tried to drunkenly read some to Trisha before, which had been an awful experience.
“Hello, Layla,” Trisha managed to get out, turning to look at her with a forced smile. A couple of bees crawled out of her jacket, gathering on her shoulders. They were frustrated from having to stay in there for so long in situations they felt they shouldn’t be… And that frustration wasn’t helping Trisha deal with all of this. She’d hoped to avoid talking to Layla entirely. Talking to former coven members hadn’t exactly gone well the last two times.
“It’s nice to see you again.” A lie, but a fairly well told one.
Layla gave a wide smile, about to speak, before a thought interrupted her.
“She's tense. Really tense.” Alizée thought in their shared mindspace.
“The smile isn't in her eyes.”
Anyone watching could see the flickers of emotion flash across Layla's face. Confusion. Investigation. More confusion. Wracking memories.
“She never rejoined when Auri recalled the Coven. It's possible… She doesn't like the Sycamore? Sure, she got into fights, much like you used to. Didn't talk to me afterward…”
“Let's not talk about Sycamore. Don't bring up anything unpleasant for her. Instead, let's talk about the Temple, about our good news.”
“Right. I'm sure she's never seen me in black. Or this sweet coat.”
Layla nodded softly to Alizée, though to anyone watching it only appeared like she had concluded some kind of mental monologuing. The smile returned to her face, but it was tempered, pursed and pensive.
“Trisha, wow, it's been a while, hasn't it? I wasn't expecting to see anyone I knew here. It's been a big day. Did Grandma Tamara tell you I was adjoined today? Took an oath and everything.” She said with a light laugh.
“Good, you sound completely personable.” Alizée said mentally, glowing with approval.
“An oath?" Trisha echoed very quietly, eyes narrowing slightly.
”I hadn’t, Sugar! But you can surely tell her all you like: That you and Alizée have decided on a partnership…”
Alizée, listening, had found herself fixating on the bees on Trisha's shoulder. Her head tilted curiously as she floated there, before she sniffed lightly. Her red eyes curled upward, brimming with nostalgia.
“You smell like home… With a light dash of honey.”
Home being the Void, of course.
Alizée chuckled. “Learned that scent today, actually. The Temple makes an amazing breakfast.”
“I’m sure they do," Trisha said with a quiet, hollow laugh - though it was probably difficult to tell why. But she knew the food wasn't right, and the Queen had enjoyed the last dose of the Key Lime pie so… it was simple to guess it was something Apparitions liked.
“You can probably smell my pheromones? Most can't." Them smiling like home was a bit strange, but she decided to accept it. She stopped actively telling the bees to stay hidden, no longer with Ed and at risk of freaking out Serenity. More crawled out - some going to visible places, like her shoulders or neck, while others moved from the jacket to bury in her hair.
She then turned to Layla.
“This is my first time here too, but I knew you were coming. I'm surprised Leon didn't tell you." Her soft brown eyes darted around to find Leon, just to stare judgingly at him. She was trying her best to be reasonable with Layla, at least, thinking of Casey and how happy he might be about it. It did mean her words were a bit stilted. She certainly wasn't enthusiastic like Layla was, even as she tried to smile.
“I knew you'd be newly adjoined too but I didn't know it would be a whole… thing. Congratulations? Tamara's right, you can tell me all about it…" Namely Trisha wanted to know what the fuck the oath was.
Her head turned finally to look at Tamara herself.
“Can I get that promised drink? It's always better to talk over a drink…" Or rather it might quiet down all the agitation she felt boiling back up.
Without using much in the way of eyes, Tamara adeptly slid a couple of clean cups off the table along with a sticky bottle of deep brown liquor… Pouring into the glass looked like syrup, thicker than normal booze and absolutely reeking of alcohol. Then she took a bottle of cola, split it between the two cups, then handed them off to either girl.
It was worth noting that Leon was, more or less, gone. Where? Who could know; probably escaped while they were turned and walking toward this booth…
“Thanks." Trisha took the cup, looking down at it with a slight frown. Even with the cola in it she could still smell the strong alcoholic scent. The whole thing was incredibly appealing to the bees as they flew onto the cup rim with quiet buzzes until there was no space for Trisha to actually drink it.
“Shoo," she said quietly, carefully commanding the bees to crawl back onto her. They reluctantly did so and finally let her take a large gulp. It immediately burned her throat, and she could feel the warmth as it settled in her stomach. Shit. It was strong. She put it back down, planning to sip it slowly… though she could already feel the initial gulp beginning to make her mind a little fuzzy.
Layla blushed lightly, accepting the cup from Grandma Tamara and settling back in her seat. “Leon was with me all day, didn't say a word. My, I feel a little uninformed, but, well, it's been a busy day. I've been busy meeting with everyone, talking, enjoying. At this rate, my vocal cords are going to go dry!”
Laughing a little at her exclamation, she gave the interesting liquid a try. One sip, and it immediately brought her back to the night her and Henri misbehaved quite a bit with the alcohol, and made Jea-jie pretty mad with an empty container of food.
It put a smile on her face as the warm, syrupy liquid blossomed in her stomach. Almost immediately, she felt prickling on her skin, like a fuzzy blanket pulled up tight. The alcohol was strong.
She took another greedy sip, in part to quench her thirst. “Mmm…”
Before she set her cup in front of her and glanced toward Trisha, admiring her bees for a moment before speaking. “I appreciate the congrats. Ohh, boy, where to start? Well, Leon picked up Alizée and I and took us to the mausoleum on site. Did not know we had that. Do you… remember human Alizée? She's interred there.”
Alizée gave a quiet nod, “It was quite the sight.”
Layla took another sip of her drink, savoring it, before she continued. “Hari, Lena and Leon were present for the ritual. They laid out cushions, candles, and we all took a spot in front of human Alizée.”
Her head tilted up as she recounted. “Oh, except Leon. He was at the door.”
A slight shrug, and Layla continued. “They gave me a candle and likened it to a body. The body being the wax, and the flame being the soul. Then, they stipulated that an Adjoining was supposed to be a harmonious thing. And…”
Layla turned a bit sheepish, giving Trisha a shy smile. “The oath bit might sound a bit… strange. They're very devoted, something I admire, of course.”
The three sips were starting to make their course through Layla's body, encouraging her to leave no detail out.
“Sooo, the oath. Hari and Lena said if I had any doubts, we could stop there. Because if I wanted to get Adjoined, I had to promise it would be for life. No take-backsies. I uh, had some reservations. Mainly with an old Apparition I uh, have an attachment to. But Alizée convinced me, and we Adjoined!”
A long pause as Layla stared at the table, before she suddenly looked up at Trisha. “Oh! The oath was so serious because they said I'd die if I broke it.”
Layla stared for a moment, before making a face, feeling self-conscious, and instead decided to take a larger gulp of her sizzurup.
Had she really, actually fucked up big time today?
The doubt was left unrestrained as warm liquor coursed through her veins. But as Layla pulled the drink away, she attempted to console Trisha in case it made her feel uncomfortable.
“But I'm fine. It's fiiiine. Lots of girls here have done what I did. It's standard Temple stuff.”
Trisha’s expression got worse the more Layla talked. It started with the mention of Lena - of course she was involved. While Trisha had scared her off the last time what she’d said wasn’t something Trisha could forget… ever. Then, more and more shit about the Temple. Things she should expect, but just added to the uncomfortable picture that had pushed her to shout at Leon earlier. She managed to hide the ugly scowl behind her glass as she continually drank, just letting Layla talk.
But of course, with the drinking came the effects of the particularly strong spirit on a person who couldn’t hold her alcohol in the first place. When she put her glass back down her expression was better, more neutral, but her words weren’t.
“That’s fucked up. It’s more fucked up that its standard Temple stuff.” It was Trisha unfiltered, though she wasn’t looking at Layla with sympathy or anything. If anything, her expression was cold. Not so much towards Layla… Towards the situation. The Temple. Adjoined were oppressed, drugged and killed if they got rid of their Apparition. Did Trisha ever want to be separated from hers? No, but that was her choice.
She hated freedom of choice being taken away, and being trapped. She hadn’t taken that vow… or any of them, but it still made her uncomfortable.
“Leon just let you? You had to adjoin through the Temple? You could’ve done it at home-” Trisha’s eyes narrowed slightly at Layla, before she looked away. The bees let out soft buzzes before she calmed them. It would be hard to tell for Layla if Trisha was concerned about her, or thought she was stupid. Really, it was neither. Her emotional reaction was towards the Temple - and herself. Because she knew this wasn’t enough for her to leave Casey. She could just keep telling herself that she wasn’t actually part of the Temple…
“That means you’ve taken the vows? You’re a full member of the Temple… or whatever. Are you stupid?”
Tamara didn’t interrupt Trisha… Only chuckled very softly and took a slow but sure sip of her own drink. Who would, after all, need any sort of truthspell or hex? Those who were tight would inevitably, sometimes quickly, loosen themselves upon one another.
Layla, completely unbothered by Trisha's tone, was entirely convinced Trisha was speaking all Layla's doubts aloud. Heaving an exaggerated sigh, Layla sprawled her arms in front of her on the table, pressing her forehead against the cool wood.
“Ahhh, I really am fucked, ha-haaa….” She groaned into the table, unable to control her giggles. It all seemed to strike her as quite funny. Her own situation, her lack of control, her willingness to take up chains on herself, both physical and mental. It was fucked. But she couldn't deny it - it was familiar.
Her head lifted, feeling the pleasant sloshing of her brain matter. All fuzzy.
“Well, I already live on Temple grounds. I had these other apparitions attached to me that I needed help gettin’ rid of. Leon actually got really concerned when I said I would have someone else seal them, so… I guess I just let the Temple handle it. All of it.”
She slowly moved to sit upright, supporting her head on her hands.“It's… really complicated, Trisha. At first I hated the Temple. Was scared of them. They stole my apparition. And at the end of the day, I became an official member through default.”
She giggled, seeing flashes of the Rills in her mind. “It got sooo much worse after that. And it was the Temple that saved me. Alizée here was about to get sealed, but Leon managed to prevent that. The Temple removed the oppressors in my life.”
A low growl as Layla's head rolled back, and she looked up at the ceiling. “And yes, yes I know I'm in too deep here, but… they have my Revered and her Beloved.” Layla's eyes slid over the Alizée.
Layla giggled, leaning foward, staring into her near empty cup. “So of course I'm a faithful devotee. Of course I'll do whatever they say. Of course I'll behave and take up oaths that scare the shit outta me.
“Because they have him. And we love him.” She said softly, smiling.
A wide wave of her hand. “Buuuut you don't need to worry, Trisha! I'm part of the Silent Sisterhood's activist group. I'll make it better for eeeeveryone.”
“I’m not worried about you,” Trisha responded bluntly. She thought Layla was stupid. Whatever it was she loved, was it worth all of those vows? Getting trapped like that?
“If he loved you he wouldn’t want you to take those vows for him. You’re so fucking stupid for doing that. I guess he’s a sealed Apparition- but my boyfriend loves me and he’d never expect me to take a vow and be devoted to a crazy cult. And he’s part of the Cult- he’s the security head! The Righteous- I’m not saying all that. You just replaced your oppressors with others- God, you’re so dumb.”
Layla groaned. ”I knowwww.”
Then she paused her drunken tirade, tilting her head. Thinking about that last little bit that Layla said… about the Silent Sisterhood. Activist group? All Trisha knew about them was that they wrote…
“How’s writing Sycamore Coven fanfiction activism? Are you improving things by helping write their strange fantasies?! How does that help?”
Layla spluttered on the remainder of her drink, before swallowing awkwardly. ”Nooo, not that, haha. They're activists, for sure, really! They told me how they got this girl, Ed? They helped to get her punished when she kept getting away with doing some nasty stuff.”
Layla had a big grin. “So those who do wrong do get their dues. Should be equal for everyone, right?”
“What?” Trisha’s voice got quieter, colder. Her eyes darkened and narrowed at Layla. They helped get Ed punished… they got her stabbed. They were part of the reason Serenity was so terrified of needles- and of the bees. All of the anger Trisha had pushed down, the horrible feelings, came surging back up. Her lips twisted down into a pissed off scowl. Buzzing filled the air as all of her bees gathered on her arms and neck, wings moving in what was supposed to be a threatening display.
There was a hushed gasp from a short distance away, eight sets of eyes furtively looking away from them.
Trisha held them back from acting on her anger.
“That’s not fucking activism. That’s cruelty. Nobody deserves punished. It’s such bullshit! What nasty shit did they tell you Ed did? Accidentally using her magic? Did they tell you that her Apparition’s a fucking child. Accidental magic use isn’t a fucking crime. You fit right in here, going along with the religious ‘you have sinned and must be punished’ bullshit.” At no point did Trisha shout, but her tone was harsh and cold. She leaned forward towards Layla, rage clear across her entire, tense posture.
“Hurting your own isn’t equality or activism. Ed didn’t- doesn’t- deserve that. Fuck off.”
There was an awkward, long pause as Layla just looked with big saucer eyes at Trisha and her bees. The anger being thrown at Layla collected in her body, and caused her to tense up, jitter and shake.
Her voice was a tight whisper, creaking and cracking, and disappeared entirely on certain syllables. “U-uhm… Maybe I was wrong. I don't know the whole s-story.”
Her lips were firmly pursed, trying desperately to hide the heat building up in her eyes. Alizée immediately placed a hand on Layla's shoulder, and turned to Trisha.
“...You obviously know more about this than us. If we have been told wrong, you should tell us. Is this Ed truly innocent? What really happened?”
“Innocent of what? Whatever the Temple decided is a heinous crime?” Trisha rolled her eyes. She hadn’t calmed down at all. Layla immediately backing down was almost worst - she’d said those things so gleefully then couldn’t even follow up. While she had no idea about the exact situation that Layla was talking about, she could guess from what happened today and what Serenity said.
“All Ed’s done- and has ever done- is accidentally sedating people with her Apparition. An accident. Her Apparition, who’s basically a toddler, slips up. I don’t know what they told you, but it was clearly biased.”
Alizée's eyes narrowed, before she softly turned to Layla, and nudged her. “I'll take it from here, why don't you go back over the the girls, hm?”
Layla, who was squeezing her eyes shut to will away tears, blearily nodded. She couldn't look at Trisha as she sluggishly got up and stumbled, swaying slightly, as she made her way back over to the Silent Sisterhood table.
“So you're glossing over the fact that she's an addict?” Alizee commented idly as Layla walked away, watching Trisha like prey.
The chains around Alizée twitched, expressing the hint of anger burning up within her. Yes, there was the slight tug, the slight anxiety, of having Layla even a few feet from her. But this was just for a moment.
And Layla didn't need to hear what Alizée was about to say.
“You know what? It really doesn't matter who's in the right here.”
Her mask split along the teeth, exposing the
empty void where her mouth ought to be. A hiss of steam escaped. A growl. A threat.
“You ever talk to my Layla like that again, and I will separate your bones from their sockets, one by one.”
Trisha’s eyebrows raised, just looking at Alizée for a moment. Then she laughed. It was a low, bitter sound, but a laugh nonetheless.
“Oh, will you? Good luck. Did I not make it clear earlier? My boyfriend is the Temple Head of Security. I live with him. You hurt me and he’ll kill you. What was it Layla said earlier? That she’ll obey because they have her Revered? Pretty sure harming the chosen consort-” Trisha couldn’t hold back a slight eye roll at calling herself that. “Of the Lord of Blades is the opposite of being faithful. Or did I not make it clear how important he is?”
Then she leaned forward, eyes narrowing. Alizée didn’t scare her. She fought the Stygian Snake when she was fourteen. There was a serial killer targeting her entire coven, and she’d spent the past few months waiting for the knife. Now when she had someone to protect her? She wasn’t worried at all. Just pissed.
“If she keeps my friend’s name out of her mouth, I won’t have to.”
Alizée's maw snapped shut, and her red eyes curled. “...You little bitch.”
At that, Alizée rose to her full height, towering over the table for a moment before keeping an eye on Trisha as she ghosted towards the Silent Sisterhood table, and Layla.
“Layla, we're leaving.”
Layla blinked, having sat beside Irina again. She didn't question it, though, and hastily wiped her eyes before moving to stand beside Alizée.
In the next instant, chains spun, opening a portal to a dark alley. It was unsure exactly where it led to.
Having maintained a humorous silence until threats began to appear, Tamara cleared her throat.
”Alizée… You are so much the same girl as when you left us the first time. But the tea is strong, isn't it!? And too hot to handle. I understand the wish for flight, but ideals must be met with ideals.”
And she turned to look at Trisha.
”You seem to understand where you are in the structure of power… Outside, but above. A privileged place to be, no? But neither of you are capable of listening to one another. It's good. You're both so very human for that.”
A crowd had gathered, and among them was Leon's massive frame and dumb face.
”Nobody is leaving, and nobody is hurting anyone. This space isn't even for that- Tamara!? Did you give them-”
”The tongue is soft, but rigid. It can be made pliable with elixir.” he slowly grinned up at him. His response was a great sigh.
It was mostly elders, including a darker complexioned young woman Trisha knew as Ginara Rasmussen. If Alizée had any memories dredged up by the sight of her, they probably weren't good. Lots of arguments. Lots of misunderstandings.
”Why make ‘em stay if they're uncomfortable?” Gin asked in a very flat tone.
”Because, acknowledge it or not, we all talk about this stuff. We all have opinions here. Right or wrong be fucked, this is a place to feel safe. Not where we threaten one another without recourse or penalty… Alizée… Dog ears can't help but hear something about bones?” he asked with a slight growl.
”I don't feel very safe about that implication, Leon…” Tamara's gentle voice guided him, rather than ripped into him. He received and accepted.
”Uh… W-well… Something has to happen.” he looked confused regardless.
”You peacefully respect someone's desire to leave, rather than confrontationally force them into staying…” the ancient woman replied with an incredibly sarcastic undertone.
And then her head turned back to Layla.
”Go if you like… But it solves nothing. She'll be here again, and so will you.” she pointed from Trisha back to Layla and Alizée.
“I only said I’d come once,” Trisha muttered.
Alizée and Layla stared long and hard at Tamara.
“I want more of her drink. Talk more with the girls. You sure we have to go?”
“You're the one that's on the verge of tears.”
“I'm fine! I swear!”
“Fuck… I'm gonna have to go apologize. I hate this.”
The portal spinning behind Alizée dispersed, chains resuming to hover around her. Alizée nudged Layla back towards the Elders table, pointedly ignoring Gin and Trisha, and keeping her eyes on Tamara.
Layla quietly took her seat again, grasping her empty cup once again. Alizée, however, floated there, staring hard at Trisha. If she had the ability to vomit, it may have been easier than saying what she said next.
“...Sorry, Trisha. Seems we got off on the wrong foot.”
Trisha snorted, staring at Alizée. She was still pissed and upset, and what Tamara had said didn’t make things better. It just made her feel more touchy. She took a deep breath. She’d promised Casey she wouldn’t get into fights. Technically she hadn’t started it… again. But just because she’d said she wouldn’t fight didn’t mean she had to…
“Keep being sorry. I’ll be civil, but I’m not accepting it. Don’t threaten me again and we’ll be fine.”
Then she turned her head towards Leon, lips pressed into a thin line.
“Don’t tell Casey about this. I said I wouldn’t fight- not that I started it. This stays here.”
”Everything that happens here s-”
”-stays here. Exactly. And you don't need to accept the apology, only accept that she is sorry. Now, that being said… Ed!? Etiennette!? Leon, gather the grown folk; we need to talk. Layla, Trisha-”
As Tamara waited for Ed to make her way toward them, she poured out another dose for the two ladies she was currently contending with.
”Nonna? What's up?”
Ed had since taken her jacket off and looked fairly comfortable despite Serenity’s absence from the immediate area. Leon had passed her as he headed out to do Tamara's bidding, and slowly the area with the tables began to fill up.
”We're gonna have our talk. About how things are, and how we can make ‘em better… Together, united. Not divided.”
”Geeze… Nothing even happened this time, Nonna… Trisha got me here safe.” Ed replied, seeming a little more defensive.
”You were wronged. It needs addressing, since it seems to have followed you along further.”
Ed didn't reply. She just looked at Trisha with the same incredibly apologetic look she had when she was woken up. But Tamara's bony finger pointed at the Silent Sisterhood's table.
”And you babies better not get off to anywhere y'all can't hear this… Your friend here spilled the beans!” she actually laughed. Cackled even.
All eight members of the Silent Sisterhood looked at Tamara with wide eyes, as if they’d been caught reading explicit fiction in public.
”We won’t, Nana Tamara,” Tanya said rather obediently, as the one with the ability to flee magically. The other seven roughly echoed her.
”Oh my God,” Annalise said under her breath, looking at the others at the table. ”Do you think I’ll get in trouble for shipping something that isn’t-”
”Are you really thinking about that right now?!” Mazie cut her off.
”I’m always thinking about it…”
”I’m sorry you got dragged into this,” Nora said, quietly, to Layla.
The arrival of Ed and further discussion going on had given Layla a moment to calm down. She had already sampled the delicious liquid Grandma Tamara had refilled her cup with, and was feeling much more at ease. She glanced at Nora, and gave her a wincing smile.
Actually, this was perfect. Alizée too, had relaxed some, taking her seat beside Layla. Both were on the same wavelength, looking at Ed. This was her. The girl where two major contradictions had occurred.
“Now we'll finally get the truth.” Alizée said mentally.
Layla was staring carefully, before she shrugged. Only slightly awkward, as it appeared that she was talking to herself. “I don't think she looks bad. But uh, I'm a little worried.”
“Will the Silent Sisterhood hate us for spilling the beans on Ed? Will Ed hate us for thinking badly of her at first? Will Trisha tell her the awful things I said…?”
Instead of responding directly, Alizée's eyes tightened. “...Drink more of your drink, Layla. Just try to relax. Like Leon said, this is supposed to be a safe place. Tell her hi.”
So Layla took another large mouthful of her sticky sweet coke mix, let the alcohol settle in her nerves, and smiled at Ed.
“Hi, you're Ed? Nice to meet you. I'm Layla.”
Trisha had been looking at Ed too, with a slight hand gesture that waved off her apologetic look. She had nothing to be sorry for - she wasn’t saying anything horrible. It wasn’t Ed that had made her upset. With her other hand, she discreetly pushed her newly poured drink to the side. She was already drunk thanks to the first one, but not so drunk she wasn’t aware that a second would push her over the edge… and she wanted to be able to enjoy the later evening with Casey. She liked having some awareness still…
“She’s a former Sycamore member, but I’m sure you already know that,” Trisha said to Ed, voice still not quite lost its cold edge. While Trisha didn’t have any plans to repeat what Layla said, she wasn’t just going to sit her and make things nice and easy for Layla. She pointed towards the Silent Sisterhood.
“She’s friends with them. Had plenty to say earlier. Lots of assumptions.”
Layla sweated a bit, taking a sip from her drink unsteadily.
Ed was thankfully a generally non-judgemental person. Mellow, interested in understanding the reasoning behind others actions, she simply stuck her hand out and pulled Layla close for a hug. It felt genuine enough. Layla blinked in surprise, before hugging back, smiling.
Tamara’s arm and finger also extended out, pointing at Irina and beckoning her close. She obliged, clawing her way up from her seat and closer to them.
The room filled up more and more, until there were dozens of adults staring into the little circle. Staring at Tamara.
”Alright now… Out’a everyone here, whose takin’ some kind of drug prescribed to you by either Professor Cairo or Doctor Nedia?”
Hands shot up. At least eighty percent.
”How many of you get the Blue Needle?”
All the hands went down. Every. Single. One.
”Noooo, no… Don’t bullshit. Fuck it, if we got a rat or somethin’ I want Miss Lynette to know. Now, hands up.”
A lot of the hands that fell came back up. Some didn’t, but most did.
”There we go… Now, I’m just going to point out some facts here: Out of the group? I’d say most of you are under the same circumstance: An unruly union that you’re being forced to maintain. You’re given a dose every week, you feel awful for a day, and then you go about your lives until the next time. Covens have done this for millennia… Because who wants to run the risk of some innocent person getting turned into an unwilling husk for an evil demon?”
She giggled slightly. The shake of her head matched that of the tortoise as she swayed too and fro.
”The problem is that we are seen as tools. You all know that our abilities, our skills, the union with our Apparition Companions, are milked. Like cattle. And those who are not? Y’all should ask yourselves why. ‘Why am I not pressured into giving back? Why am I not pressured more by the Adepts in my life to give something?’”
Tamara’s expression suggested that she expected some people to reflect on their situation. She held herself off from speaking for a long moment.
The Adepts in her life… Trisha frowned. Temple Adepts, obviously. Not people like Reyna, or Cass, or her sister… or the group of friends she still had from Sycamore. So that was Casey. Well it was obvious, right. He loved her. That had nothing to do with their magic. Did it? He didn't love her because of her Apparition, or view her as less because of it… Right? He'd taken being stung by thousands of bees the first night and not left her right then. He loved her, it was definitely because he loved her. But… it wasn't just him, technically. Mia, Hari, Clarissa, Furio, Andrade… Lynette, as much as she didn't want to think of her as an Adept in her life. She was and would be for as long as Trisha was with Casey, which she hoped was a very long time. Forever, maybe. So then…
The honey. She was providing honey. Of course. That was really all they wanted her for, right? It wasn't because she was Casey's partner. Maybe for Mia, Ed and Hari, but the rest? It was for the monetary value she brought them - and the magical resource. Fuck. Of course.
Layla swayed slightly in her seat, enjoying the waves of tingles Grandma Tamara's drink sent over her. But in the space where Grandma Tamara stopped talking, her own thoughts jumped out.
“I don't feel pressured at all.”
“That's because you go along with whatever they say. You've moved in, you let them handle the Riils, you've adjoined with me for life… You've been told to wait regarding Vul, without explanation. And essentially told you're not allowed to adjoin with him.
That's actually quite a few demands.”
Layla giggled in her seat, cursing aloud quietly in a long, drawn out manner.
”Now I ask you all why? Why on this good, green Earth, would you turn on one another? Cannibalize one another? What is wrong with us, that we can’t provide a unified front to combat our own situation? It is the sheer fact that we are under constant duress. Our very lives are threatened by the situation which we find ourselves in, and we can’t help but continue to judge our own. Our House must be orderly before we can open it up.”
She looked at Ed.
”What happened today that’s caused a stir?”
”Serenity was scared by the prospect of being jabbed by a pointy object, and I wasn’t able to suppress her reaction on my own. So, I was involuntarily affected by my own magic… Again.”
”And what created this strong reaction to the jabbing?”
Ed huffed and closed her eyes. She was being watched by everyone now… Not like they didn’t all know her business, that just made it harder to have to explain. She felt stupid…
”I was Judged and Punished due to a formal complaint, at which point I was sentenced to a Suffering. I made Penance, but ever since, Serenity has had a strong reaction to anything resembling a needle. I can’t even use a fucking click-pen anymore.”
Tamara turned her head slowly to look at Irina.
”Do you understand your partial responsibility in this? And the situation which we’ve found ourselves in today?”
Irina’s face was full of discomfort.
”I do, Gogo.” she said, squirming a little bit.
”Then for the love of our God, act like it! You say you’re fighting for us, but if you keep looking at everyone else like y'all ain’t both a part of the same situation, ain’t nobody ever gonna get right.”
Irina quietly nodded, accepting the chastising. Without waiting, Tamara turned back to Layla and Trisha.
”Do not feed into this cycle. The two of you have a bond that is beyond our little private world here: Do not let these cycles continue on your watch. As Sycamites, you two have Lynette's ear. Her attention. Do something with it, and try to help us make our lives better… So we can stop feeling pressure from above. Please.”
She offered the thought to the both of them, lingering and waiting for some sort of a response.
Trisha's expression had been especially bad when Ed was talking. Judged, Punished, a Suffering, Penance. Thanks to the alcohol she couldn't hide the disgust in her expression at the whole thing, her hands bunching up the fabric of her skirt in a tight grip. She didn't like it at all. It was fucked up, it was controlling, and it made her feel trapped. Part of her just wanted to run away from the whole thing. Maybe she should but then… then she'd be alone again. No more Casey. He loved her, and she really, really liked him…
She looked up at Ed, then over to Layla, with a light, bitter laugh.
“Well, she's the first fellow Sycamore member out of my circle to not punch me when we've met again," Trisha commented, almost smiling at Layla. It still didn't reach her eyes, and was difficult to see through her otherwise agitated expression. She didn't plan to be friends. But friendly? Amicable? She could do that for people she was beginning to care about.
Layla caught that almost smile, feeling a bit of peace restored to her. So Trisha wasn't about to bite her head off. Thank goodness. And of course, Layla smiled back, feeling too good with her drink to have any other expression.
“I was already planning to do something. There's so much that's fucked up and-" She was stuck in it now. She'd realised that when she spoke to Elise before Casey's commencement ceremony, then after the ceremony too… and now. Normally, she wouldn't say so much about it. But there was that drunken honesty… and it wasn't like she cared about pissing people off, really.
“I think you're overestimating how much Lynette will listen to me- I haven't taken the vows, I'm not actually part of the Temple. In fact, I've been quite clear what I think about it. Now I like it even less… But there's Casey if she won't. I'll try. Because the way you're treated is bullshit- you're, we're, just as magical as they are. Should be treated like normal- well, magical- people. None of this judgment, punishment, suffering, penance bullshit. It's fucked up. I'll do what I can do to make it less fucked up."
Layla giggled. Desperation and fighting spirit from years ago was up on the surface, when her primal emotions were usually locked away under lock and key. Desperation under needle point, fear under teeth. The Riils really had bent her psyche in a dangerous way.
“Activists don't get anything done. What we need is a full on rebellion. Revolt against the adepts and wrest control for good. Make it so we make the rules. Then we can implement punishments for Adepts if we feel like it.”
There was a fairly big uproar that spread across the room when Layla said this. Some laughed, some were concerned, but Tamara just smiled and shook her head.
But before she could respond, Trisha turned her head to look at Layla, eyes narrowing.
“Oh, that’s a great idea, Layla! Everyone kills each other, and we’re all happy. Perfect! Because becoming just as bad is in.” Her tone was absolutely dripping with sarcasm, very much not smiling anymore.
“Some of us have Adepts that we care about. If you want to hurt them, then you can count me and my very helpful, definitely wants things to change, Adept boyfriend out. Because these rules shouldn’t exist, and there shouldn’t be any punishments.”
“Fine, fiiiine,” Layla put her hands up in pacifying surrender. “No revolution. We’ll take the peaceful route…”
A drunken grin.
“We'll talk Her Grace's ear off.”
”Uhhh…Am I the only one who doesn’t have any problems?”
Gin’s voice hadn’t been terribly present since she was eased down a bit earlier. But her fellow Elders snapped their heads in her direction as a collective.
”I take my dose of F3 every week, and the nausea gives me a chance to sleep. After that, I feel great, and Jekyll’s nights are tame so we can get work done.”
There were some scoffs. Especially from a few of the Silent Sisters still glued to their seats, who knew very well that Ginara had zero problems with the status quo. Rather than let anyone point out what was obvious to all of them, Ed took a deep breath and turned.
”Listen, Trisha… Layla… I appreciate that you guys are enthusiastic about things changing, but… Well… We want your support, right? Uh, Leon mentioned something to me-”
He cleared his throat to pipe up.
”-Taking advantage of the Temple. It’s my uh… Well, the philosophy I’ve decided to try and fight back with. If you’re ever offered anything? Just take it. Don’t think about the consequences, don’t think about whether or not someone’s going to get you or not. Just take whatever it is that’s being offered. The way I see it, at least, the Temple of Charming and Graceful Individuals is over. It’s only a matter of time before all the resources we have, all the power as a faction, tumbles out from under us. Because there’s only one person holding us all together. One person who we all believed in until we didn’t.”
Leon had a grim expression, speaking like he was delivering some kind of eulogy.
”That is to say, that person… Once they’re gone, what really was the Faith? A crock of horse shit that people aren’t just going to stick around for. So, we want your support. But not your actions.”
Do nothing.
That was the message being relayed here. That, and accept anything the Temple does, or gives. And, to accept the disappearance of someone…
Layla was far too drunk to really get the implications of that, and simply smiled and nodded. “Whatever you need, sure…”
“Sure, whatever, you already know you have my support. I'm sure it'll all totally work out and fall apart… I won't do shit if you don't want me to, that's easy. Supportive person and all that." Trisha said, not quite dismissive but clearly checking out a bit at that point. If they didn't want any actions from her that was fine. So long as that shit didn't reach or affect her, she could be pretty unmotivated to do anything. Her offering to do anything in first place was really a step outside of her comfort zone so… it was easy to step right back in. Did she really believe it was that simple? No. But it wasn't her place. She didn't even see how they were going to get rid of Lynette… but again, not her problem. It didn't make her feel dismissed at all. Unnecessary.
“Oh but- we should take everything we can from the Temple, Leon? Even the food? Other things like that?" Her tone was a bit bitter as she looked over at him, even though she tried to tone it down. Help, not help… why bother suggesting anything in the first place? She felt like she was constantly in the middle of something- Leon saying they needed to work together, Elise suggesting she take fake vows, Ed saying just to support, Casey saying they couldn't trust any of them and should have their own plans. Both wanted and not wanted, and was it really for her?
Leon’s face wasn’t so nice.
”We are all subject to the fucking food, Trisha. Don’t be an asshole when I was trying to keep you informed and save you from the same bullshit. And yes, that means Casey too. The fucking moron, he may be scared of a slab of meat but he’ll eat a pound and a half of Andrade’s honey loaf before he hits the gym…”
”Oh, fuck…” Ed softly spoke, shaking her head.
Layla and Alizée exchanged a silent look. Sure, Layla knew the food could have effects put into it. But, was it bad?
But Leon just threw his hands up, a sarcastic look on his face.
”You know what they say about horses and water…”
“Fucking seriously?" Trisha's eyes narrowed, darkening, and her lips were pressed together into a frown. Casey was fucking eating the food. Of course he was. She hadn't noticed, they always got takeaway together, but she should've. But they'd only been living together less than a week…
“He fucking- he's eating it? He's been eating it this whole time?! Then why did you fucking tell me to stop him if there wasn't even a chance of it working?!"
”You’re killing me… Seriously, I’m going to have an aneurysm.”
His head tilted back, bridge of his nose gripped tightly.
”You can do your best! Jesus fucking Christ, just… Just keep him away from it!-” he growled. ”-See, this is the problem, always has been. Someone asks you to do something, you just fucking don’t do it! You do what you-”
He flung his hands up.
”-Fuck it! Fuck it, no matter what, I get spit in my fucking eyes. Goodbye.”
He turned, starting to head for the door out of the facility.
“Ohhh, just run away because you're so certain you're fucking right!" Trisha called after him, standing up. She followed him, quick for someone so much shorter, not willing to just let it go - or let him leave so that she had to redirect her annoyance inwards or to someone else.
“You think I'm not fucking trying?! I've made sure we order food in, I even tried to go out for groceries- do you know how hard that is when your boyfriend doesn't want you to go anywhere alone? But you don't care because you just want it to be done silently without complaints? You think I can't be a little pissed that you didn't tell me that before? How can I stop him every time if I didn't realise he was doing it in the first place?!"
Leon spun on his heels, and his voice sounded like a bomb crashing into the building all around them. It wasn’t natural, magically amplified by the leak in the Wind Seal as his emotional state crumbled.
”YOU CAN’T! You can’t fucking stop him from doing what he wants to, he’s a grown man! He knows what the food does, he lived on it for eighteen fucking years! So I didn’t tell you, because it’s not worth making you freak out: And it definitely isn’t worth my brother losing the little bit of happiness he has if you broke up with his ass over it…”
He was breathing heavily, in and out with his hands clenching together.
”Why are you so fucking confrontational about everything!?”
“Because nobody listens to me if I'm not!" Trisha didn't back down even when Leon's voice got magically loud, outside of a slight flinch, craning her neck back to glare up at him. Her hand came up, finger jabbing at him without actually touching. The bees buzzed from across her shoulders, but didn't move. She was in complete control of them right now even as pissed off as she was.
“Then they blame me for shit I could never do in the first place! Don't let him, you can't stop him, what the fuck do you want from me?! And do you really think I'd break up with him over that? You think that fucking little of me?! Great!"
She got even closer, hand falling back down to her side as she pushed up onto her tiptoes - as if it would get her any closer to his height. Her voice lowered into a hiss, drunken need to prove that wouldn't happen beating her want to keep her personal issues hidden. She spoke quietly enough that hopefully only Leon would hear. Tone incredibly cold.
“You know, Leon, one of my exes started hitting me after two weeks of dating. Took another two weeks before he broke up with me. I'm never breaking up with Casey. You're stuck with me too until the day he decides he's done." Fuck. Divert back.
“You couldn't even stick to not telling me, so fuck off with thinking about us breaking up."
Layla stared on, wide-eyed as Trisha and Leon fought. She took a long draw from her drink, before pushing up from the table, and ever-so-carefully walking towards them, moving past the bodies and tables with a careful, drunken grace.
”They're gonna actually fight at this rate.”
Alizée, however, was staring at the words coming out of Leon's mouth with strange incredulous-ness. A couple drops added to the bucket of wisdom as the gears began turning.
”He eats it before working it out… taking benefit of its effects.”
Layla shrugged minutely, noticing the stark height difference between Trisha and Leon as she got closer. “She's so tiny. One smack and she'd be out.”
Alizée's hands drew to the teeth of her mask, eyes shrinking to little pinpoints of light. ”You ate some of it this morning. I… I thought it was just a trick of the mind. But… I've tasted it before. Shamefully.
“The strength, I wasn't expecting. But the taste...”
Layla half-rolled her eyes as Alizée spoke, placing one hand on Leon's arm, one on Trisha's shoulder. ”Guys, let's not fi-”
Alizée's words cut like a whip.
”You ate Void this morning, and I cannibalized him.”
A gasping breath. Layla's hands clenched on Leon and Trisha, eyes pinpoints, her lips pursed, before a flood of booze and whatever remained in her stomach from that day ended up hurled on the ground before her.
Leon’s head snapped out of the fight, whipping around to look at Layla and Alizée.
”What!? No, absolutely not. Ali, he’s fucking… Toxic. We wouldn’t have ever chosen him for the process…”
He stared at her, trying hard to not think about the taste of Void Heart he’d had the other week… The artificial grape flavor… It wasn’t good anyway, he wasn’t sure why anyone wanted Void Heart’s essence as an ingredient… But it’d been right after they pulled him out of her. Mere hours. Since? He’d not seen or smelled or tasted the thing since.
So it was another lie. But not specifically for her situation…
”And, I thought we talked about… Y’know, not… Not thinking about him. Didn’t we?” he tried to redirect, hoping this new situation would give Trisha a reason to get off his back.
Alizée had ghosted to be on the opposite side of Layla. Now the four of them were in a loose square. She gestured to Layla, who had her hands on her knees and looking queasily at the stained floor.
“Does it matter? Leon, you're supposed to tell her when food is filled with… with… body parts of ghosts. Just look at her! …It took me a second, but I know that taste. And I'll tell you right here and now, it's not natural for a voidling to taste another voidling. I'll go as far as saying it's not natural for a human to eat a ghost. That's like… a duck eating a cat. It doesn't work!”
Alizée seemed to bristle at Leon's remark on Void. “Don't change the subject! Void was a placeholder, we, each ghost, are an individual like him. Ghosts prey on humans, that's how it is! It's not supposed to be the other way around!”
“This isn't over," Trisha said lowly, pointing a finger at Leon before she took a step back. At the same time a soft, floral scent came from her - not enough to affect anyone magically, but enough to cover up the smell of someone vomiting. Her expression was still bad, but now she was conflicted. She'd said all that for nothing - and she was relieved to not get a reaction from Leon, but also pissed at herself for even revealing it. He better not have heard.
Trisha then turned her scornful gaze on Alizée. Her lips parted to let out a mocking laugh.
“So you think you're superior to us? You're individuals and allowed to kill and eat humans, but humans can't kill and eat you? Sure it's not natural to eat them- but not because of that!" Trisha rolled her eyes. Her problem with the food wasn't that it was made from Apparitions so much as the effect it could have. It was clearly addictive. She'd seen how much people like Mia, Ed and Hari ate… she didn't want that. It was bad, but not because of some stupid Apparitional superiority thing.
“Also, ‘voidlings don't eat voidlings'? Well maybe that's not how they do it in the Void, but Apparitions here eat other Apparitions. Bet there's plenty who'd happily eat you. I know mine used to eat other ghosts in her prime." Trisha's tone was short, cold and harsh - incredibly snappy even though she wasn't shouting anymore. In some ways she just appeared done with it all.
“The old Alizée used to prey on humans. Humans prey on humans, ghosts prey on ghosts- you're not fucking superior! You're just a hypocrite."
Alizée stared for a long moment. It was true. It wasn't right, but it was true. Voidlings devouring one another. Cannibalism was, in fact, a common practice of the Void. One that she hoped to never be a part of again.
But she did have to disagree strongly with Trisha regarding her other statement. An upcurl of her red eyes, displaying haughty amusement.
“Oh, I can show you just how superior ghosts are to humans…”
“By separating my bones from my sockets? We talked about that earlier," Trisha rolled her eyes, both angry and dismissive at the same time. She wore a grumpy scowl - really, this was more of her natural state. She'd been far happier than normal recently…
“Go ahead, see how it goes. I fought the Stygian Snake and it's Apparitions - I'm not scared of you. I bet no one else here is either."
The tension elicited a sharper motion than expected. It was subtle, but… The circle around the two women closed. Not to the point that everyone was pressed against one another, but there was a very clear unspoken direction that tightened the ring until there were no more gaps in the bodies.
The energy of a hundred Aberrations ramping up to prevent a conflict from breaking out filled the room thick like those days before the battles against the Snake.
”Contrary to the practice you’ve experienced today… We generally don’t suppress our own… But if either of you dare to continue this with violence? You will be removed from this safe space. And I assure you: Things will be far less safe if that happens. So, please, I beg the both of you to end your arguing. Someone please help Layla up off the floor…” Tamara’s voice wasn’t her own… A commonplace symptom of Apparitional Possession. The Tortoise, presumably, as looking at both of the entities revealed glowing cyan eyes.
Mazie was quick to push her way through the crowd, the sound of her chair scraping against the floor in the dead silence. Wendy was close behind with a handful of napkins, only seeing the aftermath with insufficient amount of sopping material.
”Oh, fuck, I need m-”
”Leave it…”
When they looked down again, it was already gone. There was no mess. Mazie’s hands simply wrapped, rather gently, around Layla’s arms and pulled her to her feet effortlessly. Layla wiped her mouth as she was stood up, swallowing a couple times before she nodded shakily, trying to smile.
”Now, Alizée… How you feel? It doesn’t matter… We do eat Apparitions. Every single individual in this room is aware. Show ‘em…”
Mouths opened. Pink tongues, but various stages of mottled flesh filled the mouths and gum lines of each and every person. It wasn’t rot, it wasn’t decay… Simply a changing of the physical form. A symptom of their diets.
”I haven’t lived this long without hunting and consuming. The difference was, long ago, we simply let the apparition do it. Now? It’s clean. Sanitized. Clever curses create physical components, ingredients, all things to keep us strong and ready for our prime directive… The ones who fight and die for the Temple’s Adepts. The bodies upon which Eden is built.”
Tamara’s eyes slowly faded back, hidden once more behind dark glasses.
”And, simply put, we have decided as a collective that we won’t stand for another war. Not after all that happened with Sonnenrad…” she trailed off. The circle slowly loosened up, and the two were only left with her words.
Trisha threw up her hands, taking a step back from Alizée. Her chest was still heaving up and down, the lightest of banana scents pricking the air around her now - but it wasn't enough to do anything to anyone. It wasn't on purpose either, just the result of her emotions which she was trying her best to calm down. The mottled flesh didn't freak her out as much as it maybe should - not after seeing the inside of Lynette's mouth. That inky darkness… but it didn't make the food situation any less fucked up.
“I was never going to start getting violent," Trisha muttered, hands clenching and unclenching as the bees crawled all over her. At the same time she stepped away, even no longer surrounded - she felt trapped. Panicked, pissed and trapped. She closed her eyes for a moment and took a deep breath, carefully bathing herself and her bees in calming pheromones.
Once she was calm enough, she turned her gaze towards Tamara. There wasn't much emotion in her eyes anymore. She was too done. She just had to get through the rest of this so she could go home. She really wanted to go home…
“You shouldn't stand for another war. I wasn't there for Sonnenrad but I… heard. And I- we- Sacrificed our childhoods for the greater good." she gestured to herself and, reluctantly, Layla, Alizée and Leon. Alizée and Layla looked curiously, but didn't comment. Hopefully they wouldn't question how she'd heard, beyond being a former Sycamore. While her paranormal knowledge wasn't perfect, her connections were good - namely, the many information and observation objects in the hands of the Elite. The one group that had kept her connected to the magical world, as disorganized as it was.
“That was a war and… nobody should be fighting one unless there's another threat like the Stygian Snake. And not like that, fighting for someone else." She closed her eyes again, pushing down the creeping anxiety that came with just thinking about it. All that loss… the people she saw die…
“I won't argue anymore."
Layla was looking pleadingly at Alizée, remembering all too clearly how the Void Heart had been defeated in her nightmare. Alizée was too bold, too arrogant. It could get her in trouble. Then who would protect Layla?
Alizée, who still had a glare to her face and was about to push it again, caught Layla's face, that helpless sadness. Almost immediately, the heated aura around Alizée deflated, and her eyes dimmed a bit.
A glance at Trisha. Before she moved to hover in front of Layla, still in the arms of Mazie. Gnarled hands cupped around Layla's face. ”You know I wouldn't hurt you, right?”
As in, hurting her by acting out, and getting forcibly removed. Layla nodded slowly, “You should… apologize again.”
Alizée nodded, hovering a step back to look at Grandma Tamara. The marred tissues were an interesting side effect, to be sure, but it was true. She didn't have a raft to float on when it came to what they decided to eat. “I might not agree with it, but you've treated us well. I won't make any more fuss over it.
“It seems…” A sigh. “I have less control over myself than I would like. I'm sorry.”
Alizée's eyes glanced over to Trisha, including her in the short apology. Layla stared for a moment, before she gently removed herself from Mazie's arms, apologizing for making a mess that was now… curiously gone, and took Alizée by the hand, leading her back through the crowd to the Silent Sisterhood’s table.
She glanced up at Grandma Tamara, her eyes dropping to her tortoise curiously, before she spoke. “I remember fighting for my life when the Snake terrorized the city. I was… really young, but I remember.”
She had an apologetic smile on. “Grandma, I might talk big, but I wouldn't want the Temple to go to war. Not when there are heroes like Leon walking around, trying to set things right.
I'm… still quite new, anyway. My apologies if I came off too strong. It was… well, the booze talking? …Yeah.”
Her head turned to Trisha, who was still standing by Leon. “I enjoy your company, you should come sit with us again.”
Trisha was mid rolling her eyes at Layla calling Leon a hero- sure maybe, but then all of Sycamore was- when she was caught out by what she went on to say. What? Layla enjoyed her company? Seriously? Why? It wasn't like she'd been particularly good company… so few people ever said something like that, or even chose to be with her. Casey, her small group of friends from college… Layla, now. She didn't quite believe it. Maybe she was just peace keeping, or something. But it did make her a little more willing to keep talking, rather than withdrawing into herself.
“Keep anything you heard earlier to yourself," Trisha said quietly to Leon, with a slight glare up at him, before making her way back over to Layla. As she sat down the bees on her seemed to settle, going back to relaxed positions on her shoulders and in her hair. She folded her arms and leaned back.
“So… you went back to Sycamore? Why?" Trisha asked rather bluntly, after a moment of considering whether to just stay there in sullen silence. She vaguely gestured towards Leon. “I know why he did- always has to be involved and in charge- but I don't get it for you, or plenty of the others. Not like it'll keep you any safer from our murderer."
As the crowd dispersed, Tamara seemed pleased enough at the outcome to let everything settle back down. The Elders returned to their table in the back, others redistributed themselves. But there was a low drone: A song that seemed to just take some of the people around into it. It was soft, but even some of the girls at the current table were quietly humming along, creating a subtle choir that echoed through the hall.
Who else but Ginara would cling to Trisha, taking the last free seat at the table of the Silent Sisterhood. Ed had grabbed an extra chair, and while she was present, her focused interactions were on the other side. Both Trisha and Layla would be able to hear her quiet but insistent questioning, leaving Irina visibly flustered as she tried to explain away the group's actions.
”Well, as I know it, Auntie Lynnie didn't want to waste resources on less-than-desirable Apparitions. The report I read deemed the overall entity of the Riil as a parasite; non-conducive to Temple life. Not even worth the material Andrade may be able to extract… Was it really that bad, Miss Layla?” Gin asked, her inflection somehow bold and cocky despite the subject matter.
Layla seemed a bit flustered for a moment, having two questions posed to her at the same time. Thankfully, throwing up the majority of the contents of what she had drank earlier had cleared her head a bit. Her expression darkened a bit at the mention of Andrade, but she smiled as best as she could, despite the heavy question.
“You have no idea how happy I am that they're finally sealed.” Sealed, not gone. She couldn't say that. “You try living with bloodsuckers that tormented you twenty-four-seven, see how it breaks you.”
A pause, before she sneered into the distance, picturing the Riil siblings in her mind. “Those assholes burned down my home and everything in it. I…” She faltered a bit, feeling a little self-conscious. Her voice dropped, subdued. “...Yeah, it was tough…”
Though, the report Gin mentioned was interesting. “Definitely a parasite. You guys uh, know your apparitions well.”
Layla exchanged a glance with Alizée, ghosting in the seat beside her, before addressing Trisha. She seemed a bit more at ease, which made Layla happy.
Layla considered Trisha's question before opening her mouth. Sycamore was a touchy subject, of course. But she could answer in a way that made the answer easy to digest.
“I guess… I didn't want to die alone. Father Wolf is coming for all of us. And the group has made a little headway in trying to figure everything out. Not a lot of headway, but more than what I would have accomplished on my own, for sure.”
A pause, before Layla softly said, “You know, you could, uh… you could… always come back.”
Trisha looked at Layla incredulously for a moment. Then she laughed, and continued laughing, leaning towards Gin as she did so. If Layla really knew Trisha - or knew what the Sycamore dynamics were like - she wouldn't have suggested it. Sycamore had been a place Trisha had tried to make a home once, and then she'd destroyed all the relationships herself before it completely crumbled down around her.
“No thanks," she said eventually, once the laughing subsided.
“Go mention my name to anyone there and see how they react. I bet it'd be bad. Of the ones I've met so far, two attacked me, one implied some awful shit- though he's just a dick- and the other two were only polite cause they wanted to bang Leon. Not happening. I'm never going back."
Gin turned her head to the other girls at the table who were paying attention to the ongoing conversation.
”Oh, yeah… Leon x Aryin’s been super hot lately…”
”But that breaks my new ship…” Annalise whispered.
Trisha then gave a slight shrug, unable to completely hide the bitterness in her tone. It wasn't her fault that they all didn't like her… they didn't like her whole group. The rich clique, even though she'd mingled with everyone. But then the rich clique themselves… they always left her out too.
“If Father Wolf is gonna get me I'd rather it be when I'm with Casey than anywhere else, anyway…"
Her head then slowly turned around to stare at Gin.
“Can you not talk about that stuff when we're right here. I don't want to hear that about Sycamore members."
Layla was peeking up over the hands hiding the blush on her cheeks. “Leon and Aryin?!” Before she coughed abruptly, very aware of the fact this was not the direction Trisha wanted this conversation to go. To be honest, Layla'd rather avoid something that could be passed off as gossip about the others.
“Linqian joined them that night too," Trisha said under her breath.
She sobered up, her eyes growing dark at the mention Trisha had been attacked, among other unpleasant occurrences. That didn't sound like the Sycamore she knew. Of course, she simmered with the milder vegetables in the stew.
“Trisha… Can I ask… who?” Already, she was planning on making an appointment to talk with the perpetrators. They needed everyone's hands on the deck, after all.
As an aside, Layla smiled cheekily. “You should tell me more about Casey. He's your boyfriend, yes? I've… well I haven't met him… yet.”
“Adora punched me, and Lila's crow ate one of my bees… then we fought." Trisha said, relatively calmly. After all, the fight with Adora had gotten her a boyfriend, and the one with Lila had been pretty even.
“Don’t do anything about it. Leon already talked to Adora, and Lila… it was an even fight. And Casey shot her a couple of times."
Layla's jaw dropped a little. “Shot? Damn…”
She shook her softly. From what Trisha said, it seemed fairly resolved. But resolved in a bad way. There was still bad blood between Trisha and the Sycamore. Would it be just as well, then? What business did Lila even have drawing first blood?
Layla sighed a little, and continued to listen.
Trisha was quite happy to give names, and she did hold a grudge against both - but it was her grudge. And it would be hard to get around her part in it… especially with Adora. But talking about Casey was something she could do. Loved to do, in fact.
“I actually met Casey cause of Adora punching me. Him and Leon separated us… then we went to a bar, and it just continued from there. He's great. Really great. He's really kinda goofy, but it's cute, you know? And he treats me really well… goes out of his way for me even if he's a bit overprotective. He's great with the bees too. Always feeding them fruit, and they're already attached to him. He's just… really nice. And attractive. Living with him has been great too."
As Trisha spoke about Casey she started to smile, much more genuine than her other smiles that evening. Her eyes got a little softer too. She missed him… it hadn't even been that long, but she just wanted to go home and hug him.
“I’m sure you'll meet him at some point. He's nice to everyone- but nicer to me, of course."
As Trisha spoke, Layla's eyes grew starry and wide. The romance! It sounded like true love. Layla's smile matched Trisha's, and she let out a childish giggle.
“Aww, that's really sweet. I'm happy for you, he sounds amazing. It's always a good sign when someone takes care of something you care about. Of course, I uh, I'm no love expert! Just my thoughts.”
Her thoughts drifted a bit. Did she ever have a lover? Between the torture of the Riils, the Snake, and just trying to survive, nothing came to mind.
Except, of course, a ball of smoke and piercing eyes.
The Void Heart.
Was it even possible to love a ghost?
Alizée felt the heat welling up in Layla's chest, and gave the girl a small, playful nudge. Layla covered a hot cheek with a hand, and nudged Alizée back. A slight clearing of the thought, before Layla's eyes settled back on Trisha.
“Can I ask you something… A little personal, Trisha?”
“Uh… sure," Trisha said simply, tilting her head. Whether she answered it or not entirely depended on the question. Personal about her? She was unlikely to answer, or at least tell the truth. She didn't like being open about anything below the surface where she could avoid it.
“What is it?"
Layla had a serious look about her face, as if this was a thought she had been wrestling with privately for quite a while. “Well, you're not uh, actively a part of Sycamore, at the moment, though I believe you to be Sycamore in your heart! So, maybe I can share this… this doubt… with you…”
She leaned in, whispering. “Do you think Father Wolf could be… one of us? …One of the Sycamore?”
Trisha raised her eyebrows, before shrugging one shoulder.
“Could be. I wouldn't entirely be surprised if it was someone like Greyson or Sloane… neither have the right magic, though. Not sure anyone does. But there's plenty of motives in Sycamore. Or with people who haven't rejoined."
Layla stared earnestly, before nodding. “That's exactly my point. But whatever the issue with magic is, they could bypass that like this-” She snapped her fingers,“-with an artifact.”
She leaned back and shook her head, before raising her hands in a surrendering gesture. “It's just… if it's not demons, or godly apparitions, it's serial killers. Can't ever catch a break…”
Layla's eyes moved to Trisha's bees, staring for a moment. Curious. “Your bees are connected to you through a ghost, right? How… How does that work, if you don't mind my asking?”
“Well she gave me her abstraction," Trisha said, tilting her head. She… didn't really know how it worked for other Adjoined, especially people who's Apparitions spent a lot of time outside of them.
“She’s asleep most of the time. I can sense the bees' pheromones and they sense mine, and I communicate with them that way. I'm not sure how it would work if she came out… but the magic is mine. She just provided it. I don't know how it works for other Adjoined, but that's how it works for me." As she talked she reached up to gently stroke one of the bees on her shoulder with a finger.
“Asleep most of the time… huh…” Layla trailed off, deep in thought.
”Oh!-” Ginara broke back into the conversation, having dumped her voice lower so she could jabber on about the current events of Sycamore’s Canid Commando.
”That reminds me, uh… Before all that happened, we were planning on asking Tamara if she could roust the Queen! That’s… Sort of what Dadonda does, he’s a good talker.”
The massive creature turned his head slowly to look back on the direction from which his name came. He almost… Smiled.
Layla's eyes glowed up, “Really?” She looked from Ginara to the tortoise, then back to Gin, and fervently nodded her head. “Yes, yes. I want to meet her.”
She almost had puppy dog eyes when she turned her head back to Trisha. “Pleeeease?”
Trisha looked at Layla, not particularly affected by her attempted cute look, then looked over at Gin. She furrowed her brow, glancing over at the Apparition in question. She did want to talk to the Queen herself, but she just didn't want to agree to something she didn't fully understand.
“Rouse how? Magically or… just by talking? Will it force her to come out or just wake her up? I'd like that too, but I want to know how it works first."
”Well, they talk magically… Dadonda is, apparently, so old that he just knows things. Knows about other Apparitions, especially from our continent. But, remember… All lands were once one, so… He kind of knows everyone. If anyone knows what to say to wake her up, and to entice her out, it's Dado.” Gin was quick to explain, a grin forming across her face as her eyebrows waggled at Layla.
”I imagine he'd even have some things he could say to Alizée! A little jog for her memory, maybe? He does get in a little bit deeper than the average conversation…”
Layla beamed, nodding enthusiastically. Alizée's head tilted curiously, hesitating, before she too, nodded.
Trisha tilted her head, thinking about it for a moment. If it was just knowing things, or talking magically, that was fine. It should affect her… though she wasn't sure how the Queen would come out. If she came out.
“If it's talking and enticing, that's fine. Go ahead and try… hopefully it'll get through! She's especially sleepy, I think. Most others seem to talk to their Apparitions regularly? She's just content for me to look after the bees and do it all for her…"
Gin clapped both of her hands together over and over in a breakneck pace, finally shoving off the chair and walking over to Tamara. There was a small conversation, then something beautiful: While Tamara remained locked in the air, the tortoise grinned as it slowly waddled toward the table. He looked at Trisha, knowledge in his small, black eyes. Gin came with him, leaning on the now vacant shell.
”Alright, Girl Boss… Come sit.” she patted the shell. ”Or just touch. Give him some looooove-”
As she spoke, there was a writhing beneath the flesh of her face: Another face trying its hardest to escape in the moment. Gin, in the horror of the moment, simply laughed.
”Don’t worry, that won’t happen to you. It’s just Jek; he’s… rowdy!”
Trisha looked at the shell, then at Gin, expression not changing much at the appearance of another face. It was creepy, but she was used to creepy paranormal enough to not show that it creeped her out. She didn't really want to climb onto the Tortoise. It was a bit awkward to get onto someone else Apparition…
“Right- just like this?" And she put her hand on his shell.
There was a vague ripple, then like some kind of radio tuning in, Trisha would be able to feel static coming from the shell before a very clear voice wound up in her head.
”Theeeeere we gooooo…”
There was a deep breath, almost a sigh as he adjusted. Trisha would be able to feel his warmth. His smile. His energy tracked across her Emotional Field like the fingers of a blind beggar across the face of their long lost child.
”Trishaaaaa… Inheritor of the Graaaaand Hiiiiiive…”
All at once, the world around her grew dim, and in the scales of the Tortoise’s shell she would be able to see a reflection of the spirit within. The Queen, her Mindscape, and the dark hive within.
”Queeeeeen Seilleeeeeeean… I haven’t known yoooooou to ignore a gueeeest… There are debts unpaaaaaid, entities no longer extaaaaaaant… Won’t you come and greet your eternal ally?”
Trisha didn't say anything, but she looked at the reflection with a slight frown. It had been a long time since she'd seen the Queen's true form - the majestic Apparition so close to a humanoid shaped bee, but so much more, and so inhuman as well. Large, jet black eyes with flecks of amber stared back at her. It unnerved her at the same time as it thrilled her. The warmth, the sight of her sleeping companion of many years… There was silence for a long while.
”It’s been a long time since I've heard that name. I almost forgot it myself. It has been quite some time, Dadonda.” The smooth tones of the Queen - Seillean - echoed through Trisha's mind, finally. There was a soft buzzing behind each word, as if they formed the sounds of the letters.
And Seillean herself appeared… at least, in a form. Golden light bathed Trisha's shoulder, and a Queen Bee the size of a rat appeared in it - like a honey coloured ghost.
”I am tired. Entities come and go, debts forgotten, friendships and beauty lost… I've grown weary of it all. What is so important that you wake me?“
Dadonda gave a slow, rolling chuckle.
”You are no fool… The Child wishes to be closer to you. You sleep, and ignore her, yet take of her usefulness without praise. You were never so graceless.”
”You were always quite judgmental,” Seillean responded with a light, melodic laugh. She settled on Trisha's shoulder, rather than hovering over it - though there was no weight she could feel.
”I sleep to regain my strength. I do not ignore her. I come whenever she calls.”
It's been ten years, Trisha thought, sullenly - not quite thinking about how they were in her head. So of course it was heard, and her Apparition laughed again.
”Ten years is but a blink for ones as old as us. But perhaps you are right, and I have been neglectful. I'm always connected. If I sense too much distress I appear.”
Sure you do…
Another laugh. ”It is not often you need my help. But I suppose, this once I can come out in this form, if it is you and an old friend asking.”
Trisha's shoulders pushed up into a shrug.
Dadonda’s energy whirled about Trisha, once more reading her Emotional Field like a wizard pondering his orb. His ancient neck craned upward, perpetual toothless grin causing him to look so friendly…
”Seillean… To escape the ruins of our old world? I believe you are, as these children would say, depressed. Sleeping to avoid a world you have grown to hate. Mankind abuses your sacred spaces, and strips bare the fruits of your people’s effort. Yet, you find no desire to change them. Only to hide.”
His words belied that smirk.
”The Child once needed you, but you heeded her to break our ancient Enemy. Now, she is once more thrust into the fear and uncertainty of those blackened days… But this is little for her Human desire to be one with you. To give, and receive, as partners. I witness her, and acknowledge her efforts in her human capacity, to give a semblance of peace to your kin. Yet, you choose not to offer her guidance. Are you so unsure of yourself that you would not revel in control of the Kingdom of your Flesh?”
Trisha's eyebrows shot up to the top of her head, and her posture grew tense as Dadonda spoke so many thoughts she'd had. She didn't enjoy being read. Not for things like this but… she'd let him in.
”Unsure? I am not unsure of myself. But what point is there in putting effort towards a world that will never return to what it was? To be boxed again?” Seillean buzzed softly on Trisha's shoulder, though Trisha could feel her agitation in the same way she always sensed the bees. But she was considering it, not talking for a little while as each word was processed by the ancient being.
”She does not ask for guidance. Each time she does, I provide. If you wish for more, my dearest Beekeeper, you must ask. I cannot remain out like many of the others. It will confuse my Children after all your efforts to form a bond with them. I feel their love for you. You have truly cared for them as I would.”
“I just want your help. I barely know what I can do," Trisha admitted quietly.
”That I can do for you. There is much of my magic you've yet to touch… I admit, I have held some of it back from you out of fear of its use. I will teach you to use that eventually once you are more practiced.” There was a soft warmth across Trisha's shoulder as Seillean seemed to turn back towards Dadonda.
”Perhaps you are right that I am, as these children say, depressed. I do not like Mankind. But if I were to emerge, or detach from this Child, it would harm her more than it's worth, for I have grown fond of her. Our World may not exist anymore, but hers does.”
Dadonda nodded along.
”It would be wise and gracious of you to pass along all that you can: In your fondness, perhaps you can learn to love this world through her eyes. Witness my diminished form, and understand all that I have given to be here with these little ones… I hated them with similar dispassion, but she showed me that they are not all interested in wiping our world away. And that they can be taught to love what was without compromising what is.”
In that moment, Trisha would be able to feel the thousand forms Dadonda had taken through his existence… All the way to the primal. To a mountainous creature of chitin and primal energy leaking with radiant power. And then he was just a tortoise again…
”Stay awake for us, my friend. Paint their world like a canvas of flowers, tell tales of the beautiful white sunrises bathing those ancient fields in golden flame. You have so much to offer: Do not let yourself rot away.”
”For her and for my children, I will try. They do not see the world as any different as it was in those beautiful days long gone. They do not understand how diminished their forms have become too. But that can be changed. I will stay awake enough to teach and to witness.” She settled down again properly on Trisha's shoulder.
”I will answer swiftly when you call, and I will observe more frequently. Is there anything else you wish for from me?”
“Can you stay out a little bit longer?" Out of whatever this was, Trisha meant. It would be nice to… prove her Apparition existed. That they had a relationship at all.
”It will confuse the children. They might recognise my scents over yours.”
“That’s fine."
”Very well then.”
And at once, Dadonda retracted himself. Looking up, the girls had gathered around Trisha in a fervent circle of interest. A dozen Adjoined, their Apparition Companions clung or scattered about in various places: Even Serenity, who had until now been too embarrassed to make the greetings, had come out to sample just a taste of Dadonda’s calm radiance. But he was a giant, cyan-tinted tortoise just as he had been before…
And they all looked to Trisha as the last scale’s reflection faded to matte. The gathering seemed enthusiastic, as if they had all been witness and waited for the appearance of that golden bee… The giant Queen.
Trisha didn't like being stared at by such a large group of people - she was too used to attention being negative. That anxiety was always present even as she yearned to be noticed… but she managed to hide it well, like always, with a slight frown at all the onlookers.
“Were you all watching the whole time? That's a bit… creepy…"
There was a soft laugh from her shoulder. Seillean had remained there in that same form. A larger than normal, slightly translucent honey toned Queen bee. No larger than a rodent, but she dwarfed all the worker bees that suddenly crowded around her. Of course, this wasn't her true form. The one she had when she appeared in front of Trisha eleven years ago, and in the reflection of the scales. But that one took more energy and effort. This one was sufficient.
”Of course they would wish to witness that radiant show.”
There were cheers! Applause as the Queen spoke her first words into the air of the world she so desperately wanted to escape nearly drowned it out.
”See, Trisha!? She gets it!”
Layla watched, transfixed, before clapping along with the rest of the girls at the Queen's words. There was joy in her face, and a huge portion of satisfaction. This was her. And she was beautiful.
”Amazing. Beautiful. And so well-mannered. I feel like I'm staring into the face of Mother Nature.” Layla said, awe coloring her tone as she beheld the Queen.
Alizée stared, before giving the Queen a warm nod. “Welcome.”
The Queen seemed to look at each of the girls in turn - though it was difficult to tell, as she just looked like a large bee right now. But her body moved, and their Apparitions would be able to tell.
”This is quite the welcome, after all these years.” Her gaze fell on Alizée, then Layla. Though they couldn't see it, both would be able to sense she was smiling - a peculiar, sweet smell that all those in the group could sense and understand.
”I was once something like that, Young One. Centuries ago when this world was a beautiful wilderness.”
Trisha wasn't enjoying the attention as much as the Apparition who was practically glowing on her shoulder. The cheers and clapping just seemed… unnecessary and forced. Though it wasn't like it was for her. Suddenly she was being outshone by her own ghost. Of course… her expression didn't change much, but one hand rose to caress a bee to calm herself.
“Don’t get too used to it. This is for one night only, so get all your staring at her out now."
The Queen laughed lightly.
”Yes. It is still exhausting to maintain this form, and my children are rather unruly.” As she said that all of the bees that were crowding her stopped, as if admonished. They retreated into neat lines across Trisha's shoulder. She then looked back across the crowd.
”I see it is not only humans that are young… How curious. There is much I have missed by sleeping within my dearest Beekeeper.”
Trisha groaned softly, looking to the side in embarrassment. Maybe she should have asked her to stay out… but if she had, then what would everyone else say? Would they think they had a bad relationship? It was fine. This was what she'd wanted… So she looked at Gin a little awkwardly.
“Thanks for helping wake her up. I was wanting to learn more about stuff like this… her, my magic, being Adjoined, all that."
Gin was grinning ear to ear, staring at the giant bee on Trisha’s shoulder.
”Hey, I didn’t do it. This was the plan all along: You can go home and tell Casey it was a rousing success… As for me, I’m… Well… You know what I’m gonna ask, I don’t really have to say-”
Her eyes squinted at The Queen.
”-My Lady? Would you be so gracious as to let my peasant hands experience the most gentle caress of your fuzz?” she asked with great conspiracy in her voice.
“Oh…" Trisha looked down at her feet for a moment, feeling a flush of warmth come over her. Casey had planned this all along? No wonder he'd been so insistent she go… he'd been thinking of her the whole time…
While Trisha was thinking about that, the Queen was staring at Gin.
”No. I do not wish to have human hands touch my noble body." She almost fluffed up, as if letting out a huff at the thought.
“Can’t you make an exception?" Trisha asked quietly, turning her head towards the Queen. She felt bad that Gin couldn’t touch the bees because of her own lack of control, and because at the end of the day they weren't pets.
”For what reason should I allow you to?" The Queen asked Gin after a pause. A minor concession, allowing Gin to justify why she should get to experience the magical fuzz of her large bee form…
”Purely metaphysical research, my Queen… I need to determine if the fibers of your coat relate to a standard bee’s coat in terms of tactile sensation, or if your heightened state of being changes the composition! You see, we’re providing the Royal Keeper here with territory where your subjects will flourish, and our goal is to replicate the world you wish to see! We wish to bring Eden back! So, knowing the qualities of your coat may assist us in replicating conditions!”
Whoever the Gin was that freaked out about not touching the bees, she wasn’t here. Whoever Gin Jekyll was seemed to be far more adept at parsing out good reason and logic in order to entice a result, which was fairly impressive.
The Queen considered it. Trisha was impressed that Gin had managed to make her do that - after years of barely getting through to the Apparition. She wasn't so fond of the title but… that was just to butter up her Apparition, it was fine.
"Very well. If it is for my children and for a return to the primal, beautiful world I once lived in… I shall allow you to touch my radiant visage."
Without speaking, Trisha could tell what she wanted her to do - and for once went along with it silently. She held her hand out towards Gin, and the Queen delicately floated from her shoulder to her open palm.
Gin nearly rushed, but the loud voice in her head was reminding her that there were other ways of doing things. She cleared her throat, let her hand slowly crawl out, and began to stroke her fingers across the insectoid body of The Queen. The tips of her fingers were tickled by the bristly patches of bumblebee fuzz. There was no noise, no strong emotion: Only a gentle patting until she finally pulled away.
”Impressive… Soft and robust, like… Oh, my… My Queen? It’ll be incredibly useful if you would advise us actively. The simulated environment we’ve developed is based on the knowledge of very few of your contemporaries… Your perception of environmental factors is something we lack, as none are so attached to the land as you are.” Gin explained.
”If it is just my wisdom you are looking for, then I suppose that is something I could offer,” the Queen said as she made her way back to Trisha's shoulder. She practically fluffed up at everything Gin said. It didn’t take much, it seemed, to ingratiate yourself with her.
”I plan to pass all my knowledge on to my dear host. She can aid you, and I will offer my direct advice in cases that she cannot.”
”Your capacity for grace and charity aaaaare boundless, My Lady. I look forward to working toward our mutual goals.”
Gin gave a curt bow, her head rising with a wide smirk to look at Trisha.
”Y’know he’s gonna be super happy, right?” she asked playfully.
“Casey? He better better be after making me come,” Trisha said with a joking grumble, though she couldn’t hold back a soft smile at the thought of that. She was looking forward to getting home and seeing Casey later… she could tell him about the Queen appearing without going into detail about any of the worst parts of the night. And if he was happy they could have a nice night together, and she could just forget about everything else…
“Maybe she’ll stay out long enough to meet him too?” It was a question towards the Queen without directly asking her.
”I wouldn’t want to interrupt the blossoming love of a young couple with my magnificent appearance,” the Queen laughed lightly.
“Even if I’m asking?”
”... I am already tiring. I shall unfortunately have to go rest within you again soon.”
Trisha just about resisted rolling her eyes, looking back at Gin.
“At least you can brag about meeting her the next time you see him?”
Layla perked up, nodding towards Trisha. ”You're lucky. The Queen seems to really care about you. Though, I didn't know ghosts could get… so tired? Maybe it has something to do with age…”
Before her eyes widened, having almost forgotten. Her gaze spun rapidly to Alizée, and she was practically dragging the ghost around the table, past Trisha and the crowd, and towards Dadonda.
”Mr. Dadonda? Will you have a look at Alizée too please?”
Alizée only made a scrunch of her eyes, feeling a bit self-conscious.
Unable to speak without contact, the ancient Tortoise waddled close to Layla and purposefully swung his head under her hand. Lifting it with his head and neck, he gently placed the rather dainty hand upon his shell. All at once, she’d be able to hear him like she had while observing the process with Trisha.
”What does this child wish to know? There is little history to be had, as the Voidling is both foreign to Shimmer and quite rightfully an infant… We may speak of the Life which contributed its Lux to energize the birth, or of the Voidling’s former status as a Mortal Host of Shimmer… But she is stained in ink that even I do not wish to see beyond.”
Layla stared with wide eyes, surprised but not afraid as she found her hand upon the shell. Dadonda's voice was clear in her head, just like how Alizée's was. One look from Alizée and Layla knew the ghost could hear Dadonda.
Alizée seemed to be struggling with the concept of ‘mortal.’ However, she did have a desire. One that she was, perhaps, a bit shy to express.
Layla spoke aloud for the benefit of all to hear. “Go on Alizée, it's not every day you get an opportunity like this.”
Alizée ran a gnarled palm over her mask, before regarding the tortoise with conflicted eyes. Wanting eyes.
“I want… To know more about how I died. The events leading up to it. Anything.”
”You wish to remember pain.”
To his surprise, it seemed she was interested in something that Dadonda never would've recommended. Not every Apparition was built from the passions of a single individual, though it was a common enough origin. However, those who were generally avoided the feelings and emotions of their past. It created great instability in their natural Emotional Fields.
But she asked. He would give her what he could: The final moments that created her. Where the living Alizée, her passion and her pain, gave way to Alizée Vul. As the world faded around her, Dadonda's scales shimmered brilliantly until she was trapped within their natural tesseract.
Trapped. Suffocating heat. Sand. Struggles and screams and the ultimate separation between the Host and Void Heart itself. She would feel that energy crossing time and space to fill the gaps in between as claustrophobia gave way to empty skies. Faces all around, heads disembodied and frantic. Leon stood out, his stoic face breaking up into weeping tears… The final sensation of emptiness followed. The nothing of the Void that her soul was dragged into.
Then, the egg in which she formed herself. The chains binding it in place. The willpower gathered as pooled Primal Lux around it, to keep it warm and sealed away from the other beasts in the dark.
And all at once, it was over. Alizée would be left with a distinct sensation of loss and emptiness.
Dadonda rested his head gently upon Alizée's hand, keeping her slightly held there.
”Are you satisfied with your pain?” he asked calmly.
Alizée stared, but her eyes were unseeing. Lost in a time long ago. It took a moment before she twitched, her body physically reacting to the unloaded information. Her free hand raised to the corner of her eyes, where steam curled up. A voidling's tears.
She blinked, surprised, before she looked down at Dadonda's waiting expression. Layla was looking at her with pained eyes - She saw everything.
Alizée's distorted voice warbled, trying to speak, before she lasped into silence. Like a shadow following the light, her head turned, trying to find Leon, if he was still in the room.
He had cried over her death…
“Not many did. Are you sure… You want to be abrasive with the Temple?” Layla said mentally, speaking softly. Dadonda would be here to hear them, due to their hands on his shell.
“...Maybe you're right. You know I'm just trying to look out for you.”
“I know…”
A pause, before Alizée glanced down at Dadonda. ”Yes… Seems I had a stronger tie to the Temple than I initially thought…Thank you, Mr. Dadonda.”
Dadonda’s head kept Layla’s hand pressed against his shell.
”The love of some is not the whole. The institution will crumble beneath the pressure of the tide: Stick close to those who love you. Who truly love you. You cannot afford to be The Fool again.”
The leathery little skull twisted on its telescopic neck, leaning into Layla’s hand just a rather human-like affection. Like he cherished her.
”We will always be right here.”
Layla smiled back, glancing excitedly at Alizée, before her gaze returned to Dadonda, and she nodded.
And then the head pulled away, and the scales began to dull back into their normal patterns and colors. Dadonda kept his knowing grin across his beaked face while his cumbersome body began to turn in place to begin heading back toward Tamara.
As Alizée had looked around, she would’ve easily been able to see Leon keeping his distance in a different part of the hall, though he hadn’t stopped listening or watching as his eyes were eerily locked onto what was happening. When their eyes met one another, he softly smiled and raised his hand from the table to wave.
Ah, so he was watching.
Alizée stared for a moment, before she returned the wave. The steam of her tears had dried, but the scraps of memories were very much fresh.
Was she, in fact, in the right place after all? Among friends?
Before the thought could continue, Layla was pulling Alizée back towards the table. ”Come on, let's not make them wait.”
And the two found their seats once more at the Silent Sisterhood's table. Layla once again found her eyes drawn to Trisha, and her Queen Bee. Her eyes widened in realization.
“Wait a second, since the bees listen to you, Trisha, aren't you technically like, an actual queen?”
“Of the bees, yeah," Trisha said, looking at Layla like she was asking a bit of a stupid question.
“They view me as their Queen Bee - so technically, yes. But that doesn't really mean anything outside of my bees."
The Queen was still on Trisha's shoulder, but she was flatter - seeming to be lying down. Sleepy again.
“In a normal hive the queen bee wouldn't be able to command their home in quite the same way I do, either. It's because it's magical I can be so specific - and I can use some of my pheromones on people too." Trisha explained evenly.
“The bees aren't magical outside of me, understanding me, and their age… Most of them are about ten. So older than Alizée."
Layla gave a light chuckle. ”Everything's older than Alizée. Still, though, that's pretty amazing. I suppose you never feel lonely, right? You always have the bees to keep you company?”
Layla's head turned to the side, recounting something, before she looked back at Trisha sheepishly. ”You know… I'm pretty sure I've been over to your house before. It's really nice. The uh, Halloween event. Bean invited us over for an after party. Apparently your bees were chilling in your room…”
“That’s not my house anymore," Trisha said abruptly, eyes narrowing slightly. She was hung up on what Layla had just said… she’d never feel lonely. It was like it was invalidating the past ten years when she'd felt so alone even with the bees. She loved them, and she didn't know what she'd do without them but… they didn't replace other people. They didn't fill the gaping void inside of Trisha that had her moving from person to person each time a relationship failed. It wasn't helped by Layla calling Sabrina ‘Bean’. While Trisha said Sabrina was her favourite, in reality they had very little of a relationship to talk about.
“So that was you? Other Sycamore, I guess? The bees were pretty stressed out by it… so I wouldn't say they were chilling."
Layla's hand moved to her lips. “...Oh. Oh jeez, whoops.”
It wasn't really the truth, the bees weren't bothered by other people so long as they didn't bother them. But it had stressed her out a little the next day.
“And you're right, I never feel lonely thanks to them. Especially now I have Casey too. That's why I didn't want to come here, I don't need anyone else."
”She's hurting.”
”I can tell…”
Layla fumbled with her words for a moment, before her gaze was drawn off into the distance. ”You know, I was really lonely, before all this. Only me and my demons.”
She flashed a weak smile. “Which is why talking with you is… actually really nice. I uh… well, I suppose I don’t really have any, well, close friends.”
Layla perked up a bit. “Say, when do you think you and your boyfriend would be free for a hangout? I'm uh, pretty free.”
Trisha looked confused for a moment, before she managed to hide it behind her slightly sullen expression. Talking to her was nice? Really? So few people thought so… she didn't really believe it. Layla was just saying that to appease her… but why? It wasn't like she'd been especially grumpy. Most people just escalated.
But she wanted to see Trisha again - with Casey. That would be even more comfortable for Trisha. She found herself… not so against the idea.
“Of course talking to me is nice… I'm not sure when we'd be free. We're both pretty busy." Of course it was a lie that she was really busy - but she was busy being with him.
“Especially Casey. He's technically on call all the time… but I'll, uh, ask him. And let you know."
Layla nodded eagerly. ”That sounds good to me.”