Avatar of Fetzen


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2 mos ago
Current 'been going through a lot of shit recently. I will try to start catching up soon. Sorry to everybody who's waiting on me!
4 mos ago
When you have to disable a new 'advanced' search to get proper search results and learn that 'advanced' means 'AI'. Let's rename it artificial superficiality, short 'AS'. Not to be confused with...
4 mos ago
I'm slightly proud of myself having overcome my hate for indoor spiders a bit over the years. In my youth I often eliminated them, now I carry them outside in a jar. Spiders here are harmless though.
4 mos ago
Believe me, if they could, the entirity of Southern Germany would send you all the rain they had over the last couple of days. I'm just not sure you'd actually want the widespread destruction.
4 mos ago
Finally managed to catch the mouse. Our cat must consider me the most incompetent person of all times given how she watched instead of helping. She dragged the problem in though!


Welcome to my profile page!

Who the hell is this person behind those many miles of fiber optics and copper cable ?

  • I'm a 34 year old guy.
  • ... who's working as a software developer
  • ... and enjoys roleplaying as a casual hobby to distract himself from ongoing stress

And into which hell will I descend with you participating in one of my roleplays?

  • I'm a fantasy addict: medieval high and low!
  • I'd consider myself to be a low casual roleplayer, 3 paragraphs per post on average.
  • My schedule varies. It might happen that I won't be able to post at all for a week, but then again it might happen that I'll reach a sweet spot inside which I can go on a posting rampage. I'd say one can expect 1-2 posts a week from me, depending on the lengths involved.
  • English is not my native language, but so far I've not encountered anyone who had had trouble with me over that :)

Want to RP with me ? Shoot me a PM, but don't shoot me!

Thanks for visiting!

Most Recent Posts

<Snipped quote by Fetzen>

Nothing! I'm impressed!

Okay. Sorry for thinking about the other possible interpretation then :)

Anyhow, when I came home from work today (ugly, ugly equations...), I had a brainwave that made me think about what an idiot I am. There is something out there that likely is a much better reference for the wings and overall: hang gliders. So I changed the calculation a bit and edited the stuff into the CS.

Strangely enough, I would totally be cool with Draco going into an infestation situation; Part of learning how to confront werebeasts is to understand the idea of outbreak control.

I've 'parked' my character and Khan at a place where pretty much everyone who wants can interact.
<Snipped quote by Fetzen>


*slow clap*

Sarcastic ? What did I do so totally wrong ?

~ Khandri ~

What a nag is this ? Don't tell me you've spent your coins on that!
It's a horse that can take my size and carry my weight. Sorry if the result of me having to make a choice under these constraints doesn't suit your need for comfort. Doesn't my brain cushion all that movement quite well ? Andri didn't speak as he had found out that Khan was able to understand his thoughts. And his thoughts were filled with sarcasm.
What the hell are you thinking ? I don't need shock absorption! When I will have got you to the point I want you to be and you want to be there as well once you've experienced it, your body will rock like an earthquake! Up and down and in and out! Fast! Ya know ?
The assassin grunted. That worm... YES GODDAMNIT! I KNOW! Stop puking your thoughts into my head! I want to sleep!
I could poof you there... Hell I could poof you to every place you can describe in detail. Sell this struggling beast and invest the refund into something more pleasureable. Is there a house of pleasure in that shabby village ?
But you have a lake, a blacksmith and TWO taverns ? You pathetic hunters pay for the wrong things... Andri was really trying to keep his annoyance at a level that wouldn't cause even more attention to be focused on him. The assassin tried to be well ahead of the other hunters - or what remained of the group that came here. Sometimes his eyes darted behind him to see what they did, especially Fenros. Don't worry about him. Save it for the moment that beautiful huntress returns. The one you grabbed at her boob so absolutely not gentlemanly.

There was a low demonic laughter in Andri's head, but it was loud enough to piss him off even more. When he finally reached Seren's Folley, he was so aggressive that he almost kicked open the door to the tavern's main room. As he was the first to arrive, noone was here yet. The giant went straight for the bar, slammed a few low-value coins onto it in order to pay the absent barkeeper and reached for the next bottle of cheap booze himself. But his hand never got there...
No! You're fooling me! Down in the cathedral, when it was dire and desperate, you cried crocodile tears about all of your little money gone for that nasty animal! And now ? You suddenly have enough left to spend on alcohol ?!
Khan ? Khan you... ? You did poof me out of that tavern ?
Yes i did! That booze will make you lazy, fat, dumb and overall unattractive for a woman. I can't let that just happen. Hereby I demand you to cut your budget on beverages and save the savings for a decent whore now and then!
Andri hatched a plan. If he just pretended the right thing... Okay... I give up. For the sake of you letting me sleep then... May I at least collect the coins lying in there ? Of course... The assassin entered the tavern again, approached the bar, glanced first at the bottle, then at the coins and then grabbed both of them in such a close succession that Khan, instead of poofing Andri with only the coins, took the bottle with them as well. There you go!. He didn't wait for anything, he didn't care for him standing in the muddy street in front of the tavern again. He yanked the cork out of the bottle, took a huge breath and started gobbling the booze as if someone could take it away from him at any moment. That trick won't work twice you bastard!

Andri didn't feel good at all. That chug-a-lug felt like the last bit of punishment his body required to start failing. Hey host... I can't stabilize you... Get to your room, QUICK! Khan's repeated interjections degenerated into strange noises in Andri's perception. And for Khan, the stream of thoughts that once had been quite understandable had degenerated into unintelligible garbage. He dropped the bottle a few dozen steps away from the tavern and never managed to reach his own bed. Instead, the giant dropped next to a tree onto a settle, still covered in crusted blood from that undead beast he and Liz had encountered, mud from the coffin and spilled liquor.
Harstac mumbled something about "How the hell did that guy get in here in the first place. That is the question...", but it was so low that likely not everyone could hear it. Seeing that the attacker was already being dealt with, he returned to his originally intended destination: The weapon racks.

He reached for the halbert he had in mind right from the beginning. The weapon definitely lacked entirely the grace and adornment of a sword or a good bow, but its reach was huge and so was probably the amount of force required to use this thing properly. And that was what he wanted: Something that suited his own slowness and his need for keeping enemies at a bit more of a distance as some parts of his body probably couldn't be protected entirely by armor.

Having seen Hiiku's hammer disaster and even having the other recruit bailed out of that, he didn't start playing with what he had in his hands now. Instead, he looked at the Lord Commander and the other high ranking persons as if he expected a comment on his choice as pretty much every choice anyone had made had been commented on here.
Sooo... this will get a bit difficult. What I am attempting now is an educated guess of Vaughtar's own weight as this will likely help to derive an adequate predication for the other questions.

I'm gonna use a flat out primitive geometric approach for the first part. As we live in a three-dimensional world, a body of whatever shape whose every lengths are increased by a factor of A can be expected to increase its volume by a factor of A^3. To make this actually useful, I make two additional assumptions:
  • The chiseller that created Vaughtar had a sense for aesthetics, so when he decided to make him very tall, he didn't forget about the other two dimensions and Vaughtar has the same proportions as a human body.
  • The material Vaughtar's body consists of when he's not stone is fully comparable to ordinary bone, flesh and blood. So his average density is the same as that of an ordinary human.

Now I take a human reference, someone that fits his general physique and that I can apply the cubic scaling to. As Vaughtar obviously possesses a general frame and a relative amount of muscle mass that easily matches those of a somewhat professional bodybuilder and for the sake of simplicity and availability of data, I take Conan The Barbarian as the reference. According to google, Arnie at that time weighed up to about 260 LBS at 6'2". So the scaling factor is (82" / 74")^3 = 1.36.

This, however, would only be Vaughtar minus wings, bone extensions, claws, horns, the strange bend between his feet and his knees that makes a part of his legs not contributing fully to his height etc. And there things get way more estimating. The wings can't be just a huge layer of leathery skin put up onto a bony frame because they're an entirely separate pair of limbs on his back and require their own power. This can't be seen on the image, but its the only logical conclusion I can come up with that there is a great bulk of additional muscle that likely spreads accross his entire back where the base of the wings is and partly onto the wings themselves. As a comparison and according to google, a human leg has about 19% of the total body weight, an arm about 6%. I'd take these combined 25% as a minimum for one of his wings - these things are his main means of transportation and have to get him off the ground and with basically no runway at all. That results in a second scaling factor of 1.5 multiplicative with the first one. If I do the calculation and apply rough rounding up for all the things missed I end up with Vaughtar weighing about 600 LBS.

I think that 3/4 of his own weight would be way over the top, but even with less than 1/2 of it he would likely have no problem with carrying even the taller ones of the party, and, as you said, probably two of the smaller folk.

Given Vaughtar being so large I doubt that his flying would be very fast. He also partly lacks a bird's optimization. So I'd summarize it up as very wide turns and a normal speed of perhaps 20mph (what is in the speed range of a condor as ar as I was able to find out). Of course he could climb and reach much higher speeds by nosediving, but that doesn't really count I think.

Holy moly what have I written ? It seems the mathematician in me has taken over when he saw that there were numbers to play with.
I'm sorry to interrupt the ongoing discussion, but I believe I've found a minor loophole in Vaughtar's CS that probably is worth fixing or at least given an explanation to as it is a matter of interpretation.

The thing's about how the transition from day to night and vice versa works. Basically the whole mechanism of his link being severed is there to provide playability at day and adding a weakness, but I got the feeling that an instantaneous jump from one state to the other would hamper the actual implementation of that weakness because, at least that's what I'm thinking, you would have to select each time if its day and he would be barely combat-worthy at all or if it is night and the weakness would be nonexistant in that particular scene. So I could imagine that some kind of continuous slope that goes down in the few hours around dawn and up again in the few hours around dusk could be better, leaving not only the choice between the two extremes but also something in between (with the additional option of time passing by as the scene goes on). I don't know what you would feel more comfortable with, but I'd add the corresponding clarification to the CS depending on your decision.

Another thing: Would you like the weight limit of the person he can carry with him in the air specified ? Possibly his own weight, too. (though I would have to think about an estimation method for this in his case :D)
Madawc nodded towards Xavier, indicating that he wanted to head out immediately. He felt that it was unnecessary to waste any more time and that he was prepared. "Let's pick up the supplies then and go." The bulky and pudgy demon-man turned around and accelerated. He pushed the door open and held it there to allow Xavier to go through first.
Is anybody interested in some kind of infestation aftermath ? Multiple hunters know it and many could suspect it.
Vaughtar's room

Vaughtar was stunned. Earth ? Rift in time and space ? What ? For several seconds he just stared at Winston, wondering if that guy was attempting to fool him or not. But if he really was someone who had kidnapped him, why would he want to try such a thing then ? The theory made no sense, so probably the best thing right now was to continue cooperation and start answering. Winston didn't ask anything delicate anyway.

"Earth ? You mean I am on another world now and that is called 'Earth' ?" He took a deep breath and sighed. What the hell had he become involved into ? "The world I come from is called 'Munimis'. There, persons like me are called 'gargoyles'. And the reason why you didn't know what to do with me likely was that it was daytime. How did you know that I'm a living creature and not just a carved stone ? The last thing I remember is that the sun rose above the horizon and I transformed, squatting on a massive pillar."

Vaughtar didn't comprehend the word 'dragon'. Whatever it referred to likely just didn't exist in Munimis. So he wondered if Winston would be able to understand what he was going to say now: "And magic does exist here ? So there are vamps, werewolfes and dead people rising from their graves here as well ?" He literally nailed down the man with his eyes as he was attempting to watch closely every tiny bit of movement his body made. He hoped that Winston was a bad liar so he would reveal himself whenever he said anything that wasn't truthfully.
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