Avatar of Fetzen


Recent Statuses

1 mo ago
Current 'been going through a lot of shit recently. I will try to start catching up soon. Sorry to everybody who's waiting on me!
4 mos ago
When you have to disable a new 'advanced' search to get proper search results and learn that 'advanced' means 'AI'. Let's rename it artificial superficiality, short 'AS'. Not to be confused with...
4 mos ago
I'm slightly proud of myself having overcome my hate for indoor spiders a bit over the years. In my youth I often eliminated them, now I carry them outside in a jar. Spiders here are harmless though.
4 mos ago
Believe me, if they could, the entirity of Southern Germany would send you all the rain they had over the last couple of days. I'm just not sure you'd actually want the widespread destruction.
4 mos ago
Finally managed to catch the mouse. Our cat must consider me the most incompetent person of all times given how she watched instead of helping. She dragged the problem in though!


Welcome to my profile page!

Who the hell is this person behind those many miles of fiber optics and copper cable ?

  • I'm a 34 year old guy.
  • ... who's working as a software developer
  • ... and enjoys roleplaying as a casual hobby to distract himself from ongoing stress

And into which hell will I descend with you participating in one of my roleplays?

  • I'm a fantasy addict: medieval high and low!
  • I'd consider myself to be a low casual roleplayer, 3 paragraphs per post on average.
  • My schedule varies. It might happen that I won't be able to post at all for a week, but then again it might happen that I'll reach a sweet spot inside which I can go on a posting rampage. I'd say one can expect 1-2 posts a week from me, depending on the lengths involved.
  • English is not my native language, but so far I've not encountered anyone who had had trouble with me over that :)

Want to RP with me ? Shoot me a PM, but don't shoot me!

Thanks for visiting!

Most Recent Posts

A harsh welcome

It all had started two days ago. I was relaxing, sunk deeply into both my armchair and the novel I was reading. It wasn't a particularly good one, but sufficient enough to keep me distracted from what was going on. At first I didn't realize the small shadows moving across the grass fields in front of my house which could be seen through the small window ahead of me. I didn't hear the scratching sound starting to emanate from the other side of the wall.

Then one of these pesky creatures made the mistake to fiddle with the pile of firewood next to it. I always knew it was a precariously stacked up thing, but I'd never have imagined that its collapse would save my life by alerting me - while likely burying the perpetrator beneath itself.

A smirk whizzed across Jared's face. Moisture had condensed on the black hood protecting his head and face from the wind chill, running down in large droplets as it wasn't able to penetrate the material.

I've never seen these things before. Ugly... critters... not even reaching up to my knees, but still eager to bite. I don't know what triggered their rage. Are they new here ? Or are they distrubed by the new presences in the area ? Who knows...

By now, I don't wanna know what happened to my home. I hope it's been completely destroyed and not turned into an infested toehold for these things.

Jared shook his head. Why was he thinking about himself, why painfully repeating in mind what he had experienced in real life ? Maybe the cold had started to drive him dizzy or even mad. Maybe it was the fact that he has been fleeing for two days with hardly eating or drinking anything.

He could see lights in the distance, smell the smoke of burning firewood. Seren's Folley was near and this was a good thing - the horse beneath him seemed to be rather close to collapsing. Who could blame it for this when there had been so little rest while the man riding it was almost scratching the ground with his feet ?

He had been looking forward to just slump onto the very first seat encountered behind the tavern's door. Rumors had it that the Witches' Paradise was a warm place worth the money, but more importantly it also provided rooms which could be rented. Effectively being homeless he'd need such a thing.

Yet Jared's expectations were to meet bitter disappointment. The dark crowd covering the ground, seen from the distance, appeared like a wicked carpet with it's individual knots moving relative to each other while the piece as a whole was traversing on the mud. The sound of fierce fighting could be heard, blood could be smelled - and given what happened Jared was all to eager to join the mess.

The man dismounted in a safe distance and started to run. There was no grinding sound of a sharp blade being pulled out of its sheath. The two black staffs detached from the leather straps holding them onto Jared's back without noise. He had never been subjected to anything close to a special hunter's combat guide, but he had seen his father fighting with these things. If something looked as if it could have a neck, it was worth trying to break it!

The first gnome noticed his steps and deviated from his original course to intercept. Seconds later he was immobilized, the nerves connecting his imbecile thoughts to his muscles crushed beyong repair. And so was the gnome's ribcage once Jared had stepped onto it. There was no time however to enjoy this first kill. He wasn't the one sadistic enough to enjoy killing anyway. It was an ordinary man's anger, even if the man himself made things look like ants when they were looking like mice otherwise.

Jared knew nothing about any of the participants in this fight and he expected this to be mutual, but there wasn't even enough time for him left to be astonished about how effective some of those participants were slaying these pesky creatures. He had come too late to hear the order, so he stayed close to the border of the crowd where the risk of being encircled and gnomes starting to climb onto his back was the lowest. Thank god these staffs were so long: It made targeting their heads much easier if one hadn't to bend down in order to do it.

He focused on another gnome that seemed to be blinded by irrational instinct even more than the first one. Moon hit his head first and while it was hurtling towards the other side, Sun came in second. The momentum made the already cracked skull literally explode - thank god that even Jared's face was almost completely covered in parts of his armor. The reddish, dripping debris ejected from the gnome's head was nothing but disgusting. It followed the flow of gravity down Jared's shoulders, arms, breast and hood not leaving behind much of a noticeable stain. Well at least not in the physical sense. Jared himself was quite close to puking...

@Ellion @Deos Morran @13org @shagranoz @Rune_Alchemist @WeepingLiberty
[@Every hunter near Seren's Folly]
That might be fine with you and I support the idea up to a point, facing enemies more powerful then you. But when you have a fellow hunter cleave through 2 dozen enemies in 1 strike while you barely killed 3 through skill and tactical positioning, I just wanna throw up. All the fun is gone.

So I either go for "equality in power" or more powerful otherwise it becomes boring. And with the dislevel present in this RP I opted to throw power levels away and make some hard-to-kill joker not interested in participating in fights himself.

It should be considered that The Avatar of Death basically is a story character. Charon was there in the original RP for plot purposes, not as a regular character. My own character has been refit to perfectly ordinary hunter standards and was never played as long as he wasn't. Lusius secondary form, as far as I was able to learn, confronts him with a lot of drawbacks. Poisons flooding an entire forest is another story, but we already had discussions about that.

Wasn't there something in between what we had as regular characters and a demigod ? Aside from that I think the entire 'I can only have real fun if my characters are considerably more powerful than all the others'-concept is seriously flawed.

I am very concerned about what's going on here, but nevertheless I'll try to get out a post with my hunter now.
Meh, normal is for ordinary people.

In case you didn't notice: I think there are a lot of ordinary people in this RP. Actually the RP itself was made for ordinary people, wasn't it ? Correct me if I'm wrong ;)
I'm ready :D

I'd be glad if I could start participating before the RP reaches its conclusion >.>

Its just lore for the ability to work...
Or you want me to just say something like
"Yeah... your magic goes *POOF*"

My abilities, along with all the story behind them and some pretty words and terms to make them sound and look cool are in my character sheet.

Everything that I said doesn't change the magic system in the slightest.

Witches DO get exhausted after casting spells, and Ellion already talked about that.
I'm just getting the already established rules for the magic system and creating a lore to explain them ESPECIFICALLY FOR MY CHARACTER.

I do reiterate: i'm not changing the already established magic rules in the slightest. At least not the ones that have already being said.

It was my mere intent to try and point out that one should not make assumptions about another character's magic or that of the world in general. It doesn't help. It was never meant to infringe the power of building up lore for one's own characters.

If it did sound this way, I want to apologize.
I'm only a silent observer here, and hell given that I'm not one of the GM's and have a bit of a discussion myself ongoing to get my character ready I maybe should keep my mouth shut, but this time I am indeed silly and I am deliberately doing so:

Please let the GMs decide. It helps absolutely nothing if you draw up one assumption about the magic system of this world or the other one's character after the other without having that much of a real anchor to hold it in place.

At which point was mana introduced and properly described ?
At which point were 'arcane network' and 'arcane node' properly described ?
Is the timeline suitable for knowing something about (d)eoxyribo(n)ucleic (a)cid ?
Does this entire technobubble matter that much at all ?

It has been said before I think, but I'm willing to act as an additional echoing stone wall: Let good judgement and common human sense decide.
You don't amputate limbs. You prepare people for receiving biomechanical augmentations in the next LIMB-clinic even before this stuff has been invented. You're just always so ahead of your time.
I'm still trying to work things out. Can't tell when I'll actually be able to join the game :)
OH, and he may be a sadistic, psychopath freak, but he isn't dumb. he'll flee, ehm... I mean "reposition" once things start to get worse than they already are.

One doesn't reposition. One claims that the world suddenly started moving around oneself and that the enemy, by sheer accidence or flat-out stupidity, didn't manage to come to the same idea like you and start moving one's feet in order to remain at the same position.
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