Scatter ? Had she just said scatter ? What kind of brainfucking idea of their boss was this ? So in order to cease causing such a commotion at the airport they all should run into different directions and thus expose themselves to even more people ? It made sense in terms of getting away from the attackers, but not much more.
Which didn't mean that Maël, especially alter ego Maël, couldn't find that idea quite satisfactory still. On the contrary: The lack of definition about the scope of 'Scatter!' equaled a free card to do something crazy!
Much less awesome however was the kind of trouble their drug-addict literally ran into: a security guard probably was the least preferable thing to encounter, aside from maybe a solid wall though even that was up to dispute because the latter couldn't catch. His demon ears could listen to the electrical noises of a taser and the screams of some unfortunate person, but luckily it wasn't Val. She managed to disappear into a smoke cloud of her own making, but could one be sure that she'd be safe ?
Maël decided that one could not. Even his alter ego could see the danger of losing teamwork in that kind of situation. They had to get out of the publicity, but all by themselves would also mean that they could be picked up one by one very easily. That smoke cloud would last long enough for him to make a run for it, too! So to hell with the orders!
The demonic shape the Frenchman had turned himself into was not exactly the best when it came to acceleration, but not even those security guards still standing didn't dare to intercept the monstrosity he was. A sharp pain, seizures and the fact he was suddenly stumbling unintentionally told him that yet another taser had been fired, but momentum carried Maël over and made the wires snap. He managed to disappear into the smoke cloud that granted him the opportunity to recover while noone could take aim again.
"Val!" His distorted voice thundered through the airport as Maël had spotted his teammate a significant distance away from him already. He did his best to catch up, but it still took a bunch of seconds until he was right behind her. His eyes frantically skimmed over the adjacent walls, the floor, even the ceilings. A few elevators and escalators were nearby and tried to seduce him, but no: these could be stopped and they all had definitive end points where they could be picked off very predictably!
A fundamental decision had to be made: Get out of the airport and away from it risking a lot more exposure to the public, or hide inside risking to be trapped ? A large and heavy looking door came into his view, a big red sign on it reading 'RESTRICTED'. Well that was a start...
"Wait!" he shouted out again, hoping that Val would hear and listen.
Which didn't mean that Maël, especially alter ego Maël, couldn't find that idea quite satisfactory still. On the contrary: The lack of definition about the scope of 'Scatter!' equaled a free card to do something crazy!
Much less awesome however was the kind of trouble their drug-addict literally ran into: a security guard probably was the least preferable thing to encounter, aside from maybe a solid wall though even that was up to dispute because the latter couldn't catch. His demon ears could listen to the electrical noises of a taser and the screams of some unfortunate person, but luckily it wasn't Val. She managed to disappear into a smoke cloud of her own making, but could one be sure that she'd be safe ?
Maël decided that one could not. Even his alter ego could see the danger of losing teamwork in that kind of situation. They had to get out of the publicity, but all by themselves would also mean that they could be picked up one by one very easily. That smoke cloud would last long enough for him to make a run for it, too! So to hell with the orders!
The demonic shape the Frenchman had turned himself into was not exactly the best when it came to acceleration, but not even those security guards still standing didn't dare to intercept the monstrosity he was. A sharp pain, seizures and the fact he was suddenly stumbling unintentionally told him that yet another taser had been fired, but momentum carried Maël over and made the wires snap. He managed to disappear into the smoke cloud that granted him the opportunity to recover while noone could take aim again.
"Val!" His distorted voice thundered through the airport as Maël had spotted his teammate a significant distance away from him already. He did his best to catch up, but it still took a bunch of seconds until he was right behind her. His eyes frantically skimmed over the adjacent walls, the floor, even the ceilings. A few elevators and escalators were nearby and tried to seduce him, but no: these could be stopped and they all had definitive end points where they could be picked off very predictably!
A fundamental decision had to be made: Get out of the airport and away from it risking a lot more exposure to the public, or hide inside risking to be trapped ? A large and heavy looking door came into his view, a big red sign on it reading 'RESTRICTED'. Well that was a start...
"Wait!" he shouted out again, hoping that Val would hear and listen.