Skayleigh | 43 | Male
Appearance Lorcan's height can be considered rather average for a Skayleigh, but years of straining work have made his limbs grow thicker and his body more muscular. He's a fair distance away from being all bulked up, but it's easy to notice that he holds a big lot of power.
His skin resembles that of his wood elven cousins, exhibiting a rather tan complexion and a decent lack of impurities. There is some scarring, but it's at places not visible as long as there's your typical set of clothes present. His hair and face are a different matter tough: The former's long and fuzzy and the latter's coarse and appears a little 'flat' given his stubby nose and shallow eye sockets, both more suited to a giant than a wood elf. Staring at you is a set of curious eyes with strikingly green-ish irises, but if you don't want to look at those you can enjoy strips of dark beard covering his jawline and the part above his thin lips.
PersonalityLorcan sits rather high up in terms of optimism and his exile, as ferociously unwanted as it is, has not changed much about that yet. It would not be the first time for him to happily accept a daring risk not really necessary -- not because he'd like to boast or has a secret desire for hazardous situation, but because his estimation of chances is biased and bad experiences get priority in terms of deletion. It's a layer of ostensible dumbness hiding the fact that Lorcan's mind is proper and more than capable of producing ideas that are basically sound.
However, just as his ideas sometimes lack refinement, so do other parts of his behavior: Lazyness is a very nice-to-have feature in life that should be implemented frequently, just as is with eating and drinking. There's a bit of a 'don't care' attitude to him, but that doesn't mean he wouldn't know the concept of loyality in both the positive and the negative sense. Once a certain goal has been set in his mind, he can be very tenacious to achieve it. The same holds true towards those who have managed to tag themselves friend or foe.
Background- Profession: Entertainer, both the joyful and the more vicious kind of it
- Class: Bard
- Heritage: Son of an ordinary, low-ranking family
HistoryLorcan was born in a place close to the eastern tip of the Caelic Isles called
Droichead. It is an island whose primary function is to serve as a bridging point for the two adjacent isles which are all close together, but much, much larger than Droichead. Due to its small size, rocky soil and lack of other natural resources the settlement there had only been significant as long as there had been the opportunity to make traders pay customs. This no longer was the case when Lorcan was born, so he was somewhat destined to raise in poverty and an overall rather boring environment.
The young boy tried to make some coin by entertaining people on the streets, using a simple flute and whatever other instrument he could find and learn to play. It worked, but just barely so. One could say that after a few years on the lower end of things the young Skayleigh was an all too easy catch for everyone who could promise something exciting. Lorcan joined a roaming circus that had set up camp on the Caelic isles, but which would return into Vrettonian territory soon.
Lorcan's living standard improved somewhat while he also had the opportunity to widen his horizons in terms of culture and arts. It could have been his dwelling place still if there had not been the fancy idea of its two human owners to expand their shared business by hosting exhibition fights. Small at first, but more and more serious once they noticed how much more their audience preferred it that way. Of course they needed staff for this and found a Skayleigh to be a viable candidate: Rare, unusual, taller than everyone else and with the ability to make himself appear like a tree while riding a horse -- or a tree that could suddenly backstab passer-bys. People liked it, and the learning curve the two Vrettonian's designed for the so far completely unexperienced Lorcan was gentle enough for him not only to stay alive, but to slowly erode his hesitation to hurt other beings.
The most bloodthirsty actions would still have been to come had it been not for the event that forced Lorcan to leave the North altogether.
Reason for ExileIt was an accident! No, really... Lorcan did know that the rules for all fighters stated that it was forbidden to use long-range weaponry against opponents when there was any significant danger of it hitting the stands, but from down below he just couldn't see that damn short dwarf sitting there so quickly. He thought the area behind his opponent was empty, so he launched the throwing axe anyway.
The dwarves weren't happy. In fact the loss of one rather high-ranking individual made them so pissed that the Vrettonians escalated things towards the Skayleigh clan Lorcan belonged to. Even the clan noticed they might be better off doing something about it. Giving Lorcan a death sentence however ? Hand him over to the dwarves so they could do it ? That wasn't exactly compatible with the general consensus among the Skayleigh population that they should not fight against each other. So they made an agreement that involved a more indirect method of disposal: Send Lorcan to the south, hopefully never to be seen again.
Why Lorcan was sent on the mainland and the Blood Coast in particular is a bit of a mystery to him, but not to the Vrettonian administration: The Caelic isles are isolated by the sea already anyway, so releasing him on some remote island would not have added any additional security in terms of geography. Also the sentence for him stated 'exile', not 'death', so the Skayleigh clan had been insistent about Lorcan's destination not being so extremely wild, remote and unforgiving that leaving him there alone would effectively have equaled certain death. On the main land there's at least some kind of infrastructure remotely available to help with survival so one cannot claim that the way the exile sentence has been carried out is just an unscrupulous method of even saving the coin for a proper executioner.
Putting him together with a bunch of unknown criminals of various backgrounds is quite a bit of a gamble, but frankly Lorcan wasn't worth the effort of hiring an entirely separate escort just to spare him the experience of a mass transport.
MotivationLorcan has analyzed the overall situation enough to recognize that he can't go back, even if he'd be able to just walk out of the South. So far away there's no real way for him to know whether he's still a persona non grata in his corner of the North -- and he considers his life too precious a thing to just try it out.
It would be a little hard for someone who has restrained himself to harmless street entertainment to join a band of people known to be criminals, but Lorcan has gone far beyond harmless many years ago. With his activities in the arena, killing people he effectively did not know for the sake of coin, he has effectly become some sort of a mercenary anyway. Also, just like always, he hopes that it won't become too bad.
AttributesCombat Intelligence Charisma Health - Strength
- Rejuvenation
- Stamina
Faculties Agility Mysticism
Equipment - A long knife
- A tattered cloak
- A set of brigand's clothes
- Traveling rations for one day
Money 5 silver lordlings
Character Relationships
A dwarf! He definitely looks like a force to be reckoned with and I wouldn't want to stand in his way, but I can't help but still feel anger whenever he comes into my view. It it weren't for the dwarves I wouldn't be here!
After the fight with the bandits:
So he can stand his ground, but maybe, just maybe, he could stop considering me being an idiot ?
We can consider ourselves lucky to have seen her while the harsh surroundings have not yet eradicated all of her beauty. Part of me wishes she's only here because she's a pampered noble involved in some kind of scandal and not someone truly villainous. But who knows... As much as some other part of me just wants to fully embrace her, I probably should not.
After the fight with the bandits:
I won't prevent her from committing suicide the next time! Maybe she's really a pampered noble who doesn't know shit ?
He seems to be one of the more difficult nuts to crack here, or at least he makes his hardened shell more obvious than the others. Can't truly blame him, because given his looks it probably was a very sudden fall from riches to rags. Where would my mind go in such a situation ? Let's hope he doesn't do anything really stupid.
After the fight with the bandits:
So far the lad seems to be okay. Maybe I should actually try to become friends with him.
If I still were with the Vrettonians and their wandering fair I'd definitely try to talk to my boss and make him employ her for her fierce words and general attitude. If she fights as well as she talks I probably should try to get some armor for my ankles first, because that's almost as high as she can reach in my case.
After the fight with the bandits:
My opinion hasn't changed much.
He appears to me as a dark, unfathomed abyss. Is there any spark left in this man that brightens him up from time to time ? I can't tell, and maybe I'm completely off in the first place because we're in anything but a neutral and long-lasting environment at this point, but for now I feel like having to handle Raddek with utmost care -- for my own sake that is.
After the fight with the bandits:
Maybe one of the most formidable fighters around here. Let's hope he stays with us for a while longer. However there's a big city ahead and that's an entirely different topic.