Avatar of Fetzen


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14 days ago
Current You gotta beat the cycle with simultaneity: Write a collab about how the world of your RP shall look like. The cycle should make you run at 300% effectivity then.
20 days ago
There are indications of probable impending mass layoffs at the company I work for, or alternatively significant work time reduction. Let's see if I still have a job and can pay my bills soon.
26 days ago
If the cost of dying goes up to the point I can't afford it anymore, does this make me immortal ? And if I can't afford the cost of living either, do I turn undead ?
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27 days ago
Why not create one of your own, Poo ? Is this something only ordinary users are allowed to ? ;)
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1 mo ago
Can anybody confirm that the font (or its size) used for the tags beneath interest checks and roleplays has slightly changed ? I hope it's not just my eyes ;-)
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Welcome to my profile page!

Who the hell is this person behind those many miles of fiber optics and copper cable ?

  • I'm a 34 year old guy.
  • ... who's working as a software developer
  • ... and enjoys roleplaying as a casual hobby to distract himself from ongoing stress

And into which hell will I descend with you participating in one of my roleplays?

  • I'm a fantasy addict: medieval high and low!
  • I'd consider myself to be a low casual roleplayer, 3 paragraphs per post on average.
  • My schedule varies. It might happen that I won't be able to post at all for a week, but then again it might happen that I'll reach a sweet spot inside which I can go on a posting rampage. I'd say one can expect 1-2 posts a week from me, depending on the lengths involved.
  • English is not my native language, but so far I've not encountered anyone who had had trouble with me over that :)

Want to RP with me ? Shoot me a PM, but don't shoot me!

Thanks for visiting!

Most Recent Posts

And who got the first loot ?

Do iron shackles count as exotic weaponry ?
(just kidding!)
On day one, Lorcan had been full of hope that a journey in a wagon was not the worst thing that could happen to him. He had seen the clouds, the many mounted soldiers with no roof over their heads to protect them from anything. He had also seen the road and that it probably would turn more rough at some point, had thought that they were the lucky ones who did not have to carry their own weight for the next few days.

On day two, Lorcan's neck muscles had started to ache. All the effort of trying not to bang his head against some part of the wagon's ceiling or side walls with every bump on the road had been taking its toll already. Luckily his hair was a big, fuzzy mess that could act as some sort of shock absorber.

Somewhen over the course of day three Lorcan's guts had started to protest against the food that could hardly be called such. Maybe it had been the better decision than to try and fully process it, even if the infrequent breaks had made it difficult to hold things back quite literally.

Had it been day four or five when Fenks had died ? The plus point: There now was more room, less of the nasty smell and the certainty that none of those remaining was infected. On the other hand however it still was one person who had died a painful death and while maybe some of the others didn't care, Lorcan did. And with that kind of revelation the wagon had started to feel just that tiny little bit more dirty.

Also, Lorcan would have preferred the wagon breaking a wheel than one of the horses breaking a leg. He was in no way claustrophobic, but being practically immobilized for days had felt like a very bad thing for the athletic Skayleigh. Getting out of that wagon would have taken away some of his worries, but such a change of things had been nowhere in sight. The foothills had punished his already pretty beaten head just like the mountain roads, but not harder than those either. So there had been no hope for the material breaking down then after so much survival.

And yet, after all that hardship, the way their guards just left them behind still managed to baffle him quite a bit. Weren't those iron shackles worth anything or why did they just leave them and the keys behind ? Maybe a quite tiny oddity to wonder about given his overall situation right now, but still...

The person Faeril passed the keys on to was him and greedily the half-giant rammed the keys in the crude lock. Ironically, now that the clamps had been pressing on his skin for so long, removing them actually hurt as blood was pouring back into layers of flesh that had been in lack of it for days. Lorcan looked down on himself, gently pulling back the sleeves to check whether any kind of infection had formed beneath the iron. Nothing! Maybe the only good thing this day for otherwise their situation could be considered rather bleak.

Having handed the key over to the one standing next to him, Lorcan kneeled to pick up his still warm shackles from the ground again. The thought of keeping those felt odd, but on the other hand it somehow felt satisfying and good for his sense of security to have something in his hand. Maybe that iron could send some sparks flying to start a fire ? Or maybe they could be used to beat a small animal to death for food ? Lorcan did not know, but his grip around his shackles only hardened. If they should prove to be useless ballast he could still throw them away at any time.

"Lorcan. Just Lorcan." It would be easy for anyone to notice that the Skayleigh was speaking with a bit of a weird accent. The Caelic isles were a bit of a region of their own and he could not hide that easily. "I do not have any other name."

It had not taken long for Skarsat to start enjoying the overly abundant plethora of food The Faded Lantern had to offer, although it seemed rather obvious to the Tork man that this offer was much more a special one than what any everyday guest could hope for. How much all of this would have cost if ordered by ordinary people without an assignment as critical as theirs ? Or rather: How much this Lord Vargas secretly subtracted from their reward for all of this ? Skarsat had a hard time imagining that their employer would not have calculated all of this very thoroughly, from what was on the table to the very rooms they had slept in this night.

On the other hand... if he had been nothing more than an ordinary guest this morning, Skarsat might have had it easier to just try and talk his money back out of the innkeeper's pockets, claiming that the overall atmosphere was... unpreferable and inappropriate. Or at least so it felt for him the moment Solange started her verbal siege. A piece of egg was still hanging out of a corner of his mouth as the hulking Tork raised his head, just looking at the woman -- with surprise at first, but quickly with rather obvious unhappyness that could hardly be explained by some residual morning groggyness.

Darling ? Reservation in helping himself ? Skarsat's thoughts could be summarized as follows: 'Erm... what?'. There were no such words in a Tork tribe, and right now he could just hope that there never would, even if his current judgement probably did those kind words great unjustice because it was Solange and her special way of expressing them that bothered him right now.

Since Tork tribes had come into existence they had found many phenomenons on, above and below their heated sands that they had found hard or impossible to explain, so many desert myths had formed over the ages. At some point one had found out that large grooves in the dunes were caused by nothing else than rocks being pushed around by violent gusts of wind, but that discovery had been too late to prevent the creation of a particularly nasty myth: the one of the great snails. Not great because people had liked them, but because they had been said to have been so abormously large that people had feared them.

Just like your ordinary snail, those creatures had allegedly been omnivores that had satisfied their large appetite by use of a radula. Not only had it been claimed that they had been able to cause disaster for a tribe by eating away all of the fruits a much needed oasis had to offer, but they had even been given the ability to attack any unwary wanderer directly. In your sleep they'd come at you at their shameful pace, slide aover your body, suffocate you with their weight while grinding away your skin at the same time.

Solange's words just seemed to do the same thing. That woman was a very good big snail impersonator. Unfortunately deploying any of the countermeasures a tribe would have had to offer against such a hypothetical threat would have caused big trouble for himself. So there was no other choice but to stand fast and bear all of it.

"Have you ever tried bare silence ? Maybe that's the best or second best thing you can give ?" No smile and no grin either. Skarsat's words were pretty dry, but even that already was the result of filtering out the negative emotions he currently had. "And handing me that plate over there certainly is the other thing, right ?" Now he tried to put up a slight smile, but whether it would have success and not come across as a pretty forced thing was to be questioned. He did not want to start an argument with Solange or anyone else right on the first morning, but he felt no need to hide his true feelings all too excessively either.

"A big man needs big food. That large plate, please." and he pointed to a pretty big one filled to the brim with bread, cheese and bacon.
Accepted as well! Just give a reason he would be taken to be sentence on the mainland. And he needs to be on the prison wagon too, so just provide a solid reason and he's good.

Would the following meet the criteria of a good reason ?

Why Lorcan was sent on the mainland and the Blood Coast in particular is a bit of a mystery to him, but not to the Vrettonian administration: The Caelic isles are isolated by the sea already anyway, so releasing him on some remote island would not have added any additional security in terms of geography. Also the sentence for him stated 'exile', not 'death', so the Skayleigh clan had been insistent about Lorcan's destination not being so extremely wild, remote and unforgiving that leaving him there alone would effectively have equaled certain death. On the main land there's at least some kind of infrastructure remotely available to help with survival so one cannot claim that the way the exile sentence has been carried out is just an unscrupulous method of even saving the coin for a proper executioner.

Putting him together with a bunch of unknown criminals of various backgrounds is quite a bit of a gamble, but frankly Lorcan wasn't worth the effort of hiring an entirely separate escort just to spare him the experience of a mass transport. There's a lot of coin to be saved by handling things more efficiently...

Just wanting to ask before putting something stupid in the CS tab!
Apologies for not having updated Lorcan yet. Release weeks suck!

Also, looking at the height chart, I think if I'd gone for the An-Hasst route it would have been even more fun He was a tad taller than Lorcan.
Guess I'll fall asleep right were I sit now, hope it's not too bad!

Halfway done with my cutie!

Skarsat's sleep, at least this night, could be considered a very deep one for sure. Had the encounter with Vargas and his 'entourage' of parfumed women drained all of that well-trained Tork hardship out of him, or had the wine he had poured down so aggressively just to get done with its bad taste flushed away his general wariness ? Or, maybe, had the prolonged exposure to the comforts of the east made him soft so he could just drop dead onto a big bed instead of having to care about wild animals and the tribe's decision to get moving in the middle of the night ?

Whatever it was, Skarsat currently lacked the motivation to care about when he woke up. He bumped his head against one of the ceiling's supporting beams as he tried to raise to his full height and rubbed his scalp. No blood shed, but a reason to look forward to sleep under a free night's sky again. Through the blurry mess that was his vision right after wakeup, Skarsat could see a mistake he had made hours earlier: leave the window open when there were festivities going on! Pidgeons, seagulls and other birds who had accustomed themselves to the busy life of Guillan had happily accepted the opportunity to sit down and relax instead of having to search for food while flying. Had their wing flaps and cooing caused him to wake up ? Maybe.

A lot worse however was the fact that birds were clever beings who tended to toss any surplus weight overboard before taking off, so the window's ledge, the wall and the floor right next to the window on the inside were littered with the occasional bit of poo. One of those birds even still dared to sit on the ledge and stare down at what remained of the festivity's remains! What would Percy say if he'd be delivered a pidgeon for cooking with its head torn off ? Skarsat realized it had only potential to turn over some of the other people's stomachs while creating even more of a mess around the window, so he abandoned the thought quickly. Still the bird found itself pushed away from the ledge not exactly gently -- and the window shut behind it with a loud bang.

A staircase's abundant creaking announced the tork man's approach and, with a facial expression that told a story about some unfinished sleep, sat down at the place of his choice: near the wall with not that many chairs adjacent to it. A few people were okay, but he did not like things overcrowded. Percival was busy as if the man had not slept at all. What kind of jobs had the poor man already had on his list ? If he was looking forward to this weird party's departure one could hardly blame him, could one ?

Skarsat collected a few smallre fruits, some eggs and a large piece of bread. Doing so he spotted a piece of parchment apparently laid out for them: the Bazaar vendors ? Good to know. Skarsat could see little use in buying some exotic birds or other pets before departure, but some additional arrows and provisions could definitely come in handy.
Detects Skayleigh vibes here
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