Avatar of Fetzen


Recent Statuses

11 days ago
Current You gotta beat the cycle with simultaneity: Write a collab about how the world of your RP shall look like. The cycle should make you run at 300% effectivity then.
17 days ago
There are indications of probable impending mass layoffs at the company I work for, or alternatively significant work time reduction. Let's see if I still have a job and can pay my bills soon.
23 days ago
If the cost of dying goes up to the point I can't afford it anymore, does this make me immortal ? And if I can't afford the cost of living either, do I turn undead ?
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23 days ago
Why not create one of your own, Poo ? Is this something only ordinary users are allowed to ? ;)
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28 days ago
Can anybody confirm that the font (or its size) used for the tags beneath interest checks and roleplays has slightly changed ? I hope it's not just my eyes ;-)
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Welcome to my profile page!

Who the hell is this person behind those many miles of fiber optics and copper cable ?

  • I'm a 34 year old guy.
  • ... who's working as a software developer
  • ... and enjoys roleplaying as a casual hobby to distract himself from ongoing stress

And into which hell will I descend with you participating in one of my roleplays?

  • I'm a fantasy addict: medieval high and low!
  • I'd consider myself to be a low casual roleplayer, 3 paragraphs per post on average.
  • My schedule varies. It might happen that I won't be able to post at all for a week, but then again it might happen that I'll reach a sweet spot inside which I can go on a posting rampage. I'd say one can expect 1-2 posts a week from me, depending on the lengths involved.
  • English is not my native language, but so far I've not encountered anyone who had had trouble with me over that :)

Want to RP with me ? Shoot me a PM, but don't shoot me!

Thanks for visiting!

Most Recent Posts

If it's about bandit clothing and blood stains it would have been logical to inspect everyone obviously associated with those wearing those items, the whole party so to speak :P
I had settled for what to try in the post before either writing it down or doing the roll. Then I wrote the post after the roll, not before. So I knew I had to come up with something that would not be very well suited for success. That's why I wrote that comment in the first place. Basically Lorcan is bursting in shit talk.

And like said, so far noone has presented any better alternative :P

Also... Lorcan is convinced about what he says. For him the guard's whole approach is just so horribly superficial it's screaming in his face to be addressed.
As long as the guards don't attack us, something I clearly can't see any reason for given that Lorcan has only tried to talk to them, we get at least some entertainment for our money.

Also: What would an alternative route have been to 'help them out' ? Would it have been better ?

I'm sorry that my post was doomed to end in failure from the very beginning as I saw that '1' from the guild's dice roller :/
I meant just away from the group :) Your post gave the impression to me that you assumed he'd be in listening range to the others, or is it me who's mistaken ?
Lorcan let go of an internal sigh. So exactly what part about them had put them above the threshold from which on the guards of this place considered an individual to be a potential 'ruffian' ? The Skayleigh darted a quick glance over towards those of their party that had been allowed to enter without harm and a spontaneous suspicion came into mind:

"Erm... excuse me, but is it a mere coincidence that we four clearly represent the more muscular part of our group ? Is that the criterion for you to decide who's to pay the tax and who isn't ?"

He had been a bard long enough to have some training in spontaneous talking, even though this time it was not so much meant for entertainment but for an actual conversation with some degree of sincerity.

"As someone who clearly is on the less agile side of things I can tell you that small people have their own methods for causing turmoil that are on equal terms with what 'ruffians' can do: A foul word here, a dagger there, a well placed spit in one's face or maybe even some scheming and you have people go after each other just as well. Of course you are not the city council, but I want to be honest and express my doubt about the validity of the chosen method. I do not believe it brings more security, but on the contrary..."

When referencing to 'foul words', Lorcan had a bit of a hard time not to look at a certain Burrahob. He did not want to cast anybody in a negative light here, but maybe for the others it was already obvious enough whom he was talking about.

"You are depriving the city of able bodied men and women since not everyone of them might be willing or able to pay the tax others do not have to pay in the first place. Yet at the same time you do not look at anybody's mental state or personality which, in my opinion, is the very first thing to check if you want to scan for potential troublemakers."

Lorcan took a deep breath before he continued.

"So, how long do you think will the city's economy be able to feed off such an imbalanced, greatly biased workforce ? And how long do you think will it take until the city council realizes that the current tax system does hardly improve security at all ?"

There were a few other things in Lorcan's mind still. That they could just wait for the next shift and make another attempt, speculating on none of the new guards having been told about their ugly faces, for example. Or that maybe he'd be able to convince Raddek and Reyvadin to carry him into the city in a plant tub in order to save 2 silver lordlings. Or did potentially malicious plants have to pay taxes in this place as well ?

Now that has thoroughly derailed for me... I hoped that writing 'but it dawned upon him that he'd have to recite it far away from the others' would be enough of a hint that Lorcan would not be so stupid to blast it out in front of everyone right away, but merely think of it or at least wait until he'd be out of immediate acoustic range.

Now see what has happened. He's absolutely screwed now
Manald Halung

Down in the dungeons ?

It took a mere moment for the lycanthrope to understand that this could only mean that not everything had gone according to plan this night. There simply was no reason the beastman could imagine that would make any of the persons mentioned spend his or her good night's sleep in the dungeons instead of some more comfortable place, unless something serious had happened. His own departure from the dormatory had only been caused by special circumstances as well after all.

What could that special reason be ? Another open attack at night would have resulted in general alarm, but such was nowhere to be heard. Also any issues in the city not related to any attackers would probably be delegated towards the mayor and his subordinates instead of bothering the military presence here. So all that was left to think of were more assassins. It would make sense to gather in the dungeon then, a more controllable position than being spread thin throughout the entire building. A development he might have missed in the meantime!

Manald hurried down the stone staircases, the claws on his feet preventing him from slipping more than once as he paid little attention to the placement of his huge feet on the steps. If the whole affair had been a big waterslide instead of a staircase... he'd have used it happily anyway. Unfortunately 'dungeons' only gave a rough indication that his destination had to be somewhere 'downstairs', but the exact path to the Captain remained unclear until he started asking the guards. Those however did not seem to be very fond of his appearance and it took a rather annoying number of presentations of his insignia to get some definite information. At least that meant that security was working here, or was it ? What if assassins had indeed managed to enter the castle as well ?

Manald could not spot any more dubious persons with suspicious demeanor, clothes or behavior down there however, albeit he spared himself from looking into each and every cell. He walked through as many hallways as he could before coming to the firm belief that he had seen everything at least once. The overall situation seemed calm enough to Manald that he deemed his further presence down here unncessary. Also the whole affair had taken so long that entirely continuing on his own would have been quite inefficient. Maybe others already had more of a general idea what was going on, or at least they would be able to tell him that they had no clue so he'd be able to tell them to be careful!

Also... would turning into full wolf have made the whole process a lot faster ? Just releasing an infernal howl straight from hell and scare off any intruders even if they're two levels above because they don't know that there's a 'friendly' lycanthrope around ? And many others would have gathered to investigate, so he'd have had an easy time getting an initial head count! The idea sounded tempting, but the imagination of just how disgruntled many of the castle's legitimate inhabitants could be after such a course of action did not.

So, an uncomforting bunch of both minutes and guards later, Manald found himself in the spymaster's quarters on a mere two feet, as usual. Firmly believing that more had happened than just himself encountering two assassins on the open street, the beastman addressed the other person:

"I want a full report! Have 'my' two assassins been the only ones ?"
We have a kind of druid who can probably talk to trees so why stop at human characters?

Which character do you mean ?
My favorite thing about Lorcan is that he just comes up with diss tracks for everyone he doesn't like, seemingly regularly.

Well I'm glad there's somebody who likes them :)

I hope the party won't get any bigger, it's already quite time consuming to come up with a track for everyone
In Forsaken 4 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

So this was the town people called 'Forsaken' ?

What a weird and out-of-the-norm name considering that people tended to whitewash downsides and exaggerate the positives about the things they, for some reason, called their property. This settlement indeed appeared to be rather forsaken to Mardyn. God-forsaken to be precise, simply because god probably would never allow the existence of a place so dusty and littered with the remains of everybody's business which, of course, seemed more focused on profit and speed than on sustainability.

Or was this opinion and first impression just heavily biased towards the negative ? Maybe because the inhabitants of Forsaken so far had done very little to give Mardyn a warm welcome ? Maybe the first bunch of people that had still turned their heads long after he had passed them had rendered him a bit paranoid, but there only seemed to come more and more of them! With their greedy eyes they stopped dead in their tracks and inadvertently formed temporary, human roadblocks that required evasive action more often than not. And had he just heard someone saying 'Look! He doesn't even have a gun!' ?

The good thing was that this Mr. Garrick had to be rich, even extremely rich to be able to spend no less than 15,000 gold coins on a mere escort job. Mardyn considered the odds of this being a fraud to be low given that even a rich man might cease to sleep well if an entire bunch of mercenaries was out there waiting to release their anger against him. So... whereever the estate Mardyn was looking for was... it had to be big and eexquisite. This inevitably meant that it was way easier to find than your average building -- a big plus considering the overall situation.

Half an hour later or so, the goliath found himself in front of a pair of gold-plated gates. Weren't those excessively impractical ? Gold was soft and easy to break through so the defensive value was dubious. Also some poor soul probably had to clean them every other day in order to maintain exactly the same shiny appearance that had such great potential to burn an innocent visitor's eyes out right away if the sun came in from the right angle. The walls looked way better though, solid and well built. Just how unfathomably deep had the pockets of Mr. Garrick to be in order to afford and maintain all of this ? The idea of switching business briefly streaked across Mardyn's mental horizon like a shooting star, just long enough to be noticed before intuition kicked in and reminded him that his duties were at complete discord with this thought.

Mardyn had been standing at the golden gates for less than five minutes before the latter were opened from inside and a finely dressed man with pointy ears approached him, craning his neck to inspect the newcomer.

"Sir, maybe I ask for your appointment ?" came it out of the butler's mouth with quite blatant training in terms of politeness.

Oh, yes! Gray hands larger than plates started patting down the clothes on Mardyn's skin until they finally caused the characteristic rustle of paper. From the inner pocket of his shirt, Mardyn presented the letter he had received from Mr. Garrick. The half-elf's facial expression switched from curiosity to sincerity as he started reading, only to suffer from a brief glitch of disappointment seconds later before returning to normal. Damn, this big guy was not part of the demolition team that was scheduled to finally tear down that abandoned building nearby!

"You may enter. I'll guide you to the study where the others have assembled."

The place was a palace... Never before had Mardyn seen anything that had come even close to the superb craftsmanship and artistic value so openly visible. He couldn't help but feel admiration, while at the same time he was disgusted. No mortal person could do so much work with her very own hands to earn all of this! Or, in other words and according to Mardyn's logic, many others had been given less than they had worked for. This was not exactly a bonus for his sympathy for this ominous Mr. Garrick.

The goliath entered the study using a duck-and-sideways technique for the doorframe was sufficient neither for his height nor for the broadness of his shoulders. He knew himself that this had potential for causing laughter, but saw little choice to do otherwise. Some others were already there and Mardyn dared to dart a quick glance towards everyone of them, silently nodding as a form of greeting at the same time.

The first thing to strike his mind was the presence of the large tiefling. This Mr. Garrick clearly wasn't picky in the traditional sense of most people, otherwise he might not have chosen one of the devilish kind. Mardyn did not exactly share this common prejudice, but he also wan't oblivious to its rather ubiquitous existence. The man clearly gave the impression of an able bodied fighter, just like what was to be expected.

Then there was the.... Genasi ? Mardyn had always had a little trouble with distinguishing them from some of the other races, but she just had to be a Fire Genasi he tried to reassure himself. Fragile and looking as if capable of being blown away by a gust of wind just like a mere tumbleweed, the goliath had to remind himself not to underestimate this individual to begin with. There were firearms, there was magic and there was speed. He expected not to be surprised when she'd display all three of them one day.

The Orc called Rokkit was hard to overlook. Couldn't the greenskin just have been a little more respectful to take of this massive armor before stepping in ? He certainly wouldn't need that in here, would he ? And Mr. Garrick probably wouldn't be fond of some scratches on his expensive floor caused by unnecessary heavy boots either. Needless to say that the couch looked as if nobody else could dare to sit down there as well even if there was enough room left. On the plus side the Orc's bulk underneath was hard to overlook. It would most likely need a lot more than one humble revolver shot to get this one down, except maybe for a quite exceptional marksman.

The tabaxi appeared like another bulwark of a man, but Mardyn deemed Drops of Rain to be much more unfortunate than the Orc once he spotted the prosthetic. He felt pity, but didn't express it openly at this point. If he had understood things correctly, everyone here had been more or less hand picked by their employer, so either Mr. Garrick was an ignorant fool or the individual in front of Mardyn's eyes was still capable of proving himself.

And another cat! Mardyn started to like Thunder's fur already even if, in his opinion, the number of different browns spread across Thunder's clothes didn't undo the utter mismatch of color. More bare black instead of brown and one ridiculous hat with openings for special ears less would have been better!

Just as Mardyn's view turned away in order to find a place to sit down for himself he saw something else. The subtle sight instantly cast a gentle smirk on his face which he did not hesitate to show towards the half-elf butler who still stood behind him. The goliath's right hand reached for the top of a large bookshelf and swept across it: dust! Some of the house's servants hadn't dared to take a little shortcut because this Mr. Garrick probably couldn't see this without a ladder anyway, had they ?

Then Mardyn sat down on the bare floor, not trusting any of the furniture present to suit him well.
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