That bow had cost a considerable lot of coin! However, as Skarsat proceeded away from the stand, it dawned upon him that it would also cost him a decent bit of privacy. His very self was obviously quite well suited to attract some attention by innocent passer-bys, but that almost ludicrously large weapon on his back put up some serious competition for the prying eyes almost immediately. The problem was that it was next to impossible to discern those people looking at him from those rather looking at the bow on his back. It just and felt the same and that feeling was not good. Skarsat was used to stares, but not in such quantity as it could only happen on a very popular market in a very large city like this one.
This whole part of the world just kept feeling a little
too populated. The prospect of getting out of here clearly was one of the pros of the sea journey ahead of them, even if it meant sharing the confined space of a naval vessel with a lot of other people for a bunch of days. There were other potential issues about a sea journey, too, but these could be fixed if he'd just do the right thing while he still could...
One of them was to prevent himself from vomiting all other the deck! Skarsat had very little illusions about his compatibility with the open sea for the nonexistence of said compatibiliity had become pretty obvious the last time he had dared to put his foot onto a ship. How many times had he been at sea at all in his life so far ? Skarsat had never cared about counting, but there was that certain memory about it being 'very few'. He clearly needed to do something about, get something against his potential see sickness.
His eyes searched for a merchant that might have the things he needed, but what he found was Solange. Why on earth did that filthy woman have to lurk at the one apothecary's stand that seemed to be the most trustworthy, if not even the only one around here ? He could not just wait here forever until she was gone, if not for the sake of his patience then for the sake of the man in the barrel... Yet on the other hand he could not just rush in there for he was looking forward to pretty much anything except yet another confrontation that would even take place in the public.
Get away from her!
Get away from her, you bitch!
Just... GET... AWAY! Stop talking and start buying before I dump your beautiful visage into the oily waters of this very port!
"Oh! Something against sea sickness ? Sure, I have that. So it's true that what some people say, that your kind rarely reaches out for the sea but prefers to stay on land ? Who could not understand that! But you don't think that the waters would be poisonous, do you ? All those stupid rumors!"
Ziva shook her head while presenting her customer a mixture of smiling and laughing. It seemed as if she was trying to bridge over the time she took for her search of the item in question with some bubbly smalltalk. Skarsat listened in while at least trying to fake some interest, but in reality his eyes kept glancing over towards the cart where Neh'miah was still stowed away in some makeshift... disguise.
"Here it is! I'd recommend taking double doses for you, given your look!"
And then she suddenly froze, looking him up and down quite blatantly. "Say... The pretty woman that just walked out here... I know I maybe shouldn't talk about that, but I can't help but say that she mentioned a very big Tork. That doesn't happen to be you, does it ? She said you were starting to like her! Good choice I'd say!" and Ziva grinned.
"How much is it ?" Skarsat snapped back, cutting off whatever words might have spilled out of Ziva's mouth next. She however just silently pointed at a large wooden board where a quite long-ish list of items and prices had been written down with chalk. Yes, she liked to be prepared for all those petty, common questions! Not spending so much time on those just left more time for getting in touch with one's customers!
Yet as Ziva was already busy with how to formulate her next questions in a way that would not come across as an intrusion into one's privacy while at the same time being capable of yielding the answers her nosiness liked, the Tork's giant hand already slammed onto the poor table and left behind a number of coins that -- unfortunately! -- was quite sufficient. He walked away, taking the goods just bought with him in the process.
So it seemed Solange had found her way towards the cart in the meantime. The bad thing ? Well, it was her! The good thing ? If anything such as a lack of breathable air would have happened to Neh'miah in the meantime, he had all right to blame her as well! Still the poor thief had nothing to do with all of this and was to be liberated from his suffering, Skarsat thought.
"If you'll allow..."Skarsat took a brief look around, checking whether there was anybody looking right now. Then he rammed the palm of his hand so hard against one of the barrel's staves that it cracked, opening up a two small gaps left and right that would allow for some air exchange.
"Should have thought of that right away... This way we can pretend we're taking away some defective barrels along some proper ones and noone will be eager to check for some pricey wine in there for obvious reasons!"