Wasn't the Black Knight "None shall pass," though?
2 yrs ago
You ever realize that you haven't changed your status in months, go back to change it, and then wonder what the *fuck* your previous status was even talking about?
3 yrs ago
No, no, they clearly are referring to Ohio -- which Georgia is geographically south of, so the theory is still sound.
▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ {"Sorry. I don't intend to be rude - it's just that you don't make any sense, so communication is difficult."} - Main Hexcode || #F50A83 ||| Secondary Hexcode || #0A8BF5 - {Jitter Doll || JubyPhonic} "Watching from far away... What do you think you see?" ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬
{"I guess I've never really particularly 'wanted' anything. Does that really make me so strange?"} ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬
Personality Fumika strikes one almost immediately as a rather strange girl. Her demeanor is very subdued and quiet, and she seldom reaches out to other people. This isn't to say she's unfriendly or antisocial, as she will usually speak when spoken to unless she's particularly distracted. Rather, it's more like she simply doesn't choose to talk to others unless they first choose to talk to her. That much aside, it's also very hard to get an idea of what exactly she's thinking, since her expression seldom seems to change. She always seems focused on something, like she's intently watching her surroundings, or contemplating some deep mystery of which only she is aware. Yet, despite - or perhaps because of - this singleminded focus, she also seems incredibly oblivious and spacey, like she's always got her head stuck in the clouds. Maybe it's because she's always so lost in her own thoughts that she doesn't often start conversations with others?
Regardless, she seems like an honest, good-natured person. The problem is that "good-natured" doesn't necessarily mean "nice," and "honest" doesn't necessarily mean "polite." She certainly doesn't seem to be trying to be rude, and will readily apologize for any perceived insult on her part. But, even so, she can be very difficult to talk to, since she can be very stubborn, and only seems to see things from her own point of view. What's worse, she doesn't seem to understand what "tact" is, and as such, speaks incredibly bluntly. If she doesn't understand the way someone is acting, or doesn't get their reasoning, she'll much more often say something like "You don't make sense" than something like "I don't understand, please explain," as if since their thoughts don't make sense to her, they don't make any sense by some kind of absolute, objective standard. Because of this, she can oftentimes innocently end up pointing out flaws that people would rather not hear about, making her something of a nuisance. And yet, when people are offended by her words, Fumika seems honestly surprised, taken aback, and even remorseful, readily apologizing each and every time. As such, it's unlikely that she intends to be rude. She's just very bad at social interaction, and doesn't seem to realize that she's the weird one. At the same time, though, this same crippling flaw of hers can also make her come off as very endearing and sweet, since if somebody does something she finds praiseworthy, she won't hesitate to tell them in the most direct manner possible that what they did was good. She especially looks up to those who she sees as heroes, being a very devoted follower of almost anyone who's willing to do the right thing regardless of the risk or the cost. She's no hypocrite, either - or at least, is trying very hard not to be one, since she's generous almost to a fault. If someone said they needed her very clothing, she'd probably strip and give it to them without a second thought. Admittedly, this may in part be because of how oblivious she is, but she clearly means well, regardless.
On a related note, manners isn't the only thing she doesn't really get. Fumika and the concept of personal space don't seem to be acquainted - at least, in regards to those who are important to her. If Fumika feels emotionally attached to or intrigued by somebody, she tends to get very clingy, sticking close to them and hanging off of them like they're her own personal security blanket. This is actually rather strange, since towards anybody she doesn't share this connection to, she tends to be quite physically distant, shying away from physical contact with anyone she's not particularly close to. In this sense, she's almost like a young child, clinging to those she views as family and viewing outsiders with distrust.
This comparison may be more apt than one might realize, as she's a tremendously curious individual. As mentioned earlier, it always seems like there's something or other that's caught her interest entirely, and thus, more often than not, she can be seen observing something or someone, curious about how it works or who they are. With the zeal of child in a toy store, she thus lives romping from one new thing to the next. These novelties could be anything, ranging from treats, games, and fanciful trinkets to interesting philosophies or people. On this note, it's important to make a distinction. Although Fumika's emotional growth was undoubtedly stunted at some point, she's most certainly not an idiot, intellectually speaking. Gifted with an incredibly keen memory as a side-effect of her Quirk, she uses this to her advantage by amassing a veritable database of knowledge inside her head and putting it to use in any way she can. A tremendously creative and introspective individual, she gathers information on everything she can find around her. By observing her surroundings and understanding everything she can, she becomes a little bit better prepared to cope with the world around her. And, by observing other people working hard for what they believe in, maybe she can get a better idea of what it is, exactly, she herself wants to strive for. Such is her reasoning, and thus is why, even if she doesn't often interact with others, she often watches them with a keen interest.
As mentioned before, it's very difficult to figure out what exactly Fumika is thinking about. This is due to the fact that, quite simply, despite her somewhat childish mentality, she has a surprising level of control over how much she actually emotes. She doesn't seem gloomy, necessarily, nor does she seem happy despite her tremendous concentration and the underlying childish energy she displays so freely. Rather, she usually just seems kind of... blank. She doesn't really show many expressions, or rather, what expressions she does show all seem very understated. A slight upward curl of her lips is like a smile or a laugh, a faint frown of frustration is akin to an angry outburst, a glum sigh is like tears, and awkward fidgeting akin to fear or unease. It's this overwhelmingly stoic front that makes her seem so serious, since she ponders everything, be it a joke or an honest question, with the same unreadable poker face.
Speaking of jokes, when it comes to that sort of thing, Fumika is... well, she's about as dense when it comes to recognizing things like sarcasm as she is when it comes to speaking with tact. She's very literal-minded, and doesn't really get things like metaphors or facetious statements. Given her blunt honesty, and the fact that she seldom, if ever knowingly lies, it's quite possible that she just doesn't comprehend the utility of sharing information if that information isn't either guaranteed to be true or, at the very least, something she earnestly believes in. However, even if it's easy to "fool her once," as it were, she's not quite so naive as you might think, as she's long since discovered that people are capable of telling falsehoods. What's more, given her Quirk, it's very difficult for her to forget a lesson once she's learned it. Because of this, she actually tends not to trust people easily, taking what they say at face value, but picking it apart with constant vigilance, always on guard against deception. Her trust, once lost, isn't easily regained.
Regardless, Fumika is a living pile of idiosyncrasies, and quite a handful to deal with, regardless of her good intentions. Perhaps it's because of this that she doesn't seem to have many friends? I say "many" rather than "any" because there is one close friend about whom she speaks at great length when given even the slightest prodding, displaying a certain joy just in mentioning her that clashes completely with her usual stoicism. This "Haruka," whom she seems to idolize, was apparently her inspiration for becoming a Hero, although she doesn't really go into detail on that count. In any case, most people around her seem to keep her at arms' length, and she responds in kind, content to keep living within her own little world. It's almost as though she's simply observing her own life rather than living it, and finds trying to understand other people as difficult as they find trying to understand her.
Perhaps, beyond her seriousness and outward cool... there isn't really anything else to her?
Perhaps, Fumika is simply empty - although what she's missing, who can say...?
{"Becoming a Hero... even if I'm lonely... if it makes people happy - if it makes Haruka happy - then I'll do it."} ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬
Background "Top heroes often have stories about them from their school days. Most of these stories have one thing in common: their bodies moved before they had the chance to think." - All-Might
The story of the girl who would one day become the heroine Replicorder is a little different. True, she herself acted without hesitation when faced with danger, but even so, it was she herself who ended up being saved by a true hero on that day.
Born into a small town in the countryside, Fumika's life was rather unremarkable until she reached age 13. However, although it was unremarkable, it wasn't unimportant. From a young age, her parents realized she was a bit... off, somehow. She was always earnest, saying exactly how she felt without any sort of filter. At first, there weren't any problems, but as she and the children around her grew older, she was slowly pushed away from them, as her honest answers seemed to them like insults and criticisms. It only grew worse when her Quirk - a combination of her father's ability to perfectly recall things he'd seen and his mother's ability to create simple constructs of energy from her own body - first appeared, as, compared to those around her, she felt as though her own efforts were impermanent and, ultimately, meaningless. Feeling rejected and unable to express herself, over time, Fumika simply gave up, resigning herself to fading into the background as a mere observer of her surroundings rather than a participant in them. And, were it not for the arrival of one Harukaze Haruka, her life probably would have remained this way forever.
Haruka was a transfer student, possessed of boundless energy and a singular drive to help others. She wasn't exactly widely liked due to her overwhelming attitude of her responsibility, which some of her classmates found to be condescension. However, to Fumika, she was a hero, since unlike her, Haruka had a strong belief in something, and was willing and able to put in the effort to make a difference in the world around her. Haruka, for her part, took a liking to Fumika for her honesty, and so took the young girl under her wing. As the two grew older, Haruka hatched a simple dream: she wanted to become a pro hero, and wanted Fumika to help her as her sidekick. Fumika, without any particular aptitudes or dreams of her own, agreed. So it was that from this time forward, Haruka was Fumika's best friend, and Fumika was Haruka's devoted sidekick and follower.
Haruka is likely to thank for Fumika's athleticism. Possessed of a Quirk that allowed her to vastly amplify the physical strength of her legs, she was capable of moving at unbelievable speeds, forcing Fumika to sprint just to keep pace whenever they trained together. Although her ability wasn't exactly flashy, Fumika still envied Haruka for her strength, something which Fumika's less direct abilities lacked. Wanting to be more like her, Fumika gave her training her best effort, not wanting to slow the friend she so respected down.
Their futures looked promising, regardless. They definitely had what it took to become heroes - or so they thought. However, not everything always goes as planned, and Haruka's dream was no exception. One day, on a day like any other, an impulsive student unable to control his fire Quirk lost his temper, and accidentally caused an explosion that lit the school they attended ablaze, in addition causing a collapse that trapped Fumika and Haruka's entire class in their burning classroom. Thinking quickly, Fumika used her Quirk to create copies of several trees she'd recorded on a whim, using these to hold up the falling ceiling while the rest of the class evacuated through the window. However, she herself couldn't move without looking away from at least one of her projections, and the ceiling was only barely holding up as it was. As such, she was forced to stand stock still, even as the fire spread behind her, licking at her back. Haruka, realizing her friend was in jeopardy, rushed back in to save her, but was too late. The choking smoke caused Fumika to blink, and her projections collapsed, taking the ceiling with them. Determined to save her friend, Haruka pushed her Quirk to its very limits, grabbing Fumika and then leaping backward with all the strength she could muster, absorbing the force of the sudden acceleration and the collision with the classroom's windows with her own body so that Fumika wouldn't be hurt, and furthermore taking the brunt of the fall.
Her desperate plan worked. They both got out alive, but at a great cost to Haruka. The leg she'd used to jump with, accelerating beyond her limits, was reduced to pulp. What was worse, several of her ribs were broken, and several discs in her spine were knocked out of place. Although her broken bones were fixed through surgery, there was nothing that the understaffed hospital in the rural area the two lived in could do about her destroyed leg. They were forced to amputate one of the limbs containing all that strength Fumika had so admired, and the girl who had once sprinted far out ahead of her was now forced to hobble along on crutches.
Haruka was heartbroken at her loss, but told Fumika that she didn't regret her decisions. After all, even if she had lost all hope of becoming a hero, at least her best friend was safe. But now, Haruka had no dreams to strive for, and all the effort they'd given seemed to have been for naught. So it was that with no goals of her own, Fumika made a decision: she'd go into the Hero program, get into the best school she could, and become a heroine worthy of carrying on the dream Haruka had entrusted to her. After a year of working tirelessly to prepare and master her Quirk to the best of her ability, she applied to several prestigious schools. And, much to her surprise, her effort paid off: she was accepted into the high-ranking Komei Academy, where she's now starting her training as a first year...
{"If you can't become a Hero, then I'll become one for you."}
{"That's just how I am. I see things that I admire, and I counterfeit them."}
{"So please smile, Haruka... Even just a little bit would be fine."}
{"I'll use my power to copy your strength, and grant that wish of yours."} ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬
Fumika can perfectly remember things she's observed and project copies of them. In the case of objects or copies of living beings, these copies have all the properties of the original, but become intangible when they leave the user's line of sight, and disappear completely if the user goes beyond about 15 meters away from them, which varies based on the complexity of the copy. She can also recreate things like forces, but can only do so within about a meter of her person. Aside from projecting copies of herself based on her own personal memories, Fumika can only project things she's deliberately recorded. She also can't record and project at the same time, having to switch between doing one and doing the other.
There are very obvious tells that indicate what she's doing, with her eyes shifting color and a marking appearing in her hair and shifting shape and color depending on how she's using her Quirk. Her eyes go pinkish-red with a matching dot to indicate that she's recording, and go green with a similarly colored arrow appearing in her hair to indicate that she's playing back something already recorded. They remain blue when her powers aren't in use, with a flashing || symbol appearing momentarily in her hair before vanishing when she turns her Quirk off. There's also a ring of matching color that appears in a band running through her hair. As she uses her powers, this ring fades bit by bit, serving as a battery readout for her Quirk. Once it runs out entirely, she can't use her powers anymore, and, what's more, she'll likely pass out on the spot. This battery can only be refilled by sleeping, and she'll feel unnaturally sluggish and sleepy until it's recharged.
Her ahoge acts as an antenna, allowing her to broadcast her recordings. If it gets cut off, drenched, or otherwise prevented from standing on end, her range will be limited specifically to her own person. Her braids, meanwhile, are an indicator of how much memory she has left to store recordings. They come unraveled as she records more and more data. When they unravel completely, she can't record any more without overwriting or deleting existing recordings. Similarly to her ahoge, if these are destroyed or soaked with water while her Quirk is active, she'll lose all the data stored on them. Until they are restored to normal, she can't record anything.
Even without using her Quirk to help her, Fumika is astonishingly acrobatic, having practiced free-running rather extensively to keep up with her much more agile friend and mentor, Haruka. Her other main advantages are her incredibly keen memory and sense of creativity, which allows her to come up with ways to use whatever recordings she has on hand to solve problems they might not initially seem suited to. She's also very determined, and tends to never give up if she can help it.
However, conversely, she's also very oblivious when it comes to dealing with other people, and doesn't know her own limits. She also lacks confidence in herself, even despite her resolve, which means she'll oftentimes cling to a course of action out of sheer stubbornness even if she holds no belief that she'll actually be able to succeed. What's more, her Quirk has several crippling weaknesses and doesn't directly strengthen her at all: two factors which can be exploited to render her effectively Quirkless under the right circumstances.
▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ {"It's not that my sister has bad intentions. It's just that she's dumb as a sack of bricks."} - Main Hexcode || #FF741D ||| Secondary Hexcode || #DFD989 ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬
{"I know it isn't. It makes me feel stuffy, so I don't wear it. Besides, don't I look pretty cool like this? I've got a kinda rebellious vibe."}
{"Not really. You look like you just woke up and you're running late. ...But then you'd need a piece of toast... Toast. I'm hungry."}
{"S-shut up! What do you know about style, anyway? ...Aaaaaand she's not even paying attention anymore. Stupid sis..."} ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬
{"Sister... Do you hate me?"} ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬
• Backstory •
Asuka, unlike her sister, has mostly lived a fairly ordinary life. She never had trouble making friends at school, never was truly isolated save by her own choice, and generally simply passed her time in idle amusement, surrounded by friends, playmates, and acquaintances. She wasn't even there on the day of the fire that nearly killed her sister, as due to a stroke of luck on her part, she just so happened to be at home, sick.
However, it's precisely because of the ordinary way she lived her life that she rapidly became unable to understand her sister. When both were children, Fumika would constantly follow Asuka around, doing whatever it was her sister wanted to do. While at first Asuka didn't really mind this - having her big sister there to play with her no matter what was pretty fun, even if she was kind of spacey - when she began making more friends of her own, she quickly grew annoyed at Fumika's constant presence. Her constant inane questions and creepy staring started getting on the nerves of not only Asuka's friends, but eventually, Asuka herself. They did their best to avoid or otherwise leave Fumika behind so that they wouldn't have to put up with her weird attitude ruining their fun. Although Fumika never once protested this, she finally asked Asuka one day why nobody would spend time with her. She might have been dense, but even she came to the obvious conclusion.
"Sister... Do you hate me?"
"Yeah! I do! You're stupid and annoying and you keep getting in the way! Why don't you just leave me alone?"
The moment these words left Asuka's mouth, she realized she'd gone too far, but Fumika didn't protest. She simply nodded, quietly apologized, and went back inside. At that point, the Motome sisters ceased interacting with one another almost entirely, and Fumika never bothered Asuka or her friends again. Instead, her elder sister spent almost all the time she was home shut up in her room, and, more often than not, wasn't home at all, as she met Haruka shortly thereafter and began following her around instead. Asuka tried once or twice to start a conversation, but Fumika usually would only respond with the barest, most minimal of answers, then swiftly return to her own business. Asuka, crestfallen, gave up on making up with her sister. When Fumika herself was seriously burned and Haruka - whom she hardly knew, save as her sister's weird friend - lost the use of one leg, Asuka had no idea how to react. She should have been able to do something to console Fumika, but what could she say? At this point, she's reasonably certain that after what she said and did, Fumika hates her.
Even so, now that Fumika's only friend can't go with her anymore, and her sister is all alone again... Asuka can't help but feel like there's something she should be able to do. What if her new classmates ignore or bully her? What if she can't make it as a hero? What then? Deep down, despite their inability to see eye to eye, Asuka cares about her sister deeply, and wants to be sure she's alright. And perhaps the only way to be sure of that would be...
▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ {"'With great power comes great responsibility,' and I'm as powerful as they come! Fear not! The heroine has taken the stage!"} - Main Hexcode || #c9c916 ||| Secondary Hexcode || #3F9CB1 ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬
{"It wasn't supposed to be like this. I was supposed to be unbeatable - the strongest ever! Now look at me... Pathetic."} ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬
{"I'll use my power to copy your strength, and grant that wish of yours. For you, Haruka... I'll be a hero for you!"}
{"That's not it... Fumi, you always admired me, but you never realized, did you...?"} ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬
• Backstory •
Harukaze Haruka is an anomaly. Given the statistical data pertaining to Quirks, the chances of a person such as her coming into being are, effectively, almost zero. Both her father and mother were born completely Quirkless, greatly increasing the otherwise relatively low chances that any child they might have sired would also be Quirkless. Of course, it wasn't unheard of for the children of two Quirkless parents developing an entirely new Quirk of their own, but in most cases, these were relatively unimpressive minor mutations, or, more rarely, some sort of low level transformative or emission-based ability.
Instead, Haruka manifested a monumentally powerful reinforcement type Quirk, despite the odds against such a thing happening. So, from the very start, she came to see herself as being able to do anything she put her mind to. After all, the odds had never stopped her before, right? So, for example, if she wanted to become the next great hero, a valiant warrior for justice to rival All-Might, that would be no problem... right?
It's unknown what sort of childhood she had, but evidently, her tremendous independent streak and somewhat inflated view of herself got her into trouble time and time again. Eventually, her parents - both respectable business-folk - realized they simply didn't have the time to supervise her. So it was that Haruka was sent out to live with her aunt and uncle in the distant countryside, transferring into a small rural school. After that point, the rest is history. She befriended an isolated, strange girl, the two went on many adventures together... and then she lost her right leg saving that girl's life.
That girl would go on to become a Hero. But as for Haruka, what was there left for her to do? The power that had opened up limitless possibilities before her was suddenly gone. The dream she'd once pursued fervently was unattainable. And the strength that girl had so admired might as well have never existed.
All that she could do was wish for that girl's happiness. If she, at least, didn't succeed, then Haruka's sacrifice would have been for nothing.
@Conscripts Thank you! I'm a little bit OCD about describing as much of my characters as possible to give me a good idea of how to start writing them, and so at a certain point, I started making the formats increasingly complex as a way to kind of spice things up so it's not just massive walls of text. I'm really glad you all liked it. I was worried I'd bore you half to tears. ^^;
I'll take that as a compliment to my efforts. Thank you! ^^
...Although, it looks a lot more impressive than it actually is. Half of the text is actually contained in images so it's all side-by-side neatly, rather than messing with formatting at all, so I kind of cheated. ^^; That, and I had almost all of the descriptions already written up for a roleplay on another site, so I kinda copy/pasted most of it. :P
EDIT: Just finished reading through you guys' bios. I must say, it's going to be very interesting seeing how your characters and Fumika play off each other. :D
@pkkenIt's finally done! Sorry it took so long - I had some trouble getting all the formatting squared away so that it didn't drag even further down the page.
▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ {"Sorry. I don't intend to be rude - it's just that you don't make any sense, so communication is difficult."} - Main Hexcode || #F50A83 ||| Secondary Hexcode || #0A8BF5 - {Jitter Doll || JubyPhonic} "Watching from far away... What do you think you see?" ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬
{"I guess I've never really particularly 'wanted' anything. Does that really make me so strange?"} ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬
Personality Fumika strikes one almost immediately as a rather strange girl. Her demeanor is very subdued and quiet, and she seldom reaches out to other people. This isn't to say she's unfriendly or antisocial, as she will usually speak when spoken to unless she's particularly distracted. Rather, it's more like she simply doesn't choose to talk to others unless they first choose to talk to her. That much aside, it's also very hard to get an idea of what exactly she's thinking, since her expression seldom seems to change. She always seems focused on something, like she's intently watching her surroundings, or contemplating some deep mystery of which only she is aware. Yet, despite - or perhaps because of - this singleminded focus, she also seems incredibly oblivious and spacey, like she's always got her head stuck in the clouds. Maybe it's because she's always so lost in her own thoughts that she doesn't often start conversations with others?
Regardless, she seems like an honest, good-natured person. The problem is that "good-natured" doesn't necessarily mean "nice," and "honest" doesn't necessarily mean "polite." She certainly doesn't seem to be trying to be rude, and will readily apologize for any perceived insult on her part. But, even so, she can be very difficult to talk to, since she can be very stubborn, and only seems to see things from her own point of view. What's worse, she doesn't seem to understand what "tact" is, and as such, speaks incredibly bluntly. If she doesn't understand the way someone is acting, or doesn't get their reasoning, she'll much more often say something like "You don't make sense" than something like "I don't understand, please explain," as if since their thoughts don't make sense to her, they don't make any sense by some kind of absolute, objective standard. Because of this, she can oftentimes innocently end up pointing out flaws that people would rather not hear about, making her something of a nuisance. And yet, when people are offended by her words, Fumika seems honestly surprised, taken aback, and even remorseful, readily apologizing each and every time. As such, it's unlikely that she intends to be rude. She's just very bad at social interaction, and doesn't seem to realize that she's the weird one. At the same time, though, this same crippling flaw of hers can also make her come off as very endearing and sweet, since if somebody does something she finds praiseworthy, she won't hesitate to tell them in the most direct manner possible that what they did was good. She especially looks up to those who she sees as heroes, being a very devoted follower of almost anyone who's willing to do the right thing regardless of the risk or the cost. She's no hypocrite, either - or at least, is trying very hard not to be one, since she's generous almost to a fault. If someone said they needed her very clothing, she'd probably strip and give it to them without a second thought. Admittedly, this may in part be because of how oblivious she is, but she clearly means well, regardless.
On a related note, manners isn't the only thing she doesn't really get. Fumika and the concept of personal space don't seem to be acquainted - at least, in regards to those who are important to her. If Fumika feels emotionally attached to or intrigued by somebody, she tends to get very clingy, sticking close to them and hanging off of them like they're her own personal security blanket. This is actually rather strange, since towards anybody she doesn't share this connection to, she tends to be quite physically distant, shying away from physical contact with anyone she's not particularly close to. In this sense, she's almost like a young child, clinging to those she views as family and viewing outsiders with distrust.
This comparison may be more apt than one might realize, as she's a tremendously curious individual. As mentioned earlier, it always seems like there's something or other that's caught her interest entirely, and thus, more often than not, she can be seen observing something or someone, curious about how it works or who they are. With the zeal of child in a toy store, she thus lives romping from one new thing to the next. These novelties could be anything, ranging from treats, games, and fanciful trinkets to interesting philosophies or people. On this note, it's important to make a distinction. Although Fumika's emotional growth was undoubtedly stunted at some point, she's most certainly not an idiot, intellectually speaking. Gifted with an incredibly keen memory as a side-effect of her Quirk, she uses this to her advantage by amassing a veritable database of knowledge inside her head and putting it to use in any way she can. A tremendously creative and introspective individual, she gathers information on everything she can find around her. By observing her surroundings and understanding everything she can, she becomes a little bit better prepared to cope with the world around her. And, by observing other people working hard for what they believe in, maybe she can get a better idea of what it is, exactly, she herself wants to strive for. Such is her reasoning, and thus is why, even if she doesn't often interact with others, she often watches them with a keen interest.
As mentioned before, it's very difficult to figure out what exactly Fumika is thinking about. This is due to the fact that, quite simply, despite her somewhat childish mentality, she has a surprising level of control over how much she actually emotes. She doesn't seem gloomy, necessarily, nor does she seem happy despite her tremendous concentration and the underlying childish energy she displays so freely. Rather, she usually just seems kind of... blank. She doesn't really show many expressions, or rather, what expressions she does show all seem very understated. A slight upward curl of her lips is like a smile or a laugh, a faint frown of frustration is akin to an angry outburst, a glum sigh is like tears, and awkward fidgeting akin to fear or unease. It's this overwhelmingly stoic front that makes her seem so serious, since she ponders everything, be it a joke or an honest question, with the same unreadable poker face.
Speaking of jokes, when it comes to that sort of thing, Fumika is... well, she's about as dense when it comes to recognizing things like sarcasm as she is when it comes to speaking with tact. She's very literal-minded, and doesn't really get things like metaphors or facetious statements. Given her blunt honesty, and the fact that she seldom, if ever knowingly lies, it's quite possible that she just doesn't comprehend the utility of sharing information if that information isn't either guaranteed to be true or, at the very least, something she earnestly believes in. However, even if it's easy to "fool her once," as it were, she's not quite so naive as you might think, as she's long since discovered that people are capable of telling falsehoods. What's more, given her Quirk, it's very difficult for her to forget a lesson once she's learned it. Because of this, she actually tends not to trust people easily, taking what they say at face value, but picking it apart with constant vigilance, always on guard against deception. Her trust, once lost, isn't easily regained.
Regardless, Fumika is a living pile of idiosyncrasies, and quite a handful to deal with, regardless of her good intentions. Perhaps it's because of this that she doesn't seem to have many friends? I say "many" rather than "any" because there is one close friend about whom she speaks at great length when given even the slightest prodding, displaying a certain joy just in mentioning her that clashes completely with her usual stoicism. This "Haruka," whom she seems to idolize, was apparently her inspiration for becoming a Hero, although she doesn't really go into detail on that count. In any case, most people around her seem to keep her at arms' length, and she responds in kind, content to keep living within her own little world. It's almost as though she's simply observing her own life rather than living it, and finds trying to understand other people as difficult as they find trying to understand her.
Perhaps, beyond her seriousness and outward cool... there isn't really anything else to her?
Perhaps, Fumika is simply empty - although what she's missing, who can say...?
{"Becoming a Hero... even if I'm lonely... if it makes people happy - if it makes Haruka happy - then I'll do it."} ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬
Background "Top heroes often have stories about them from their school days. Most of these stories have one thing in common: their bodies moved before they had the chance to think." - All-Might
The story of the girl who would one day become the heroine Replicorder is a little different. True, she herself acted without hesitation when faced with danger, but even so, it was she herself who ended up being saved by a true hero on that day.
Born into a small town in the countryside, Fumika's life was rather unremarkable until she reached age 13. However, although it was unremarkable, it wasn't unimportant. From a young age, her parents realized she was a bit... off, somehow. She was always earnest, saying exactly how she felt without any sort of filter. At first, there weren't any problems, but as she and the children around her grew older, she was slowly pushed away from them, as her honest answers seemed to them like insults and criticisms. It only grew worse when her Quirk - a combination of her father's ability to perfectly recall things he'd seen and his mother's ability to create simple constructs of energy from her own body - first appeared, as, compared to those around her, she felt as though her own efforts were impermanent and, ultimately, meaningless. Feeling rejected and unable to express herself, over time, Fumika simply gave up, resigning herself to fading into the background as a mere observer of her surroundings rather than a participant in them. And, were it not for the arrival of one Harukaze Haruka, her life probably would have remained this way forever.
Haruka was a transfer student, possessed of boundless energy and a singular drive to help others. She wasn't exactly widely liked due to her overwhelming attitude of her responsibility, which some of her classmates found to be condescension. However, to Fumika, she was a hero, since unlike her, Haruka had a strong belief in something, and was willing and able to put in the effort to make a difference in the world around her. Haruka, for her part, took a liking to Fumika for her honesty, and so took the young girl under her wing. As the two grew older, Haruka hatched a simple dream: she wanted to become a pro hero, and wanted Fumika to help her as her sidekick. Fumika, without any particular aptitudes or dreams of her own, agreed. So it was that from this time forward, Haruka was Fumika's best friend, and Fumika was Haruka's devoted sidekick and follower.
Haruka is likely to thank for Fumika's athleticism. Possessed of a Quirk that allowed her to vastly amplify the physical strength of her legs, she was capable of moving at unbelievable speeds, forcing Fumika to sprint just to keep pace whenever they trained together. Although her ability wasn't exactly flashy, Fumika still envied Haruka for her strength, something which Fumika's less direct abilities lacked. Wanting to be more like her, Fumika gave her training her best effort, not wanting to slow the friend she so respected down.
Their futures looked promising, regardless. They definitely had what it took to become heroes - or so they thought. However, not everything always goes as planned, and Haruka's dream was no exception. One day, on a day like any other, an impulsive student unable to control his fire Quirk lost his temper, and accidentally caused an explosion that lit the school they attended ablaze, in addition causing a collapse that trapped Fumika and Haruka's entire class in their burning classroom. Thinking quickly, Fumika used her Quirk to create copies of several trees she'd recorded on a whim, using these to hold up the falling ceiling while the rest of the class evacuated through the window. However, she herself couldn't move without looking away from at least one of her projections, and the ceiling was only barely holding up as it was. As such, she was forced to stand stock still, even as the fire spread behind her, licking at her back. Haruka, realizing her friend was in jeopardy, rushed back in to save her, but was too late. The choking smoke caused Fumika to blink, and her projections collapsed, taking the ceiling with them. Determined to save her friend, Haruka pushed her Quirk to its very limits, grabbing Fumika and then leaping backward with all the strength she could muster, absorbing the force of the sudden acceleration and the collision with the classroom's windows with her own body so that Fumika wouldn't be hurt, and furthermore taking the brunt of the fall.
Her desperate plan worked. They both got out alive, but at a great cost to Haruka. The leg she'd used to jump with, accelerating beyond her limits, was reduced to pulp. What was worse, several of her ribs were broken, and several discs in her spine were knocked out of place. Although her broken bones were fixed through surgery, there was nothing that the understaffed hospital in the rural area the two lived in could do about her destroyed leg. They were forced to amputate one of the limbs containing all that strength Fumika had so admired, and the girl who had once sprinted far out ahead of her was now forced to hobble along on crutches.
Haruka was heartbroken at her loss, but told Fumika that she didn't regret her decisions. After all, even if she had lost all hope of becoming a hero, at least her best friend was safe. But now, Haruka had no dreams to strive for, and all the effort they'd given seemed to have been for naught. So it was that with no goals of her own, Fumika made a decision: she'd go into the Hero program, get into the best school she could, and become a heroine worthy of carrying on the dream Haruka had entrusted to her. After a year of working tirelessly to prepare and master her Quirk to the best of her ability, she applied to several prestigious schools. And, much to her surprise, her effort paid off: she was accepted into the high-ranking Komei Academy, where she's now starting her training as a first year...
{"If you can't become a Hero, then I'll become one for you."}
{"That's just how I am. I see things that I admire, and I counterfeit them."}
{"So please smile, Haruka... Even just a little bit would be fine."}
{"I'll use my power to copy your strength, and grant that wish of yours."} ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬
Fumika can perfectly remember things she's observed and project copies of them. In the case of objects or copies of living beings, these copies have all the properties of the original, but become intangible when they leave the user's line of sight, and disappear completely if the user goes beyond about 15 meters away from them, which varies based on the complexity of the copy. She can also recreate things like forces, but can only do so within about a meter of her person. Aside from projecting copies of herself based on her own personal memories, Fumika can only project things she's deliberately recorded. She also can't record and project at the same time, having to switch between doing one and doing the other.
There are very obvious tells that indicate what she's doing, with her eyes shifting color and a marking appearing in her hair and shifting shape and color depending on how she's using her Quirk. Her eyes go pinkish-red with a matching dot to indicate that she's recording, and go green with a similarly colored arrow appearing in her hair to indicate that she's playing back something already recorded. They remain blue when her powers aren't in use, with a flashing || symbol appearing momentarily in her hair before vanishing when she turns her Quirk off. There's also a ring of matching color that appears in a band running through her hair. As she uses her powers, this ring fades bit by bit, serving as a battery readout for her Quirk. Once it runs out entirely, she can't use her powers anymore, and, what's more, she'll likely pass out on the spot. This battery can only be refilled by sleeping, and she'll feel unnaturally sluggish and sleepy until it's recharged.
Her ahoge acts as an antenna, allowing her to broadcast her recordings. If it gets cut off, drenched, or otherwise prevented from standing on end, her range will be limited specifically to her own person. Her braids, meanwhile, are an indicator of how much memory she has left to store recordings. They come unraveled as she records more and more data. When they unravel completely, she can't record any more without overwriting or deleting existing recordings. Similarly to her ahoge, if these are destroyed or soaked with water while her Quirk is active, she'll lose all the data stored on them. Until they are restored to normal, she can't record anything.
Even without using her Quirk to help her, Fumika is astonishingly acrobatic, having practiced free-running rather extensively to keep up with her much more agile friend and mentor, Haruka. Her other main advantages are her incredibly keen memory and sense of creativity, which allows her to come up with ways to use whatever recordings she has on hand to solve problems they might not initially seem suited to. She's also very determined, and tends to never give up if she can help it.
However, conversely, she's also very oblivious when it comes to dealing with other people, and doesn't know her own limits. She also lacks confidence in herself, even despite her resolve, which means she'll oftentimes cling to a course of action out of sheer stubbornness even if she holds no belief that she'll actually be able to succeed. What's more, her Quirk has several crippling weaknesses and doesn't directly strengthen her at all: two factors which can be exploited to render her effectively Quirkless under the right circumstances.
Alrighty. I'll start working on my CS early, since I usually tend to over-complicate things because I'm OCD, so it takes me a little while to finish. ^^;
I think stats would best be handled as a sort of non-static ranking system. Not unlike Stand statistics from JJBA. A-F rankings on things like Destructive Power, Speed, etc.
I mean, I was thinking more F/SN, but that totally works too. Probably better, actually.
@pkken Hmm... I don't think a hard-and-fast system of numerical stats would work very well, since this wouldn't be dice or stat based. However, on the other hand, giving a general "rating" for individual parameters might be a convenient frame of reference. For example, character A is light and fast, with a focus on agility. Character B, on the other hand, is slow but hard-hitting. So, to describe that, a convenient shorthand might be to have "stats" like "speed" vs "strength," with simple letter rankings. So, Character A would have an A or B in Speed and a C or a D in Strength, while Character B would be the opposite. So, when they're in battle, that allows their writers to look at those and clearly see who's faster, who's stronger, and all that. Those could also be raised somewhat through training and in-character progress, providing a track of how a character has improved over the course of the RP.
Aside from that, though, I'd mostly recommend limiting character progress to just finding new applications to Quirks, surpassing prior limitations, etc.